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Dornbusch R., Fischer S. — Macroeconomics
Dornbusch R., Fischer S. — Macroeconomics

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Íàçâàíèå: Macroeconomics

Àâòîðû: Dornbusch R., Fischer S.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/Âåðîÿòíîñòü/Ñòîõàñòè÷åñêèå ìåòîäû â ôèíàíñàõ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: six edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1993

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 656

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 28.05.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)      419 452 See
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), recessions and      87
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), Treasury Department and      410n. 411
Federal Reserve System (Fed)      370—371
Federal Reserve System (Fed) as lender of last resort      412
Federal Reserve System (Fed), budget deficits and      551—554 578—579
Federal Reserve System (Fed), independence of      528 552
Federal Reserve System (Fed), money supply and      see "Money supply and the Fed"
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC)      433—435
Feldstein, Martin      4 281n. 282 513 632n.
Fender, John      546n.
Fergussan, Adam      559n.
Final goods      29—30
Finance linkages      150 See
Financial assets      100—101 369
Financial intermediation      425
Fine tuning      460—461
Fiscal expansion, adjustment of inflation and unemployment      10 481—483
Fiscal expansion, aggregate demand curve and      197—198
Fiscal expansion, budget deficit and      571—573
Fiscal expansion, classical aggregate supply curve and      202—203
Fiscal expansion, classical aggregate supply curve and, crowding out and      203—205
Fiscal expansion, German unification and      171
Fiscal expansion, Keynesian aggregate supply curve and      202—203
Fiscal expansion, perfect capital mobility and, fixed exchange rates and      170
Fiscal expansion, perfect capital mobility and, flexible exchange rates and      175
Fiscal policy      129—134
Fiscal policy multiplier      117
Fiscal policy under perfect capital mobility and flexible exchange rates      175
Fiscal policy, activist      see "Activist policy"
Fiscal policy, aggregate demand curve and      197—198
Fiscal policy, aggregate supply curve and      202—208
Fiscal policy, alternatives      137
Fiscal policy, budget surplus and      77—81
Fiscal policy, changes in      72—75
Fiscal policy, changes in, government purchases      72—73
Fiscal policy, changes in, income tax      73—74
Fiscal policy, changes in, transfer payments      75
Fiscal policy, composition of output and      134—135 137
Fiscal policy, crowding oui and      see "Crowding out"
Fiscal policy, defined      69
Fiscal policy, desired capital stock and      342
Fiscal policy, dilemma of      592
Fiscal policy, during the great depression      440—445
Fiscal policy, dynamics of adjustments      130—131
Fiscal policy, effects of      208
Fiscal policy, equilibrium level of income and      72—75
Fiscal policy, increase in government spending      129—130
Fiscal policy, lags in      453 455—456
Fiscal policy, Lucas supply curve and      249
Fiscal policy, monetary policy and      see "Monetary-fiscal policy mix"
Fiscal policy, neoclassical approach to      587—588
Fiscal policy, New Economics and      see "New Economics"
Fischer, Stanley      243n. 306n.
Fisher effect      493—494
Fisher equation      492—494 539—542
Fisher, Irving      492
Fixed exchange rate system      152—155 599—616
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under      600—609
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under in Mexico      605—609
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under, automatic      602—603
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under, classical      602—603
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under, crawling peg exchange rates      607—609
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under, devaluation      604—607
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under, exchange rates and prices      605—609
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under, expenditure switching/reducing      603—605
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under, financing and      601—602
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under, policies to restore balance      603—605
Fixed exchange rate system, adjustment under, prices in the open economy and      600—601
Fixed exchange rate system, credibility and      458
Fixed exchange rate system, European Monetary System and      154—155 458
Fixed exchange rate system, exchange rate changes and      609—613
Fixed exchange rate system, exchange rate changes and, hysteresis effects and      612—613
Fixed exchange rate system, exchange rate changes and, J-curve effect and      611—612
Fixed exchange rate system, exchange rate changes and, relative price adjustment and      610—611
Fixed exchange rate system, exchange rate changes and, trade balance and      611—613
Fixed exchange rate system, intervention and      153
Fixed exchange rate system, monetary approach to balance of payments problems      613—616
Fixed exchange rate system, target zone regime and      154
Fixed investment      see "Business fixed investment alternative "Business neoclassical
Flavin, Marjorie      313—314 315n.
Flexible accelerator model      342
Flexible exchange rate system      156 616—632
Flexible exchange rate system, adjustment of      616—617
Flexible exchange rate system, exchange rate expectations and      623—625
Flexible exchange rate system, exchange rate overshooting and      619—621
Flexible exchange rate system, external competitiveness and      622—623
Flexible exchange rate system, interdependence and      628—630
Flexible exchange rate system, interest differentials and      623—625
Flexible exchange rate system, intervention and      see "Intervention foreign
Flexible exchange rate system, monetary expansion and      617—619
Flexible exchange rate system, policy synchronization and      630—632
Flexible exchange rate system, purchasing power parity and      621—622
Flexible exchange rate system, speculative capital flows and      625
Floating exchange rates      156
Floating exchange rates, clean and dirty      156 626—627
Floating rate loans      522
Flood, Robert      607n.
Ford, Robert      345n. 348n.
Foreign aid      285
Foreign exchange rates      see "Exchange rates"
Foreign exchange reserves      152—153
Foreign trade      160—164
Foreign trade, balance of payments      see "Balance of payments"
Foreign trade, domestic spending and      161
Foreign trade, exchange rates      see "Exchange rates"
Foreign trade, goods market equilibrium and      162
Foreign trade, identities concerning      45—46
Foreign trade, net exports and      40—41 161—162
Foreign trade, repercussion effects      162—164
Frankel, Jeffrey, A.      429n. 623n. 631n.
Fraumeni, Barbara      266n.—267n.
Freeman, Richard B.      508n.
Frenkel, Jacob      614n. 632n.
Frequency of unemployment      510
Frictional unemployment      208 213 240—242 505—506 See
Frictionless neoclassical model of the labor market      213—214 240—242 256—260
Frictionless neoclassical model of the labor market, equilibrium in the labor market and      258—260
Frictionless neoclassical model of the labor market, labor demand and      256—258
Frictionless neoclassical model of the labor market, production function and      256—257
Friedman, Benjamin      350n. 384n. 424 426n. 587n.
Friedman, Milton      4 6 18n. 209—210 219—220 245n. 299 388 413 423 426n. 438n. 439n.—440n. 444 460 471—472 474 494n. 534n. 538—539 548 559n. 627n.
Froot, Ken      631n.
Full crowding out      204
Full crowding out, mechanisms that produce      204—205
Full employment      see "Natural rate of unemployment"
Full-employment budget surplus      78—81
Full-employment budget surplus, during the great depression      440 443
Full-employment budget surplus, New Economics and      447—448
Full-employment output      see "Potential output"
Gallup Poll      501—502 527
GDP deflator      36
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)      603
Germany      599
Germany, policy mix in      142—144
Germany, unification of      171 287
Gersovitz, Mark      284n.
Gertler, Mark      349n. 425
Giavazzi, Francesco      583n.
GNP gap and      446—447
Gold      410n. 440—441 442n.
Goldfeld, Stephen      384—385 386n. 387
Goldstein, Morris      632n.
Gollop, Frank      266n.—267n.
Goodhart's law      392—393 424n.
Goodhart, Charles      393
Goods market equilibrium, adjustment toward      113—116
Goods market equilibrium, foreign trade and      162—163
Goods market equilibrium, money market equilibrium and      110—113
Goods market equilibrium, schedule      see "IS curve and the goods market"
Gordon, David      494n.
Government budget deficit      46—48 See
Government finances      567—594
Government finances, business cycle and deficits      569 571
Government finances, deficits      see "Budget deficits"
Government finances, deficits and debt      569—576
Government finances, discretionary budget changes      571—572
Government finances, expenditures      39
Government finances, expenditures, during the great depression      441
Government finances, expenditures, shocks to      253
Government finances, Laffer curve and      574—575
Government finances, outlays      568
Government finances, purchases      39 568
Government finances, purchases, budget surplus and      77—78
Government finances, purchases, effects of changes in      72—73 129—130
Government finances, purchases, infrastructure investment and      280
Government finances, receipts      568—569
Government finances, Social Security      570
Government finances, supply-side economics and      574—575
Government savings      316—317
Government sector      69—75
Government sector, budget      75—81
Government sector, debate over size of      591 593
Government sector, disposable income and      69—70
Government sector, equilibrium income and      70—75
Government sector, fiscal policy      see "Fiscal policy"
Government sector, foreign savings and      284—285
Government sector, regulation by      268—269 282
Gradual adjustment hypothesis      342—344
Gradualism      544—546
Gramm — Rudman — Hollings deficit control legislation      553—554 576
Great Depression      7 100 437—445
Great depression, decline in output during      425
Great depression, economic policy during      440—441
Great depression, economic statistics of      439
Great depression, expansionary aggregate demand and      21
Great depression, fiscal policy during      440—445
Great depression, full-employment surplus during      440
Great depression, government spending and revenue and      441
Great depression, institutional changes during      441
Great depression, international aspects of      442
Great depression, Keynesian explanation for      443—445
Great depression, monetarist explanation for      444—445
Great depression, monetary policy during      440 444—445
Great depression, money stock during      440
Great depression, output and prices in      438
Great depression, stock market crash during      438
Great depression, synthesis of opinions on      445
Great depression, unemployment during      11 214 438—439
Greenspan, Alan      413
Grilli, Vittorio      528n.
Gros, Daniel      155n. 632n.
Gross domestic product (GDP)      8—11
Gross domestic product (GDP), adjusted      36
Gross domestic product (GDP), alternative measures of      8—10
Gross domestic product (GDP), calculating      29—31
Gross domestic product (GDP), calculating, current output      30
Gross domestic product (GDP), calculating, final goods      29—30
Gross domestic product (GDP), calculating, market prices      30—31
Gross domestic product (GDP), calculating, problems of      33—36
Gross domestic product (GDP), calculating, revisions and estimates      35—36
Gross domestic product (GDP), calculating, value added      30
Gross domestic product (GDP), deflator      36
Gross domestic product (GDP), gross national product and      31
Gross domestic product (GDP), identities      43—48
Gross domestic product (GDP), net domestic product and      31
Gross domestic product (GDP), nominal      see "Nominal GDP"
Gross domestic product (GDP), per capita      10 12
Gross domestic product (GDP), personal disposable income and      41—43 52—53
Gross domestic product (GDP), real      see "Real GDP"
Gross investment      337
Gross national product (GNP)      31
Gross national product (GNP), doubling of      261
Gross private domestic investment      39—40 See
Grossman, Herschel      249n.
Growth      5
Growth 1952—1992      12—13
Growth accounting      263
Growth accounting, equation      263—264
Growth accounting, equation, derivation of      292—293
Growth and development      283—289
Growth and development in Eastern Europe      286—287
Growth and development, convergence and      288
Growth and development, growth performance      283—284
Growth and development, human capital and      287—288
Growth and development, natural resources and the environment      288—289
Growth and development, population growth and      285—287
Growth and development, production function and      283—284
Growth and development, saving and investment      284—285
Growth theory      262—263
Growth theory, endogenous      269 276—281
Growth theory, endogenous, accumulated factors of production and      277
Growth theory, endogenous, conditional convergence and      277—279
Growth theory, endogenous, empirical evidence for      277—279
Growth theory, endogenous, human capital      280
Growth theory, endogenous, infrastructure investment and      280
Growth theory, endogenous, machinery investment and      280
Growth theory, endogenous, productivity growth      281
Growth theory, endogenous, progrowth policies and      278—279
Growth theory, endogenous, steady state and      276—277
Growth theory, neoclassical model of      269—276
Growth theory, neoclassical model of, adjustment process and      272—273
Growth theory, neoclassical model of, convergence and      276—279
Growth theory, neoclassical model of, growth process and      272—273
Growth theory, neoclassical model of, growth rate of capital and      270—271
Growth theory, neoclassical model of, increase in savings rate and      273—275
Growth theory, neoclassical model of, population growth and      274—275
Growth theory, neoclassical model of, saving and growth and      271—272
Growth theory, neoclassical model of, steady state and      271—276
Growth theory, neoclassical model of, summary      275—276
Growth theory, supply-side economics and      281—283
Growth, business cycle and      13—16
Growth, inflation and      521
Growth, limits to      288—289
Growth, long-term      see "Long-term growth and productivity"
Growth, New Economics and      448—449
Growth, rate of      10—12
Growth, real GDP and      10—12
Growth, unemployment and      16—18
Gutman, Peter M.      34n.
Guttmann, Thomas William      559n.
Gyohten, Toyoo      627n.
Haberler, Gottfried      442n.
Hagermann, Robert P.      305n. 582n.
Hahn, Frank      350n. 384n. 426n.
Hall, Robert E.      4 141n. 313 506n. 549n.
Hanazaki, Masaharu      268n.
Haque, Nadcem      614n.
Harris, Ethan S.      283n. 591n.
Hausman, Jerry      282
Helpman, E.      561n.
Heston, Alan      262n.
Heterodox programs      561 563
Hetzel, Robert      387n.
Hicks, J.R.      90n.
High-employment surplus      78—81
High-powered money      406
High-powered money, balance sheet of the Fed and      408—410
High-powered money, controlling the stock of      408—412
High-powered money, financing federal deficits and      411
High-powered money, foreign exchange market intervention and      410
High-powered money, lender of last resort and      412
High-powered money, loans and discounts and      410
High-powered money, money market equilibrium and      415—416
High-powered money, money multiplier and      407—408
High-powered money, open market purchases and      409—410
High-powered money, relationship between money stock and      406—407
High-powered money, seigniorage and      554—557
High-powered money, summary      411
High-powered money, targeting      428
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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