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Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49
Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49

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Íàçâàíèå: Solid State Physics. Volume 49

Àâòîðû: Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F.


Solid State Physics, Volume 49 continues the Series' tradition of excellence by focusing on the optical and electronic properties and applications of semiconductors. Three of the chapters deal with stress applications as well as the basic underlying science of semicondutors. All of the topics in this volume are at the cutting-edge of research in the semiconductor field and will be of great interest to the scientific community.

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Nelson, D.R., and Spaepen, Frans: Polytetrahedral Order in Condensed Matter      42 1
Neofotistos, G.      439 446
Neukirch, U.      272 274(119)
Neumann, D.A.      see "Axe J.D."
Neumark, G.F.      236
Newbury, P.      216
Newman, E.      285
Newman, R., and Tyler, W.W.: Photoconductivity in Germanium      8 50
Ng, K.M.      185
Ni, Z.      20
Nichols, D.K., and van Lint, V.A.J.: Energy Loss and Range of Energetic Neutral Atoms in Solids      18 1
Nickel, H.      302
Nielsen, J.W.      see "Laudise R.A."
Nier, F.      386
Niez, J.J.      332 334
Nilsson, J.O.      67
Nilsson, P.O.: Optical Properties of Metals and Alloys      29 139
Nishinaga, T.      347
Nitrogen, ZnSe p-doping and      235—236 239—240
Noguchi, T.      19 20 122 133
Nondegenerate ground states, conjugated polymer      42—45
Nonideal contacts      72—73
Nonlocality in quantum systems      291—293
Nonluminescent dark defects      259—263
Nonradiative decay of photogenerated excitons in poly-diacetylenes      61
Nonradiative decay, exciton decay and      80
Nonradiative decay, Fermi's golden rule      166
Nonradiative decay, inducing in conjugated polymers      46
Nonradiative surface modes in PBG materials      163
Noolandi, J.      60
Nordholm, K.S.J.      331
Normalization of Green's functions      404—405
Norris, D.J.      232
North, A.M.      33
Noteborn, H.J.M.F.      306
Nothe, A.      217
Nourtier, A.      322
Novey, Theodore B.      see "Heer E."
Numerical discretization and solutions      384—388
Nurmikko, A.V.      207 208 215 216 218 219(38) 218 221(39) 223 224 225(49) 228 229 230 231(57) 233 234 238 239 240(77) 241 242(79) 243(79) 244 244(11) 247 248 249 250 251 255(85) 256 256(85) 257(104) 258(104) 260 261(108) 263(108) 264 265(104) 266 269 270 271(114 116) 273(116) 275(116) 276 277(104) 278
Nurmikko, A.V., and Gunshor, R.L.: Physics and Device Science in II-VI Semiconductor Visible Light Emitters      49 205
Nussbaum, Allen: Crystal Symmetry, Group Theory, and Band Structure Calculations      18 165
O'Connell, R.F.      302 314 332 334
O'Regan, B.      145
Oberski, J.      20 122 129(59)
Oberski, J.M.      57 107(187)
Obrzut, J.      74 106
Obrzut, M.J.      74
Ochse, A.      141
Oesterholm, J.-E.      31
Off-diagonal disorder, field mobilities and      75
Offenbacher, E.L.      see "Low W."
Ogawa, M.      391 398 402 404
Ogino, E.      141
Ogura, M.      215
Ohata, T.      253
Ohguro, T.      285
Ohkawa, K.      208 215 233 235(9)
Ohmic contacts, definition      65
Ohmic contacts, depletion region width versus applied bias voltage      66
Ohmic contacts, p-ZnSe low resistance      241—244
Ohmori, Y.      119 120 123 129 130(337)
Ohnishi, T.      19 20 122 133
Ojeda-Castaneda, J.      380
Okamoto, Y.      123
Okano, K.      see "Saito N."
Okawara, M.      16
Okhawa, K.      115
Okuyama, H.      213 223 244 251 252 253 265(484a)
Okuyama, K.      120 123
Olego, D.J.      215 216 218
Oligomers as molecular materials      29
Oligomers, field-effect devices of thiophene      111—113
Oligomers, photoinduced absorption and      57
Ono, K.      30
Ono, M.      285
Ono, Y.      42 42(140 141) 98(141)
Onsager relations, ballistic transport and      300
Onsager relations, Langevin equation, and retarded      331—334
Onsager, L.      331
Onsger, L.      60
Open systems      297—298 see "Contacts"
Opila, R.      31
Optical absorption in conjugated polymers      51—54
Optical confinement of wide band-gap II-VI heterostructures      210—217
Optical emission, conjugated polymer      51—54
Optical properties, conjugated polymer and molecule      32—35
Optical properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, absorption and emission      51—54
Optical properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, dark conductivity and photoconductivity      58—61
Optical properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, experimental results, ionization potentials      61—63
Optical properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, experimental results, photoinduced absorption      54—57
Optical properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, experimental results, polyacetylene MIS diodes      95—96
Optical properties, conjugated polymer and molecule, experimental results, PPV and PT MIS diodes      104—107
Optical properties, field effect and      87
Optical properties, field-effect devices, MIS diodes      90
Optical properties, field-effect devices, thiophene oligomer      111—113
Optical properties, LED      137—141
Optical properties, PBG single-defect crystal with nonlinear      185—186
Optical properties, regioregular versus regiorandom polymers      23
Optical properties, transitions, Coulomb interactions and bipolarons      45
Optical properties, transitions, solitons and      40 41—42
Optical properties, transitions, subgap, in presence of polarons and bipolarons      44
Optical pumping of MQW lasers      207 269
Optical resonances in ZnSe-based QW lasers      268—269
Optical spectroscopy      217
Optically detected magnetic resonance      136
Optically pumped lasers, excitonic processes      269—277
Optically pumped lasers, room-temperature multiple-QW      207 269
Orenstein, J.      54 96(177)
Orfila, P.F.      308
Organic light-emitting devices      137—139
Organic molecules, absorption and emission from      32—34
Organic semiconductors      see also "Conjugated polymers" "Polymers" "Semiconductors"
Organic semiconductors, description      7—12
Organic semiconductors, high electronic conductivities of      3
Organic semiconductors, molecular      27—29
Organic systems, exciton diffusion on      51 52
Osman, M.A.      380 390(312)
Ossau, W.      213
Otsuka, N.      215 216 228 239(53) 244 249 252 253 254(102) 255(85) 256(85) 260 261(108) 263(108)
Ovchinnikov, Yu.N.      405
Oxidation in polyaniline synthesis      26—27
Oxidation potentials, conjugated polymer      62
Ozaki, M.      41 42(133)
Ozawa, M.      242 244 252 253 254(84a)
Ozbay, E.      163 164(46) 192(46)
p-type semiconductors      85—86 see "Semiconductors"
P3AT      see "Poly(3-alkylthiophene)"
PA      see "Polyaniline" "trans-Polyacetylene"
Paar, C.      25
Paasch, G.      129
Padjen, R.      190
Pai, D.M.      28
Pakbaz, K.      20 54 119 120 122 128 147
Pake, G.E.: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance      2 1
Paloheimo, J.      107 108
Pankratov, O.      223
Pannetier, B.      295
Pantelides, S.T.      236
Paoli, T.L.      250 251(105)
Papadimitrakopoulos, F.      31 81 83(242) 132 143(242) 148
Paramenter, R.H.      79
Paranjape, V.V.      342
Pariser — Parr — Pople methods      49
Park, D.H.      74
Park, K.T.      73 126(228)
Park, R.M.      208 235(8)
Park, Y.W.      6
Parker, C.D.      169 305
Parker, D.      16
Parker, I.D.      72 88 108(250) 115(250) 120 123 126(224) 131 142
Parker, R.L.: Crystal Grown Mechanisms: Energetics, Kinetics, and Transport      25 152
Partial differential equations, boundary conditions in density matrices      353
Partial differential equations, multiple barriers and single-particle density matrix      358—361
Particles, current and dissipation calculations with free      366
Particles, projection of density matrices as single      346
Patil, M.B.      287
Patterson, W.      208 244(11)
Pautmeier, L.      75
PBD      see "(2-(4-Biphenylyl)-5(4-tert-butylphenyl)-1 3 4-oxadiazole)"
Pearson, C.E.      385
Peck, D.O.      305
Peercy, P.S.      see "Samara G.A."
Peeters, F.      47 334
Peeters, F.M.      333 335
Peeters, F.M., and Devreese, J.T.: Theory of Polaron Mobility      38 82
Pei, Q.      120 123 131(320)
Pei, Q.-B.      131
Peierls electron-phonon coupling model      36—37
Peierls, R.      36
Pelekanos, N.      216 218 219(38)
Pelekanos, N.T.      218 221(39)
Pendry, J.      154 194(23) 195(23) 196
Peng, X.      111
Peng, X.H.      11 111(24)
Peng, X.Z.      29 111(98)
Perez-Albuerne, E.A.      see "Drickamer H.G."
Periodic systems, wave propagation in      151—152
Permogorov, S.      227
Perturbation series, density matrices and      321—322
Perturbations of density matrix diagonal elements      372—373
Perturbations of equilibrium density operator      374—375
Perturbations, CCR equation for slowly varying      182—183
Perturbations, dissipation and current flow, calculating      362—365
Perturbations, response of electron-phonon system to time-dependent      327—331
Peschel, I.      41 42(134)
Petermann, J.H.      29 30(101)
Peterson, N.L.: Diffusion in Metals      22 409
Petrich, G.S.      214 234 236
Petrou, A.      216
Petruzzelo, J.      252
Pettifor, D.G.: A Quantum-Mechanical Critique of the Miedema Rules for Alloy Formation      40 43
Pevzner, V.      442
Peyghambarian, N.      429
Pfaff, W.      448
Pfann, W.G.: Techniques of Zone Melting and Crystal Growing      4 424
Phase coherence, breaking      309
Phase interference, quantum      294—297
Phase kinks      see "Solitons"
Phase-space Wigner distribution      318—320
Phil, M.      199
Phillips, J.C.: Spectroscopic and Morphological Structure of Tetrahedral Oxide Glasses      37 93
Phillips, J.C.: The Fundamental Optical Spectra of Solids      18 55
Phillips, M.C.      215 250
Phillips, R.T.      83 84(248)
Phillips, S.      8
Phillips, S.D.      8
Phillips, T.G.      see "Hensel J.C."
Phonon Green's function for nonpolar optical scattering      422—423
Phonon scattering, small system quantization and      293
phosphors      206
Photocarrier mobility, determining polyacetylene      59
Photocarrier mobility, PPV, photoconductivity experiment results      61
Photoconductive devices, molecular      144—145
Photoconductivity in $\rho$-doped ZnSe      238—239
Photoconductivity in conjugated polymers      58—61
Photoconductors, molecular materials as      3
Photocurrent spectrscopy      219
Photoemission spectroscopy, internal      127—128
Photoemission spectroscopy, ultraviolet      61—62 72—73
Photoemission spectroscopy, X-ray      72—73
Photoexcitation, charge generation through      3
Photoinduced absorption, conjugated polymers      54—57
Photoinduced absorption, LEDs      134—136
Photoinduced absorption, PPV and PT MIS diode      106—107
photoluminescence      107 see
Photoluminescence efficiency in PPV LEDs      120
Photoluminescence efficiency, nonradiative decay and      81 82
Photoluminescence efficiency, quantum well      224
Photoluminescence efficiency, quantum well wire geometries      230—231
Photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance      136—137
Photon-number-state squeezing      165
Photonic band structure versus electronic      156
Photonic band structure, 2D and 3D PBG crystals      156
Photonic band structure, definition      152
Photonic band structure, equations for calculating, in PBG materials      172
Photonic band structure, ETBM method and      199
Photonic band-gap materials, applications      165—170
Photonic band-gap materials, applications for disordered      169—170
Photonic band-gap materials, applications, proposed      155
Photonic band-gap materials, applications, recombination, suppression of electron-hole      165—166
Photonic band-gap materials, applications, single-mode cavities      166—167
Photonic band-gap materials, calculations and results, theoretical      186—199
Photonic band-gap materials, conclusions and future directions      199—202
Photonic band-gap materials, designing, $k \cdot p$ method for      197—199
Photonic band-gap materials, experimental systems and results      157—165
Photonic band-gap materials, fabrication techniques, microwave frequency range      159—160
Photonic band-gap materials, formalism, theoretical      170—176
Photonic band-gap materials, heterostructures      202
Photonic band-gap materials, multidimensional, attempts to design      154
Photonic band-gap materials, PBG crystals versus electronic crystals      154—155
Photonic band-gap materials, PBG crystals, defect with nonlinear optical properties      185—186
Photonic band-gap materials, PBG crystals, pseudo-gaps in      169—170
Photonic band-gap materials, PBG crystals, theoretical calculations for 2D and 3D      156—157 186—192
Photonic band-gap materials, photonic properties, calculating      186—199
Photonic band-gap materials, survey      151—157
Photonic band-gap theory, calculations and results      186—199
Photonic band-gap theory, defects      179—186
Photonic band-gap theory, defects, crystal coordinate representation      181—186
Photonic band-gap theory, defects, effective mass representation      180—181
Photonic band-gap theory, representation theory, $k \cdot p$ theory vector analog to      170 176—179 202
Photonic band-gap theory, representation theory, Bloch functions      173
Photonic band-gap theory, representation theory, Kohn — Luttinger functions      176—179
Photonic band-gap theory, representation theory, plane-wave expansion      173—175
Photonic band-gap theory, representation theory, Wannier functions      175—176
Photonic band-gap theory, wave equations      171—172
Photonic band-gaps, defect modes      179—186
Photonic band-gaps, definition      152
Photonic band-gaps, full, 2D hcp lattice structure      190—192
Photonic band-gaps, full, 3D diamond-shaped structure      188—190
Photonic band-gaps, full, experimental challenges      202
Photonic band-gaps, full, fabricating 2D and 3D materials with      157—158
Photonic band-gaps, full, strong-field resonance fluorescence sideband suppression      167—168
Photonic crystals      see "Photonic band-gap materials PBG
Photonic dispersion      162
Photonic multiple-scattering theory      196—197
Photons in disordered PBG materials      169
Photons, simple model prediction for energy emitted      46
Photovoltaic devices, molecular      144—145
Photoxidation, PPV      31
Physical properties of conjugated polymers      29
Physical properties, ZnSe and alloys      209
Piche, M.      152 154 169(8) 174(8) 175(8) 187(8) 190(39)
Pichler, K.      16 30 51 52 54(104) 56(169) 68 107 108 117 131(302) 134 135
Pickett, Warren, E.: Electrons and Photons in C60-Based Materials      48 225
Pieranski, P.      see "Dubois-Violette E."
Pine, D.J.      82
Pines, David: Electron Interaction in Metals      1 368
Pinhas, S.      296
Piper, W.W., and Williams, F.E.: Electroluminescence      6 96
PL efficiency      see "Photoluminescence efficiency"
Planar antennas, PBG materials      169
Plane waves, infinite set of      186—187
Plane-wave expansion method, defects, calculating properties of PBG      193—194 202
Plane-wave expansion method, experimental results and numerical      201
Plane-wave expansion method, photonic band-gap representations      173—175
Plane-wave expansion method, scalar and vector wave equation solutions      186—187
Platzman, P.M.      153 162 169
Platzman, P.M., and Wolff, P.A.      see "Supplement 13 - Waves and Interactions in Solid State Plasmas"
PLDMR      see "Photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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