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Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49 |
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formalism, desgining PBG materials using 197—199
formalism, dispersion relations near photonic band-gap 157
formalism, Kohn — Luttinger functions and 176—179
formalism, representations for vector analog of 170
formalism, search for PBG crystal with optimum gap 202
see "Poly( '-dodecyloxy- -
orbitals, conjugated polymer 14 32
orbitals, conjugated molecule 38
electron bonding in conjugated molecules and polymers 32
electron bonding, extended, conjugated polymer 6
electrons, Hueckel (tight-binding) method and 32
orbitals, conjugated polymers, interchain charge transport 39
orbitals, semiconducting and conducting properties 2
energy gap, conjugated molecules, formed by aromatic/heteroaromaticunit coupling 37—38
energy gap, conjugated molecules, SSH Hamiltonian 36—37
energy gap, conjugated polymers 13
energy gap, conjugated polymers, lowering, for Durham polyacetylene 30
energy gap, conjugated polymers, polyacetylene 5
energy gap, conjugated polymers, quantum chemical calculations 38
energy gap, thiophene oligomer devices 111
bonding in conjugated molecules and polymers 32
(2-(4-Biphenylyl)-5(4-tert-butylphenyl)-1, 3, 4-oxadiazole), PPV LED, improving efficiency of 128
(2-(4-Biphenylyl)-5(4-tert-butylphenyl)-1, 3, 4-oxadiazole), structure 28
1D PBG materials 157
1D waveguide 153
2, 3-dichloro-5, 6-dicyano-1, 4-benzoquinone, FET doping 88
2, 3-dichloro-5, 6-dicyano-1, 4-benzoquinone, PPV and PT-based FET doping 108—110
2D PBG materials, calculations, theoretical 186—192
2D PBG materials, fabricating, electron-beam lithrography, using 164—165
2D PBG materials, fabricating, for optical frequencies 157
2D PBG materials, pump-probe investigations of 160
2D ZnCdSe/ZnSe quantum wells 217—225
3D PBG materials, calculations, theoretical 186—192
3D PBG materials, defect modes 160—162
3D PBG materials, diamond-shaped 188—190
3D PBG materials, fabricating, fcc 160
3D PBG materials, fabricating, for optical frequencies 157
3D PBG materials, fabricating, silicon wafers, using michromachined 163—165
3D PBG materials, full photonic band-gap, attempts to calculate for 188—190
3D PBG materials, scalar wave approximation limitations 187
8-Hydroxyquinoline aluminum ( ) structure 28
Abdolsalami, F. 288 419(34)
Abdou, M.S.A. 107
Abkowitz, M. 28
Abkowitz, M.A. 74 76(232) 133 146 148
Abramof, E. 223
Abrikosov, A.A. 435 see
Absorption processes, conjugated molecules, Frenkel excitons and 47
Absorption processes, conjugated molecules, polarons, bipolarons and optical 43
Absorption processes, conjugated polymers, optical 51—54
Absorption processes, electronic band gap measurement using photon 158
Absorption processes, optically-pumped laser 271—272
Absorption processes, organic molecules and electronic 32—34
Absorption processes, photoconductive and photovoltaic devices 144—145
Absorption processes, photoinduced conjugated polymers 54—57
Absorption processes, photoinduced LEDs 134—136
Absorption processes, photoinduced PPV and PT MIS diodes 106—107
Absorption processes, PPV and PT MIS diode optical 104—107
Absorption processes, thiophene oglimer field-effect devices 112
Acceptors see also "Doping"
Acceptors in blue emitters 245
Acceptors in Schottky-barrier diodes 8—9
Acceptors, charge-transfer salt 4
Acceptors, nitrogen as substitutional 235—236 239—240
Accumulation region see also "Depletion region"
Accumulation region, MIS diode 89—90
Accumulation region, polyacetylene MIS diodes 98—99
Accumulation region, width in EL devices 67
Adachi, C. 28 116 130(96) 140
Adams, E.N. 347
Adams, J.A. 306 307
Adler, C.L. 192
Adler, David: Insulating and Metallic States in Transition Metal Oxides 21 1
Adrian, Frank J. see "Gourary B.S."
Ager, J.W. 236
Aggarwal, R.J. 306
Aharonov — Bohm effect 295—296
Aharonov, Y. 295
Ahmed, H. 88 108(250) 115(250) 139 308
Airy function retarded Green's function 420—425
Akamatu, Hideo see "Inokuchi H."
Akhtar, M. 145
Akimichi, H. 111
Akimoto, K. 213 242 251 252
Alberga, G.E. 335
Alerhand, O.L. 193 194
Alexander, H., and Haasen, P.: Dislocations and Plastic Flow in the Diamond Structure 22 28
Alfano, R.R. 84 446
Aligned polymer films 30
Alkali metal-PPV interactions 72
Allemeand, P.-M. 20
Allen, J.W. 116
Allen, Phillip B., and Mitrovic, Bozidar: Theory of Superconducting 37 1
Alnot, P. 11 29(25) 111(25)
Altshuler, B.L. 286 295(15) 309(15) 330 435(15)
Ambipolar intrinsic Debye length 66—66 67
Amelinckx, S. see "Supplement 6 - The Direct Observation of Dislocations"
Amelinckx, S., and Dekeyser, W.: The Structure and Properties of Grain Boundaries 8 327
Amorphous sublimed films 29
Anantram, M.P. 438 446
Ancona, M.G. 314 315 317(178)
Anderegg, V.F. 308
Anderson, Philip, W.: Theory of Magnetic Exchange Interactions: Exchange in Insulators and Semiconductors 14 99
Anderson, S.F. 285
Ando, T. 8 14(17) 107(17) 111(17) 287 295 392(19)
Andre, J.J. 111
Andre, J.M. 46
Andreatta, A. 26
Anilines, polyaniline synthesis from 26—27
Anisotropic semiconductors 48—49
anthracene see also "Conjugated molecules"
Anthracene as prototypical molecular semiconductor 2—3
Anthracene, EL devices from thin films of 116—117
Anti-time-ordered Green's function 322—323
Antipin, V.A. 123
Antonetti, A. 429
Antoniadis, H. 74 76(232) 133 146 148
Antoun, S. 19
Aoyagi, Y. 308
Appel, J.: Polarons 21 193
Arends, J.H. 287
Argyres, P.N. 289 303 316 326(185) 329 333 334 347 362
Arjavalingan, G. 162 163 164 190(43 44)
Armstrong, J.P. 169
Arnold, A. 317 319 320 385 386 391
Aroda, S.K. 29
Aronov, A.G. 330
Asano, T. 244
Ashcroft, N.W. 63 151 152(1) 157(1)
Ashcroft, N.W., and Stroud, D.: Theory of the Thermodynamics of Simple Liquid Metals 33 1
Askari, S.H. 19
Aspnes, D.E. 289
Assadi, A. 10 88 107(23)
Atherton, N.M. 136
Aven, M. 216 233(2)
Averin, D.V. 308 399(137)
Axe, J.D. Moss, S.C., and Neumann, D.A.: Structure and Dynamics of Crystalline 48 149
Baccarani, G. 284
Baeriswyl, D. 37 41 42(137) 45 104(123)
Baessler, H. 20 53 57 60(58) 74 75 82(171) 83(171) 107(187 188) 120 122 125(313) 129(59 313) 130(313) 141
Baigent, D.R. 22 120 123 124 132 134(64) 142 143
Baker, G.A. 318
Baker, G.L. 54 96(177)
Balance equations 336 see
Ball, R.C. 46
Ballard, D.G.H. 24
Ballistic transport 298—301
Band gaps 158—159 see
Band offsets, anion rule and II-VI heterostructures 215—216
Band offsets, barriers created by conduction 357
| Band offsets, electronic structure calculations predicting 217
Band offsets, lattice mismatch stain, accounting for 210
Band structures versus periodicity 151—152 see
Band structures, Franz — Keldysh shift in bulk crystals 290
Band structures, trans-polyacetylene (PA) 36
Band-gap engineering, description 152
Band-gap engineering, tunneling barriers 304
Banyai, L. 430 433(383)
Baranger, H. 440
Baranger, H.U. 300 312(85) 440(85)
Barber, R. 307
Bardeen, J. 348
Bargon, J. 14
Barker, J. 6
Barker, J.R. 285 288 319 326(30) 332(32) 338 347 361(11) 380(30 35) 400 418(30) 419(32 340) 448
Barker, R. 285 288(12) 302(12) 326(12) 419(12)
Barlow, W.A. 27 116(92 93)
Barriers, amplitude see also "Double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes" "Schottky
Barriers, amplitude, multiple, structures of 357—361
Barriers, amplitude, single dissipation and current flow calculations 367—370
Barriers, amplitude, single, statistics of 353—357
Barton, T.J. 123
Bassani, F. 219 272
Bassous, E. 284
Bastard, G., Brum, J.A., and Ferreira, R.: Electronic States in Semiconductor Heterostructures 44 229
Bastiaans, M.J. 380
Basturo, J.G. 116
Baude, J.F. 256
Bauer, A. 145
Bauer, S. 230
Baughman, R.H. 6 57
Bawendi, M.G. 232
Baym, G. 321 323(201) 410(201)
Becker, J.A.: Study of Surfaces by Using New Tools 7 379
Becker, P.C. 429
Beenakker, C.W.J. 300
Beenakker, C.W.J., and van Houten, H.: Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures 44 1
Beer, Albert C. see "Supplement 4 - Galvanomagnetic Effects in Semiconductors"
Behr, T. 272 274(119)
Belicky, B. 330
Beljonne, D. 49 50 72 136(163)
Benatar, A. 26
Bendow, Bernard: Multiphonon Infrared Absorption in the Highly Transparent Frequency Regime of Solids 33 249
Berg, R.A. 81
Bergman, David J.: Physical Properties of Macroscopically Inhomogeneous Media 46 147
Bernstein, G. 285
Bertoncini, R. 309 335 420 423(371) 428 429 448
Bertram, H, Neal: Fundamental Magnetization Processes in Thin-Film Recording Media 46 271
Beyers, R., and Shaw, T.M.: The Structure of and Its Derivatives 42 135
Bhargava, R.N. 233
Bhatt, A. 302
Biexcitons, optically-pumped lasers and 272
Billingham, N.C. 29 30(99) 31 60(99)
Binder, E. 431 433(394)
Binh, N.T. 74
Binnig, B. 304
Bipolarons in conjugated polymers with nondegenerate ground states 42—45
Bipolarons in conjugated polymers, photoinduced absorption of PPV 57
Bipolarons, LEDs, excited states in 137
Bipolarons, PPV and PT MIS diodes 103 106
Bird, J.P. 308
Birman, J.L. 334 347
Biship, A.R. 43 44(142) 45(142) 49(142)
Bishop, D.J. 296
Biswas, R. 163 164 192(46 47)
Blaikie, R.J. 308
Blaisdell, G.A. 42
Blandin, A. 322
Blatt, Frank J.: Theory of Mobility of Electrons in Solids 4 200
Bloch functions, CMR representation expansion 180
Bloch functions, density matrix and 316—318
Bloch functions, photonic band-gap representations 173
Bloch functions, Wannier functions in terms of 175
Bloch states 151—152
Blochl, P.E. 236
Blocking contacts, definition 65
Blocking contacts, PPV- and PT-based FETs 111
Bloemer, M.J. 168
Blood, P. 278 279(125)
Bloor, D. 60
Blotekjaer, K. 342
Blount, E.I. 154 170(40)
Blount, E.I.: Formalisms of Band Theory 13 306
Blue-green diode lasers see also "Blue-green light emitters"
Blue-green diode lasers, confinement and band offset 220—221
Blue-green diode lasers, description 250—259
Blue-green diode lasers, excitonic processes in optically pumped 269—277
Blue-green diode lasers, gain spectroscopy 277—281
Blue-green diode lasers, low resistance contacts for cw 242
Blue-green diode lasers, overview 244—245
Blue-green diode lasers, pulsed electrical injection 208
Blue-green diode lasers, surface-emitting 264—267
Blue-green emission color, from LEDs 119—124
Blue-green light emitters see also "Blue-green diode lasers"
Blue-green light emitters, degradation and defects 259—264
Blue-green light emitters, doping and transport 233—244
Blue-green light emitters, doping and transport, contacts to p-ZnSe, low-resistance 241—244
Blue-green light emitters, doping and transport, overview and current status 233—235
Blue-green light emitters, doping and transport, p-type of ZnSe and related compounds 235—241
Blue-green light emitters, LEDs, description 245—250
Blue-green light emitters, overview 205—210
Blue-green light emitters, summary 281—282
Blue-shifted emission color in LEDs 119—124
Blumentengel, S. 57
Boboliubov, N.N. 346
Bogel, E.O. 53 82(171) 83(171)
Bohm potential, particle interactions 292—293
Bohm potential, quantum energy level prediction 337—338
Bohm, D. 292 298(47) 337
Bolmes, A.B. 17
Boltzmann transport equation versus quantum transport 289—291
Boltzmann transport equation, description 289—297
Boltzmann transport equation, device quantization and 286
Boltzmann transport equation, dissipation and current flow calculations 362—364
Boltzmann transport equation, quantum derivations of 334—336
Boltzmann transport equation, statistical thermodynamics and quantum potentials 291—293
Boman, M. 72
Bonanni, A. 219 272
Bond alternations, conjugated polymers, nondegenerate ground states 42—45
Bond alternations, conjugated polymers, trans-polyacetylene chains 37
Bond alternations, polymer chain solitons and 39—42
Boney, C. 247
Bonner, W. 207
Borelius, G.: Changes of State of Simple Solid and Liquid Metals 6 65
Borelius, G.: The Changes in Energy Content, Volume, and Resistivity with Temperatures in Simple Solids and Liquids 15 1
Born, M. 187 346
Borsenberger, P.M. 3 75
Bosch, R. 342
Bott, D.C. 6 55 96 97(258)
Bouchriha, H. 129
Bouligand, Y.: Liquid Crystals and Their Analogs in Biological Systems 259 see
Boundaries see also "Contacts" "Open
Boundaries, density matrix equations of motion 361
Boundaries, local equilibrium characterization 347
Boundaries, numerical discretization and 389—391
Boundaries, reservoir contacts and 301—303
Boundary conditions, partial differential equations for, in density matrices 353
Boundary conditions, Wigner function modeling and 382—384 389—381
Bowden, C.M. 168
Bowers, K. 249
Boyce, J.B. see "Hayes T.M."
Bradley, D.D.C. 11 12(31) 17 18 21 29 30 31(102) 46 49(151) 51 52 53 54(104) 56 60 61(194) 62 67 68(213) 72 88 96 97(258) 103(213) 104(213) 105 106 107(213) 108 117 118 119 120 122 123 125 128 129 130(223) 131(223 302) 132(61) 134 135 136(178) 137 138 139 146 147 148(194)
Brafman, O. 42
Brandes, T. 447
Brandt, M. 239 240(77)
Brandt, M.S. 234
Brassett, A.J. 108
Braun, D. 8 20 68 83 84(246 247) 118 119(215) 120 122 123 127 129 130(336) 148
Brazovskii, S.A. 37 45(126)
Bredas, J.L. 9 38 46 47 49 50 61 62 72 73 85 113 128(225) 132(129) 136(163)
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