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Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49 |
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Defects, bond alternation, polymer chain solitons and 39—42
Defects, breaking of charge-conjugation symmetry and 46
Defects, conjugated polymer 15
Defects, device degradation, causing 208—209
Defects, PBG materials, advantages of 156
Defects, PBG materials, calculations, theoretical 193—197
Defects, PBG materials, photonic band-gap formalism 181—186
Defects, PBG materials, representing perturbations 170
Defects, wide band-gap II-VI semiconductor point 224
Degond, P. 320
Degradation, device, blue-green light emitters 259—264 282
Degradation, device, research on solving cw 208—209
Dekeyser, W. see "Amelinckx S."
Dekker, A.J.: Secondary Electron Emissions 6 251
Dekker, H. 364
Delannoy, P. 129
Deloffre, F. 11 29(25) 111(25) 129
Demandt, R.C.J.E. 83 84(246 247) 120(246 247) 122 123 127
Denenstien, A. 6
Dennard, R.H. 284
Density matrices see also "Quasi-equilibrium density matrices"
Density matrices, equal-time Green's functions as mixed 432
Density matrices, Green's functions 318—324
Density matrices, Langevin equation and 332
Density matrices, Liouville and Bloch equations 316—317
Density matrices, modeling using, describing quantum transport using 346—353
Density matrices, modeling using, differential capacitance 375—378
Density matrices, modeling using, dissipation and current flow 361—370
Density matrices, modeling using, multiple-barrier structures 357—361
Density matrices, modeling using, overview 346
Density matrices, modeling using, statistics of single barriers 353—357
Density matrices, modeling using, uniform and nonuniform fields 370—375
Density matrices, projection operators and reduced 324—327
Density matrices, quantum distribution function and 290
Density matrices, temperature and oscillatory behavior in 349—353
Density matrices, wave functions and 314—315
Density matrices, Wigner functions 318—324 378—404
depletion region see also "Accumulation region"
Depletion region in double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes 392—394
Depletion region, polyacetylene field-effect devices 92—94
Depletion region, polyacetylene MISFETS 101—102
Depletion region, width in n-type semiconductors 65
Depletion region, width in polymer EL devices 67
DePuydt, J. 208 235(8) 241 244(10 78) 251 256 259 260
Dervet, B. 11 29(25) 111(25)
Deuling, H.J.: Elasticity of Nematic Liquid Crystals 77 see
Deussen, M. 57 107(188) 141
Devoret, M.H. 308
Devreese, J. 332 333
Devreese, J.T. 47 334 335 see F.M."
Dexter, D.L.: Theory of the Optical Properties of Imperfections in Nonmetals 6 355
Dharma-Wardana, C. 306
Diagonal disorder, field mobilities and 75
Dialichaouch, R. 153 162(15)
Diaz, A.F. 14
Diaz, F.M. 22
Didio, M. 219
Dielectric constant in photonic band-gap wave equations 171
Dielectric constant in PWE method 174
Dielectric constant, PBG material construction and 157
Dielectric constant, periodic variations in 152
Dielectric interfaces, LED 140
Dielectric materials, dielectric function expressing disordered 179—180
Dielectric materials, nonlinear effect enhancement 169
Diessel, A. 272 274(119)
Differential capacitance 375—378
Dihexyloxy-poly(p-phenylenevinylene) cyano-substituted derivative in LEDs 132—134
Dihexyloxy-poly(p-phenylenevinylene) cyano-substituted derivative, synthesis of 21—22
Diluted magnetic semiconductors 216
Dimmock, J.O.: The Calculation of Electronic Energy Bands by the Augmented Plane Wave Method 26 104
Ding, J. 115 207 208 216 218 219(38) 221(39) 230 231(57) 244 247 248 249 251 255(85) 256(85) 260 264 269 270 271(114 116) 273(116) 275(116) 278
Ding, Y.W. 123
Diode lasers see "Blue-green diode lasers" "ZnCdSe
Diodes see also "Laser diodes"
Diodes, MIS 89—90 see
Diodes, resonant-tunneling see "Resonant-tunneling diodes"
Diodes, thin-film electroluminescence in 11—12
Disorder model 74—76
Dispersion relations for EM wave propagation in PBG materials 152
Dispersion relations, calculations of photonic 192
Dispersion relations, measuring PBG photonic 162
Dispersion relations, photonic bands, determining for specific 178—179
Dispersion relations, photonic bands, minima and maxima 157
Dissipation and current flow in density matrices 361—370
Dissipation, femtosecond laser excitation and 433
Dissipation, Wigner model and 399—402
DiVicenzo, D.P. 440
DMS see "Diluted magnetic semiconductors"
Dobrowolska, M. 216 223
Dodabalapur, A. 141
Doi, S. 20 122 133
Donegan, J.F. 223
Donors see also "Acceptors" "Doping"
Donors in blue emitters 245
Donors, charge-transfer salt 4
Doping see also "Impurities"
Doping in multiple-barrier structures 358
Doping, conjugated polymers for LEDs 67
Doping, conjugated polymers, conducting 25—27
Doping, conjugated polymers, field effect devices 87—88 108—110
Doping, conjugated polymers, films of intrinsically conducting 14
Doping, conjugated polymers, interfacial layer causation by 72
Doping, conjugated polymers, ionization potentials and 58
Doping, conjugated polymers, organic semiconductors 5—6
Doping, conjugated polymers, p-type 67—68 85—86 87—88
Doping, conjugated polymers, photoinduced absorption and 57
Doping, conjugated polymers, poly(3-alkythiophene) 22
Doping, density matrix and abrupt change in 350—353
Doping, n-type with PPVs and sodium 72
Doping, tellurium 225—229
Doping, wide band-gap II-VI semiconductor, contacts to p-ZnSe, low-resistance 241—244
Doping, wide band-gap II-VI semiconductor, overview and current status 233—235
Doping, wide band-gap II-VI semiconductor, p-type of ZnSe and related compounds 235—241
Doran, Donald G., and Linde, Ronald K.: Shock Effects in Solids 19 230
Dorman, D.R. 236
dos Santos, D.A. 46 72(150)
Double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes see also "Resonant-tunneling diodes"
Double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes as multiple-barrier structure 357—361
Double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes, density matrix for Wigner distribution 344
Double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes, potential distribution for 305f
Double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes, Wigner distribution and 391—399
Double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes, Wigner functions, numerical discretization 384—389
Double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes, Wigner functions, simulation of 391—399
Dowling, J.P. 168
Drabe, K.E. 81 140(243)
Drake, J.M. 82
Drenton, R.R. 252
Dresselhaus, G. 2 6(1)
Dresselhaus, M.S. 2 6(1)
Drexhage, K.H. 139
Drickamer, H.G., Lynch, R.W., Clendenen, R.L., and Perez-Albueme, E.A.: X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Lattice Parameters of Solids under Very High Pressure 19 135
Drickamer, H.G.: The Effects of High Pressure on the Electronic Structure of Solids 17 1
Drury, R. 287
Dubois-Violette, E., Durand, G., Guyon, E., Manneville, P., and Pieranski, P.: Instabilities in Nematic Liquid Crystals 147
Duke, C.B. see "Supplement 10 - Tunneling in Solids"
Durand, G. see "Dubois-Violette E."
Durbin, S.M. 216
Durham polyacetylene, dark conductivity and photoconductivity 58—59
Durham polyacetylene, MIS diodes of 94
Durham polyacetylene, MISFETs of 100—101
Durham polyacetylene, molecular scale studies of 29—30
Durham polyacetylene, photoinduced absorption studies of 54—57
Durham polyacetylene, Schottky-barrier diodes and 9
Durham polyacetylene, synthesis 15—16
Dutta, M. 302
Duxstad, K.J. 236
Dyakonov, V. 122 126 129 146(326)
Dyrekelev, P. 107
Dyreklev, P. 107
Dyson equations 420—425
| Dzyaloshinskii, I.Ye. 435
E equation, defect modes, photonic band-gap 179—180
E equation, Kohn — Luttinger functions and 176—179
E equation, photonic band-gap wave equations 171—172
EA spectroscopy see "Electroabsorption spectroscopy"
Eagle, G. 54 96(177)
Eason, D.B. 247 249
Eastman, L.F. 285
Ebisawa, E. 8
Echenique, P.M., Flores, F., and Ritchie, R.H.: Dynamic Screening of Ions in Condensed Matter 43 230
Economou, E.N. 153 186 187(16) 195
Edge, S. 14 107(34)
Edwall, D.D. 376
Edwards, J.H. 14 15(35)
Effective mass representation, theory vector analog 170
Effective mass representation, defect modes, photonic band-gap 180—181
Effective mass representation, Kohn — Luttinger functions and 176—178
EHP see "Electron-hole plasma driven gain mechanism"
Ehrenfreund, E. 42 42(138)
Ehrenreich, H. 179 186 202(69 70) 220 276 277(122) 347 447
Ehrenreich, H., and Schwartz, L.M.: The Electronic Structure of Alloys 31 150
Einspruch, Norman, G.: Ultrasonic Effects in Semiconductors 17 217
Elasesser, T. 431 433(394)
Elastic mean free path 309
Electrical-optical efficiency of blue LEDs 245
Electroabsorption spectroscopy 54
Electrochemical polymerization 14
Electrodes see also "Contacts"
Electrodes, energy barriers at polymer LED 63
Electrodes, interface with polymers in FETs 88—89
Electrodes, LEDs containing silicon injecting 142
Electrodes, work functions versus Fermi energy of semiconductors 64—65
Electrodes, work functions, dependency on measurement techniques 63
Electrodes, work functions, polyaniline 27
Electroluminescence, conjugated polymers using 121—123t
Electroluminescence, Hueckel and SSH models compared 46
Electroluminescence, turn-on rate for polymer LEDs 129—130
Electroluminescence-detected magnetic resonance 137
Electroluminescent devices see also "Blue-green diode lasers" "Blue-green "Light-emitting
Electroluminescent devices, accumulation and depletion region width 67
Electroluminescent devices, conjugated polymer devices, description 117—118
Electroluminescent devices, conjugated polymer devices, diodes 11—12
Electroluminescent devices, conjugated polymer devices, molecular semiconductors 27—29
Electroluminescent devices, exciton formation in 57 81
Electroluminescent devices, two-carrier currents 77—80
Electron-hole pairs in femtosecond laser excitation 429—431
Electron-hole pairs in inversion layers 86
Electron-hole pairs, excitons and 47
Electron-hole plasma driven gain mechanism 268
Electron-phonon coupling, Frenkel excitons and 50—51
Electron-phonon coupling, optical 226
Electron-phonon coupling, trans-polyacetylene chains 36—37
Electron-transporting layer 130—132
Electronic confinement, II-IV QWs, spectroscopy of 224—225
Electronic confinement, quantum well quasi-2D 217—218
Electronic confinement, wide band-gap II-VI heterostructures 210—217
Electronic excitation-lattice coupling, blue-green LED 249
Electronic excitation-lattice coupling, Te isolectronic centers 225—229 249
Electronic properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, description 32—35
Electronic properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, electronic structure 35—39 39—51
Electronic properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, experimental results 51—63
Electronic properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, LEDs 117—118
Electronic properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, polyacetylene MISFETs 102—103
Electronic properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, PT and PPV-based FETS 107—111
Electronic properties, LEDs, single-layer 124—130
Electronic properties, regioregular versus regiorandom polymers 23
Electronic states, nonpertubative basis 288
Electronic states, quantum well 210—217
Electronic transitions, conjugated molecule 32—34
Electronic transitions, PPV excitation states in shorter conjugated segments 52
Electronic transitions, PPV excitation states, singlet and triplet 50
Electronic transport, electron overlap in molecular semi-conductors 3
Electronic transport, electron-hole capture 77—80
Electronic transport, materials used for, molecular 28
Electronic transport, single-carrier currents 73—77
Electrons, , in anthracene 3
Electrons, Bloch states 151—152
Electrons, inelastic mean free path of 294
Ell, C. 402
Emeraldine phase, polyaniline synthesis 26—27
Emin, D. 47
Emission color, LED, controlling 118—124
Emission processes from organic molecules 32—34
Emission processes, conjugated molecules, Frenkel excitons and 47
Emission processes, conjugated polymers, optical 51—54
Emission processes, optical, blue emitter 245
Emission spectrum, LED, control of 141
Emission spectrum, SCH/SQW devices 256—257
Emission, simulated, ZnSe-based QW laser 267—282
Empirical tight binding method, photonic-band structures 199
EMR see "Effective mass representation"
Enderlein, R. 333
Energy barriers, at polymer LED electrodes 63
Energy gap, and , conjugated polymers 13
Energy gap, and , of polyacetylene 5
English, J.H. 294
Engquist, B. 390
Epitaxy see also "Molecular beam epitaxy"
Epitaxy, blue-green laser 281—282
Epitaxy, quantum dots 231—232
Epitaxy, quantum well wires 231
Epstein, A.J. 26
Equations of motion, current transport in quantum structures 361—370
Equations of motion, Heisenberg, for density matrices 434
Equations of motion, noninteracting forms of Green's functions 406
Equations of motion, nonuniform fields and 374
Equations of motion, Poisson's equation solution to 350
Equations of motion, Wigner functions, and time-dependent 381
Equations of motion, Wigner functions, numerical discretization 384—389
Equilibrium form of Green's function, collisional-broadening 413
Era, M. 116
Erdogan, T. 168
Esaki, L. 303 304
Eshelby, J.D.: The Continuum Theory of Lattice Defects 3 79
Esteve, D. 308
ETBM see "Empirical tight binding method"
Etemad, S. 41 42(133) 46 54 96(177)
Etiene, B. 285
Evans, A.G., and Zok, F.W.: The Physics and Mechanics of Brittle Matrix Composites 47 177
Evans, G.P. 56
Even, R. 111
Evrard, R. 332 335
Excimers, nonradiative decay and 82
Excimers, polymers with gaps in blue or UV 50
Exciplexes in polymers with gaps in blue or UV 50
Excited states, conjugated polymers and molecules in field effect devices 86—87 103
Excited states, conjugated polymers and molecules in LEDs 134—137
Excited states, conjugated polymers and molecules, excitons 47—51
Excited states, conjugated polymers and molecules, extensions of simple models 45—47
Excited states, conjugated polymers and molecules, nondegenerate ground states 42—45
Excited states, conjugated polymers and molecules, SSH model 39—42
Exciton decay in conjugated polymers 80—84
Exciton-phonon interaction, tellurium iso-electronic centers in 225—229
Excitons in polymer LEDs 135—136
Excitons, blue-green LED 247—248
Excitons, conjugated polymer chains and 47—51
Excitons, conjugated polymers in EL devices 57 81
Excitons, conjugated polymers, localization threshold and 53—54
Excitons, optically pumped lasers 269—277
Excitons, photoconductive and photovoltaic devices 144—145
Excitons, quasi-2D quantum wells 217—218 267—268
Excitons, self-trapping in deformable lattice 226—229
Excitons, singlet, energy levels in nondegenerate ground state polymers 44
Excitons, singlet, PPV photoconductivity 60
Excitons, triplet, in LEDs 135—136
Excitons, triplet, photoinduced absorption and PPV 56—57
Excitons, triplet, radiative lifetime 81
Excitons, ZnCdSe/ZnSe 2D QW 218 221—223
Face-centered-cubic structures, 3D crystals 160
Face-centered-cubic structures, investigations of PBG materials with 155
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