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Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages
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Íàçâàíèå: Beginning JavaServer Pages
Àâòîðû: Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R.
Àííîòàöèÿ: JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005
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Borland OptimizeIt software 865
Bottleneck, identifying 865
boxTitle class 120 129
braces, curly ({}) PatternLayout object token delimiters 456
brackets, square ([ ]) EL operator 162 163
breakpoint, setting 464—467
BrowseCategoryAction class 1005 1030—1032
BSF framework 553
buffer, flushing 259 1064 1066 1072
buffer, out object bufferSize property 1064
buffer, page directive buffer attribute 1066
build.xml file, creating 899
build.xml file, property file, using with 899
build.xml file, shopping cart application 1010 1011—1014
build.xml file, Spring framework 570—571
build.xml file, structure 893
build.xml file, Struts framework 625—626
build.xml file, Web portal 947—949
build.xml file, WebWork framework 559
bundle attribute, J STL tag 420 421—422 423 1106
bundle attribute, message JSTL tag 422 1108
bursty traffic 862
business object 81
button, commandButton JSF tag 685 715 718
button, radio 556 609
button, text language, localizing 405 415
CA (certificate authority) 831 850
Cactus framework 907
calc.jsp file 707—709 715 717
CalculateShipping method 280
Calendar object 360
Call graph 865
CallabieStatement class 754
cartstatus.tag file 1027
Cascading Stylesheet See CSS
Catalina-ant.jar file 625
catch, action 314 317 328
catch, JSTL tag 185 1090
Category, class, shopping cart application 995—996 1018
Category, class, Web storefront application 82 83
Category, logging tag attribute 461
category-browse.jsp file 1033
category-list.jsp file 1030
Category.hbm.xml file 1019
cause exception object property 1065
cdlib-full-2.0.1.jar file 784 1012
Certificate authority (CA) 831 850
Certificate Information dialog box (Internet Explorer) 851
Certificates dialog box (Internet Explorer) 851
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) 5—7
ch01.war file 25—28 29
ch02.war file 38 47
ch03.war file 80
ch04.war file 122
ch05.war file 149
ch06.war file 186
ch07.war file 221
ch08.war tile 244
ch08obj.jar file 271
ch09.war file 281
ch10.war file 306
ch12.war file 366
ch13.war file 401
ch15.war file 485
chapter16.xml file 525
chapter22.xml file 739—740
chapter23.xml file 758
chapter24.xml file 837
CHAR data type 157
Character data typo 157 1084
charEncoding import JSTL tag attribute 1092
chatAt method 158
checkbox tag, Struts 609
checkbox tag, WebWork 556
checkField tag 382 385—386
checkout.jsp file 1044 1045—1047
CheckoutAction class 1005 1043—1044
checkoutcompleted.jsp file 1054
Checkstyle software 692
China, localizing for 400 403—407 411—413 414—415 418
CHO (continuous hours of operation) testing 864
choose JSTL tag, forEach loop, nesting in 350
choose JSTL tag, form processing, using in 131 226
choose JSTL tag, if...then...else Java construct, replacing with 204
choose JSTL tag, include directive, using with 234 236
choose JSTL tag, otherwise tag, using with 44
choose JSTL tag, param implicit object, using with 45 46
choose JSTL tag, request, switching through front controller using 287
choose JSTL tag, switch...case Java construct, replacing with 204
choose JSTL tag, syntax 1091 1099
choose JSTL tag, taglib directive, using with 226 228
choose JSTL tag, when subtag 44 45 287—289 1098 1105
choose JSTL tag, XPath expression, working with using 1099
Chopra, Vivek (Professional Apache Tomcat 5) 866
CircleApplet.java file 269—270
Class, Fixture.hbm.xml file class attribute 820
Class, importing 85 218
Class, interface versus 765
Class, Java, Java Bean compared 276
Class, Java, page translation to Java class 217—218
Class, Java, servlet relation to 484—485
Class, JavaBean, compilation into class 57
Class, JavaBean, Java class compared 276
Class, JavaBean, location 281
Class, JavaBean, useBean action, referencing in 244
Class, logging request retrieving class name of caller issuing 457
Class, name 218
Class, scripting element placement in class definition 79
Class, syntax 79
Class, Tiles factory class 647 658
Class, useBean action class attribute 244 1071
ClassLoader object 743
classname attribute, initComponentDefinitions Tiles tag 658
classname attribute, useAttribute Tiles tag 657
cleanhtml.tag file 343—344 356
clearCartWhenApproved method 1053—1064
Clearcase software 690
clearList function 205
Client, Application Client container 722—723
Client, code execution, client-side 118—119
Client, fat 723
Client, MDB access 745
Client, thin 727
Client, validation, client-side 364—366 620
ClientDispatcher Webwork Dispatcher 556
Clob class 755
CMP (container-managed persistence) 744
Coco Base framework 553
cocucod.htm file 429
Coding standard, enforcing 691—692
Collection, Commons Collections library 646 671 682 784 1012
Collection, EL, accessing in 162—167 1079
Collection, iteration 193
Color, DHTML menu color customization 134—137 139—141
Color, dropdown list selector 271—272
Color, search result, highlighting 349—351
Color, user preference color theme selector 123—125 129 131—132
com.wrox.begjsp.ch03 package 82
combobox WebWork tag 556
Comma (.), Appender list separator 458
Comma (.), class name separator 218
command-line prompt 357
commandButton JSF tag 685 715 718
commandLink JSF tag 715
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) 5—7
Commons libraries, BeanUtils 382 627 646 671 1012
Commons libraries, Collections 646 671 682 784 1012
Commons libraries, Digester 627 671 682 1012
Commons libraries, JSF Commons libraries requirement 682
Commons libraries, Logging 554 671 682 784 1012
Commons libraries, Validator 627 1012
Comparison operator, EL 154—155 1080—1081
Compilation See also Ant compiler
Compilation, container, carried out by 11
Compilation, debugging, compile time, at 437—441
Compilation, debugging, precompiling before 470
Compilation, error generation 304 308 438—439
Compilation, Jasper compiler 315 320 484 557—558
Compilation, JavaBean compilation into class 57
Compilation, page processing, compilation-phase 215—216
Compilation, precompilation 470 500 876—879
Compilation, scripting element 305
Compilation, servlet 470 484 486—487
Compilation, useBean action role 248
Compilation, Webwork application 559
CompleteOrderAction class 1005 1043 1050—1051
component Tiles insert tag attribute 653
Concurrency 479 774
Concurrent Versions System software See CVS software
Conditional flow control See Bow control conditional
Conditional operator, EL 153
Confidentiality 830—831
config, function 449
config, object 1065
ConnectionFactory object 735
Console 442
ConsoleAppender class 458
ConsoleHandler class 450 451
ConsoleOut Appender 458
Constant, declaring 75 201—202
container See also Tomcat server
Container, authorization, container-based 855
Container, CMP 744
Container, compilation carried out by 11
Container, concurrency considerations 479
Container, directive, container instruction provided by 214
Container, EJB 722—723 727 742
Container, error handling role 309
Container, J2EE, Applet container 722 723
Container, J2EE, Application Client container 722—723
Container, J2EE, deployment descriptor 724
Container, J2EE, Enterprise Bean container 722—723 727 742
Container, J2EE, JNDI, relation to 735
Container, J2EE, lifecycle management role 724
Container, J2EE, resource pooling role 724
Container, J2EE, security role 724
Container, J2EE, transaction management role 724
Container, J2EE, Web Component container 722 723 727 728—729
Container, Java translation role 216 217 247—249
Container, JVMs, using multiple 76
Container, log setting, changing without restarting 453—454 459—460
Container, page, communication role of page directive 85 217
Container, page, content type, informing container of 220 221—222 223
Container, page, destruction, container role in 76 86
Container, page, processing, container role in 215—217
Container, request handling role 11—12 22 218 248
Container, servlet 8—9 12 445—446 453 492
Container, session tracking role 218
Container, taglib directive, container instruction provided by 214 223—224
Container, web.xml file independence 495
Container-managed persistence (CMP) 744
contains JSTL function 1118 1119
containsIgnoreCase JSTL function 351 1118 1119
Content-Type HTTP header 425
contentType page directive attribute 220 223 386 1067
Context, import JSTL tag context attribute 1092
Context, redirect JSTL tag context attribute 1096
Context, servlet 76—77 85—86 87 446 508
Context, Spring 567
Context, url JSTL tag context attribute 1097
context-param web.xml file element 517—518
continuous hours of operation (CHO) testing 864
Control Center (MySQL) 752 756
Controller servlet, action mapping 503
Controller servlet, initialization parameter, accessing 506—507
Controller servlet, initializing 504—505 507
Controller servlet, request handling 502—503 505 508—509 537 542—543
Controller servlet, web.xml file 504—505
controllerClass Tiles insert tag attribute 653
ControllerServlet servlet, action mapping 503
ControllerServlet servlet, blue.jsp file 502 505 509
ControllerServlet servlet, cool.do action 501—502
ControllerServlet servlet, hot.do action 501
ControllerServlet servlet, init method 505 507
ControllerServlet servlet, Model 2 architecture environment 536—539
ControllerServlet servlet, red.jsp file 502 505 509
ControllerServlet servlet, request handling 502 505 508—509
controllerUrl Tiles insert tag attribute 653
convertDateTime JSF tag 712
Converter Interface 713
convertNumber JSF tag 712—713
Cookie, request cookie information, accessing 46
Cookie, session, managing using 108—109
cookies object 46 1087
cool.do action 501—502
cos function 178
Counter, page access counter 531
Counter, variable 352 437 443—444
Country code 399—400
countVar highlighttableext.tag file attribute 352
Coupling, loose 929
cppunit framework 907
CREATE SQL command 756
createValidator method 703
creationTime session object property 1064
Credit card, shopping cart application credit card processing 988 1048 1050 1052
Credit card, validating 623 1050
Criteria object 1003
Crystal Methodologies Web site 887
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), auction Web site application output, formatting using 294—295
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), described 119—120
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), execution, client-side 118—119
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), generating CSS content 119 126
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), HTML, embedding CSS in 120
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), HTML, linking to external CSS from 120
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), HTML, relation to CSS 119—120
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), user preference selector application 127—129
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), validateError class 376—377
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), Web portal 51—52
Currency, code 399 712 1108
Currency, display, formatting 85 90 195 202 709
Currency, JSF, working with in 709 712—715
Currency, localizing 396 399 426—429 712—715
Currency, symbol 396 712 1108
Customer, JavaBean 277—280
Customer, object 539—540 541 546
CustomerManager object 539 541—542 545 546
CustomerOrder class 989 990—992 1051 1052 1053
CustomerOrder.hbm.xml file 1019—1020
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, Ant, using with 895—896 906
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, Changelog 896
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, checking code in / out 903 905—906
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, commit operation 903
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, comparing code change across revisions 906
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, downloading 903
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, installing 903
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, manual 907
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, module 903 905
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, repository 903
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, server, connecting to 904—905
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, trunk / branch code structure 904
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, Web site 903 907
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) software, WinCVS client 905
DAO (Data Access Object) 920 934
Data integrity 830—831
Data transfer object (DTO) 276 875 935
Data type, boolean 156 157 161 279
Data type, char 157
Data type, Character 157 1084
Data type, converting, automatic 158—162 1083