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Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages
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Íàçâàíèå: Beginning JavaServer Pages
Àâòîðû: Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R.
Àííîòàöèÿ: JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005
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Timet Service feature (EJB) 745—746
TLD (Tag Library Descriptors) 173—174 182—183 355—356
todaysdate.tag file 330 336
token, PatternLayout object 456—458
toLowerCase JSTL function 1119 1122
Tomcat server, access control list 15
Tomcat server, administrative user 15
Tomcat server, authentication 24—26 528—529
Tomcat server, authorization 15 828
Tomcat server, console 442
Tomcat server, debugger, configuring to listen for 469
Tomcat server, directory, default 468
Tomcat server, disabling 468
Tomcat server, downloading 13—14
Tomcat server, error-reporting screen 306
Tomcat server, HTTPS, activating 837 852—853
Tomcat server, installing 14—15
Tomcat server, Jasper compiler 484
Tomcat server, Manager utility 24—26 497
Tomcat server, password 15
Tomcat server, reference implementation, as 17
Tomcat server, shopping cart application configuration 1010
Tomcat server, shutting down 16
Tomcat server, snoop application 475
Tomcat server, SSL configuration 833—837 852—853
Tomcat server, standalone mode 18
Tomcat server, starting 16 468—469
Tomcat server, WAR file deployment 25—26
Tomcat server, Web application, deploying for 524—527
Tomcat server, Web browser accessing in 16
Tomcat server, welcome page 16
tomcat-users.xml file 528 838 853—854 856—858
tools.jar file 20
Top Nav Bar script 133
TopLink framework 552 553
ToString method 656
toUpperCase JSTL function 1119 1122
tps (transactions per second) 862
Traffic, bursty 862
Transaction, atomicity 775
Transaction, consistency 775
Transaction, data source 754 1117
Transaction, durability 775
Transaction, isolation 775 776 1117
Transaction, J2EE container transaction management role 724
Transaction, JSTL transaction tag 1116—1117
Transaction, response time 862
transactions per second (tps) 862
Transfer object 276 874—875
transferFrom method 910
transform tag, JSTL 1104
transform tag, Spring 569
Translation (data), class, page translation to 217—218
Translation (data), container role 216 217 247—249
Translation (data), error handling, translation-time 236 312—313
Translation (data), include operation, carrying out during 231—233 235 262 263
Translation (data), page processing translation phase 215—216 217
Translation (data), unit 217
Translation (data), useBean action role 247—248
Translation (data), variable, dependence on generated 258
Translation (text) 396 407—408
trim JSTL function 1119 1122
Turbine framework 554
type attribute, attribute directive 338 1069
type attribute, convertDateTime JSFtag 712
type attribute, convertNumber JSF tag 713
type attribute, dateParam JSTL tag 1114
type attribute, formatDate JSTL tag 432 1107
type attribute, formatNumber JSTL tag 1107
type attribute, inputText JSFtag 717
type attribute, parseDate JSTL tag 1110
type attribute, parseNumber JSTL tag 1110
type attribute, plugin action 267 1074
type attribute, put Tiles tag 655
type attribute, useBean action 244 246 250—251 1071
UIComponent object 698
UIViewRoot class 690 692
underscore (_) country code separator 400
Unicode character format 412 418.
Uniform Resource Locator See URL
Unit testing 891
United Kingdom, localizing for 399—400 428 429 431 433
United States, localizing for 399—400 428 431
update JSTL tag 1117—1118
updateCart method 1042
uri taglib directive attribute 43 176 183 191 224—225
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), hiding 285
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), HTTP GET method encoding 64—65
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), import JSTL tag url attribute 1032
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), JSTL url tag 185 194—195 407 1097
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), language selector form URL generation 407 410
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), pattern, matching 515
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), redirect JSTL tag url attribute 1096
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), servlet mapping 494 498—500
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), setDataSource JSTL tag url attribute 1116
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), Web browser access process 4—5
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), web.xml file security-constraint element mapping 825
url-pattern web.xml file element 230 473 515
Use case analysis 931—932 984—985
useAttribute Tiles tag 657
useBean action, body 246
useBean action, class attribute 244 1071
useBean action, compilation role 248
useBean action, described 243
useBean action, id attribute 243 244 1070
useBean action, index.jsp file 245—246
useBean action, news.jsp file 55 57
useBean action, request handling role 248
useBean action, scope attribute 244 246 247 1071
useBean action, set JSTL tag compared 258—259
useBean action, syntax 243 244 1070
useBean action, translation role 247—248
useBean action, type attribute 244 246 250—251 1071
User, acceptance testing 888 891 930
User, application design, involving in 888—889
User, debugging, simulating concurrent users when 470—471
User, end user 441
User, logging activity of specific 471
User, name, encoding 827
User, name, greeting, using in personalized 60—64
User, name, returning 830
User, name, tomcat-users.xml file username attribute 854
User, performance, perspective of user 863
User, performance, simulating concurrent users when testing 867 868—869 871
User, preference selector application, boxTitle class 120 129
User, preference selector application, color theme 123—125 129 131—132
User, preference selector application, CSS content, generating 127—129
User, preference selector application, font 123—125 129 131—132
User, preference selector application, form 61—64 126—127 959—962
User, preference selector application, index.jsp file 126—127
User, preference selector application, showportal.jsp file 129—131
User, preference, storing in database 748
User, Principal object for, returning 830
User, profile, transfer object, retrieving in 874
User, profile, Web portal personalization, using in 931 933—934 935—937 972—975
User, registering in Web portal application 959 961—962 967 970—974 977
User, role, verifying 830
User, XP user story technique 888
UserProfile class 935—937
UserProfileDB Object 934
UserProfileDBMemoryImpl object 934
UserTransactionObject 735
UTF-8 charactet format 412 425.
Utility framework 553—554
validate method 575 617—618
validateErrMsg tag 382 383 386
validateError CSS class 376—377
validateForm function 376 378
validateFunctions tag 382 383—384
Validation, action, invoking with 595 596
Validation, auction Web site application 282—283 393
Validation, authentication information 617—619 641
Validation, bandwidth considerations 363 364
Validation, client-side 364—366 620
Validation, Commons Validator library 627 1012
Validation, credit card data 623 1050
Validation, date 622—623
Validation, described 327
Validation, dropdown list field 634—639
Validation, e-mail address 623 632—634
Validation, empty field, disallowing 587 620—621 629 631
Validation, error message 382 383 386
Validation, front controller, carried out by 275
Validation, index.jsp file validation coding 362
Validation, internationalizing validation message 588—580
Validation, JavaScript, using 366 372—379 382—383
Validation, JSF, backing bean, using 693—694 704—705
Validation, JSF, creating custom validator 698—703
Validation, JSF, number data 697 698—703
Validation, JSF, process validation 691 692
Validation, JSF, standard validator 697
Validation, JSF, text data 693 697
Validation, need for 364—365
Validation, number data, form number field 374—375 382 587 641 918
Validation, number data, JavaScript 374—375 382
Validation, number data, JSF 697 698—703
Validation, number data, Spring 587
Validation, number data, Struts 641
Validation, password 609 620—622
Validation, remembering detected error 376—377 579
Validation, server-side 363 364—365 620
Validation, shopping cart application 1022—1023 1048—1050
Validation, span tag, using 376—377
Validation, Spring, using 572 575—576 578—579 584—587
Validation, Struts, using 611 617—623 628—629 1022—1023 1048—1050
Validation, text data 375—376 632 693 697
Validation, Tiles configuration file 647
Validation, VBScript, using 366
Validation, Web browser role 363
Validation, Webwork, using 554 560 561 562 565
Validation, Zip code 1048 1049
validation.xml file 619—621 629 633 637 1048
Validator interface 698
validator-rules.xml file 621 622
ValidatorTag class 701
value attribute, dateParam JSTL tag 1114
value attribute, formatDate JSTL tag 432 1107
value attribute, formatNumber JSTL tag 1107
value attribute, out JSTL tag 1094
value attribute, param JSTL tag 1095 1102 1109 1114
value attribute, parseDate JSTL tag 1110
value attribute, parseNumber JSTL tag 1110
value attribute, put Tiles tag 655
value attribute, requestEncoding JSTL tag 1111
value attribute, set JSTL tag 1097
value attribute, setLocale JSTL tag 421 1112
value attribute, setProperty action 252 1072
value attribute, setTimeZone JSTL tag 1112
value attribute, TimeZone JSTL tag 1113
value attribute, url JSTL tag 1097
Value binding expression 685
value-change JSF event 716
ValueChangeListener interface 716 717
valueOf method 158 161
var, attribute, doBody action 342
var, attribute, forEach JSTL tag 59 1093 1100
var, attribute, formatNumber JSTL tag 1108
var, attribute, forTokens JSTL tag 1094
var, attribute, if JSTL tag 1101
var, attribute, import JSTL tag 1092
var, attribute, invoke action 348
var, attribute, message JSTL tag 422 1109
var, attribute, parse JSTL tag 1103
var, attribute, parseDate JSTL tag 1110
var, attribute, parseNumber JSTL tag 1111
var, attribute, query JSTL tag 1115
var, attribute, remove JSTL tag 1096
var, attribute, set JSTL tag 1097 1103
var, attribute, setBundle JSTL tag 1111
var, attribute, setDataSource JSTL tag 1116
var, attribute, setTimeZone JSTL tag 1112
var, attribute, transform JSTL tag 1104
var, attribute, update JSTL tag 1117
var, attribute, url JSTL tag 1097
var, catch action attribute 314 317
varDom parse JSTL tag attribute 1103
Variable, counter 352 437 443—444
Variable, debugging, watching value during 443 444 467—468
Variable, declaring using declaration scripting element 75
Variable, directive 339—341 352 354 1069—1070
Variable, EL, dependence on generated 258
Variable, EL, named variable 146—147 162 1079
Variable, exception, expressing as 219
Variable, getProperty action dependence on generated variable 258
Variable, JavaBean 162 247
Variable, scope 191 204 206 209 339—341
Variable, scripting variable 75 191
Variable, setProperty action dependence on generated variable 258
variant setLocale JSTL tag attribute 421 1112
varReader attribute, doBody action 342
varReader attribute, import JSTL tag 1092
varReader attribute, invoke action 348
varStatus attribute, forEach JSTL tag 1093 1100
varStatus attribute, forTokens JSTL tag 1094
VBScript, described 121
VBScript, execution, client-side 118—119
VBScript, generating dynamically 119
VBScript, validation using 366
VBScript, Web browser support 121
Velocity templatlng engine 557
Venue class 784—766
Venue.hbm.xml file 786
venue.jsp file 792—793 800
VenueProcessingCommand class 796—799 800
VeriSign CA 831 850
Version control 890
Video applet 273
view JSF tag 685 690
View technology 556
viewResolver JavaBean 577
views.properties file 561 562 577
Visual SourceSafe software 890
WAR (Web archive) files 23 25—26 523
warm.do file 510
warn tag 461
warning function 449
Watchpoint 467—468
Waterfall development methodology 886—887
weather.jsp file, DHTML menu system 144
weather.jsp file, JavaBean usage 58—59
weather.jsp file, personalization data 69—70
weather.jsp file, reusing code 72
Web application See also Specific component and functionality
Web application, deploying 523—527
Web application, described 512
Web application, directory structure 512—513 898
Web application, e-mail, sending using 746
Web application, footer element, adding 530
Web application, header element, adding 530
Web application, Hibernate, converting to 792 800
Web application, integration provided by Web service 930
Web application, JSP page, adding 526—527
Web application, MVC implementation 534—537
Web application, Web site as 930
Web archive (WAR) files 23 25—26 523
Web browser, applet alternative, providing for non-supporting browser 272
Web browser, form processing, Web browser role 37
Web browser, SSL certificate, displaying 736 851 852
Web browser, SSL certificate, installing 850—851
Web browser, Tomcat server, accessing 16