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Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages
Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages

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Íàçâàíèå: Beginning JavaServer Pages

Àâòîðû: Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R.


JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005

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LineItem class      103 110
link tag, HTML      120
link tag, Struts      610
List, drop-down, color selector      271—272
List, drop-down, HTML/XML selector      274
List, drop-down, Struts, creating using      634—639
List, drop-down, validating dropdown list field      634—639
ListCategoriesAction class      1005 1028—1020
Listener, event listener      715—718
Listener, JMeter component      867 871
Listener, listitems.tag file      1045
Listener, Tomcat server, configuring to listen for debugger      469
Load, debugging under      470—471
Load, method      822
Load, performance load testing      863 868
loadObjectById method      822
LoadRunner software      471 864
Loan calculator application      705—711 719
LoanBean class      705—707 719
locale attribute, convertDateTine JSFtag      712
locale attribute, convertNumber JSFtag      713
localerr object      314—315 318
localization (L10n)      See L10n
localizedMessage exception object property      1065
Log Action class      717—718
log method      449
Log4j logging framework, debug output, logging using      454—460 461 470 473 479
Log4j logging framework, level of logging      455—456 458 459
Log4j logging framework, Web portal configuration      951—953 968
LogChange class      716
logging in      See Authentication
Logging, Appender      456 458 473
Logging, application, activity of specific      471
Logging, Commons Logging library      554 671 682 784 1012
Logging, ConsoleHandler class, using      450 451
Logging, container, changing log setting without restarting      453—454 459—460
Logging, context information, adding to log file      471—474
Logging, counter value      443—444
Logging, CVS Changelog      896
Logging, database, to      456
Logging, date information, retrieving      457
Logging, described      445
Logging, disabling output      453
Logging, event information, retrieving      457
Logging, FileHandler class, using      450
Logging, filter, applying to      474 479
Logging, hierarchy, logger      448 449 450 455
Logging, inheritance, logger      448 449 455
Logging, IP address, activity of specific      471
Logging, JSF      716—717
Logging, JVM, changing log setting without restarting      453—454
Logging, Layout      456
Logging, level, debugging, when      448—449 450 456
Logging, level, filtering log based on      474
Logging, level, inheritance      450
Logging, level, JDK logger      448—449 450
Logging, level, Log4j logger      455—456 458 459
Logging, level, Logger class, using      447
Logging, level, LogManager class, using      448 450 454
Logging, level, message      449 450 456 461 463
Logging, level, performance, optimizing via choosing appropriate      875
Logging, level, performance, optimizing via minimizing logging      875
Logging, level, performance, outputting performance data to log      865
Logging, level, println method, using      442—445
Logging, level, production environment      470
Logging, level, request information, retrieving      457
Logging, level, root logger, retrieving      455
Logging, level, SDK logger      451—452 453 454
Logging, level, SDK logging framework, using      451—453 454
Logging, level, servlet, container role      445—446
Logging, level, servlet, filter, servlet-based      479
Logging, level, session      471—473
Logging, level, SocketHandler class, using      450
Logging, level, tag library, using      460—464
Logging, level, user, activity of specific      471
Logging, level, utility overview      891
Logging, level, Web portal      951—953 968
Logging, level, web.xml file setup      461 473
Logging, level, Webwork      554
logging.properties file      451 452 453 454
Logical operator, EL      153—154 1080
login-config web.xml file element      519—520 528—529
login-error.html file      844
login.html file      843—844
login.jsp file      604
LoginAction class      595 596 597—598 602—603
LoginForm class      599 600 601 602—603 617—618
LogManager class      448 450 454
LogonAction class      952
Logout page      847—849
long data type      157
LongRangeValidator object      697
lookup method      738
Loose coupling      929
Luhn Formula      623 1050
majorVersion application object property      1064
manage-cart.jsp file      1040 1042
ManageCartAction class      1005 1037—1039 1042
ManageCartForm class      1039—1040 1042
Manager Interface      782
many-to-one Fixture.htm.xml file element      820
Map, Java interface      250—251
Map, object      345 347 349 354—355 1078—1079
Mapped diagnostic context (MDC)      457
Mapping applet      273
match Struts tag      612
math      See also number
Math, absolute value, retrieving      173 175
Math, addition      151 1080
Math, comparing values      153—154
Math, decimal point display      152
Math, divide-by-zero exception      324—325 328
Math, division      152 1080
Math, EL arithmetic operation      151—153 178 1080
Math, modulo      152 1080
Math, multiplication      152 178 1080
Math, sales tax calculation      115 211
Math, subtraction      151 1080
max function      178
maxFractionDigits attribute, convertNumber JSF tag      712
maxFractionDigits attribute, format Number JSTL tag      1108
maxIntegerDigits attribute, convertNumher JSF tag      712
maxIntegerDigits attribute, format Number JSTL tag      1108
maxRows query JSTL tag attribute      1116
MDC (mapped diagnostic context)      457
Memory, buffer, flushing      259 1064 1066 1072
Memory, buffer, out object bufferSize property      1064
Memory, buffer, page directive buffer attribute      1066
Memory, database, in-memory      749 981
Memory, performance, optimizing via caching      874
Menu, drop-down      37 39—40
Menu, football roster management application menu system      799 820—821
Menu, shopping cart application menu system      984—985 1024 1025—1026 1055
Menu, Tiles framework, formatting using, definition      650—651 664—668 669—670
Menu, Tiles framework, formatting using, inheritance      660—663 667—668
Menu, Tiles framework, formatting using, item list      664—665 666 676
Menu, Tiles framework, formatting using, Struts, passing value from      673—678
Menu, Tiles framework, formatting using, tiles-defs.xml file configuration      665 669 674 1025
Menu, Tiles framework, formatting using, title      666 675
menu-layout.jsp file      665
menu.html file      799
menu.js file      133
MenuItem object      665
menuItems JavaBean      666
menuTile object      666
Mercury Interactive LoadRunner software      471 664
message, exception object property      1065
message, JSTL tag      185 420 421 423 1108—1109
message, logging tag attribute      461
message, Spring tag      569
message, Struts tag      616
Message-driven bean (MDB)      745
message.jsp file      510
message.properties file      1048
messages Struts tag      611
messages.properties file, Spring      570 571 576 578 581
messages.properties file, Struts      599 605 616 621 629
MessageServlet servlet      510
messagesNotPresent Struts tag      613—614
messagesPresent Struts tag      613—614
messages_de.properties file      576
messages_fr.properties file      576 568
Method, declaring using declaration scripting element      75 76
Method, EL-accessible function, converting static method call to      190—193 205—206
Method, JavaBean      55 280—281
Method, JSF method binding expression      685
Method, JSTL, converting method call to      190—193 205—206
Method, overriding      490—491
Mexico, localizing for      400
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe software      890
min function      178
minFractionDigits attribute, convertNuraber JSFtag      712
minFractionDigits attribute, formatNumber JSTL tag      1108
minIntegerDigits attribute, convertNuraber JSFtag      713
minIntegerDigits attribute, formatNumber JSTL tag      1108
minorVersion application object property      1064
minQual JavaBean property      162
minus sign (–) EL subtraction operator      1080
MOB (message-driven bean)      745
mod EL operator      152 1080
Model 1 architecture      534—535
Model 2 architecture      536—539
Model View Controller      See MVC
modificatlon-time check, optimizing performance via disabling      879—880
modifyTeamInRoster method      770
modifyVenueInRoster method      792
Movie, adding to Tiles framework layout      660 670 674 676—678
Multiplication (arithmetic)      152 178 1080
MVC (Model View Controller), Controller servlet, action mapping      503
MVC (Model View Controller), Controller servlet, initialization parameter, accessing      506—507
MVC (Model View Controller), Controller servlet, initializing      504—505 507
MVC (Model View Controller), Controller servlet, request handling      502—503 505 508 509 537 542—543
MVC (Model View Controller), Controller servlet, web.xml file      504—505
MVC (Model View Controller), described      534
MVC (Model View Controller), event-driven environment      534
MVC (Model View Controller), HMVC      554
MVC (Model View Controller), JSF implementation, Controller      683 690
MVC (Model View Controller), JSF implementation, Model      692
MVC (Model View Controller), Model 1 architecture      534—535
MVC (Model View Controller), Model 2 architecture      536—539
MVC (Model View Controller), pattern      550 551
MVC (Model View Controller), separation of application into      534
MVC (Model View Controller), shopping cart application Controller      1005—1008
MVC (Model View Controller), Spring implementation, Controller      568 572—574 583 590
MVC (Model View Controller), Spring implementation, Model      574—575
MVC (Model View Controller), Spring implementation, View      577—579 588—589 590
MVC (Model View Controller), Struts implementation, Controller      594—603
MVC (Model View Controller), Struts implementation, Model      603
MVC (Model View Controller), Struts implementation, View      604—606
MVC (Model View Controller), Web application      534—537
MVC (Model View Controller), Web framework compared      551
MVC (Model View Controller), Web portal implementation, Controller      966—975
MVC (Model View Controller), Web portal implementation, View      959—966
MVC (Model View Controller), Web portal implementation, WebWork Dispatcher controller role      554—556
MySQL database platform      See also database
MySQL database platform, Control Center      752 756
MySQL database platform, downloading      752
MySQL database platform, driver      739 752—753 1013
MySQL database platform, installing      752
MySQL database platform, shopping cart application configuration      1013 1016
MySQL database platform, starting      753
MySQL database platform, Web site      752
n-tier approach to programming      722
name attribute, attribute directive      338 346 1069
name attribute, get Tiles tag      656
name attribute, getAsString Tiles tag      657
name attribute, getProperty action      257 1072
name attribute, importAttribute Tiles tag      658
name attribute, insert Tiles tag      653
name attribute, param JSTL tag      1095 1102
name attribute, put Tiles tag      655
name attribute, putList Tiles tag      656
name attribute, setProperty action      251—252 1071
name attribute, useAttribute Tiles tag      657
name-from-attribute variable directive attribute      339 352 354 1070
name-given variable directive attribute      339 1070
Namespace, EL      173 1082
Namespace, iterating through      746
Namespace, JNDI, provided by      735
Namespace, JSP tag      22 27 43
Namespace, native2ascii utility      418
Namespace, navigation-rule faces-config.xml file element      687—688 695 707
Namespace, tag file      27
Namespace, taglib directive, namespace information conveyed in      22 27 152 173 183
NDC (nested diagnostic context)      457 471—473
NetBeans IDE debugger, application, running in      467
NetBeans IDE debugger, Attach dialog box      469
NetBeans IDE debugger, Connector      469
NetBeans IDE debugger, object browser window      467
NetBeans IDE debugger, pageContext object, displaying      467
NetBeans IDE debugger, port      469
NetBeans IDE debugger, remote debugging using      469
NetBeans IDE debugger, Toggle Breakpoint option      464—465
Network hop, effect on performance      863
Networked configuration, Web server      8
new session object property      1063
news.jsp file, DHTML menu coding      141—143
news.jsp file, getProperty action      57—58
news.jsp file, include action      261—262
news.jsp file, include directive      55 233—234 235—236
news.jsp file, JavaBean usage      57
news.jsp file, personalization data      68—69
news.jsp file, reusing code      72
news.jsp file, setProperty action      57
news.jsp file, useBean action      55 57
news1.jsp file      260—261 262 263
news2.jsp file      260—263 262
news3.jsp file      264
NewsFeed class      56—58 162—166 935 938—939
NewsItem class      935 939—940
NewsServiceImpl class      953—955
notEqual Struts tag      612
notMatch Struts tag      612
Null value, working with in EL      155—156 158 191
NullPointerException exception      313
NullProcessingCommand method      800
NUMBER      See also math
Number Guess program      693—696
Number, absolute value, retrieving      173 175
Number, data type conversion to/from      158 710 711 712—715 1083—1084
Number, decimal point display      152
Number, format, localizing      396 428 1111
Number, formatting using formatNumber JSTL tag      152 185 202 427—429 1107—1108
Number, random number, generating      359
Number, rounding      174—175
Number, validating, form number field      374—375 382 587 641 918
Number, validating, JavaScript      374—375 382
Number, validating, JSF      697 698—703
Number, validating, Spring      587
Number, validating, Struts      641
numberConverter JSF converter      710 711 712—713
NumberGuess.jsp file      695 699 703—704
NumberToCashConverter class      713—714
NumericUtil class      1032 1035
NUnit framework      907
Object      See also specific object
Object, business object      81
Object, HTML object tag      267 272 273
Object, implicit, attribute, attaching      86—88 162—163
Object, implicit, category      167 1084
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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