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Dornbusch R., Fischer S. — Macroeconomics
Dornbusch R., Fischer S. — Macroeconomics

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Íàçâàíèå: Macroeconomics

Àâòîðû: Dornbusch R., Fischer S.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/Âåðîÿòíîñòü/Ñòîõàñòè÷åñêèå ìåòîäû â ôèíàíñàõ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: six edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1993

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 656

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 28.05.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Aaron, Henry      278n. 570n.
Accelerator model      348
Accelerator model, flexible      342
Accessions      506
Accommodation policies, budget deficits      551—554
Accommodation policies, supply shocks      234
Action lag      452—453
Activist policy      460—464
Activist policy, announcements and      463—464
Activist policy, dynamic inconsistency and      463
Activist policy, growth in money supply and      460 462
Activist policy, rules versus discretion and      461—464
Activist policy, tine tuning      460—461
Activist policy, type of disturbance and      460—461
Adams, F. Gerard      25
Adaptive expectations      475—476
Adaptive expectations, adjustment process and      see "Inflation and unemployment adjustment
Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMS)      365n. 522
Agenor, Pierre-Richard      607n.
Aggregate demand      21 24 55—81
Aggregate demand curve      22—24 190—197
Aggregate demand curve, change in the price level and      192—194
Aggregate demand curve, defined      190 192
Aggregate demand curve, derivation of      191—195
Aggregate demand curve, dynamic      476—478
Aggregate demand curve, fiscal expansion and      197 198
Aggregate demand curve, formal presentation of      194—195
Aggregate demand curve, introduction to      189—190
Aggregate demand curve, Keynesian aggregate supply curve and      202 203
Aggregate demand curve, monetary expansion and      197—200
Aggregate demand curve, slope of      191 194—197
Aggregate demand, actual      57
Aggregate demand, aggregate supply and      20—24
Aggregate demand, components of      see "Components of demand"
Aggregate demand, defined      21 55 69
Aggregate demand, equilibrium output and      56—57
Aggregate demand, government sector and      see "Government sector"
Aggregate demand, great depression and      443
Aggregate demand, inflation and      476—478
Aggregate demand, interest rates and      92—99
Aggregate demand, multiplier and      65—69
Aggregate demand, planned      57
Aggregate demand, policies      197—200
Aggregate supply      21—22 24
Aggregate supply curve      22—24 200 224—227
Aggregate supply curve, components of      213 224—226
Aggregate supply curve, cost-price relationship and      224—225
Aggregate supply curve, defined      192 200 226
Aggregate supply curve, derivation of      224—226
Aggregate supply curve, dynamic      see "Expectations-augmented aggregate supply [Phillips] curve"
Aggregate supply curve, employment and wages and      225—226
Aggregate supply curve, flat      55
Aggregate supply curve, inflation expectations and      470—476
Aggregate supply curve, introduction to      189—190
Aggregate supply curve, Keyncsian      200—206
Aggregate supply curve, Phillips curve and      225
Aggregate supply curve, production function and      224
Aggregate supply curve, properties of      226—227
Aggregate supply curve, slope of      213 226
Aggregate supply curve, supply shocks and      see "Supply shocks"
Aggregate supply, aggregate demand and      20—24
Aggregate supply, basic phenomenon of      213
Aggregate supply, neoclassical model of the labor market and      256—260
Aggregate supply, theory of      213 216
Akerlof, George A.      7 221n. 506n.
Akhtar, M.A.      283n. 591n.
Alesina, Alberto      526n. 583n.
Aliber, Robert Z.      449n.
Ando, Albert      299n. 306
Anticipated inflation      517—518
Appreciation, currency      157
Appreciation, currency, exchange rates and      173—175
Appreciation, currency, real      161n.
Apprenticeships      513
Arrow, Kenneth      446n.
Aschauer, David      280
Aspe, Pedro      608n.
Asset Market equilibrium      see "Money market equilibrium"
Asset price of housing      353 354
assets      100—102
Assets market equilibrium schedule      see "LM curve and the assets market"
Assets, bonds      see "Bonds"
Assets, equities (stocks)      101
Assets, financial      100—101 369
Assets, government      590—591
Assets, household holdings of      101
Assets, interest-bearing      102
Assets, life-cycle theory of consumption and savings and      302—305
Assets, money      see "Money"
Assets, real      102
Assets, real return on      540—543
Assets, tangible      100 102
Auerbach, Alan J.      305n. 570n.
Automatic stabilizers      72
Automatic transfers from saving (ATS) accounts      372
Backward-bending labor supply curve      241n.
Bagehot, Walter      412—413
Baker, Michael      507n.
Balance of payments      150—152
Balance of payments, capital mobility and      165—166
Balance of payments, exchange rates and      see "Exchange rates"
Balance of payments, financing deficits      151—152
Balance of payments, main accounts in      150—151
Balance of payments, monetary approach to      613—616
Balance of payments, monetary approach to, curtailment of domestic credit and      614—615
Balance of payments, monetary approach to, depreciation and      616
Balance of payments, monetary approach to, IMF and      614—615
Balance of payments, monetary approach to, sterilization and      613—614
Balance of payments, rule for accounting for      150
Balance of payments, surplus      152
Balance sheets, banks      403—404
Balance sheets, Fed      408—410
Balanced budget multiplier      78
Baldwin, Richard      612n.
Banker's acceptances      373
Banks      401
Banks, balance sheet of      403—404
Banks, failure of      405—406 440
Banks, insurance for      405—406 433—435
Banks, money supply process and      402—406
Banks, reluctance to lend by      127—128
Banks, runs on      405—406
Barnett, William      386
Barro — Ricardo equivalence proposition      587—588
Barro — Ricardo hypothesis      320 567
Barro, Robert J.      4 6 209 249 276n. 278—279 320 379n. 548 587
Barter economy      374
Barth, James R.      581n.
Bartley, Robert L.      5n. 281n. 574n.
Base-weighted price index      53
Batten, Dallas S.      386n. 416n.
Baumol — Tobin transactions demand model      377n. 396—398
Baumol — Tobin transactions demand model, qualifications      379—380
Baumol, William J.      278n. 311n. 378
Bean, Charles      514n.
Beer, C.      36n.
Beggar-thy-neighbor policy      177—178 442
Bequests      305—306 315
Bernanke, Ben      7 128n. 425 427n. 445n.
Bernheim, Douglas      320n. 587n.
Bewlev, Truman      314n.
Bhandari, Jagdeep      607n.
Bilateral exchange rates      158
Blackman, Anne B.      278n.
Blanchard, Olivier      7 81n. 243n. 512n. 582n. 587n. 603n.
Blank, Rebecca      520n.
Blejer, Mario      580n. 588n.
Blinder, Alan S.      221n. 520n. 553n.
Bolivia      560—561
bonds      100—101
Bonds as wealth      587—588
Bonds, coupon of      113 364
Bonds, defined      100 102
Bonds, indexed      523
Bonds, open market purchase of      124—126
Bonds, perpetuity      100 113
Bonds, real      103—104
Bonds, relationship between price and yield      113—116 364—367
Bonds, savings      373
Bonds, yield on      364
Boschen, John      249n.
Boskin, Michael      282n. 319n.
Bossons, John      306n.
Bosworth, Barry      345n. 570n.
Bradley, Michael D.      429n.
Braun, Steven      358n.
Bretton Woods system      625 632
Brokerage fee      377 378 379
Brown, Charles      513n.
Brown, E. Cary      78n. 439n. 441n. 578n.
Browne, Frank      427n.
Brumbaugh, R. Dan, Jr.      434n.
Brumberg, Richard      299n.
Brunner, Karl      209 386n. 439n. 538n.
Bruno, Michael      524n. 549n. 561n.
Bryant, Ralph C.      628n.
Budget balancing      440 567
Budget constraint      60 551 576—577 583
Budget deficits      75—77 567—597
Budget deficits, composition of      569 571
Budget deficits, controlling      575—576
Budget deficits, cyclical      569 571
Budget deficits, debt financed      576 585—589
Budget deficits, debt financed, Barro — Ricardo equivalence      587—588
Budget deficits, debt financed, end to      583—584
Budget deficits, debt financed, inflation and      583
Budget deficits, debt financed, money financing and      588—589
Budget deficits, debt financed, neoclassical approach      587—588
Budget deficits, debt financed, transitory deficits      585—587
Budget deficits, defined      76
Budget deficits, discretionary spending component of      571—573
Budget deficits, factors responsible for      572—574
Budget deficits, financing of      411 576—579
Budget deficits, financing of, key points in      580
Budget deficits, hyperinflation and      559—562
Budget deficits, identities concerning      46—48
Budget deficits, inflation and      see "Money and inflation budget
Budget deficits, inflation-adjusted      562 580n.
Budget deficits, interest rates and      573
Budget deficits, Laffer curve and      574—575
Budget deficits, monetizing      134 551—554
Budget deficits, money financed      576 583—584 588—589
Budget deficits, national debt and      577—578 See
Budget deficits, national savings rates and      316 319
Budget deficits, permanent      583—584
Budget deficits, political stalemate and      574
Budget deficits, primary (noninterest)      579—580
Budget deficits, recessions and      571
Budget deficits, reserve requirements and      404n.
Budget deficits, Social Security and      570
Budget deficits, structural      569 571
Budget deficits, supply-side economics and      574—575
Budget deficits, taxes and      574—576
Budget Enforcement Act of 1990      576
Budget surplus      75—77
Budget surplus, balanced budget multiplier      78
Budget surplus, defined      76
Budget surplus, effect of fiscal policy on      77—81
Budget surplus, full-employment      78—81
Budget surplus, retiring debt and      578
Buffer-stock saving      315—316
Bureau of Economic Analysis      34—35
Burtless, Gary      345n. 570n.
Bush, George      12
Business cycle      13 55
Business cycle, budget deficits and      569 571
Business cycle, fully employed factors of production and      13—14
Business cycle, inflation and      18—19
Business cycle, inventories and      359—360
Business cycle, investment and      332—333
Business cycle, output gap and      14—16
Business cycle, real      see "Real business cycle theory"
Business fixed investment, alternative approaches to      331 332 346—352
Business fixed investment, alternative approaches to, accelerator model and      348
Business fixed investment, alternative approaches to, cost of capital effects and      348
Business fixed investment, alternative approaches to, credit rationing and      349—351
Business fixed investment, alternative approaches to, discounted cash flow analysis and      346—348 364—367
Business fixed investment, alternative approaches to, investment fluctuations and      331 351—352
Business fixed investment, alternative approaches to, investment fluctuations and, timing of decisions and      352
Business fixed investment, alternative approaches to, investment fluctuations and, uncertain expectations and      351
Business fixed investment, alternative approaches to, retained earnings and      349 351
Business fixed investment, alternative approaches to, sources of funds and      349
Business fixed investment, neoclassical approach to      331—346
Business fixed investment, neoclassical approach to, Cobb — Douglas form and      345 367
Business fixed investment, neoclassical approach to, desired capital stock and      see "Desired capital stock"
Business fixed investment, neoclassical approach to, empirical results of      345
Business fixed investment, neoclassical approach to, flexible accelerator model and      342—344
Business fixed investment, neoclassical approach to, investment tax credit and      344—345
Business fixed investment, neoclassical approach to, marginal productivity of capital and      see "Marginal productivity of capital"
Business fixed investment, neoclassical approach to, rental cost of capital      see "Rental [user] cost of capital"
Business fixed investment, neoclassical approach to, summary      346
Business savings      316—318
Cagan, Phillip      388 538n. 559n.
Cairncross, Alec      442n.
Campbell, John      314n.—315n. 319n.
Capital account in balance of payments      151
Capital consumption allowance      31
Capital flight      284
Capital gains      101 341
Capital mobility      150 164—167
Capital mobility, balance of payments and      165—166
Capital mobility, capital flows and      165—166
Capital mobility, described      164
Capital mobility, interest rate differentials and      164—165
Capital mobility, internal and external balance and      166—167
Capital mobility, perfect      see "Mundell — Fleming model of perfect capital mobility"
Capital stock      331—332
Capital stock, adjustments to      342—344
Capital stock, rental cost of      see "Rental [user] cost of capital"
Capital stock, return to      336—338
Capital, growth in real GDP and      10
Carlino, Gerald A.      282n.
Carlson, Keith      283n.
Carson, Carol S.      34n.
Carter, Jimmy      12 139
Cecchetti, Stephen G.      223n.
Central banks      445
Central banks, balance of payments and      151—152
Central banks, endogenous money stock and      170
Central banks, European Monetary system and      154
Central banks, exchange rates and      152—153
Central banks, financing government deficits      411
Central banks, independence of      528—529
Central banks, zero inflation target and      528—529 551
Certificates of deposit (CDs)      371
Chadha, Bankim      547n.
Chari, V.V.      463n.
Cheasty, Adrienne      580n.
Checkable deposits      369—372 376
Chenery, H.      284n.
Chinn, Menzie      429n.
Chirinko, Robert S.      348n. 356n.
Choi, Don H.      221n.
Choi, Suengmook      387n.
Chouraqui, Jean-Claude      582n.
Christiano, Lawrence      494n.
Chrystal, K. Alec      526n.
Clark, Kim B.      506n. 508n.
Classical aggregate supply curve      200—202
Classical aggregate supply curve, derivation of      240—242
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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