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Dornbusch R., Fischer S. — Macroeconomics |
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Holloway, T.M. 72n. 79n.
Hong Kong 281
Hoover, Kevin 243n. 576n. 593n.
Hoskins, W. Lee 529n.
Household savings 297n. 316—318 320
Household savings, stock market crash of 1987 and 309
Housing investment see "Residential investment"
Hubbard, R. Glenn 34n. 425n.
Hulten, Charles 268n.
Human capital 40 264—265 280
Human capital, developing countries and 287—288
Hyperinflation 388 544 547 557—563
Hyperinflation, Bolivian 560—561
Hyperinflation, deficits and 559—562
Hyperinflation, heterodox programs and 561 563
Hyperinflation, inflation tax and 562—563
Hyperinflation, nominal interest rates and 562
Hyperinflation, rational expectations and 549
Hyperinflation, recent experiences of 558
Hyperinflation, stopping 563
Hyperinflation, tax-collection system and 559 562
Hysteresis 512 612—613
Ibbotson, Roger D. 542n.
Iden, George 589n.
identities 43—48
Identities, defined 43n.
Identities, government and foreign trade 45—46
Identities, saving, investment, the government budget and trade 46—48
Identities, simple economy 44—45
Identities, summary 48
Illegal activities 371
Illiquidity 380—382 412
Imperfectly anticipated inflation 518—521
Incentive effects of tax cuts 574—575
Income effect 493—494
Income elasticity of the demand for money 384
Income redistribution 520—521
Income taxes 568—569
Income taxes, as automatic stabilizers 72
Income taxes, Barro — Ricardo hypothesis and 320
Income taxes, budget deficits and 574—576
Income taxes, budget surplus and 77—78
Income taxes, effects of changes in 73—74
Income taxes, inflation and 521
Income taxes, Laffer curve and 574—575
Income taxes, multiplier and 71
Income taxes, rental cost of capital and 340—341
Income taxes, saving and 319—320
Income taxes, supply-side economics and 282 574—575
Income taxes, tax incentive plans 549n.
Income velocity of money 389—393
Income velocity of money in practice 391—393
Income velocity of money, demand for money and 390—391
Income velocity of money, economic policy and 390
Income velocity of money, Goodhart's law and 392—393
Income velocity of money, inflation and 535 537—538
Income velocity of money, M2 and 392—393
Income velocity of money, quantity theory and 389—390
Income, comparative per capita 261—262
Income, permanent see "Permanent-income theory of consumption"
Income-consumption relationship 62—63
Incomes policy 548—550
Indexation 518 522—525
Indexation of debt 523
Indexation of exchange rates 158—159
Indexation of tax brackets 521
Indexation of wages 221n. 523—524
Indexation, government reluctance over 525
Indexation, hyperinflation and 559
Indexation, loan contracts and 522—523
Inflation 5 12
Inflation 1952—1992 12—13 469—470
Inflation and unemployment 21 469—499
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and 481—492
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, dynamic 487—492
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, expected and unexpected changes in monetary policy 485—486
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, fiscal expansion 481—483
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, increase in money growth 490
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, inflationary inertia 486
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, monetary expansion 483
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, overshooting 485
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, perfect foresight expectations 485
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, rational expectations 490—492
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, sluggish 483—487
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, stagflation 484—485
Inflation and unemployment, adjustment process and, summary 486—487
Inflation and unemployment, aggregate supply curve and 470—476
Inflation and unemployment, aggregate supply curve and, assumptions about expectations 476
Inflation and unemployment, aggregate supply curve and, changes in expected inflation rate 473—474
Inflation and unemployment, aggregate supply curve and, short-run 472—474 475
Inflation and unemployment, aggregate supply curve and, vertical long-run 474—475
Inflation and unemployment, aggregate supply curve and, wage setting and expected inflation 471—472
Inflation and unemployment, dynamic aggregate demand curve and 476—478
Inflation and unemployment, dynamic aggregate demand curve and, derivation of 477 498—499
Inflation and unemployment, output and 11—12 478—481
Inflation and unemployment, output and, long-run 480—481
Inflation and unemployment, output and, short-run 478—480
Inflation and unemployment, output and, steady slate and 480—481
Inflation and unemployment, Phillips curve see "Phillips curve"
Inflation and unemployment, tradeoff between see "Inflation-unemployment tradeoffs"
Inflation tax 554—557
Inflation tax, accelerating hyperinflation and 562—563
Inflation tax, revenue 556—557
Inflation, "menu" costs of 518
Inflation, "shoeleather" costs of 518
Inflation, business cycle and 18—19
Inflation, costs of 517—521
Inflation, expectations of 470—476
Inflation, expectations of, adaptive 475—476
Inflation, expectations of, alternative, assumptions 493—494
Inflation, expectations of, changes in 473—474
Inflation, expectations of, changes in monetary policy, and 485—486
Inflation, expectations of, Fisher equation and 492—494
Inflation, expectations of, Friedman — Phelps theory and 471—472 474
Inflation, expectations of, inflationary inertia 486
Inflation, expectations of, overshooting and 485
Inflation, expectations of, perfect foresight and 485
Inflation, expectations of, rational expectations hypothesis and 476
Inflation, expectations of, real balances and 494—496
Inflation, expectations of, short-run aggregate supply curve and 474
Inflation, expectations of, stagflation and 484—485
Inflation, expectations of, vertical long-run aggregate supply curve and 474
Inflation, expectations of, wage setting and 471—472
Inflation, Fed's decision to stop 469—470 543—544 546
Inflation, growth and 521
Inflation, housing and 522
Inflation, imperfectly anticipated 518—521
Inflation, indexation and see "Indexation"
Inflation, money demand and 388
Inflation, money stock and interest rate targets and 422—423
Inflation, New Economics and 448—450
Inflation, nominal GDP and 10
Inflation, perfectly anticipated 517—518
Inflation, policy mix and 138—144
Inflation, unemployment and see "Inflation and unemployment" "Inflation-unemployment
Inflation, vulnerability to 520
Inflation, wealth redistribution through 518—521
Inflation, zero inflation target 528—529
Inflation-adjusted deficit 562 580n.
Inflation-proofing the economy 522—525
Inflation-unemployment tradeoffs 18—20 501—532
Inflation-unemployment tradeoffs as fundamental problem of stabilization policy 469
Inflation-unemployment tradeoffs, denial of 528
Inflation-unemployment tradeoffs, Phillips curve and 215—217
Inflation-unemployment tradeoffs, political economy and see "Political economy"
Inflation-unemployment tradeoffs, public opinion and 501—502
Inflation-unemployment tradeoffs, supply shocks and 234—235
Inflationary inertia 486
Inside lag 452—453
Insider-outsider models 223—224
| Instrument of policy 605
Instruments of monetary control 414
Interbank deposits 403n.
Interdependence 628—630
Interest differential 166 168
Interest elasticity of the demand for money 104—105 383—384
Interest forgone 518
Interest forgone, transactions demand for money and 376—380
Interest rates 87—88
Interest rates on money 376
Interest rates on Treasury Bills 87—88 123 540—541 573n.
Interest rates, aggregate demand and 92—99
Interest rates, budget deficits and 573
Interest rates, consumption, saving and 319
Interest rates, discounted cash flow analysis and 346—348 364—367
Interest rates, equilibrium income and 111—113
Interest rates, equilibrium income and, IS-LM model and 116—117
Interest rates, fiscal policy and 129—134
Interest rates, foreign differentials in 164—165
Interest rates, inflation and 492—496
Interest rates, inflation and, alternative expectations assumptions and 493—494
Interest rates, inflation and, Fisher equation and 492—494 539—542
Interest rates, inflation and, indexed debt and 52 3
Interest rates, inflation and, mortgages and 522
Interest rates, inflation and, real balances and 494—496
Interest rates, investment and 90—91
Interest rates, investment and, demand schedule of 91—92
Interest rates, monetary policy and 123—129
Interest rates, money supply and 405 417—419 See
Interest rates, policy mix and 136—144
Interest rates, present discounted value and 347 364—367
Interest rates, recessions and 401
Intergenerational accounting 590
Intermediate goods 30
Intermediate targets 426—428
Internal balance 166—167
International Comparisons Project (ICP) 262 277 278
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 286 547 603
International Monetary Fund (IMF), monetary approach to the balance of payments 614 615
Intertemporal substitution of leisure 252
Intervention, foreign exchange 153 410 626—632
Intervention, foreign exchange, dirty floating and 626—627
Intervention, foreign exchange, interdependence and 628—630
Intervention, foreign exchange, nonsterilized 627—628
Intervention, foreign exchange, policy synchronization and 630—632
Intervention, foreign exchange, seasons for 627
Intervention, foreign exchange, sterilized 627—628
inventories 357
Inventors investment 332 357—361
Inventors investment, anticipated versus unanticipated 358—359
Inventors investment, business cycle and 359—361
Inventors investment, just in-time 360—361
Inventors investment, reasons for 358
Inventors investment, unintended or undesired 57—58
Inventors investment-sales ratio 357—358
Inventory cycle 58n. 359
Inventory-theoretic approach 376—378
Inventory-theoretic approach, derivation of 396—398
Investment as component of demand 39—40
Investment demand schedule 91—92
Investment function 61
Investment in inventory see "Inventory investment"
Investment spending 39—40 331—367
Investment spending, business cycles and 332—333
Investment spending, capital, GDP and 331—332
Investment spending, categories of 331—332 See alternative "Business neoclassical "Inventory "Residential
Investment spending, defined 39—40 331
Investment spending, significance of 331
Investment subsidy 135—136
Investment tax credit 135 282 448
Investment tax credit, rental cost of capital and 340—341
Investment tax credit, timing of investment and 344—345
Investment, defined 39—40 331
Investment, fluctuations in 331 351—352
Investment, fluctuations in, timing of decisions and 352
Investment, fluctuations in, uncertain expectations and 351
Investment, from desired capital stock to 342
Investment, great depression and 444
Investment, gross 337
Investment, infrastructure 280
Investment, interest rate and 90—91
Investment, investment tax credit and 344—345
Investment, machinery 280
Investment, net 337
Investment, planned 61
Investment, supply-side economics and 282
Investment, timing of 344—345 352
Involuntary quits 503
Ireland, Peter 387n.
IS curve and the goods market 90—99
IS curve and the goods market, asset markets equilibrium and 110—113
IS curve and the goods market, defined 90 94
IS curve and the goods market, derivation of 93
IS curve and the goods market, excess supply and demand 98—99
IS curve and the goods market, fiscal policy and 129—134
IS curve and the goods market, goods market equilibrium and 162
IS curve and the goods market, interest rate and aggregate demand 92—99
IS curve and the goods market, investment and the interest rate 90—91
IS curve and the goods market, investment demand schedule 91—92
IS curve and the goods market, position of 96—98
IS curve and the goods market, positions off 98
IS curve and the goods market, role of the multiplier 95—96
IS curve and the goods market, slope of 94—96
IS curve and the goods market, summary 98—99
IS-LM model 87 116—118
IS-LM model, aggregate demand curve and 191—197
IS-LM model, equilibrium income and the interest rate 116—117
IS-LM model, fiscal policy multiplier 117
IS-LM model, monetary policy multiplier 117—118
IS-LM model, structure of 89
Isard, Peter 632n.
Ito, Takatoshi 631n.
J-curve 611—612
Jackman, Richard 221n.
Jaffee, Dwight 350n.
Jansen, Dennis W. 429n.
Jevons, W.S. 374n.
Johannes, James M. 408n.
Johnson, Harry G. 614n.
Johnson, Lyndon B. 448—449
Joines, Douglas 553n.
Jorgenson, Dale W. 266n.—267n. 345
Juhn, Chinhui 502n. 508n.
Just-in-time inventory management 360—361
Kane, Edward J. 434n.
Kareken, John 452
Kashyap, Anil 425n.
Katz, Lawrence 515n.
Keane, Michael 476n.
Kearl, James R. 353n.
Kelley, Allen 285n.
Kemp — Roth tax cuts 574
Kendrick, J.W. 266 268n.
Kennedy, John F. 446—449
Kenward, Lloyd 345n.
Key concepts of macroeconomics 8—16
Keynes, John Maynard 4 127 221n. 351 443 559
Keynesian aggregate supply curve 200—206
Keynesian aggregate supply curve as horizontal 200—201
Keynesian aggregate supply curve, aggregate demand schedule and 202
Keynesian aggregate supply curve, fiscal expansion and 202—203
Keynesian aggregate supply curve, monetary expansion and 206—207 230
Keynesian economics 6—7 See
Keynesian economics, acceptance of 446
Keynesian economics, equilibrium income in 90
Keynesian economics, great depression and 443—145
Keynesian economics, motives for holding money 375
Kiguel, M. 561n.
Kindleberger, Charles 442n.
Kotlikoff, Laurence J. 282n. 305n. 306 320n. 590
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