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Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49 |
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Plihal, M. 154
Ploog, K. 302
Poelman, D. 140
Poesch, P. 126
Poetz, W. 315 380 390(312)
Poirier, D.M., and Weaver, J.H.: Solid State Properties of Fullerenes and Fullerene-Based Materials 48 1
Poisson's equation, device transport models and 286
Poisson's equation, differential capacitance 376—377
Poisson's equation, equation of motion solution of density matrix 350
Polaron model of hopping mobilities in disordered materials 74—75
Polarons see also "Solitons"
Polarons in conjugated polymers with nondegenerate ground states 42—45
Polarons in conjugated polymers, charge injection and 73
Polarons in conjugated polymers, FBC one-electron description of 49
Polarons in conjugated polymers, interchain interactions and stabilization of 46—47
Polarons in conjugated polymers, photoinduced absorption of PPV 57
Polarons, PPV and PT MIS diodes 103 106
Poli, P. 335 428(245)
Poly( '-dodecyloxy- , - ', "terthienyl), DDQ-doped FETs 108—109
Poly( '-dodecyloxy- , - ', "terthienyl), structure 22—23
Poly(2, 5-dialkoxy-p-phenylenevinylene) in soluble PPV derivative synthesis 18—20
Poly(2, 5-dialkoxy-p-phenylenevinylene), formula and energy gap 13
Poly(2, 5-dialkoxy-p-phenylenevinylene), producing 14
Poly(2, 5-thiophenevinylene), formula and energy gap 13
Poly(2-methoxy-5(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV), structure 20
Poly(2-methoxy-5(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene), absorption and emission spectra 54
Poly(2-methoxy-5(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene), LEDs 118 126
Poly(2-phenyl-p-phenylenevinylene), photo-conductivity 60
Poly(3-alkylthiophene), formula and energy gap 13
Poly(3-alkylthiophene), H:H, H:T, T:T linkages 23
Poly(3-alkylthiophene), microcrystalline structure 30
Poly(3-alkylthiophene), p-doping 67—68
Poly(3-alkylthiophene), producing 14
Poly(3-alkylthiophene), synthesis of 22—23
Poly(alkathiophenes) 119
Poly(p-phenylene) PPP, formula and energy gap 13
Poly(p-phenylene) PPP, synthesis, description 23—25
Poly(p-phenylene) PPP, synthesis, difficulty of 14
Poly(p-phenylene), blue EL from 120—124
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) see also "PPV devices"
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), benzenoid and quinoid forms of 43
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), conductivity of 60
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), difficulty of synthesizing 14
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), dispersive transport in 75—76
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), excitons and 48—49
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), formula and energy gap 13
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), intrinsic ambipolar Debye length for 67
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), ionization potentials 61—63
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), mechanical properties 31
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), microcrystalline structure 30
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), molecular scale studies of 29
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), nonideal contacts and 72
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), nonradiative decay 81 82—83
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), optical absorption and emission 51—52
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), photoconduction and photovoltaic efficiencies 145
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), photoinduced absorption 56—57
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), PL efficiency 81—84
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), precursor-route, description 16—18
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), quantum chemical calculations 39
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), quenching of luminescence in 143
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), synthesis of soluble derivatives 18—22
Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), synthesis, p-doping and 67—68
Poly(phenyl-phenylenevinylene), structure 20
Polyacetylene field-effect devices, charge storage in mid-gap states 91—92
Polyacetylene field-effect devices, FETs 100—103
Polyacetylene field-effect devices, MIS diodes 92—100
Polyacetylene, continuum modeling of excited-state chains of 37
Polyacetylene, continuum modeling, bond alternation defects and solitons 39—41
Polyacetylene, difficulty of synthesizing 14
Polyacetylene, discovery of high conductivity of 4
Polyacetylene, Durham-route, dark conductivity and photoconductivity 58—59
Polyacetylene, Durham-route, photoinduced absorption studies of 54—57
Polyacetylene, Durham-route, precursor 15—16
Polyacetylene, Durham-route, Schottky-barrier diodes and 9
Polyacetylene, experimental observations of optical properties, excitations 51
Polyacetylene, photoconduction and photovoltaic efficiencies 145
Polyacetylene, physical properties 31
Polyacetylene, production of 5—6
Polyacetylene, quantum chemical calculations 39
Polyacetylene, structural types 4—5
Polyaniline in flexible LEDs 142
Polyaniline, electrode work functions 27
Polyaniline, field-effect devices with grid of 115
Polyaniline, formula and energy gap 13
Polyaniline, synthesis of conducting 26—27
Polydiacetylene, formula and energy gap 13
Polydiacetylene, photoconductivity in crystalline 60—61
Polymer LEDs, angular distribution of light emitted 140
Polymer LEDs, energy barriers at electrodes 63
Polymer LEDs, excitons 135—136
Polymer LEDs, flexible substrates 142
Polymer LEDs, hole mobility 129
Polymer LEDs, silicon substrates 142—143
Polymer LEDs, technological issues 143—144
Polymer LEDs, transient response 129—130
Polymeric photoconductive and photovoltaic devices 145—148
Polymerization to produce MISFETs 8
Polymerization, CN-PPV synthesis 21
Polymerization, intrinsically conducting polymer films 14
Polymers 23 see
Polypyrrole (PPy), formula and energy gap 13
Polypyrrole (PPy), synthesis 25—26
Polythiophene (PT), difficulty of synthesizing 14
Polythiophene (PT), FETs 107—111
Polythiophene (PT), formula and energy gap 13
Polythiophene (PT), MIS diodes 103—107
Polythiophene (PT), sexithiophene oligomer 29
Polythiophene (PT), synthesis of poly(3-alkylthiophene)s 22—23
Pommerehne, J. 141
Pomp, A. 88 109(255) 110(255)
Pond, R.C., and Hirth, J.P.: Defects at Surfaces and Interfaces 47 287
Pope, M. 3 11 32(2) 47(2) 50(2) 51(2) 52(2) 82(2) 116(28)
Porod, W. 303 307
Pothier, H. 308
Powell, M.J. 144
PPV see "Poly(p-phenylenevinylene)" "PPV
PPV devices, diodes, carrier photogeneration in 147—148
PPV devices, diodes, electroluminescent 12
PPV devices, diodes, MIS 103—107
PPV devices, FETs 107—111
PPV devices, LEDs 117—118
PPV devices, LEDs, electrical characteristics 124—130
PPV devices, LEDs, emission color 118—120
PPV devices, LEDs, multilayer 130—134
PPV devices, LEDs, photoinduced absorption studies 134—136
PPV devices, LEDs, PLDMR studies 136—137
Precursor polymers, thin films from 14
Precursor routes in soluble PPV derivative synthesis 19—20
Precursor routes to poly(p-phenylene) 24
Precursor routes, Durham, to polyacetylene 15—16
Precursor routes, sulfonium in soluble PPV derivative synthesis 19
Precursor routes, sulfonium, polyelectrolyte 16—17
Prener, J.S. 206 233(2)
Prete, P. 219 272
Pretre, A. 300 310(84)
Price, P.J. 287 300 303 306 447
Prigogine, I. 288
Prior, K.A. 225 270
Priz, G.A. 216
Prober, D.E. 295 296 298
Processibility, PPP improvements to 24—25
Prock, A. 140
Projection operators 324—327 346
Prosa, T.J. 30
Protonation 26 27
Puls, J. 221 272
Punkka, E. 107
PWE method see "Plane-wave expansion method"
Pylenes 4—5 see
Q factor, PBG material defect modes and 167
| Qadri, S.B. 215 216
Qian, G.X. 154
Quade, W. 419
Quantization as overriding property of small systems 293
Quantization in devices 286—288
Quantum chemistry of charged excited states 45—46
Quantum chemistry of ground states 45—46
Quantum devices, Boltzmann transport, differences from, description 289—291
Quantum devices, Boltzmann transport, differences from, phase interference 294—297
Quantum devices, Boltzmann transport, differences from, statistical thermodynamics and quantum potentials 291—293
Quantum devices, moment equations and modeling 342—346
Quantum devices, open systems and contacts, ballistic transport 298—301
Quantum devices, open systems and contacts, boundaries and contacts, role of 301—303
Quantum devices, open systems and contacts, description 297—298
Quantum devices, overview 283—286
Quantum devices, potentially important, overview 303—304
Quantum devices, potentially important, resonant-tunneling diodes 304—306
Quantum devices, quantization in 286—289
Quantum devices, quantum dots 306—308
Quantum dots, description 306—308
Quantum dots, epitaxy 231—232
Quantum dots, fabrication of 229—233
Quantum dots, resonant-tunneling diodes and 306 447—448
Quantum dynamics, transition from classical to 288
Quantum effects in semiconductors 284—286 see
Quantum efficiency, photoconductive and photovoltaic device 146—147
Quantum efficiency, photoluminescent 81—84
Quantum equations, Boltzmannn-like approaches 334—336
Quantum equations, density matrices and related functions 314—327
Quantum equations, Kubo formula and Langevin equations 327—334
Quantum equations, moment equations for classical-quantum transition 336—346
Quantum equations, overview 308—314
Quantum kinetic equation 327
Quantum potentials for GaAs MESFETs 344—346
Quantum potentials in multiple-barrier structures 357—361
Quantum potentials, hydrodynamic moment equations and 341—342
Quantum potentials, quantum distribution and nonlocal 337
Quantum potentials, statistical thermodynamics and 291—293
Quantum potentials, statistics of single barrier 353—357
Quantum trajectories, ballistic transport and 298—301
Quantum transport modeling, density matrices 346—378
Quantum transport modeling, density matrices, alternative approaches 370—375
Quantum transport modeling, density matrices, differential capacitance 375—378
Quantum transport modeling, density matrices, dissipation and current flow 361—370
Quantum transport modeling, density matrices, multiple-barrier structures 357—361
Quantum transport modeling, density matrices, single barrier, statistics of 353—357
Quantum transport modeling, devices, Boltzmann transport, difference from 291—297
Quantum transport modeling, devices, open systems and contacts 298—303
Quantum transport modeling, devices, overview 283—286
Quantum transport modeling, devices, potentially important 303—308
Quantum transport modeling, equations, quantum 308—346
Quantum transport modeling, equations, quantum, Boltzmann-like approaches 334—336
Quantum transport modeling, equations, quantum, density matrices and related 314—327
Quantum transport modeling, equations, quantum, Kubo formula and Langevin equations 327—334
Quantum transport modeling, equations, quantum, moment equations, classical versus quantum 336—346
Quantum transport modeling, Green's functions 404—448
Quantum transport modeling, Green's functions, femtosecond laser excitation 429—435
Quantum transport modeling, Green's functions, Green — Kubo formula 435—442
Quantum transport modeling, Green's functions, high-field systems, homogenous 417—429
Quantum transport modeling, Green's functions, low-field systems, homogenous 406—417
Quantum transport modeling, Green's functions, resonant-tunneling diode 442—448
Quantum transport modeling, open systems and contacts 297—303
Quantum transport modeling, open systems and contacts, ballistic transport 298—301
Quantum transport modeling, open systems and contacts, boundaries and contacts 301—303
Quantum transport modeling, overview 283—286
Quantum transport modeling, quantization in devices 286—288
Quantum transport modeling, quantum devices 303—308
Quantum transport modeling, quantum devices, quantum dots 306—308
Quantum transport modeling, quantum devices, resonant-tunneling diodes 304—306
Quantum transport modeling, Wigner distribution 378—404
Quantum transport modeling, Wigner distribution, dissipation, role of 399—404
Quantum transport modeling, Wigner distribution, equation-solving methods 381—391
Quantum transport modeling, Wigner distribution, resonant-tunneling diode, double-barrier 391—399
Quantum well devices see also "Quantum dots" "Quantum
Quantum well devices, blue LEDs 246 254
Quantum well devices, blue-green diode lasers 253—254
Quantum well devices, lasers, developmental milestones 206
Quantum well devices, lasers, gain and simulated emission of ZnSe-based 267—282
Quantum well devices, lattice mismatch strain 212—213
Quantum wells in resonant-tunneling diodes 305—306
Quantum wells, DBRTD charge storage 395—396
Quantum wells, development of 207
Quantum wells, double-barrier structures in 358
Quantum wells, electronic states, confinement and band offsets, electronic 210—217
Quantum wells, electronic states, ZnCdSe/ZnSe 2D 217—225
Quantum wells, excitons, quantum wires and dots 229—233
Quantum wells, excitons, tellurium isoelectronic centers and exciton-phonon interaction 225—229
Quantum wells, quantum dots and 307
Quantum wells, ZnCdSe/ZnSe 2D quantum wells 217—225
Quantum wires, fabrication of 229—233
Quantum wires, modeling using real-space lattice Green's functions 440
Quasi-equilibrium density matrices 333
Qui, J. 208 241 244(10 78) 251(78) 256 259
Qui, Y. 196 197(97)
qw see "Quantum wells"
Rabin, Herbert see "Compton W.D."
Radiative decay, exciton decay and 80
Radiative decay, optical interference in LEDs and 140—141
Radiative decay, PPV LEDs 118
Radiative decay, SSH model and 46
Rajagopal, A.K. see "Joshi S.K."
Rajakarunanayake, Y. 215
Raman-active modes in polyacetylene MIS devices 97—98
Ramasesha, S. 46
Ramdas, A.K. 215 216
Rammal, R. 295
Rammer, J. 322 323(204) 334(204) 405(204) 422(204)
Randall, J.N. 306
Rangarajan, R. 187
Rappe, A.M. 154 160(31 32) 161 162 163 164 190 191 192(86) 193 194
Raschke, M. 302
Rasolt, M.: Continuous Symmetries and Broken Symmetries in Multivalley Semiconductors and Semimetals 43 94
Ratier, B. 108
Rauscher, U. 53
Ravaioli, U. 287 298 302 311 312 380 390(312) 442 443 448
Real-space lattice Green's functions 440
Recombination, electron-hole, blue-green LEDs 248—249
Recombination, electron-hole, electronic confinement and 211
Recombination, electron-hole, suppressing in PBG materials 155—156
Recombination, electron-hole, suppressing in semiconductors 165—166
Recombination, electron-hole, two-carrier current devices 78—80
Recursive Green's functions 440
Red shifts, conjugated polymer 52—53
Reduction potentials 62
Reed, M.A. 286 306 310(13)
Refractive indices, organic LED 137—139
Reggiani, L. 330 335 408 418 419 428(245) 448
Regional approximation method 80
Regiorandom polymers 23
Regioregular polymers, Poly(3-alkythiophene)s 30
Regioregular polymers, synthesis and advantages 23
Register, L.F. 298 310 442
Rehahn, M. 24
Reif, F. see "Cohen M.H."
Reitz, John R.: Methods of the One-Electron Theory of Solids 1 1
Relaxation of vibrationally excited conjugated molecules 34
Relaxation-time approximation 399—400
Remler, E.A. 319
Remling, C. 430 433(383)
Ren, J. 242 247 249
Resendes, D.G. 329
Reservoirs, conductance of localized tunneling/scattering barriers 297—298
Reservoirs, projection operator and dissipative processes 362
Resistivity, calculating force balance equations using 333
Resonance fluorescence 167—169
Resonant processes, Foerster transfer and 51
Resonant-tunneling diodes see also "Double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes"
Resonant-tunneling diodes, description 304—306
Resonant-tunneling diodes, modeling using Green's functions 442—448
Resonant-tunneling diodes, quantum dots in 307
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