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Dornbusch R., Fischer S. — Macroeconomics |
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Krane, Spencer 358n.
Kroch, Eugene 25
Krugman, Paul 13 607n. 611n.—612n.
Kuznets, Simon 266
Kydland, Finn 463n.
Labor contracts 221—223
Labor force 502—504
Labor income 299
Labor market, equilibrium in 258—260
Labor market, facts about 214
Labor market, frictionless neoclassical model of 213—214 240—242
Labor market, frictionless neoclassical model of, aggregate supply and 256—260
Labor market, insider-outsider theory of 514—515
Labor market, marginal product of labor and 256—258
Labor market, microeconomic analysis of 240—241
Labor market, production function and 256—257
Labor market, supply-side economics and 282
Labor market, turnover 506
Labor market, unemployment and 213—214
Labor productivity 224 264n.
Labor, demand for 256—258
Labor, growth in real GDP and 10
Labor, productivity of 224 449
Laffer curve 574—575
Laffer, Arthur 78n. 574
Lags, demand for money and 384
Lags, stabilization policy see "Stabilization policies lags
Lags, supply of money and 418—419
Lahiri, Kajal 614n.
Laidler, David 384n. 538n.
Larkins, Daniel J. 373n.
Laspeyres price index 53
Layard, Richard 22In. 514n.
Layoffs 503 510
Least-squares regression lines 298n.
Leeper, Eric 494n.
Leiderman, Leonardo 561n. 588n.
Leisure 252 517 575
Leither, J., Clark 443n.
Levine, Ross 277n. 281n.
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings 299—307
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, age structure of the population and 299
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, aggregate consumption and savings 305 307
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, assets and 302—303
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, bequests and 305 306
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, buffer stock saving and 315—316
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, consumption function and 299 313
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, described 299—302
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, elderly people and 306
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, extensions of 304—305
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, liquidity constraint and 314—315
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, predictions of future income and 305
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, relationships between permanent-income hypothesis and 307 312—313
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, saving and dissaving 302—303
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, savings or consumption decision and 300—302
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, stock market and 307—309
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, summary 304
Life-cycle theory of consumption and savings, wealth and 303—304
Lifetime income 300—301
Lifetime income, average 308n.
Lifetime income, expected 305
Lindbeck, Assar 223n. 514n.—515n.
Linearity assumption 91n.
Lipsey, Richard 551n.
Liquidity 370
Liquidity constraints 314—315 320 588
Liquidity effect 493
Liquidity trap 127
Liquidity trap, crowding out and 131—132
Liviatan, N. 561
LM curve and the assets market 88—89 99—110
LM curve and the assets market, demand for money and 103—105
LM curve and the assets market, derivation of 107
LM curve and the assets market, goods market equilibrium and 110—113
LM curve and the assets market, monetary policy and 124—129
LM curve and the assets market, money market equilibrium and 105—107 415—417
LM curve and the assets market, position of 108—109
LM curve and the assets market, positions off 109—110
LM curve and the assets market, real and nominal variables and 103—104
LM curve and the assets market, slope of 107—108
LM curve and the assets market, summary 110
LM curve and the assets market, types of assets 100—102
LM curve and the assets market, wealth budget constraint and 103—104
Long-term growth and productivity 261—293
Long-term growth and productivity, comparative per capita income levels 261—262
Long-term growth and productivity, decline of 267—269
Long-term growth and productivity, decline of, possible causes of 268—269
Long-term growth and productivity, development and see "Growth and development"
Long-term growth and productivity, growth theory and see "Growth theory"
Long-term growth and productivity, in major economies 267
Long-term growth and productivity, questions concerning 262—263
Long-term growth and productivity, sources of growth in real income 263—265
Long-term growth and productivity, sources of growth in real income, empirical estimates of 265—269
Long-term growth and productivity, sources of growth in real income, human capital 264—265
Long-term growth and productivity, sources of growth in real income, increasing returns to scale 265
Long-term growth and productivity, sources of growth in real income, labor and capital 263
Long-term growth and productivity, sources of growth in real income, production function and 263—265
Long-term growth and productivity, sources of growth in real income, technical progress 264
Lown, Cara 128n. 425n. 427n.
Lucas supply curve 242—250 521n.
Lucas supply curve, demand side and 245—249
Lucas supply curve, imperfect information and 243—245
Lucas supply curve, increase in the price level and 243—245
Lucas supply curve, money supply changes and 247—249
Lucas supply curve, policy irrelevance and 249
Lucas supply curve, rational expectations aspect of 246—247
Lucas supply curve, rational expectations aspect of, evaluation of 249—250
Lucas, Robert E. 4 6 6n. 7 220 239 242 243n. 269n. 458—459 548
M1 100 371
M1, defined 369 386
M1, demand for money and 375—383
M1, demand for money and, empirical results of 384—385
M1, growth rates of 402
M1, growth rates of, target 419—420
M1, inflation and 535—536
M1, liquidity and 370
M1, money demand function and 385—386
M2 100
M2, defined 370—371
M2, demand for 387—389
M2, growth rates of 402
M2, growth rates of, target and actual 420
M2, income velocity of 392—393
M2, inflation and 535—539
M2, money multiplier for 407—408
M2, real returns on 519
M2, speculative demand for money and 382—383
M2, stability of 372
M3 370—371
M3, growth rates of 402 420
MacDonald, Ronald 616n.
Macroeconomics, aggregate demand and supply 20—24
Macroeconomics, central issues of 4—5
Macroeconomics, defined 3—4
Macroeconomics, key concepts of 8—16
Macroeconomics, monetarism and 542—543
Macroeconomics, performance of the U.S. 1952—1992 12—13
Macroeconomics, relationships among variables 16—20
Macroeconomics, schools of thought in 6—8
Maddison, Angus 5n. 268n. 289n.
Magrath, W. 36n.
Malinvaud, Edmond 514n.
Managed floating 156
Mandatory outlays 568
Mankiw, N. Gregory 7 220n.—221n. 280 314 315n. 319n.
Marginal product of labor 256—258
Marginal productivity of capital 334—338
Marginal productivity of capital, desired capital stock and 334—339
Marginal productivity of capital, estimating the return to capital and 336—338
Marginal productivity of capital, real rate of interest and 339
| Marginal productivity of capital, rental cost of capital and 334
Marginal productivity of capital, taxes and 340—341
Marginal propensity to consume 59
Marginal propensity to consume, fiscal policy and 70
Marginal propensity to consume, multiplier and 66—69
Marginal propensity to consume, permanent-income hypothesis and 311—312
Marginal propensity to import 162
Marginal propensity to save 60
Market clearing 7 See
Market prices 30—31
markup 225
Masciandaro, Donato 528n.
Masson, Paul 547n. 570n. 628n. 632n
Materials prices 231—233
Maximized decisions 6
Mayer, Thomas 439n.
McCallum, Bennett T. 428n. 542n.
McNees, Stephen 141n.
McPerson, Michael S. 278n.
Meade, Ellen 611n.
Medium of exchange 369 374—375
Meehan, Patricia 559n.
Mehra, Yash 387n.
Meltzer, Allan H. 209 386n. 542n.
Meredith, Guy 547n.
Meulendyke, Ann-Marie 419n.
Mexico 605—609
Meyer, Bruce 515n.
Meyer, Laurence 282n. 553n.
Microeconomics 240—242
Miller, Marcus 632n.
Miller, Preston 589n.
Minford, Patrick 513
Minimum reserve requirements 403—404
Minimum wage 513
Miron, Jeffrey A. 358n.
Mishkin, Frederic 249n.
Modigliani, Franco 4 6 299 302 306 388 521n. 543 587n.
Moggridge, D.E. 443n.
Monetarism 6 209—210
Monetarism the Fed and 422—423
Monetarism, great depression and 444—445
Monetarism, modern macroeconomics and 542—543
Monetarism, money stock and interest rate targets and 422—423
Monetary accommodation 134
Monetary approach to the balance of payments 613—616
Monetary base see "High-powered money"
Monetary base targeting 428
Monetary expansion, adjustment of inflation and unemployment to 483
Monetary expansion, aggregate demand curve and 197—200
Monetary expansion, aggregate supply curve and 228—230
Monetary expansion, aggregate supply curve and, classical 206—207
Monetary expansion, aggregate supply curve and, Keynesian 206—207 230
Monetary expansion, aggregate supply curve and, long-term adjustment 229—230
Monetary expansion, aggregate supply curve and, medium-term adjustment 228
Monetary expansion, aggregate supply curve and, neutrality of money and 230
Monetary expansion, aggregate supply curve and, short-run effects 228
Monetary expansion, flexible exchange rates and 617—619
Monetary expansion, perfect capital mobility and, fixed exchange rates and 169
Monetary expansion, perfect capital mobility and, flexible exchange rates and 175—177
Monetary expansion, real balances, inflation and 494—496
Monetary policy 123—129 See
Monetary policy directive 419—420
Monetary policy multiplier 117—118
Monetary policy, activist see "Activist policy"
Monetary policy, aggregate demand curve and 197—200
Monetary policy, aggregate supply curve and 202—208
Monetary policy, banks' reluctance to lend and 127—128
Monetary policy, classical case 128—129
Monetary policy, composition of output and 134—135
Monetary policy, credit rationing and 350
Monetary policy, desired capital stock and 342
Monetary policy, during the great depression 440 444—445
Monetary policy, effects of 208
Monetary policy, expected and unexpected changes in 485—486
Monetary policy, fiscal policy and see "Monetary-fiscal policy mix"
Monetary policy, housing investment and 356—357
Monetary policy, lags in 453 455—456
Monetary policy, liquidity trap 127
Monetary policy, Lucas supply curve and 249
Monetary policy, making 419—420 425—429
Monetary policy, neutrality of money and 208—209
Monetary policy, open market operations see "Open market operations"
Monetary policy, quantity theory of money and 208
Monetary policy, quantity theory of money and, modern 209—210
Monetary policy, targets see "Money stock and interest rate targets"
Monetary policy, transmission mechanism 126—128
Monetary-fiscal policy mix 136—144
Monetary-fiscal policy mix, 1980s recession and recovery 138—140
Monetary-fiscal policy mix, 1990—1991 recession 140—141 144
Monetary-fiscal policy mix, aim of 138
Monetary-fiscal policy mix, budget deficits and 551—554
Monetary-fiscal policy mix, German 1990—1992 142—144
Monetary-fiscal policy mix, investment subsidy and 135—136
Monetary-fiscal policy mix, nominal and real interest rates 140 142
Monetary-fiscal policy mix, political economy and 136—138
Monetizing budget deficits 134 551—554
money 100 102 369—375
Money and inflation 533—566
Money and inflation, budget deficits and 551—557 580n.
Money and inflation, budget deficits and, Fed's dilemma and 552
Money and inflation, budget deficits and, government budget constraint and 551
Money and inflation, budget deficits and, inflation tax and 554—557
Money and inflation, budget deficits and, monitoring 551—554
Money and inflation, budget deficits and, U.S.evidence and 552—554
Money and inflation, empirical evidence 534—542
Money and inflation, empirical evidence, fluctuations of velocity 537—538
Money and inflation, empirical evidence, historical and foreign trends 538—539
Money and inflation, empirical evidence, imprecise links 540
Money and inflation, empirical evidence, inflation and interest rates 540—543
Money and inflation, empirical evidence, money-inflation link 534—540
Money and inflation, hyperinflation and see "Hyperinflation"
Money and inflation, M1, M2 and 535—540
Money and inflation, review of 533—534
Money and inflation, strategies for disinflation see "Disinflation strategies
Money as a medium of exchange 369 374—375
Money as a standard of deferred payment 374
Money as a store of value 374
Money as a unit of account 374
Money financing 576 583—584
Money financing, debt financing and 588—589
Money illusion 375
Money market deposit accounts (MMDAs) 371—372
Money market equilibrium 415—417
Money market equilibrium, adjustment toward 113—116
Money market equilibrium, adjustment toward, rapid 115—116
Money market equilibrium, discount rate changes and 416—417
Money market equilibrium, goods market equilibrium and 110—113
Money market equilibrium, high-powered money and 415—416
Money market equilibrium, money supply and 105—107
Money market equilibrium, schedule see "LM curve and the assets market"
Money market mutual funds (MMMFs) 370—372
Money multiplier 406—408
Money multiplier in practice 407—408
Money multiplier, adjustment process and 412—414
Money multiplier, defined 407
Money multiplier, high-powered money and 406—407
Money multiplier, money stock and 407 432—433
Money stock 401—423
Money stock and interest rate targets 419—429
Money stock and interest rate targets, announcement of 463—464
Money stock and interest rate targets, choosing between 420—423
Money stock and interest rate targets, credit targets and 423—425
Money stock and interest rate targets, inflation and 422—423
Money stock and interest rate targets, intermediate 426—428
Money stock and interest rate targets, making monetary policy 419—420 425—429
Money stock and interest rate targets, monetarism, the Fed and 422—423
Money stock and interest rate targets, monetary base 428
Money stock and interest rate targets, nominal GDP 428—429
Money stock and interest rate targets, Poole analysis and 420—422
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