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Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R. — Beginning JavaServer Pages
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Íàçâàíèå: Beginning JavaServer Pages
Àâòîðû: Chopra V., Eaves J., Jones R.
Àííîòàöèÿ: JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1296
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005
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Request handling, page initialization, acquiring global resource for request handling during 76
Request handling, page processing, request-phase 215—216
Request handling, param action, passing request parameter using 264
Request handling, parameter, accessing parameter passed with request 46
Request handling, parameter, filling JavaBean property with request parameter 292
Request handling, parameter, internationalization request parameter encoding 425—426
Request handling, parameter, matching request parameter with JavaBean property 256
Request handling, parameter, passing request parameter using param action 264
Request handling, parameter, passing to JavaBean 253
Request handling, performance, testing 867—868 869—870 871—872
Request handling, scope 45 112 300 1061 1085
Request handling, scripting element request time expression 77
Request handling, servlet transferring request to another JSP 264—265
Request handling, servlet, container role 492
Request handling, servlet, Controller servlet 502—503 505 508—509 537 542—543
Request handling, servlet, HTTP 490—491
Request handling, servlet, instance, creating separate for each request 492
Request handling, servlet, passing request to servlet 489
Request handling, servlet, shopping cart application 97
Request handling, servlet, Struts 594 615
Request handling, servlet, useBean action role 248
Request handling, setProperty action role 253 256
request, object 87 112 334 1062
request, pageContext object request property 1063
RequestDispatcher object 208 508—609 542—543
requestEncoding JSTL tag 424 425 1111
requestScope object 45 545 1085
required attribute directive attribute 338 1069
Requirement analysis 930—931
res-ref-name web.xml file element 740
ResetLogger.jsp file 453 454
Resource bundle, Java 2 414—417 420 434 1106 1111
resource-ref web.xml file element 522 740 741
response, object 333 1062—1063
response, pageContext object response property 1063
responseComplete method 692
result transform JSTL tag attribute 1104
ResultSet class 755
returnvalue.tag file 339 341
Rich Site Summary (RSS) 926—929 953
RMI-IIOP (Remote Method Invocation-Internet Intec-ORB Protocol) API 725
role attribute, definition Tiles tag 654
role attribute, get Tiles tag 656
role attribute, getAsString Tiles tag 657
role attribute, insert Tiles tag 653
role attribute, put Tiles tag 655
role attribute, putList Tiles tag 656
RollDice.jsp file 466—467 479
Rome RSS library 953—955
roster.jsp file 759—760
RosterManager Interface 765 770—771 787 811
RosterManagerFactory object 766 771—772
Round class 802—803 820
round Java method 175
round-input.jsp file 778—779
round-process.jsp file 781
Round.hbm.xml file 803—804
RSS (Rich Site Summary) 926—929 953
rtexprvalue attribute, attribute directive 338 1069
rtexprvalue attribute, highlighttableext.tag file 352
Runtime, bug 437
Runtime, error 305 313
RUP (Rational Unified Process) 888
SAAJ (SOAP with Attachments for Java) 726
safeClose method 770
sales tax calculation 115 211
saveOrUpdate method, football roster management application 792
saveOrUpdate method, shopping cart application 1004—1005 1019
SaveProfileAction class 974—975
SaveRegistrationAction action 970
Scalability 862
Scope, application 46 113 778 1061—1062 1086
Scope, dump tag scope attribute 461
Scope, formatNumber JSTL tag scope attribute 1108
Scope, if JSTL tag scope attribute 1091 1101
Scope, import JSTL tag scope attribute 1092
Scope, invoke action scope attribute 348
Scope, JavaBean instance 57 244
Scope, locale 421 422
Scope, message JSTL tag scope attribute 422 1109
Scope, object, implicit 112—114 168
Scope, page 112 168 332 1060—1061 1085
Scope, pageContext object 112 168
Scope, parse JSTL tag scope attribute 1103
Scope, parseDate JSTL tag scope attribute 1110
Scope, parseNumber JSTL tag scope attribute 1111
Scope, performance, optimizing via assigning appropriate 874
Scope, query JSTL tag scope attribute 1115
Scope, remove JSTL tag scope attribute 1096
Scope, request 45 112 300 1061 1085
Scope, session 46 112 333 1061 1085
Scope, set JSTL tag scope attribute 191 1097 1103
Scope, setBundle JSTL tag scope attribute 1111
Scope, setDataSource JSTL tag scope attribute 1116
Scope, setLocale JSTL tag scope attribute 421 1112
Scope, setTimeZone JSTL tag scope attribute 1113
Scope, tag file 332—335
Scope, Tiles framework 650 654 657—658
Scope, transform JSTL tag scope attribute 1104
Scope, update JSTL tag scope attribute 1117
Scope, url JSTL tag scope attribute 1097
Scope, useBean action scope attribute 244 246 247 1071
Scope, variable 191 204 206 209 339—341
scope.tag file 333
scopeDom parse JSTL tag attribute 1103
script HTML tag 121 374
Scripting, described 35
Scripting, EL, element alternative, as 146
Scripting, EL, independence of scripting provided by 36
Scripting, element, class definition, placement in 79
Scripting, element, compilation 305
Scripting, element, declaration 35 75—77 79 189—190 1075
Scripting, element, described 35
Scripting, element, error handling 305—309
Scripting, element, expression 35 77 79 1076
Scripting, element, Java Bean, using in 249
Scripting, element, scriptlet 35 78 79
Scripting, invalid, declaring in web.xml file 516
Scripting, JSTL converting scripting application to 186—195
Scripting, language, default 217
Scripting, language, page directive, specifying in 217
Scripting, language, script HTML tag, specifying in 374
Scripting, language, tag directive, specifying in 336
Scripting, variable 75 191
Scripting-invalid web.xml file element 516
Scriptlet, avoiding 919
Scriptlet, debugging 439—441
Scriptlet, JavaBean, accessing from scriptlet 247
Scriptlet, JavaBean, method, invoking using scriptlet 280 281
Scriptlet, scripting element 35 78 79
Scriptlet, syntax 1075
SDK (Software Development Kit) logging framework 451—453 454
SearchByKeyword method 956
Searching, counting search results 351—354
Searching, highlighting search result 349—351
Searching, JavaBean attribute, searching for when instantiating 246—247
Searching, regular expression 375
Searching, substring 1118—1119 1121—1122
Searching, tag text, searching and replacing 342—344
Secure Sockets Layer See SSL
Security See also specific security mechanism
Security, confidentiality 830—831
Security, container role 724
Security, data integrity 830—831
Security, declarative 829
Security, JSF 690
Security, need, assessing 825—826
Security, programmatic 829
Security, user role, verifying 830
security-constraint web.xml file element, auth-constraint subelement 520 829
security-constraint web.xml file element, described 519
security-constraint web.xml file element, file access, restricting using 690
security-constraint web.xml file element, URL mapping 828
security-constraint web.xml file element, user-data-constraint subelement 520
security-constraint web.xml file element, web-resource-collection subelement 520 838 840
security-role web.xml file element 521 528
SecurityFilter class 857—858 859
Segue Silk Performer software 864
select, attribute, if JSTL tag 1101
select, attribute, out JSTL tag 1102
select, attribute, select, forBach JSTL tag 1100
select, attribute, set JSTL tag 1103
select, tag, Struts 609—610 638
select, tag, WebWork 556
Separation of concerns application design 331—332
Seraph framework 827
Serializing JavaBean 276
server.xml file 833—834 841—842 852—853
serverInfo application object property 1064
Service (software component), described 929
Service (software component), locator design pattern 955
Service (software component), Web service 929—930 956
service method 489 494 500 734
Servlet interface, BasicServlet class implementation 489—490
Servlet interface, destroy method 488 494
Servlet interface, getServletConfig method 489
Servlet interface, getServletContext method 76—77 85—86
Servlet interface, getServletInfo method 489
Servlet interface, HttpServlet class implementation 489—490
Servlet interface, init method 488 494 505
Servlet interface, service method 489 494 500
servlet web.xml file element 505 522
Servlet, API 8 17
Servlet, compiling 470 484 486—487
Servlet, concurrency considerations 479
Servlet, configuration object, retrieving 489
Servlet, container 8—9 12 445—446 453 492
Servlet, context 76—77 85—86 87 446 508
Servlet, Controller servlet, action mapping 503
Servlet, Controller servlet, initialization parameter, accessing 506—507
Servlet, Controller servlet, initializing 504—505 507
Servlet, Controller servlet, request handling 502—503 505 508—509 537 542—543
Servlet, Controller servlet, web.xml file 504—505
Servlet, debugging 470
Servlet, declaring 497—500
Servlet, destroying 488 492—493 494
Servlet, DTD support 496
Servlet, form processing, servlet / JSP-based 730—734
Servlet, generic 489
Servlet, HTML, generation by 11
Servlet, HTTP, decoding 490
Servlet, HTTP, request handling 490—491
Servlet, information about, retrieving 489 490
Servlet, initialization parameter, accessing 506—507
Servlet, initializing 488 492—494 504—505 507
Servlet, J2EE component, using in JSP / servlet-based application 728—729 730—734
Servlet, Java class, relation to 484—485
Servlet, JSP as 484—485
Servlet, lifecycle 492—494
Servlet, logging, container role 445—446
Servlet, logging, filter, servlet-based 479
Servlet, method, overriding for 490—491
Servlet, need for 503
Servlet, path 208
Servlet, request handling, container role 492
Servlet, request handling, Controller servlet 502—503 505 508—509 537 542—543
Servlet, request handling, forwarding incoming request 505 508—509
Servlet, request handling, HTTP 490—491
Servlet, request handling, instance, creating separate for each request 492
Servlet, request handling, passing request to servlet 489
Servlet, snoop application 475—478
Servlet, specification 496 512 827
Servlet, steps in servlet development 9—10
Servlet, Struts servlet 593 594
Servlet, threading 494
Servlet, timestamp, creating using 734
Servlet, URL mapping 494 498—500
Servlet, web.xml file, BasicServlet class 495—496
Servlet, web.xml file, Controller servlet 504—505
Servlet, web.xml file, form-processing servlet 733 735—736
Servlet, web.xml file, servlet element 496 505 522
Servlet, web.xml file, servlet-mapping element 498—500 502 505 522 572
Servlet, Webwork servlet Dispatcher 555
servlet-api.jar file 486
servlet-mapping web.xml file element 498—500 502 505 522 572
ServletConfig object 489 507
servletConfig pageContext object property 1063
servletContext, interface 87 446 508
servletContext, pageContext object property 1063
servletContextName application object property 1064
ServletDispatcher Webwork Dispatcher 555
servletName config object property 1065
ServletRequest Interface 87 830
ServletResponse Interface 492
Session Provider class 1000—1002
Session, attribute 108 110 111—114 218
Session, container role in session tracking 218
Session, cookie, managing using 108—109
Session, creating 473
Session, database session management 107—114 791 792 1000—1002 1016—1018
Session, described 107
Session, EJB, session 743—744
Session, factory 791
Session, HTTP session authentication 826
Session, implicit object 87 112 334 1063—1064
Session, JavaMail Session object 735
Session, killing 848
Session, logging 471—473
Session, NDC stack, pushing session ID onto 473
Session, page access counter, session-specific 531
Session, page directive session attribute 108 218 1066
Session, pageContext object session property 1063
Session, performance, optimizing via reducing session overhead 873—874
Session, scope 46 112 333 10611085
Session, size of session object, reducing 873
Session, timeout 873—874
session.jsp file 847—848
SessionFactory object, football roster management application 791
SessionFactory object, shopping cart application 1000—1001
sessionScope object 46 1085
set JSTL tag, constant, declaring using 201—202
set JSTL tag, EL-accessible function, converting static method call to using 190—191
set JSTL tag, JavaBean property value, retrieving using 299
set JSTL tag, property attribute 1097
set JSTL tag, scope attribute 191 1097 1103
set JSTL tag, select attribute 1103
set JSTL tag, syntax 1096—1097 1103
set JSTL tag, target attribute 1097
set JSTL tag, useBean action compared 258—259
set JSTL tag, value attribute 1097
set JSTL tag, var attribute 1097 1103
set Property action, * (asterisk) value 252 256
set Property action, body 251
set Property action, described 243
set Property action, error handling 313 316
set Property action, form processing using 255—256
set Property action, index.jsp file 251 252 254—255 316
set Property action, name attribute 251—252 1071
set Property action, news.jsp file 57
set Property action, param attribute 252 1072
set Property action, property attribute 252 1071
set Property action, request handling role 253 256
set Property action, syntax 1071
set Property action, value attribute 252 1072
set Property action, variable, dependence on generated 258
setAttribute method 86 599
setBundle JSTL tag 1111—1112
setCreditDecision method 1052
setDataSource JSTL tag 741 1116
setFirstName method 278