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Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages
Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages

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Íàçâàíèå: Beginning JavaServer Pages

Àâòîðû: Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R.


JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005

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EL (Expression Language), abs function      173 175
EL (Expression Language), array member, accessing      1079
EL (Expression Language), attribute, implicit object, attaching to      86—88 162—163
EL (Expression Language), attribute, value, using EL in      148 1078
EL (Expression Language), attribute_name.property expression      257
EL (Expression Language), collection, accessing      162—167 1079
EL (Expression Language), data type      156 157—162 1083—1084
EL (Expression Language), error handling      326—327
EL (Expression Language), escapeXML (unction      391 393
EL (Expression Language), function, calling      1082
EL (Expression Language), function, custom      173—177
EL (Expression Language), function, method call, convening to EL-accessible function      190—193 205—206
EL (Expression Language), function, syntax      1082
EL (Expression Language), HTML output      149 152—153
EL (Expression Language), ignoring EL expression      219 336 515—516 1067 1069
EL (Expression Language), index.jsp file EL coding examples      149—151 159—160 164 175
EL (Expression Language), JavaBean, property value, rendering using      257—258
EL (Expression Language), JavaBean, using EL expression in      247 249—250
EL (Expression Language), JSP relation to      146
EL (Expression Language), JSTL, using with      36 148 179
EL (Expression Language), literal value, working with      1079
EL (Expression Language), map, accessing      1078—1079
EL (Expression Language), namespace      173 1082
EL (Expression Language), null value, working with      155—156 158 191
EL (Expression Language), object property, accessing      162—167 1078
EL (Expression Language), object, implicit, attribute, attaching      86—88 162—163
EL (Expression Language), object, implicit, category      167 1084
EL (Expression Language), object, implicit, described      45
EL (Expression Language), object, implicit, form processor      168—173
EL (Expression Language), object, implicit, listing of implicit objects      45—46
EL (Expression Language), object, implicit, scope      112—114 168
EL (Expression Language), operator, arithmetic      151—153 178 1080
EL (Expression Language), operator, comparison      154—155 1080—1081
EL (Expression Language), operator, conditional      153
EL (Expression Language), operator, data type      156
EL (Expression Language), operator, div      152
EL (Expression Language), operator, empty      155—156 191 1081
EL (Expression Language), operator, logical      153—154 1080
EL (Expression Language), operator, mod      152 1080
EL (Expression Language), operator, precedence      1081—1082
EL (Expression Language), runtime, evaluation at      45
EL (Expression Language), scripting, element alternative, as      146
EL (Expression Language), scripting, independence provided by      36
EL (Expression Language), syntax      45
EL (Expression Language), template, using inline with      148 1077
EL (Expression Language), text, rendering EL expression as      219
EL (Expression Language), variable, dependence on generated      258
EL (Expression Language), variable, named      146—147 162 1079
EL comparative operator      45 154
el-ignored web.xml file element      515—516
element action      273
ELException exception      327
else WebWork tag      557
elseif WebWork tag      557
embed HTML tag      267 272
empty EL operator      155—156 191 1081
end attribute, forEach JSTL tag      1093 1100
end attribute, forTokens JSTL tag      1094
End user      441
endsWith JSTL function      1118 1119
enterbid.jsp file      285 287—288 289 290—291 302
Enterprise Bean container      722—723 727
Enterprise JavaBean      See EJB
entertain.jsp file      58 69 72 144
Entity EJB      744—745
Entity relationship diagram (ERD)      987
EntityManager class      1000 1002—1003 1004 1029
EntityManagerFactory class      1000 1002 1004—1005 1029
env-entry web.xml file element      521—522 735—738
equal Struts tag      611—612
Equals signs (==) EL comparative operator      45 154
ERD (entity relationship diagram)      987
Error handling      See also Exception
Error handling, action, include action      312
Error handling, action, setProperty action      313 316
Error handling, action, syntax error      309
Error handling, auction Web site application      289—290 291 297 368—369
Error handling, authentication application, Struts-based      598—599
Error handling, catching      309 314 317 328
Error handling, coding syntax error      304—305 309
Error handling, compilation, error generation during      304 308 438—439
Error handling, container role      309
Error handling, data-input error      327
Error handling, directive, container, caught by      309
Error handling, directive, include      236 309 311
Error handling, directive, page      219 220 311—312 321
Error handling, directive, syntax error      309
Error handling, divide-by-zero error      324—325 328
Error handling, EL error      326—327
Error handling, forwarding error page      321—322
Error handling, HTTP error status code      306—307 310 322 326
Error handling, index.jsp file error handling code      307—308
Error handling, JSTL error      326—327
Error handling, JVM trace information, retrieving      315 318—319
Error handling, message, displaying      289 382 383 386
Error handling, pagecontext.errorData object      322 325 326
Error handling, pagecontext.exception object      322 323 325 326 327
Error handling, remembering detected error      376—377 579
Error handling, request-time      236 312—314 315—320 322—323
Error handling, runtime error      305 313
Error handling, scripting element error      305—309
Error handling, stack trace information, retrieving      315 318—319
Error handling, Struts errors tag      610
Error handling, syntax error      304—305 309
Error handling, template error      327
Error handling, Tomcat server error-reporting screen      306
Error handling, translation-time      236 312—313
Error handling, Web portal application      964 965
Error handling, web.xml file error-page element      518—519
error tag      461
error-page web.xml file element      518—619
ErrorGenerator JavaBean      322—323 324 328
errorPage page directive attribute      220 1066
Errors object      587
escapeXML, EL function      391 393
escapeXML, JSTL function      342 344 1118 1120
escapeXML, out JSTL tag attribute      1094 1102
EShop class      82 83 90 205 274
eshop-taglib.tld file      191—193 195 206
estore.jsp file      83—85 188—190 194—195 211
European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA)      120
Event, action event      715 717
Event, JavaBean event      55 276
Event, JSF listener      715—718
Event, logging event priority, retrieving      457
Event, MDC      457
Event, MVC event-driven environment      534
Event, NDC      457 471—473
example tag directive attribute      335 1068
exception      See also error handing
Exception, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException      325
Exception, divide-by-zero      324—325 328
Exception, ELException      327
Exception, implicit object      1065
Exception, JasperException      315 320
Exception, NullPointerException      313
Exception, pagecontext.exception object      322 323 325 326 327
Exception, report      308
Exception, SQLException      770
Exception, variable, expressing exception as      219
Exclamation mark, equals sign (!=) EL comparative operator      45 154
execute method, Action class      672
execute method, ActionForm parameter      600
execute method, BookstoreController class      1006 1008 1029
execute method, FormAction class      636
execute method, VenueProcessingCommand class      800
Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (Johnson)      741
Expression Language      See EL
Expression, regular expression      375
Expression, scripting element      35 77 79 1076
extends attribute, definition Tiles tag      654
extends attribute, page directive      217—218 1066
Extensible Markup Language      See XML
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT)      557 1104
Extreme Programming (XP)      887 888—889 903
Extreme Programming Web site      887 888
faces-cfg.xml file      694—695 699 715
faces-config.xml file      683 687—688 707 718
FacesContext object      687 698
FacesServlet object      683 687 689—690
Factory design pattern      920 932 933
fallback action      267 268 272 1074
Fat client      723
fatal tag      461
FDD (feature-driven development)      887 890
file attribute, include directive      231
file attribute, initComponentDefinitions Tiles tag      658
FileHandler class      450
filter parse JSTL tag attribute      1103
find-clientinfo.jsp file      855
findAction method      800
findAll method      1003
findAttribute method      147 252 443—444
findById method      1004 1005 1032
fine function      449 450
finer function      449
finest function      449
Fixture class      801—802 805—807 819—820 821
Fixture.hbm.xml file      807—808 820
fixture.jsp file      817—819 821—822 823
FixtureProcessingCommand class      808—811 821
Flood software      471 864
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, forEach loop, nesting In      350
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, form processing, using in      131 226
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, if...then...else Java construct, replacing with      204
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, include directive, using with      234 236
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, otherwise tag, using with      44
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, param implicit object, using with      45 46
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, request, switching through front controller using      287
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, switch...case Java construct, replacing with      204
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, syntax      1091 1099
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, taglibdirective, using with      226 228
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, when subtag      44 45 287—289 1098 1105
Flow control, conditional, choose JSTL tag, using, XPath expression, working with using      1099
Flow control, conditional, HTML form      43—44
Flow control, conditional, if JSTL tag, using      153 185 204—505 1091—1092 1100—1101
Flow control, conditional, Web portal      944—945 950
flush attribute, get Tiles tag      656
flush attribute, include action      259 1072
flush attribute, insert Tiles tag      653
flushSession method      792
Font, Chinese      412
Font, DHTML menu system font customization      134—137 139—141
Font, installing      412
Font, user preference selector application      123—125 129 131—132
foobar-layout.jsp file      675
FooBarAction class      674 676—677
Football roster management application, Abstract ProcessingCommand class      795—796
Football roster management application, addNewTeamToRoster method      770
Football roster management application, addNewVenueToRoster method      792
Football roster management application, addOrModifyVenue method      792
Football roster management application, AdminServlet servlet      757 761—766 773 794—795 800
Football roster management application, deleteTeamFromRoster method      770
Football roster management application, deleteVenueFromRoster method      792
Football roster management application, directory structure      757
Football roster management application, doPost method      765 800
Football roster management application, findAction method      800
Football roster management application, Fixture class      801—802 805—807 819—820
Football roster management application, Fixture.hbm.xml file      807—808 820
Football roster management application, fixture.jsp file      817—819 821—822 823
Football roster management application, FixtureProcessingCommand class      808—811 821
Football roster management application, FootyJDBCHelper class      765 772 773
Football roster management application, getAllItems method      791
Football roster management application, getRosterManager method      766
Football roster management application, getTeamsInRoster method      769 773
Football roster management application, getVenuesInRoster method      791
Football roster management application, HibernateRosterManager class      766 787—791 812—817 822
Football roster management application, JDBCRosterHanager class      766—769 773
Football roster management application, menu system      799 820—821
Football roster management application, modifyTeamlnRoster method      770
Football roster management application, modifyVenuelnRoster method      792
Football roster management application, NullProcessingCommand method      800
Football roster management application, processFixtureAdd method      821
Football roster management application, processFixtureList method      822
Football roster management application, ProcessingCommand interface      795 800
Football roster management application, processRosterAdd method      765
Football roster management application, processRosterDelete method      765
Football roster management application, processRosterList method      765
Football roster management application, processRosterModify method      765
Football roster management application, request handling      773 821
Football roster management application, RosterManager interface      765 770—771 787 811
Football roster management application, RosterManagerFactory object      766 771—772
Football roster management application, Round class      802—803 820
Football roster management application, Round.hbm.xml file      803—804
Football roster management application, rounds table      778—781
Football roster management application, safeClose method      770
Football roster management application, saveOrUpdate method      792
Football roster management application, SessionFactoryObject      791
Football roster management application, starting      772
Football roster management application, Team class      804—805
Football roster management application, Team Fixture Management window      821
Football roster management application, Team.hbm.xml file      805
Football roster management application, Venue class      784—786
Football roster management application, Venue.hbm.xml file      786
Football roster management application, venue.jsp file      792—793 800
Football roster management application, VenueProcessingCommand class      796—799 800
Football roster management application, web.xml file      758—759
Footer, Tiles framework      644—645 662
Footer, Web application, adding to      530
FootyJDBCHelper class      765 772 773
forEach JSTL tag, begin attribute      1093 1100
forEach JSTL tag, choose JSTL construct, nesting in forEach loop      350
forEach JSTL tag, end attribute      1093 1100
forEach JSTL tag, items attribute      59 1093
forEach JSTL tag, JavaBean property values, iterating through using      59—60
forEach JSTL tag, scripting iteration, replacing with      193 194—195
forEach JSTL tag, select attribute      1100
forEach JSTL tag, step attribute      1093 1100
forEach JSTL tag, syntax      1092—1093 1100
forEach JSTL tag, var attribute      59 1093 1100
forEach JSTL tag, varStatus attribute      1093 1100
forEach JSTL tag, XPath expression, iterating through using      1100
Form, authentication, form-based      827 843—847 853 858
Form, choose JSTL tag, using in processing      131 226
Form, flow control, conditional      43—44
Form, hidden element      609
Form, HTTP GET method, using in form submission      37—38 42—43 64—66 89
Form, implicit object form processor      168—173
Form, initializing      1039
Form, internationalizing      576 579 588—589
Form, JavaBean      580 599 600 604—606 617—619
Form, language selector form      401—407
Form, locale-selector form      401—407 418—419
Form, login form      599 601 602—603
Form, mapping applet, using with      273
Form, parameter, accessing parameter from form submission      46
Form, parameter, page, passing during submission      67—68
Form, POST method, submitting using      37—38
Form, preference selector form      61—64 126—127 959—962
Form, servlet / JSP-based processing      730—734
Form, setProperty action, processing using      255—256
Form, shopping cart application management form      1039—1040
Form, Spring, working with using, Controller      572—574 583 590
Form, Spring, working with using, internationalization      576 579 588—589
Form, Spring, working with using, Model      574—575
Form, Spring, working with using, validation      572 575—576 578—579 584—587
Form, Spring, working with using, View      577—579 588—589 590
Form, Struts, working with using      599—606 608—610
Form, timestamping submission      734
Form, URL request      37—38 39—40 42
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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