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Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages
Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages

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Íàçâàíèå: Beginning JavaServer Pages

Àâòîðû: Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R.


JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005

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Struts framework, Tiles, using with, Web site      553 592
Struts framework, Tiles, using with, write tag      615
struts-base application      625—630
struts-config.xml file, action-mapping element      596 619 630 636—637 671—673
struts-config.xml file, BrowseCategoryAction class configuration      1031
struts-config.xml file, directory      594
struts-config.xml file, DynaValidatorForm class configuration      628
struts-config.xml file, global-forwards element      598—599
struts-config.xml file, ListCategoriesAction class configuration      1028
struts-config.xml file, message-resources element      607 629
struts-config.xml file, TestAction class configuration      630
struts-config.xml file, testForm JavaBean configuration      632
struts-config.xml file, Tiles configuration      671 676
struts-config.xml file, Validator plug-in configuration      620 628—629
struts-config.xml file, WanageCartForra class configuration      1039
struts-tiles.tld file      646
style HTML tag      120
submit Struts tag      610
substring JSTL function      1119 1121
substringAfter JSTL function      1119 1121
substringBefore JSTL function      1119 1122
Subtraction (arithmetic)      151 1080
success.jsp file      577 580—581 585
Sun Microsystems Web site      831 892
supports method      575
switch...case Java construct, replacing with choose JSTL tag      204
Symmetric Multiprocessor (SMP)      76
Synchronization, concurrency considerations when debugging      479
Synchronization, Java attribute, synchronizing Java reference with attached      249—252
System object println method      442—445
System testing      891
systemId parse JSTL tag attribute      1103
tabbedpane WebWork tag      556
table WebWork tag      557
Tag      See also JSTL (JavaServet Pages Standard Tag Library)
Tag library Descriptors (TLD)      173—174 182—183 355—356
Tag, action, attribute role in passing value to action      345
Tag, action, including tag in      242
Tag, action, relation to tag      34 242
Tag, action, tag file action      242
Tag, alias      357
Tag, attribute, action, role in passing value to      345
Tag, attribute, dynamic      336 354—355
Tag, attribute, fragment attribute      338 348 350 1069
Tag, attribute, tag file      337—338 345
Tag, attribute, XML tag      34
Tag, body      34 341—344
Tag, Calendar object display, formatting using      360
Tag, custom      342—344 345—348 359—360
Tag, directive      335—336 354 1068—1069
Tag, directory      224 225
Tag, empty      22 34
Tag, file, action, tag file      242
Tag, file, attribute      337—338 345
Tag, file, date-display tag file      330—331 336—337
Tag, file, described      329—330
Tag, file, directive, using      215 335—336
Tag, file, directory      184 224 225 330
Tag, file, implicit object, invoking      334—335
Tag, file, include directive      337
Tag, file, JAR file, packaging in      355—359
Tag, file, modularity, role in creating      331
Tag, file, namespace      27
Tag, file, packaging flexibility      332
Tag, file, reusing      331
Tag, file, scope      332—335
Tag, file, separation of concerns application design      331—332
Tag, file, simplicity      332
Tag, file, variable directive      339—341
Tag, HTML, embedding in      28
Tag, icon, associating with      336
Tag, language, specifying      336
Tag, library, choose JSTL tag, using with      226 228
Tag, library, container instruction provided by      214 223—224
Tag, library, include construct, accessing using      229—230
Tag, library, index.jsp file      226 227—228
Tag, library, JSF      684 685 703—704
Tag, library, JSTL declaration      152 190
Tag, library, logging using      460—464
Tag, library, namespace information conveyed in      22 27 152 173 183
Tag, library, path      22 224 330
Tag, library, prefix      43 182 225 337 1067
Tag, library, Struts tag library      607
Tag, library, thread-safe      494
Tag, library, URI      357
Tag, library, validation, using in client-side      382—386
Tag, library, version      357
Tag, library, Webwork Custom Tag Library      556—557
Tag, location      224 225
Tag, name      34 357
Tag, namespace      22 27 43
Tag, number, generating random using      359
Tag, pooling custom tags, optimizing performance via      880—881
Tag, prefix      43 182 225 337 1067
Tag, table, generating using custom      345—348
Tag, template, placement within      22
Tag, text, searching and replacing      342—344
Tag, XML      34
tagdir taglib directive attribute      225 1067
taglib directive, choose JSTL tag, using with      226 228
taglib directive, container instruction provided by      214 223—224
taglib directive, described      21—22
taglib directive, function-taglib.tld file      176—177
taglib directive, include construct, accessing using      229—230
taglib directive, index.jsp file      226 227—228
taglib directive, JSTL declaration      152 190
taglib directive, logging setup      461
taglib directive, namespace information conveyed in      22 27 152 173 183
taglib directive, path      22 224 330
taglib directive, prefix attribute      43 182 225 337 1067
taglib directive, syntax      33 1067
taglib directive, tagdir attribute      225 1067
taglib directive, uri attribute      43 176 183 191 224—225
taglib directive, web.xml file taglib element      176 183 514
taglib directive, XML, converting to      238—239
taglib-uri web.xml file element      514
taglibuser.tag file      337
Taiwan, localizing for      400
Tapestry framework      553
target set JSTL tag attribute      1097
TDD (test-driven development)      689
Team class      604—805
Team Fixture Management window (footbal roster management application)      821
Team.hbm.xml file      805
tearDown method      908 911 916
TeaServlet framework      553
template      See also Tiles framework layout
Template, definition Tiles tag template attribute      654
Template, EL, inline      148 1077
Template, error handling      327
Template, log message template      456
Template, static nature of      33—34
Template, tag placement within      22
Template, velocity templating engine      557
Template, Web framework, using in templating      552
test, if JSTL tag attribute      1091
test, method      375
test, when JSTL tag attribute      1098
Test-driven development (TDD)      689
TestAction class      625 629—630
TestCase class      906 917
testCorrectAge method      918
testCredit method      911
testDebit method      911
TestForm, class      574—575 578—579 581—582 586—587 590
TestForm, JavaBean      580 632—633
TestForm, method      917
TestFormController object      572—574 580 583
TestFormValidator class      572 575—576 585—586 587
testIncorrectAge method      918
Testing      See also specific testing framework
Testing, acceptance testing      888 891 930
Testing, authentication application      922
Testing, CHO      864
Testing, debugging solution      436
Testing, functional testing      889 891
Testing, load testing      863 868
Testing, Model 1 architecture application      536
Testing, production environment, testing performance in      880
Testing, regression testing      889 891
Testing, request handling when testing performance      867—868 869—870 871—872
Testing, stress testing      863
Testing, system testing      891
Testing, threading      868—869 871
Testing, unit testing      891
Testing, user, acceptance testing      888 891 930
Testing, user, simulating concurrent users when testing performance      867 868—869 871
Testing, utility overview      891
Testing, white box testing      891
TestRunner class      908 916
text      See also Language
text action      273
Text, case, converting      719 1119 1122
Text, concatenating      1118 1120
Text, data type, converting to string      157—158 1083
Text, EL expression, rendering as      219
Text, encoding, ASCII      418
Text, encoding, Unicode      412
Text, encoding, UTF-8      412 425
Text, encoding, web.xml file, declaring in      516
Text, escaping, ASCII      418
Text, escaping, Spring htmlEscape tag      569
Text, escaping, XML character, reserved      342 344 390—391 393 1094
Text, expression scripting element conversion to string      77
Text, index position of string, retrieving      1118 1120
Text, JSF, case conversion      719
Text, JSF, outputting text from      684
Text, JSF, string conversion to/from JSF object      710—715
Text, JSF, validating text in      693 697
Text, length of string, returning      1118 1120
Text, request parameter encoding      425—426
Text, resource bundle, retrieving from      414—417 420 434 1106 1111
Text, searching and replacing tag text      342—344
Text, searching substring      1118—1119 1121—1122
Text, splitting string      1118 1121
Text, Struts text tag      608
Text, Tiles framework value, retrieving as string      656—657 666
Text, translation, working with      396 407—408
Text, validating text data      375—376 632 693 697
Text, WebWork text tag      557
Text, white space, trimming      1119 1122
textarea Struts tag      609
textarea WebWork tag      557
Thawte CA      831
The Server Side Web site      550
theme Spring tag      569
Thin client application      727
this keyword      743
Thread, EJB thread management      742
Thread, log event, retrieving generating thread      457
Thread, page directive isThreadSafe attribute      1066
Thread, performance, testing      868—869 871
Thread, ramp-up period      871
Thread, servlet threading      494
Thread, tag library, thread-safe      494
Throughput      862 871
Throwable object      314
Tiles framework, add tag      666
Tiles framework, body tile      645
Tiles framework, configuration file, validating      647
Tiles framework, creating tile      649
Tiles framework, debugging output      647
Tiles framework, definition, action forward, configuring as      671—673
Tiles framework, definition, configuration file      647 652 653 654
Tiles framework, definition, described      646
Tiles framework, definition, inheritance      659—665 667—668 679
Tiles framework, definition, initializing      648
Tiles framework, definition, instance of usage, relation to      645 646
Tiles framework, definition, JSP file, storing in      51
Tiles framework, definition, menu      650—651 664—668 669—670
Tiles framework, described      644—645 646
Tiles framework, downloading      646
Tiles framework, duplication      650
Tiles framework, factory class      647 658
Tiles framework, footer tile      644—645 662
Tiles framework, get tag      656
Tiles framework, getAsString tag      656—657 666
Tiles framework, header tile      644—645 659 662
Tiles framework, importAttribute tag      657—658 666
Tiles framework, initComponentDefinitions tag      658
Tiles framework, insert tag      649—650 653 670
Tiles framework, installing      646—648
Tiles framework, instance of usage      645 646
Tiles framework, JavaBean, using      653 654
Tiles framework, layout, animation, adding to      660 670 674 676—678
Tiles framework, layout, described      645
Tiles framework, layout, index.jsp file configuration      645
Tiles framework, layout, passing tile to      645
Tiles framework, layout, path      661
Tiles framework, menu tile, definition      650—651 664—668 669—670
Tiles framework, menu tile, inheritance      660—663 667—668
Tiles framework, menu tile, item list      664—665 666 676
Tiles framework, menu tile, Struts, passing value from      673—678
Tiles framework, menu tile, tiles-defs.xml file configuration      665 669 674 1025
Tiles framework, menu tile, title      666 675
Tiles framework, nesting tile      664
Tiles framework, parameter, passing to tile      654—656 658—659 669—670
Tiles framework, put tag      650 652 654—655
Tiles framework, putList tag      655—656 665
Tiles framework, scope      650 654 657—658
Tiles framework, shopping cart application layout using      1022—1023 1024—1026 1029 1040 1054
Tiles framework, string, retrieving value as      656—657 666
Tiles framework, Struts, using with, configuring tile using Struts      671
Tiles framework, Struts, using with, definition, configuring as action forward      671—673
Tiles framework, Struts, using with, localization      679
Tiles framework, Struts, using with, passing value from Struts to Tiles      673
Tiles framework, Struts, using with, struts-config.xml file configuration      671 676
Tiles framework, Struts, using with, tiles-defs.xml file configuration      671 674
Tiles framework, useAttribute tag      657
Tiles framework, Web portal configuration      950—951
Tiles framework, Web site      646
Tiles framework, web.xml file configuration      646—647 950—951
tiles-config.dtd file      646
tiles-defs.xml file, definitions-config tiles-defs.xml attribute      647
tiles-defs.xml file, definitions-debug tiles-defs.xml attribute      647
tiles-defs.xml file, definitions-factory-class tiles-defs.xml attribute      647
tiles-defs.xml file, definitions-parser-details tiles-defs.xml attribute      647
tiles-defs.xml file, definitions-parser-validate tiles-defs.xml attribute      647
tiles-defs.xml file, directory      648
tiles-defs.xml file, inheritance configuration      660—661 667—668
tiles-defs.xml file, menu configuration      665 669 674 1025
tiles-defs.xml file, shopping cart application configuration      1025 1029 1040
tiles-defs.xml file, Struts configuration      671 674
tiles-defs.xml file, syntax      652
tiles.defs.xml file      647
tiles.jar file      646
Time class      755
Time, authorization, limiting by      860
Time, displaying current      527
Time, form submission, timestamping      734
Time, formatting using formatDate JSTL tag      1107
Time, JSF DateTimeConverter converter      711—712
Time, modification-time check, optimizing performance via disabling      879—880
Time, zone      432—433 712 1107 1110 1112—1113
TimedObject Interface      745
Timer Interface      745
Timestamp class      755
timeStyle attribute, convertDateTime JSF tag      712
timeStyle attribute, formatDate JSTL tag      432
timeStyle attribute, parseDate JSTL tag      1110
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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