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Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages
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Íàçâàíèå: Beginning JavaServer Pages
Àâòîðû: Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R.
Àííîòàöèÿ: JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005
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Importing, tag directive import attribute 335 1069
In-memory database 749 981
In-process configuration, Web server 8—9
include, action, body 259
include, action, described 259
include, action, error handling 312
include, action, flush attribute 259 1072
include, action, include directive compared 234—236 262
include, action, include directive, using with 262
include, action, index.jsp file 261—262 263—264
include, action, nesting 263
include, action, news.jsp file 261—262
include, action, page attribute 259 1072
include, action, param action, using with 264 265—266
include, action, request, triggering by incoming 263
include, action, syntax 259 1072
include, action, translation time, performing at 262
include, directive, choose JSTL tag, using with 234 236
include, directive, described 1067—1068
include, directive, error handling 236 309 311
include, directive, explicit 230
include, directive, file attribute 231
include, directive, implicit 230
include, directive, include action compared 234—236 262
include, directive, include action, using with 262
include, directive, index.jsp file 231 234 263
include, directive, news.jsp file 55
include, directive, request time, performing at 231 235
include, directive, showportal.jsp file 54—55
include, directive, Struts include tag 615—616
include, directive, syntax 231
include, directive, tag file 337
include, directive, taglib directive, accessing using include construct 229—230
include, directive, translation time, performing at 231—233 235 262 263
include, directive, WebWork tag 557
include, directive, XML, converting to 231—233 237 238—239
include-coda web.xml file element 229—230 517
include-prelude web.xml file element 229—230 239 516—517
includedresource.tagf file 337
index.jsp file, auction Web site application 281 286—287 362
index.jsp file, catch action 317
index.jsp file, EL coding examples 149—151 159—160 164 175
index.jsp file, error handling code 307—308
index.jsp file, formatNumber JSTL tag 427—428
index.jsp file, front controller 286—287 370
index.jsp file, getProperty action 254—255
index.jsp file, include, action 261—262 263—264
index.jsp file, include, directive 231 234 263
index.jsp file, language-selector application 406 408
index.jsp file, page directive 222—223
index.jsp file, plugin action 270—271
index.jsp file, setProperty action 251 252 254—255 316
index.jsp file, Struts form application 628 634—635
index.jsp file, taglib directive 226 227—228
index.jsp file, Tiles layout configuration 645
index.jsp file, Tomcat server welcome page 16
index.jsp file, useBean action 245—246
index.jsp file, validation coding 362
index.jsp file, Web portal 51—52 66 67 126—127 137—139
index.jsp file, XML, converting to 236—238 239
index1.jsp file 390 393
index2.jsp file 221 223 226 229—230
indexOf JSTL function 1118 1120
index_jsp.java file 247 248—250 252 498—500
info, function 449
info, method 459
info, page directive attribute 219 1066
info, tag 461
inh-footer.jsp file 662
inh-header.jsp file 662
inh-layout.jsp file 661—662 667
inh-mother-index.jsp file 663 664 667—668
inh-mother-menu.jsp file 662—663
inh-son-index.jsp file 663 664 667—668
inh-son-menu.jsp file 662
Inheritance, described 660
Inheritance, generation 660
Inheritance, logger 448 449 455
Inheritance, Tiles framework definition 659—665 667—668 679
init method, BasicServlet class 488 492
init method, CircleApplet applet 270
init method, ControllerServlet servlet 505 507
init method, HttpServlet class 490
init method, Servlet interface 488 494 505
init-param web.xml file element 505
Initialization, form 1039
Initialization, page, global resource, acquiring 76
Initialization, page, servlet context attribute, attaching 85—86
Initialization, servlet 488 492—494 504—505 507
Initialization, Tiles framework 648
Initialize method 1008
initializeForm method 1039
initParam object 46 1087—1088
initSession method 792
input HTML element 66
input.jsp file 731 732
inputText JSF tag 716—717
insert Tiles tag 649—650 653 670
InsertTag class 656
Instrumenting code 442—445 865
int data type 157
Integer data type 157
integerOnly attribute, convertNumber JSF tag 712
integerOnly attribute, parseNumber JSTL tag 1111
Integrity, data 830—831
InterestItem class 935 942—943
INTERFACE See also Specific interface
Interface Definition Language (IDL) 725
Interface, class versus 765
Interface, JavaBean instance interface implementation 244
Internationalization (i18n) See I18n
Internet Explorer, installing certificate in 850—851
Internet Information Server (IIS) 8
IntRangeTag class 701—702
IntRangeValidator class 700—701 704
Introspection feature, Java 252
invoke action 273 348 350
IP (Internet Protocol) address, logging activity of specific 471
is-xml web.xml file element 516
isDigitsOnly function 374—375 378
isELIgnored attribute, page directive 219 1067
isELIgnored attribute, tag directive 336 1069
isErrorPage page directive attribute 219 321 1066
isolation transaction tag attribute 1117
isSecure method 830
isTextOnly function 375—376
isThreadSafe page directive attribute 1066
isUserInRole method 830
ItemFeed class 935 941—942
items attribute, forEach JSTL tag 59 1093
items attribute, forTokens JSTL tag 1093
Iteration, collection 193
Iteration, counter variable 352
Iteration, database resultset 755 773
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, begin attribute 1093 1100
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, choose JSTL construct, nesting in forEach loop 350
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, end attribute 1093 1100
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, items attribute 59 1093
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, JavaBean property values, iterating through using 59—60
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, scripting iteration, replacing with 193 194—195
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, select attribute 1100
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, step attribute 1093 1100
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, syntax 1092—1093 1100
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, var attribute 59 1093 1100
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, varStatus attribute 1093 1100
Iteration, forEach JSTL tag, using, XPath expression, iterating through using 1100
Iteration, namespace 746
Iteration, stack trace information 318 319
Iteration, Struts iterate tag, using 613
Iteration, WebWork iterator tag, using 557
Iterative development methodology 686—687
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), API overview 725—727
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), container, Applet 722 723
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), container, Application Client 722—723
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), container, deployment descriptor 724
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), container, Enterprise Bean 722—723 727 742
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), container, JNDI, relation to 735
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), container, lifecycle management role 724
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), container, resource pooling role 724
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), container, security role 724
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), container, transaction management role 724
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), container, Web Component 722 723 727 728—729
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), database, working with in J2EE environment 738—741
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), described 722—723
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), directory service operation 735
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), EJB, relation to 301 552 723 729 741
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), JDBC support 738
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), JSP / servlet-based application, using J2EE component in 728—729 730—734
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), JSP-only application, using J2EE component in 728
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), Management interface 726—727
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), n-tier nature of 722
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), web.xml specification 495
J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) 726
JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) API 725
JACC (Java Authorization Contract for Containers) 727
JAF (JavaBeans Activation Framework) API 726
Jakarta JMeter software 471 864 866—872
Jakarta Struts framework See Struts framework
jakarta-oro.jar file 627
jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28 files 14—15
Jalopy software 892
Japan, localizing for 428 431 433
jar files 43 355—359
Jasper compiler 315 320 484 557—558
Java 2 Enterprise Edition See J2EE
Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) API 725
Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) 726
Java API for XML-Based RPC (JAX-RPC) 726
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) API 725
Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) 727
Java Blogs Web site 826
Java Data Object (JDO) 552
Java Database Connection See JDBC
Java IDL API 725
Java Logging API 875
Java Management Extensions (JMX) 727
Java Message Service (JMS) 726 735 745
Java Naming and Directory Interface See JNDI
Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) 831
Java Transaction (JTA) API 726 735
Java Virtual Machine See JVM
Java, abs method 175
Java, applet 268—273 722 723
Java, attribute, synchronizing Java reference with attached 249—252
Java, checking if installed 12—13
Java, class, JavaBean compared 276
Java, class, page translation to Java class 217—218
Java, class, servlet relation to 484—485
Java, coding convention document 892
Java, data type, primitive 157
Java, EL custom function use of 173
Java, embedding in JSP 36 75
Java, if...then...else construct, replacing with choose JSTL tag 204
Java, introspection feature 252
Java, Map interface 250—251
Java, resource bundle, Java 2 414—417 420 434 1106 1111
Java, round method 175
Java, scripting language default, as 217
Java, switch...case construct, replacing with choose JSTL tag 204
Java, translation, class, page translation to 217—218
Java, translation, container role 216 217 247—249
Java, translation, error handling, translation-time 236 312—313
Java, translation, include operation, carrying out during 231—233 235 262 263
Java, translation, page processing translation phase 215—216 217
Java, translation, unit 217
Java, translation, useBean action role 247—248
Java, translation, variable, dependence on generated 258
java.sql JDBC package 753
JavaBean See also EJB (Enterprise JavaBean); Specific JavaBean
JavaBean, attribute, property, relation to 277
JavaBean, attribute, searching for when instantiating 246—247
JavaBean, backing bean, creating 686
JavaBean, backing bean, data type conversion, using in 705—711
JavaBean, backing bean, validation, using in 693—694 704—705
JavaBean, BMP 744 745
JavaBean, class, compilation of JavaBean into 57
JavaBean, class, Java class compared 276
JavaBean, class, location 281
JavaBean, class, useBean action, referencing in 244
JavaBean, Commons BeanUtils library 382 627 646 671 1012
JavaBean, constructor, default 276
JavaBean, described 55 276—277
JavaBean, dragging and dropping 276
JavaBean, EL, expression, using in JavaBean 247 249—250
JavaBean, EL, property value, rendering using 257—258
JavaBean, entertain.jsp file JavaBean usage 68
JavaBean, error message display 289
JavaBean, event 55 276
JavaBean, form JavaBean 580 599 600 604—606 617—619
JavaBean, Hibernate framework, using with 777
JavaBean, instance, attribute, searching for when instantiating 246—247
JavaBean, instance, creating 57 243 245 256
JavaBean, instance, interface implementation 244
JavaBean, instance, locating 57 243 252
JavaBean, instance, name 57 243 244
JavaBean, instance, request, attaching to 57
JavaBean, instance, scope 57 244
JavaBean, instance, variable, referencing in 247
JavaBean, JSTL, retrieving JavaBean property value in 299—300
JavaBean, managed 687 695 707
JavaBean, MDB 745
JavaBean, method 55 280—281
JavaBean, news.jsp file JavaBean usage 57
JavaBean, property, attribute, relation to 277
JavaBean, property, boolean property 278
JavaBean, property, described 55 277
JavaBean, property, iterating through values 59—60
JavaBean, property, JSTL, retrieving property value in 299—300
JavaBean, property, minQual 162
JavaBean, property, multivalue 58—60
JavaBean, property, printing value 257
JavaBean, property, read / write 55 277—278
JavaBean, property, read only 55 56
JavaBean, property, rendering value using EL expression 257—258
JavaBean, property, request parameter, filling with 292
JavaBean, property, request parameter, matching with 256
JavaBean, property, retrieving value 55 57—58 253 257 278
JavaBean, property, setting value 55 251—252 278
JavaBean, property, write only 55 56
JavaBean, request, instance, attaching to 57
JavaBean, request, passing request parameter to JavaBean 253
JavaBean, request, property, filling with request parameter 292
JavaBean, request, property, matching request parameter with 256
JavaBean, reusability 276
JavaBean, scripting element, using in 249
JavaBean, scriptlet, accessing JavaBean from 247
JavaBean, scriptlet, method, invoking using 280 281
JavaBean, serializing 276
JavaBean, specification 276
JavaBean, Struts, comparing JavaBean using 611—612
JavaBean, Struts, form JavaBean 599—600 604—606 611 617—619 959
JavaBean, Tiles framework, using in 653 654
JavaBean, variable 162 247
JavaBean, visual 276
JavaBean, weather.jsp file JavaBean usage 58—59
JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API 726
JavaBeans API 1.0 Specifications for SUN 276
javac Ant compiler task 678—879
JavaMail API 726 735 746
javascript Struts tag 611