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Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages
Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages

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Íàçâàíèå: Beginning JavaServer Pages

Àâòîðû: Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R.


JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005

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!= (exclamation mark, equals sign) EL comparative operator      45 154
$ (dollar sign) JavaScript regular expression operator      375
${} (dollar sign, curly braces) EL expression delimiters      45
%> (percent sign, greater than sign) directive suffix      214
%> (percent sign, greater than sign) scripting element suffix      75 77 78
& (ampersand) EL logical operator      153
* (asterisk), EL multiplication operator      1080
* (asterisk), setProperty action value      252 256
*. (asterisk, period) servlet URL mapping operator      498
+ (plus sign) EL addition operator      1080
+ (plus sign) JavaScript regular expression operator      375
- (hyphen) country code separator      400
. (comma), appender list separator      458
. (comma), class name separator      218
. (period) EL operator      166 260
.class files      484
.jsp flies      11
.jspx flies      34
.properties files      416—418 451
.tag flies      26 224
/ (slash) EL division operator      152
/ (slash) JavaScript regular expression delimiter      375
/ (slash) web.xml file url-pattern element operator      515
/* (slash, asterisk) URL mapping operator      408 515
/> (slash, greater than sign) action suffix      242
/d (slash, d) JavaScript regular expression operator      375
< (less than sign) action prefix      242
<% (less than sign, percent sign) scripting element prefix      78
<%! (less than sign, percent sign, exclamation mark) scripting element prefix      75
<%& (less than sign, percent sign, at sign) directive prefix      214
<%= (less than sign, percent sign, equals sign) scripting, element prefix      75
<= (less than sign, equals sign) EL comparative operator      45 154
== (equals signs) EL comparative operator      45 154
> (greater than sign) EL comparative operator      45 154
>= (greater than sign, equals sign) EL comparative operator      45 154
a HTML tag      95
abs, EL function      173 175
abs, Java method      175
AbstractProcessingCommand class      795—796
Acceptance testing      888 891 930
Access control      See Authorization
ACID (atomicity consistency, isolation, and durability)      775—776
action      See also Specific action
Action class      597 672
Action Servlet framework      553
Action, body      242
Action, custom      34 358—359
Action, described      34
Action, embedding object using      242
Action, error handling, include action      312
Action, error handling, setProperty action      313 316
Action, error handling, syntax error      309
Action, expression scripting element using in action attribute      77
Action, form HTML tag action attribute      409
Action, JSF action event      715 717
Action, mapping      596 619 630 636—637 671—673
Action, parameter within body of other action, specifying      242
Action, prefix      242
Action, request, output, including in action      242
Action, request, processing, action role in      34
Action, SimpleController servlet action parameter      537 538
Action, standard      34 241—242 1070
Action, syntax      242 309 1060
Action, tag, attribute role in passing value to action      345
Action, tag, file action      242
Action, tag, including in action      242
Action, tag, relation to action      34 242
Action, Tiles framework definition, configuring as action forward      671—673
Action, validation, invoking with      595 596
Action, WebWork action tag      557
Action, XML, use of      34—35
ActionErrors object      618
ActionForm object      595 600
ActionListener interface      717—718
ActionMappings object      596
ActionMessages object      599 606—607 618
Adaptive development methodology      886
Add $\Rightarrow$ Config Element $\Rightarrow$ HTTP Request Defaults (JMeter)      872
Add $\Rightarrow$ Listener $\Rightarrow$ Aggregate Report (JMeter)      865 871
add Tiles tag      656
addError method      565
AddItemAction class      1005 1034—1035 1036
addItemToCart method      1035
Addition (arithmetic)      151 1080
addList function      206
addNewTeamToRoster method      770
addNewVenueToRoster method      792
addOrIncrementItem method      1035—1036
addOrModifyObject method      822
addOrModifyVenue method      792
Admin $\Rightarrow$ Login (CVS)      905
Admin $\Rightarrow$ Preferences $\Rightarrow$ General (CVS)      905
Advanced Windowing Tookit (AWT)      742
Agile Manifesto Web site      887
alias variable directive attribute      339 1070
Alien artifact      358—359
AmazonStore class      956—958
amount method      710
Ampersand (&) EL logical operator      153
Animation, adding to Tiles framework layout      660 670 674 676—678
Ant compiler, build file, creating      899
Ant compiler, build file, property file, using with      899
Ant compiler, build file, shopping cart application      1010 1011—1014
Ant compiler, build file, Spring framework      570—571
Ant compiler, build file, structure      893
Ant compiler, build file, Struts framework      625—626
Ant compiler, build file, Web portal build script      947—949
Ant compiler, build file, WebWork framework      559
Ant compiler, CVS, using with      895—896 906
Ant compiler, downloading      892
Ant compiler, installing      892—893
Ant compiler, javac task      878—879
Ant compiler, JMeter support      867
Ant compiler, JUnit, using with      893 902 914—915
Ant compiler, manual      897
Ant compiler, path      894
Ant compiler, precompilation, configuring for      878
Ant compiler, project      893—894
Ant compiler, target      893 894 899—901 948 1015
Ant compiler, task      893 895—897
Ant compiler, Web site      903
Apache Jakarta Project Web site      13—14 184
Apache software      See also Ant compiler
Apache software, Axis      956—958
Apache software, Heed      471 864
Apache software, Process Runner      16
Apache software, Web server      8
API (Application Programming Interface)      See also Specific API
API (Application Programming Interface), J2EE API overview      725—727
API (Application Programming Interface), JavaBeans API 1.0 Specifications for SUN      276
API (Application Programming Interface), JDBC      725 753
API (Application Programming Interface), servlet API      8 17
app.properties file      416 417 418
append WebWork tag      557
Appender, logging      456 458 473
Applet      268—273 722 723
Application Client container      722—723
Application Programming Interface      See API
Application, development methodology      886—887
Application, implicit object      87 113 1064
Application, JSF      688 693 705—711
Application, life span      778 782
Application, scalability      862
Application, scope      46 113 778 1061—1062 1086
Application, user, involving in application design      888—889
Application, version control      890
Application, Web application, deploying      523—527
Application, Web application, described      512
Application, Web application, directory structure      512—513 898
Application, Web application, e-mail, sending using      746
Application, Web application, footer element adding      530
Application, Web application, header element adding      530
Application, Web application, Hibernate, converting to      792 800
Application, Web application, integration provided by Web service      930
Application, Web application, JSP page, adding      526—527
Application, Web application, MVC implementation      534—537
Application, Web application, Web framework      551—552
Application, Web application, Web site as      930
application.jsp file      407 409 411 419—420
applicationContext.xml file      567
ApplicationResources.properties file      959
applicationScope object      46 1086
app_fr.properties file      417
app_zh.properties file      417 418
app_zh.ucd flle      418
Architectural pattern      551
Arithmetic operator, EL      151—153 178 1080
Array class      755
Array member, accessing in EL      1079
ArrayIndexCutOfBoundsException exception      325
Artifact, alien      358—359
ASCII character format      418
Asterisk (*) EL multiplication operator      1080
Asterisk (*) setProperty action value      252 256
Asterisk, period (*.) servlet URL mapping operator      498
Atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID)      775—776
Attach dialog box (NetBeans IDE debugger)      469
Attribute      See also Specific attribute
Attribute, action      273
Attribute, attached attribute      86—88 162—163 249—252
Attribute, directive      337—338 346 1069
Attribute, dynamic      336 354—355
Attribute, EL, implicit object, attaching attribute to      86—88 162—163
Attribute, EL, value of attribute, using in      148 1078
Attribute, fragment attribute      338 348 350 1069
Attribute, insert Tiles tag attribute attribute      653
Attribute, JavaBean, property, relation to      277
Attribute, JavaBean, searching for JavaBean attribute when Instantiating      246—247
Attribute, naming      168
Attribute, servlet context attribute, attaching to page during initialization      85—86
Attribute, session attribute      108 110 111—114 218
Attribute, tag, action, role in passing value to      345
Attribute, tag, dynamic      336 354—355
Attribute, tag, fragment attribute      338 348 350 1069
Attribute, tag, tag file      337—338 345
Attribute, tag, XML tag      34
attribute_name.property EL expression      257
Auction Web site application, Add Product button      368 369
Auction Web site application, auction.css file      294—295
Auction Web site application, Bid JavaBean      292—293 297
Auction Web site application, Bid Now! button      282 296
Auction Web site application, Bidder JavaBean      297—298
Auction Web site application, BidError JavaBean      289 290 291 297
Auction Web site application, CalculateShipping method      280
Auction Web site application, CSS, formatting output using      294—295
Auction Web site application, Customer JavaBean      277—280
Auction Web site application, Enter Your Bid screen      281—282
Auction Web site application, enterbid.jsp file      285 287—288 289 290—291 302
Auction Web site application, error handling      289—290 291 297 368—369
Auction Web site application, front controller      284—288 299
Auction Web site application, getFirstName method      278 280
Auction Web site application, getMsg method      290
Auction Web site application, index.jsp file      281 286—287 362
Auction Web site application, procprod.jsp file      255—256 257 274 370—371 378
Auction Web site application, prodform.jsp file      370—371 372—374 380—382
Auction Web site application, request forwarding      285 287—288 289 290—294 371—372
Auction Web site application, setFirstName method      278
Auction Web site application, showbid.jsp file, bid result display      296 297 299 300—301
Auction Web site application, showbid.jsp file, request, forwarding to      285 287—288 289 290—294 371—372
Auction Web site application, URL, hiding      285
Auction Web site application, validation      282—283 393
Auction Web site application, winner.jsp file      302
Authentication, described      24
Authentication, form-based      827 843—847 853 858
Authentication, HTTP, basic      827 828 837—842
Authentication, HTTP, digest      827
Authentication, HTTP, session      826
Authentication, key pair-based      826
Authentication, shopping cart application database      1016
Authentication, SSL client certificate authentication      828 849—855
Authentication, Struts, using      595—596 597—599 600—606 641
Authentication, testing authentication application      922
Authentication, Tomcat server      24—26 528—529
Authentication, username currently authenticated, returning      830
Authentication, validating user input      617—619 641
Authentication, Web portal      944 952 959—960 968—972
Authentication, web.xml file configuration      528 529 843
Authorization, container-based      855
Authorization, declarative      828 829
Authorization, described      828
Authorization, programmatic      828 829—830 855—859
Authorization, Realm      828
Authorization, role-based      828 830
Authorization, time, limiting to specific      860
Authorization, Tomcat server      15 828
Authorization, web.xml file security-constraint element configuration      520 828—829 838—839
autoFlush, out object property      1064
autoFlush, page directive attribute      1066
AWT (Advanced Windowing Toolkit)      742
Axis software      956—958
BankAccount class      909—910 913
BankAccountTest class      908 910 912
Barracuda framework      553
Bars (||) EL Iogical operator      153
BaseEntity class      990 1032
Baseline, performance comparison      865 867
basename attribute, bundle JSTL tag      1106
basename attribute, message JSTL tag      422
basename attribute, set Bundle JSTL tag      1111
BasicServlet servlet, coding, initial      487—488
BasicServlet servlet, declaration entry      497
BasicServlet servlet, destroy method      488 492
BasicServlet servlet, directory      486
BasicServlet servlet, doGet method      488
BasicServlet servlet, doPost method      490 491
BasicServlet servlet, init method      488 492
BasicServlet servlet, Servlet interface implementation      489—490
BasicServlet servlet, web.xml file      495—496
BEA Weblogic server      552
bean WebWork tag      557
Bean-managed persistence (BMP)      744 745
beanName attribute, insert Tiles tag      653
beanName attribute, put Tiles tag      654
beanProperty attribute, insert Tiles tag      653
beanProperty attribute, put Tiles tag      654
beanScope attribute, insert Tiles tag      653
beanScope attribute, put Tiles tag      654
BeanUtils Commons library      382 627 646 671 1012
begin attribute, forEach JSTL tag      1093 1100
begin attribute, forTokens JSTL tag      1093
beginjsptags.jar file      357
beginjsptags.tld file      356—357
Beginning JavaScript, 2nd Edition      375
Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS      5
Beginning XML, 2nd Edition      1098
Bid JavaBean      292—293 297
Bidder JavaBean      297—298
BidError JavaBean      289 290 291 297
bind Spring tag      569 578 587
Blob class      755
blue.jsp file      502 505 509
BMP (bean-managed persistence)      744 745
body action      273
body-content tag directive attribute      335 1068
Book class      996—997
Book.hbm.xml file      1018—1019
BookstoreConstants class      1054
BookstoreController class      1005—1008 1029 1032 1035 1052
BOOLEAN data type      156 157 161 279
BooleanType.tag file      161
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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