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Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages
Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages

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Íàçâàíèå: Beginning JavaServer Pages

Àâòîðû: Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R.


JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site

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Form, validating, credit card field      623 1050
Form, validating, date field      622—623
Form, validating, dropdown list field      634—639
Form, validating, e-mail address field      623 632—634
Form, validating, empty field, disallowing      587 620—621 629 631
Form, validating, generating validation JavaScript dynamically      379—386
Form, validating, internationalizing validation message      588—589
Form, validating, number field      374—375 382 587 641 918
Form, validating, password field      609 620—622
Form, validating, remembering detected error      376—377 579
Form, validating, Spring, using      572 575—576 578—579 584—587
Form, validating, Struts, using      611 617—623 628—629 1022—1023
Form, validating, text field      375—376 632
Form, validating, Webwork, using      554 560 561 562 565
Form, Web browser role in processing      37
Form, Web portal, submission      36—37 38—43 65—66
Form, Web portal, user preference selector form      61—64 126—127 959—962
Form, Web portal, Webwork, working with using      554 560—565
form.jsp file      577—578 583—584 587 638
FormAction class      635—636
formatDate JSTL tag      185 432 1106—1107
formatNumber JSTL lag      152 185 202 427—429 1107—1108
formdisplay.jsp file      561 565—566
FormProc class      731—732 734
formproc.jsp file      169
FormTest class      560 562 563—564 565
formtest.jsp file      560 562—663
Forrest framework      553
forTokens JSTL tag      185 1093—1004
forward, action      264—265 274 293 1073
forward, Struts tag      612
Forwarding, error page      321—322
Forwarding, global forward      598—599
Forwarding, request, auction Web site application      285 287—288 289 290—294 371—372
Forwarding, request, Controller servlet      505 508—509 542—543
Forwarding, request, error page forwarding      321—322 323
Forwarding, request, forward action, using      264—265 274 293 1073
Forwarding, request, front controller, using      284—288 371—372
Fragment attribute      338 348 350 1069
Framework      See Web framework; Specific framework
France, localizing for      398 400 416 417 431
Front controller, auction Web site application      284—288 299
Front controller, design pattern, as      275
Front controller, index.jsp file      286—287 370
Front controller, request, forwarding using      284—288 371—372
Front controller, validation carried out by      275
Function      See also Specific function
Function, EL, calling      1082
Function, EL, custom      173—177
Function, EL, method call, converting to EL-accessible function      190—193 205—206
Function, EL, syntax      1082
Function, JSTL      351 1118—1119
function-taglib.tld file      176—177
Functional testing      889 891
Generation, inheritance      660
GenericDispatcher Webwork Dispatcher      555
GenericServlet class      469
GET HTTP method      37—38 42—43 64—66 89 491
get Tiles tag      656
getAllItems method      791
getAsObject method      713 715
getAsString, method      713
getAsString, Tiles tag      656—657 666
getAttribute method      86 247 249
getBookCount method      1030
getCata method      86 190 191—192 274
getCategory method      1018
getClass method      447
getConnection method      773
getContextPath method      98
getCurrencyInstance method      715
getCurrentBalance method      910
getCustomer method      545
getCustomers method      542
getDate method      331
getDCM method      916
getDivideByZero method      325
getElementById method      376
getFirstName method      278 280
getInfo XML tag      389 391—392
getInitParameter method      507 517
getInitParameterNames method      517
getItem method      204
getItems method      90 97 195
getLocalizedText function      415—416
getLogger method      447
getMag method      290
getMetaData method      738
getMinQual method      162
getMonth method      331
getMovies method      677
GetName method      250 447 830
getOrCreateCart method      1052
getOrder method      1051—1052
getOrderItem method      1035
getParameter method      270
getProperty action, index.jsp file      254—255
getProperty action, name attribute      257 1072
getProperty action, news.jsp file      57—58
getProperty action, property attribute      257 1072
getProperty action, request handling role      252—254
getProperty action, syntax      257 1072
getProperty action, variable, dependence on generated      258
getRemoteUser method      830
getRequestURL method      89
getRootLogger method      455
getRosterManager method      766
getServletConfig method      469
getServletContext method      76—77 85—86
getServletInfo method, HttpServlet class      490
getServletInfo method, Servlet interface      489
getServletPath method      508
getSession method      473
getSports method      635—636
GetTag class      656
getTeamsInRoster method      769 773
getText method      916
getThings method      565—566
getUser method      562
getUserPrincipal method      830
getVenuesInRoster method      791
getWriter method      492
getYear method      331
Gradeckl, Joseph (Professional Hibernate)      823
GRANT SQL command      756
Graphing performance      865
Great Britain, localizing for      399—400 428 429 431 433
greater than sign (>) EL comparative operator      45 154
greater than sign, equals sign {>=) EL comparative operator      45 154
groupingUsed attribute, convertNumber JSF tag      712
groupingUsed attribute, formatNumber JSTL tag      1108
GuessBear class      693—694 704—706
hasBindErrors Spring tag      569
Header, HTTP      46 425
Header, object      46 168 1087
Header, Tiles framework      644—645 659 662
Header, Web application, adding to      530
headerValues object      46 168 1087
hello.jsf file      688 689
hello.jsp file      18—19 684 692
hello2.jsp file      19—21
HelloBean class      685 686
HelloWorldExample class      10—11
Hibernate framework, Commons libraries used      784
Hibernate framework, configuration files      791
Hibernate framework, Criteria object      1003
Hibernate framework, database access using, adding record      783
Hibernate framework, database access using, deleting object      792 822—823
Hibernate framework, database access using, programmatic method      791
Hibernate framework, database access using, query      782—783
Hibernate framework, database access using, relationship management      801
Hibernate framework, database access using, session management      791 792 1000—1002 1016—1018
Hibernate framework, database access using, shopping cart application      1000—1002 1003—1004 1016—1019
Hibernate framework, database access using, SQL      819
Hibernate framework, dialect keyword      791
Hibernate framework, downloading      784
Hibernate framework, installing      784
Hibernate framework, JavaBean, using with      777
Hibernate framework, JDBC compared      782—783
Hibernate framework, mapping file      783
Hibernate framework, persistence, configuring using      782 784—786 802
Hibernate framework, Web application, converting to      792 800
Hibernate framework, Web site      553
Hibernate Query Language (HQL)      823
hibernate.cfg.xml file      791 1002 1017
hibernate.properties file      791
hibernate2.jar file      1012
HibernateRosterManager object      766 787—791 812—817 822
hidden Struts tag      609
highlighttable.tag file      349—350 356
highlighttableext.tag file      352
Hightower, Richard (Professional Java tools for Extreme Programming)      903
HMVC (Hierarchical Model View Controller)      554
HomePageAction class      672—673
hot.do action      501
HQL (Hibernate Query Language)      823
HSQLDB (Hyperthreaded Structured Query Language Database)      749
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)      See also Form
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), a tag      95
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), container, informing of HTML content type      220 221—222 223
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS, embedding in HTML      120
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS, linking to external      120
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS, relation to HTML      119—120
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), DELETE action      490
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), described      5
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), drop-down list HTML/XML selector      274
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), EL HTML output      149 152—153
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), embed tag      267 272
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), generation, CGI, by      5—6
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), generation, JSP, by      33
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), generation, plugin action, by      272—273
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), generation, servlet, by      11
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), generation, tag, using custom      345—348
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), input element      66
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), JavaScript, embedding in HTML      120 374
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), JavaScript, linking to external      121
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), JSF HTML render kit      685 693
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), JSP, embedding      12 22 28
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), JSP, relation to HTML      11
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), JSP, separating HTML from      53 919
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), link tag      120 610
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), menu system, DHTML compared      132
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), object tag      267 272 273
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), prototyping      53
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), script tag      121 374
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), Spring htmlEscape tag      569
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), style tag      120
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), table, generating using custom tag      345—348
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), tendering, page      5 54
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), validation code, embedding in HTML page      365—366
HTML XHTML and CSS Bible, Third Edition (Pfaffenberger)      267
htmlEscape Spring tag      569
html_basic.tld file      682
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), authentication, basic      827 828 837—842
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), authentication, digest      827
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), authentication, session      826
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), debug HTTP response document, commenting      474
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), DELETE action      490
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), error status code      306—307 310 322 326
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), GET method      37—38 42—43 64—66 89 491
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), header      46 425
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), POST method      37—38 490 491
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), proxy server      868
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), request      490—491 868—870 872
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), servlet, decoding HTTP for      490
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), servlet, request handling      490—491
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), Web browser URL access role      5
HTTPS (Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure)      837 852—853
HttpServlet class      488 489—490
HttpServletRequest Object      473 599
HttpSession Interface      87
HttpUnit framework      907 915—919
HyperText Markup Language      See HTML
Hypertext Transport Protocol      See HTTP
Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS)      837 852—853
Hyperthreaded Structured Query Language Database (HSQLDB)      749
Hyphen (-) country code separator      400
I18n (Internationalization)      See also L10n (Localization)
I18n (Internationalization), branch office, done by      396—397 398
I18n (Internationalization), China      400 403—407 411—413 414—415 418
I18n (Internationalization), country code      399—400
I18n (Internationalization), currency      396 399 426—429 712—715
I18n (Internationalization), date formatting      396 399 430—433 1110
I18n (Internationalization), described      395
I18n (Internationalization), Egypt      398 428 431
I18n (Internationalization), form      576 579 588—589
I18n (Internationalization), France      398 400 416 417 431
I18n (Internationalization), Japan      428 431 433
I18n (Internationalization), JavaScript, using      419—420
I18n (Internationalization), JSTL, using      421—423
I18n (Internationalization), Korea      428 431
I18n (Internationalization), locale, described      399
I18n (Internationalization), locale, determining automatically      426
I18n (Internationalization), locale, scope      421 422
I18n (Internationalization), locale, selector form      401—407 418—419
I18n (Internationalization), locale, setting      420 421 1112
I18n (Internationalization), master copy      396—397
I18n (Internationalization), Mexico      400
I18n (Internationalization), number formatting      396 428 1111
I18n (Internationalization), per-request localization      398
I18n (Internationalization), properties file      416—418
I18n (Internationalization), request parameter encoding      425—426
I18n (Internationalization), resource bundle, using      414—417 420 434 1106 1111
I18n (Internationalization), shopping cart application      1055
I18n (Internationalization), Spain      400 428
I18n (Internationalization), Spring      569 576 579 588—589
I18n (Internationalization), Struts      606—607 616
I18n (Internationalization), Taiwan      400
I18n (Internationalization), Tiles working in combination with Struts, adding using      679
I18n (Internationalization), time zone      432—433
I18n (Internationalization), United Kingdom      399—400 428 429 431 433
I18n (Internationalization), United States      399—400 428 431
I18n (Internationalization), Web-based application      397—399
IAXP (Java API for XML Registries)      726
IBM software, Clearcase      890
IBM software, developerWorks      1001
IBM software, Rational Performance Tester      864
IBM software, Websphere      552
Icon, associating with tag      336
id, attribute, definition Tiles tag      654
id, attribute, useAttribute Tiles tag      657
id, attribute, useBean action      243 244 1070
id, session object id property      1063
IDL (Interface Definition Language)      725
if tag, JSTL      153 185 204—205 1091—1092 1100—1101
if tag, WebWork      557
if...then...else Java construct, replacing with, choose JSTL tag      204
ignore attribute, get Tiles tag      656
ignore attribute, getAsString Tiles tag      657
ignore attribute, importAttribute Tiles tag      658
ignore attribute, insert Tiles tag      653
ignore attribute, useAttribute Tiles tag      657
IIS (Internet Information Server)      8
Implicit object      See Object implicit
importAttribute Tiles tag      657—658 666
Importing, class      85 218
Importing, CVS module      905
Importing, debugging import operation      441
Importing, JSTL import tag      1092
Importing, page      54 335 1069
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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