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Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49 |
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Wave packets, quantum trajectories 298
Wave propagation, electromagnetic, in PBG materials, dispersion relation 152
Wave propagation, electromagnetic, in periodic systems 151—152
Waveguides, 1D 153
Waveguides, Green — Kubo function and mesoscopic 438—439
Waveguides, PBG photonic dispersion measurement using 162
Waveguides, quantum, ballistic transport in 299
Waveguides, Schroedinger equation and quantum 310—314
Waveguides, Wigner function simulations of electronic 402—404
Weaire, D. see "Heine V." "Miller A." "Wooten F."
Weaver, J.H. see "Poirier D.M."
Webb, M.B., and Lagally, M.G.: Elastic Scattering of Low-Energy Electrons from Surfaces 28 302
Webb, R.A. 286 295 296 309(15) 435(15)
Weckendrup, D. 272 274(119)
Weger, M., and Goldberg, I.B.: Some Lattice and Electronic Properties of the B-Tungstens 28 1
Wegner, G. 5 22 24 67 68(213) 88 103(213) 104(213) 105 107(213)
Wei, X. 49 57 147
Weibel, E. 304
Weibrecht, M. 144
Weidlich, W. 380
Weinberger, B.R. 145
Weinmann, D. 447 448
Weir, D.J. 14
Weiss, D. 302
Weiss, D.S. 3
Weiss, G.H. see "Maradudin A.A."
Weiss, H. see "Welker H."
Weiss, U. 286 304 435(14) 448
Weisshaar, A. 311 312
Welker, H., and Weiss, H.: Group III - Group V Compounds 3 1
Wells, A.F.: The Structures of Crystals 7 426
Wendt, J.R. 165
Wessling, R.A. 14 16(36 37)
Westel, A.E. 306
Westerweele, E. 142
Weyl transform see "Phase-space Wigner distribution"
Whangbo, M.H. 3 4(5)
Wheeler, R.G. 296
White, J. 308
White, J.D. 308
White, Robert M., and Geballe, Theodore, H. see "Supplement 15 - Long Range Order in Solids"
Wicke's theorem, femtosecond laser excitation 434—435
Wicke's theorem, low-field systems, homogenous 406
Widawski, G. 100 101
Wide band-gap II-VI heterostructures, design guide 213—214
Wide band-gap II-VI heterostructures, development of flexible 207
Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors, diluted magnetic 216
Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors, doping and transport 233—244
Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors, history of 206—210
Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors, low-resistance contact between metal and 241—244
Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors, nanostructures, attempts to fabricate 229—233
Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors, overview 205—210
Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors, point defects 224
Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors, quantum wells see "Quantum wells"
Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors, self-trapping 227
Wieczorek, H. 144
Wiersma, D.A. 81 140(243)
Wigner distribution functions in quantum modeling, advantages of 378—381
Wigner distribution functions, density matrices and 318—320 323—324
Wigner distribution functions, dissipation, role of 399—402
Wigner distribution functions, double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes 391—399
Wigner distribution functions, electron waveguide simulations 402—404
Wigner distribution functions, Green — Kubo function and 438
Wigner distribution functions, methods of solving, boundary conditions for simulations 389—381
Wigner distribution functions, methods of solving, initial state 382—384
Wigner distribution functions, methods of solving, numerical discretization and solutions 384—389
Wigner distribution functions, methods of solving, overview 381
Wigner distribution functions, other devices 402—404
Wigner distribution functions, quantum distribution function and 290
Wigner distribution functions, statistical thermodynamics and quantum potentials 291—292
Wigner potential, quantum device modeling and 343—344
Wigner, E. 289 292(40) 318(40) 337(40) 342(40)
Wigner, Eugene P., and Seitz, Frederick: Qualitative Analysis of the Cohesion in Metals 1 97
Wilderman, J. 123
Wilkins, J.W. 288 306 308 310 419 444 446
Wilkinson, C.D.W. 230
Wilkinson, F. 32 33
Willander, M. 10 88 107(23)
Williams, E.W. 115
Williams, F.E. see "Piper W.W."
Williams, J.M. 3 4(5)
Williams, R.H. 64
Williams, S.P. 30
Williamson, J.G. 300
Wind, S. 295
Wingreen, N.S. 295 310 440 447
Winokur, M. 6
Winokur, M.J. 30 31
Wintgens, V. 129
Wisnieff, R. 296
Wittmann, H.F. 25 61 120 123 141
Woehrle, D. 144
Wojtowicz, T. 239
Wokaun, Alexander: Surface-Enhanced Electromagnetic Processes 38 224
Wolf, E. 187 380
Wolf, E.D. 285
Wolf, E.L.: Nonsuperconducting Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy 30 1
Wolf, H.C.: The Electronic Spectra of Aromatic Molecular Crystals 9 1
Wolff, P.A. see "Platzman P.M."
Wolk, J.A. 236
Wollan, E.O. see "Shull C.G."
Woo, H.S. 106
Woo, J.W.F. 295
Woodbury, H.H. see "Ludwig G.W."
Woodruff, Truman O.: The Orthogonalized Plane-Wave Method 4 367
Wooten, F., and Weaire, D.: Modeling Tetrahedrally Bonded Random Networks by Computer 40 1
Wordeman, M.R. 284 285
Work functions, electrode versus Fermi energy of semiconductors 64—65
Work functions, electrode, dependency on measurement techniques 63
Work functions, electrode, polyaniline 27
Worland, R. 8
Wright, G.T. 65
Wu, B.J. 256 259 260
Wu, C.Y. 26
| Wu, G. 215
Wu, J.-W. 216
Wu, J.C. 312
Wu, X. 335
Wu, Yi.H. 218 220(37)
Wudl, F. 19 20 22 119 122 128 136(180) 148
Wybourne, M.N. 312
Wynberg, H. 83 84(247) 120(247) 123
X-ray photoemission spectroscopy 72—73
Xhuai, Z. 47 49(161)
Xie, L.M. 334
Xie, W. 115 208 244(11) 247 248(87) 251
Xin, S.H. 223
Xing, D.Y. 347
Xing, K.Z. 46 72(150)
XPS see "X-ray photoemission spectroscopy"
Xu, B. 57 112(184)
Yablonovitch, E. 152 153 154 155 156(41) 157(41) 159(17 18 41) 160(17 31 33 41) 161 165(41) 167(6 41) 169 189(33) 193(31) 194(31)
Yafet, Y.: g Factors and Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Conduction Electrons 14 1
Yakagaki, Y. 311
Yamada, T. 345
Yamaguchi, K. 302
Yamaguchi, S. 419 435
Yamanishi, M. 215
Yamanoto, T. 123
Yamauchi, A. 30
Yamazaki, O. 208 233 235(9)
Yan, M. 81 83(242) 84 143(242) 148
Yang, Y. 115 131 142 147
Yang, Z. 120 123
Yano, K. 308
Yao, T. 223 233 234(63)
Yassar, A. 11 29(25) 57 111(25 26 189) 112 113 114 129
Yasuda, N. 287
Yasuda, T. 244
Yelesin, V.F. 430
Yeomans, Julia: The Theory and Application of Axial Ising Models 41 151
Yi, K.-S. 334
Yin, A. 223
Yindeepol, W. 312
Yli-Lahti, P. 107
Yokayama, M. 141
Yokogawa, T. 215 229
Yonezawa, Fumiko: Glass Transition and Relaxation of Disordered Structures 45 179
Yoshida, K. 223
Yoshihara, H. 223
Yoshimo, K. 119
Yoshimura, S. 26
Yoshimura, T. 308
Yoshino, K. 30 74 120 123 129 130(337) 136
Yoshino, Y. 22
Yoshitomi, T. 285
Young, P.M. 179 202(69) 220
Yu, E.T. 210 215
Yu, Edward T., McCaldin, James O., McGill, Thomas C.: Band Offsets in Semiconductor Heterojunctions 46 1
Yu, G. 60 147
Yu, H.-N. 284
Yu, L. 41 42(134)
Yu, Z. 247 249
Yudanin, B. 310 333
Yui, Y.Y. 185
Yvon, J. 346
Zabel, L.H.H. 192
Zachariesen, F. 320 382(197)
Zaengel, T. 144
Zagorska, M. 22
Zajicek, H. 223
Zak, J.: The kq-Representation in the Dynamics of Electrons in Solids 27 1
Zamboni, R. 72
Zawadski, P. 306 307
Zdetsis, A. 153 187(16)
Zeeman effects 216
Zegarski, J. 26
Zhang, C. 119 120 122 123 128 129 130(336) 131 142 147 148
Zhang, F.C. 216
Zhang, J. 315
Zhang, Z. 154 172(26) 187(25) 188(26)
Zhang, Zhe see "Lieber Charles M."
Zheludev, I.S.: Ferroelectricity and Symmetry 26 429
Zheludev, I.S.: Piezoelectricity in Textured Media 298 315
Zheng, T.F. 310 333 335 446
Zhou, J.-R. 337 342 343 345
Zhou, J.R. 293 338(50)
Zhu, Jian-Gang see "Bertram H.
Zhu, X. 276
Zhu, Z. 223 233 234(63)
Zie, Z. 107
Ziegler, M. 220
Ziemelis, K.E. 62 67 68 88 103(213) 104 105 106 107(213)
Ziep, O. 439
Ziman, J.M. see "Sham L.J."
Ziman, J.M.: The Calculation of Bloch Functions 26 1
Zimmerman, J. 332
Zimmerman, R.G. 14 16(36 37)
Zimmermann, R. 430
ZnCdSe cw diode lasers, external and wall-plug conversion efficiencies 259
ZnCdSe cw diode lasers, gain spectra 278—279
ZnCdSe/ZnSe quantum wells, 2D 217—225
ZnCdSe/ZnSe quantum wells, electronic states 210—217
ZnCdSe/ZnSe quantum wells, lattice mismatch strain 220
ZnSe, covalent versus polar components of total bond energy 234—235
ZnSe, n-doping, electron concentrations 233—234
ZnSe, p-doping, description 235—241
ZnSe, p-doping, difficulties of 234
ZnSe, p-doping, low-resistance contacts to 241—244
ZnSe, tellurium isoelectronic centers, and exciton-phonon interaction 225—229
ZnSe, tellurium isoelectronic centers, blue-green LEDs 249—250
Zok, F.W. see "Evans A.G."
Zolotukhin, M.G. 123
Zubarev, D.N. 320 336
Zunger, Alex: Electronic Structure of 3d Transition-Atom Impurities in Semiconductors 39 276
Zurek, W.H. 288
Zwanzig, R. 316 325(181) 331
Zwicknagl, Gertrud see "Fulde P."
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