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Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages
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Íàçâàíèå: Beginning JavaServer Pages
Àâòîðû: Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R.
Àííîòàöèÿ: JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1296
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005
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Data type, converting, backing bean, using 705—711
Data type, converting, boolean value, to 156 161
Data type, converting, boxing 157—162 1083
Data type, converting, character, to 158 160 1084
Data type, converting, JSF, in 705—711
Data type, converting, number, to / from 158 710 711 712—715 1083—1084
Data type, converting, string, to 157—158 1083
Data type, Double 157 161
Data type, EL 156 157—162 1083—1084
Data type, int 157
Data type, Integer 157
Data type, Java primitive type 157
Data type, JDBC 755
Data type, long 157
Data type, Short 158 160
Data type, weak 157
data-model JSF event 716
data.jsp file 233—234 235—236
Database See also JDBC (Java Database Connection); SQL (Structured Query Language)
Database Connection Pooling (DBCP) 754 874
Database, adding record 783
Database, concurrency 774
Database, connection, closing 765 769 770
Database, connection, obtaining 749—752 754—755
Database, connection, pooling 754 874
Database, creating 756
Database, data source, JDBC DataSource object 735 738 751
Database, data source, JNDI lookup 741 748 751 773
Database, data source, specifying 741 751 1116
Database, data source, transaction 754 1117
Database, deleting, logical delete 774
Database, deleting, object using Hibernate 792 822—823
Database, entity EJB 744—745
Database, Hibernate, accessing using, adding record 783
Database, Hibernate, accessing using, deleting object 792 822—823
Database, Hibernate, accessing using, programmatic method 791
Database, Hibernate, accessing using, query 782—783
Database, Hibernate, accessing using, relationship management 801
Database, Hibernate, accessing using, session management 791 792 1000—1002 1016—1018
Database, Hibernate, accessing using, shopping cart application 1000—1002 1003—1004 1016—1019
Database, Hibernate, accessing using, SQL 819
Database, HSQLDB 749
Database, in-memory 749 981
Database, J2EE environment, working with in 738—741
Database, logging to 456
Database, migrating 775
Database, MySQL platform, Control Center 752 756
Database, MySQL platform, downloading 752
Database, MySQL platform, driver 739 752—753 1013
Database, MySQL platform, installing 752
Database, MySQL platform, shopping cart application configuration 1013 1016
Database, MySQL platform, starting 753
Database, MySQL platform, Web site 752
Database, object-relational impedance mismatch 777
Database, ODBC 750
Database, ORM 777
Database, password, access password 756 1116
Database, password, storing in database 748
Database, persistence 782 784—786 802 932—933
Database, relational, ERD 987
Database, relational, introduced 748
Database, relational, many-to-one association, unidirectional 820
Database, resultset, cursor 755
Database, resultset, iteration 755 773
Database, resultset, JSP extraction of resultset data by 770
Database, session management 107—114 791 792 1000—1002 1016—1018
Database, shopping cart application, authentication 1016
Database, shopping cart application, creating value 1004
Database, shopping cart application, entity definition 989—990
Database, shopping cart application, field list 988—989
Database, shopping cart application, finding value by ID 1004
Database, shopping cart application, Hibernate configuration 1000—1002 1003—1004 1016—1019
Database, shopping cart application, listing all values in 1003
Database, shopping cart application, MySQL configuration 1013 1016
Database, shopping cart application, session management 107—114 1000—1002
Database, shopping cart application, updating value 1004
Database, table, creating 756—757
Database, transaction, atomicity 775
Database, transaction, consistency 775
Database, transaction, data source 754 1117
Database, transaction, durability 775
Database, transaction, isolation 775 776 1117
Database, transaction, J2EE container transaction management role 724
Database, transaction, JSTL transaction tag 1116—1117
Database, transaction, response time 862
Database, updating 774
Database, user preference, storing in 748
DataSource, class 735 738 751 754 773
DataSource, query JSTL tag attribute 1115
DataSource, setDataSource JSTL tag attribute 1116
DataSource, transaction tag attribute 1117
DataSource, update JSTL tag attribute 1117
Date class 330 755
Date, Calendar object 360
Date, displaying current 526—527
Date, formatting, formatDate tag, using 185 432 1106—1107
Date, formatting, localization 396 399
Date, JSF converters 711—712
Date, log date information, retrieving 457
Date, parsing using parseDate JSTL tag 1109—1110
Date, SQL statement, passing date parameter to 1114
Date, tag file, date-display 330—331 336—337
Date, validating 622—623
dateParam JSTL tag 1114
dateStyle attribute, convertDateTime JSF tag 712
dateStyle attribute, formatDate JSTL tag 432
dateStyle attribute, parseDate JSTL tag 1110
DateTimeConverter JSF converter 711—712
DBCP (Database Connection Pooling) 754 874
debit method 908 909—910
Debug Start Session Attach and All (NetBeans) 469
Debug Start Session Run In Debugger (NetBeans) 467
debug, Log4j tag 461
debug, method 459
Debugging, breakpoint, setting 464—467
Debugging, compilation, compile time, debugging at 437—441
Debugging, compilation, precompiling before debugging 470
Debugging, concurrency considerations 479
Debugging, HTTP response document commenting 474
Debugging, hypothesis phase 436
Debugging, instrumenting code 442—445
Debugging, laboratory environment, in 470
Debugging, load, under 470—471
Debugging, logging output, ConsoleHandler class, using 450 451
Debugging, logging output, context information, adding to log file 471—474
Debugging, logging output, counter value 443—444
Debugging, logging output, FileHandler class, using 450
Debugging, logging output, JDK logger, using 447
Debugging, logging output, level of logging used 448—449 450 456
Debugging, logging output, Log4j framework, using 454—460 461 470 473 479
Debugging, logging output, Logger class, using 447
Debugging, logging output, LogManager class, using 448 450 454
Debugging, logging output, observation phase 436
Debugging, logging output, origin of term 435
Debugging, logging output, prediction phase 436
Debugging, logging output, println method, using 442—445
Debugging, logging output, problem, intermittent 474—478
Debugging, logging output, production environment 441—442 469—474
Debugging, logging output, remote 468—469
Debugging, logging output, runtime bug 437
Debugging, logging output, scientific method, using 436—437
Debugging, logging output, scriptlet 439—441
Debugging, logging output, SDK logging framework, using 451—453 454
Debugging, logging output, servlet 470
Debugging, logging output, snoop application, using 475—478
Debugging, logging output, SocketHandler class, using 450
Debugging, logging output, stepping through code 468
Debugging, logging output, tag library, using 460—464
Debugging, logging output, testing solution 436
Debugging, logging output, Tiles debugging output 647
Debugging, logging output, Tomcat server, configuring to listen for debugger 469
Debugging, logging output, users, simulating concurrent 470—471
Debugging, logging output, variable value, watching 443—444 467—468
Decimal point display 152
Declaration scripting element 35 75—77 79 189—190 1075
declare variable directive attribute 339 1070
default out JSTL tag attribute 1094
DefaultAction class 1005
define Struts tag 614—615
Definition attribute, insert Tiles tag 653
Definition attribute, Tiles tag 651 654 658—659
definitions-config tiles-defs.xml file attribute 647
definitions-debug tiles-defs.xml file attribute 647
definitions-factory-class tiles-defs.xml file attribute 647
definitions-parser-details tiles-defs.xml file attribute 647
definitions-parser-validate tiles-defs.xml file attribute 647
definitions.jsp file 651 652
DELETE HTTP action 490
deleteObject method 822—823
deleteTeamFromRoster method 770
deleteVenueFromRoster method 792
delims forTokens JSTL tag attribute 1093
Deployment descriptor See web.xml file
description, attribute, attribute directive 338 1069
description, attribute, tag directive 335 1068
description, attribute, variable directive 339 1070
description, web.xml file element 496
Design a Cake form 168—173
Design pattern 275 920 932 933 955
destdir javac task attribute 878
Destination object 735
destroy method, Basicservlet class 488 492
destroy method, HttpServlet class 490
destroy method, Servlet interface 488 494
destroying, page 76 86
destroying, servlet 488 492—493 494
details.jsp file 639—640
DeveloperWorks software 1001
Development methodology 886—887
development web.xml file attribute 880
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, color customization 134—137 139—141
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, entertain.jsp file 144
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, font customization 134—137 139—141
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, HTML menu compared 132
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, index.jsp file 137—139
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, JavaScript generation 141—143
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, menu.js file 133
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, news.jsp file 141—143
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, showportal.jsp file 139
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, Top Nav Bar script 133
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) menu system, weather.jsp file 144
dialect Hibernate keyword 791
Digester Commons library 627 671 682 1012
Digital ID SSL certificate 850
direct Tiles put tag attribute 655
Directive See also Specific directive
Directive, attribute 214 215
Directive, container, instruction provided by 214
Directive, described 32—33
Directive, error handling, container, caught by 309
Directive, error handling, include 236 309 311
Directive, error handling, page 219 220 311—312 321
Directive, error handling, syntax error 309
Directive, syntax 33 214—215 309 1059
Directive, tag file, using in 215 335—336
Directive, XML, compatibility 214—215
Directive, XML, converting directive to 231—233 237—239
dispatch method 542 543
DispatcherServlet servlet 572
disperr.jsp file 328
display-name, tag directive attribute 335 1068
display-name, web.xml file element 496—497
displayCustomer.jsp file 545 547
displayform.jsp file 566
displaylist action 537 538—539
displayList.jsp file 542—544
dispPrice method, currency formatting by 85 90
dispPrice method, declaring 75 85
dispPrice method, JSTL, replacing with 190 195 202
div EL operator 152
Divide-by-zero exception 324—325 328
Division (arithmetic) 152 1080
doAction method 1006 1008 1029 1052
doBody action 273 342
doc attribute, parse JSTL tag 1103
doc attribute, transform JSTL tag 1104
docSystemId transform JSTL tag attribute 1104
Document Type Definition (DTD) servlet support 496
doDelete method 490
doExecute method 560 561
doFilter method 473
doGet method, BasicServlet class 488
doGet method, HttpServlet class 490
Dollar sign ($) JavaScript regular expression operator 375
Dollar sign, curly braces (${}) EL expression delimiters 45
dom4j-1.4.jar file 784 1012
doPoat method, AdminServlet servlet 765 800
doPoat method, BasicServlet class 488
doPoat method, HttpServlet class 490
doPoat method, SimpleController servlet 542
doPut method 490
DoSearchAction class 595
Double data type 157 161
DoubleRangeValidator object 697
DoubleType.tag file 161
doValidation method 562 565
driver setDataSource JSTL tag attribute 1116
DriverManager class 754
Drop-down list, color selector 271—272
Drop-down list, HTML/XML selector 274
Drop-down list, Struts, creating using 634—639
Drop-down list, validating drop-down list field 634—639
DTD (Document Type Definition) servlet support 496
DTO (data transfer object) 276 875 935
dump tag 461
DynaActionForm class 602—603 620
Dynamic Drive Web site 132—133
Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language menu system See DHTML menu system
dynamic-attributes tag directive attribute 336 354 1068
DynaValidatorForm class 620 628
e-mail, validating e-mail address 623 632—634
e-mail, Web application, sending using 746
ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) 120
ECMAScript 366. See also JavaScript
EditProfileAction class 972—974
EditRegistrationAction class 970
Egypt, localizing for 398 428 431
ehcache-0.7.jar file 784 1012
EJ Technologies Profiler software 865
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), advantages/disadvantages 742—743
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), AWT, using for output 742
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), ClassLoader object support 743
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), container 722—723 727 742
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), entity 744—745
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), field, static 742
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), file system access 742
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), J2EE, relation to 301 552 723 729 741
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), JavaBean compared 301
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), lifecycle management role 742 744
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), MDB 745
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), network socket support 743
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), persistence 552 744
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), reusability 742
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), session 743—744
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), this keyword support 743
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), thread management 742
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), tier 301
EJB (Enterprise JavaBean), Timer Service feature 745—746
EJBCA software 831
EJBHome object 735