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Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49 |
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Lundqvist, Stig see "Hedin L."
Luo, H. 207 215 216 218 219(38) 221(39) 229 269 271(114)
Luttinger, J.M. 176 316
Luyo, H. 223
Lymarev, A.A. 57
Lynch, R.W. see "Drickamer H.G."
MacDiarmid, A.G. 4 5(6) 6 26
MacDiarmid, A.J. 41 42(133)
MacDonald, A.H. 301
Mach, R. 116
Mackay, K. 11 12(31) 117(31) 122
Mackay, K.D. 118
MacKinnon, A. see "Miller A."
MacKinnon, A.M. 154 194(23) 195(23) 196
MacLaughlin, Douglas E.: Magnetic Resonance in the Superconducting State 31 1
Macucci, M. 302 311 312 442 443
Madru, R. 111
Maehara, K. 244
Magnate, P. 11 116(28)
Magnea, N. 232
Magnetic resonance, electroluminescence-detected 137
Magnetic resonance, optically detected 136
Magnetic resonance, photoinduced absorption in PPV 56—57
Magnetic resonance, photoluminescence-detected 136—137
Magnetoresistance, giant 153
Mahan, G.D. 330 334 405(213) 406(213) 408 415(353)
Mahan, G.D.: Many-Body Effects on X-Ray Spectra of Metals 29 75
Mahler, G. 431 433(394)
Mahrt, R.F. 20 53 82(171) 83(171) 120 122 125(313) 129(59 313) 130(313) 141
Maikh, M. 147
Mailhiot, C. 152
Mailly, D. 285
Mains, R.K. 400
Maitrot, M. 111
Majda, A. 390
Maki, K. 37 40(125)
Malliaras, G.G. 123
Mandel, L. 380
Mankiewich, P.M. 296
Manneville, P. see "Dubois-Violette E."
Mao, G. 31
Maradudin, A.A. 154 190 192
Maradudin, A.A., Montroll, E.W., Weiss, G.H., and Ipatova, I.P. see "Supplement 3 - Theory of Lattice Dynamics in the Harmonic Approximation"
Maradudin, A.A.: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of the Effects of Point Defects and Disorder on the Vibrations of Crystals-1 18 274
Maradudin, A.A.: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of the Effects of Point Defects and Disorder on the Vibrations of Crystals-2 19 1
March, N.H. see "Callaway J."
Marchetti, M.C. 335 362
Marfaing, Y. 237
Margulies, R.S. 168
Mark, P. 76 80(237)
Markey, B.G. 214
Markham, Jordan J. see "Supplement 8 - F-Centers in Alkali Halides"
Markowich, P.A. 317 319 320
Marks, R.N. 11 12(31) 22 60 61(194) 68 72(217) 74(217) 117(31) 118 122 125 127(217) 129(217) 134(64) 142 143 146 147 148(194)
Marktanner, J. 145
Marmorkos, I.K. 314
Marrocco, M. 120 123 131(320)
Marseglia, E.A. 16 29 30 31(102)
Marshall, P.A. 307
Marshall, T. 252
Martelock, H. 21
Martens, J.H.F. 16 29 30 31(102) 52 54(104)
Martin, D.C. 29 30(101)
Martin, T. 301
Maruska, H.P. 115
Marzin, J.Y. 190
Masato, H. 215
Masek, J. 309 329 330 440 448
Masse, M.A. 29 30(101)
Mataloni, P. 168
Materials, conjugated polymer, doped conducting 25—27
Materials, conjugated polymer, molecular semiconductors 27—29
Materials, conjugated polymer, physical properties 29—31
Materials, conjugated polymer, synthesis of semiconducting 12—25
Materials, electroluminescent 116—117 117—118
Materials, photonic band-gap, applications 165—170
Materials, photonic band-gap, calculations and results, theoretical 186—199
Materials, photonic band-gap, conclusions and future directions 199—202
Materials, photonic band-gap, experimental systems and results 157—165
Materials, photonic band-gap, formalism, theoretical 170—176
Materials, photonic band-gap, survey 151—157
Matrix equations for PBG materials 175
Matrix equations, Keldysh function 405
Matrix equations, less-than function, Green's 413 426
Matrix equations, retarded Green's function 408
Matsuda, Y. 215
Matsumoto, S. 253
Matsuoka, H. 308
Matsuoka, T. 287
Matyi, R.J. 306
Mauser, N. 317 319
Mavroides, John G. see "Lax B."
May, I.P. 14
Mazumdar, S. 37 41 42(137) 45 49 104(123)
Mazuta, H. 306
MBE see "Molecular beam epitaxy"
McBranch, D. 20 68 119(215) 123 139 148
McCaldin, J.O. 210 250
McCaldin, James, O. see "Yu Edward
McCall, S.L. 153 162 169
McCarty, D.M. 143
McClure, Donald, S.: Electronic Spectra of Molecules and Ions in Crystals. Part I. Molecular Crystals 8 1
McClure, Donald, S.: Electronic Spectra of Molecules and Ions in Crystals. Part II. Spectra of Ions in Crystals 9 400
McCullough, R.D. 23 30
McGill, T. 215
McGill, T.C. 210 215 250
McGill, Thomas C. see "Yu Edward
McGinnity, M. 27 116(92)
McGreevy, Robert L.: Experimental Studies of the Structure and Dynamics of Molten Alkali and Alkaline Earth Halides 40 247
McGurn, A.R. 190 192
McKeever, S.W. 214
McLennan, M. 310
McLennan, M.J. 310 407 438 439
McQueen, R.G. see "Rice M.H."
Mcrmin, N.D. 63 151 152(1) 157(1)
Meade, R.D. 154 160(31 32) 161 162 163 164 190 191 192(86) 193 194 203
Mechanical properties, ZnSe crystal 209
MEH-PPV see "Poly(2-methoxy-5(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene)"
Mehring, M. 99
Meier, M. 68 122 126 129 146(327)
Meijer, Paul H.E. see "Herzfeld C.M."
Meir, Y. 295 440 447
Meissner, D. 144
Melngailis, J. 296
Melting points, conjugated polymer 6—7
Mendelssohn, K., and Rosenberg, H.M.: The Thermal Conductivity of Metals at Low Temperatures 12 223
Menke, D.R. 216
Mensz, P. 252
Merkt, U. 306
Merritt, F.R. 278 279(124) 280(124)
Merz, J.L. 229
Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices of sexithiophene 111—112
Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, diodes 89—90
Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, diodes, polyacetylene 92—100
Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, diodes, PT and PPV 103—107
Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, field effect transistors, in 23
Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, field effect transistors, active layer materials 29
Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, field effect transistors, early development of 8
Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, field effect transistors, polyacetylene 100—103
Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, field effect transistors, solitons and charge storage on polymer chains 41
Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, field effect transistors, structure 11 84—85
Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors 284—285 294
Metallic conductivity, compounds with high 3
Metallic Green's functions 442
Metathesis initiators 16
Metzger, W. 26
Meyers, F. 61
Michel, E. 163 164(46) 192(46)
Michizuki, K. 215
Michler, P. 280 281(127)
| Microcavity organic LEDs 141
Microcrystallites, conjugated polymer 30
Microscopy, transmission electron 260—263
Migus, A. 429
Miles, R. 215
Miles, R.E. 287
Miller, A., MacKinnon, A., and Weaire, D.: Beyond the Binaries-The Chalcopyrite and Related Semiconducting Compounds 36 119
Miller, D.A.B. 429
Miller, D.R. 387
Miller, G.G. 6
Miller, T.M. 31 49 81 83(242) 132 141 143(242)
Milonnia, P.W. 166
Minagawa, Y. 30
Mirth, L.Q. 74
MIS devices see "Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices"
Misra, B. 288
Mitchell, W.C. 331
Mitra, Shashanka, S.: Vibration Spectra of Solids 13 1
Mitrovic, Bozidar see "Allen P.B."
Mitsuhashi, H. 236
Mitsuishi, I. 244
Mitsuyu, T. 115 215 233
Miyajima, T. 223 242 251 252
Miyake, Satoru J. see "Kubo R."
Miyata, H. 345
Miyoshi, T. 391 398 402 404
Mizes, H.A. 46
Mizuta, H. 347
Mobility, electron-hole, polymer LED 129
Mobility, electron-hole, semiconductor 73—75
Mobility, field-effect, PPV and PT-based FET 107—108 109—111
Mobility, field-effect, thiophene oligomer devices 111
Mobility, photocarrier, determining polyacetylene 59
Mobility, photocarrier, photoconductivity in PPV 61
Mobility, photovoltaic carrier 145
Mobility, polyacetylene MIS diode carrier 94
Models see also "Quantum transport modeling"
Models of hopping mobilities in disordered materials 74—75
Models of polymer LED electrical characteristics 124—130
Models, electron-hole capture 77—78
Models, Koster — Slater impurity 170
Modinos, A. 154
Moebius, M. 145
Mohammad, F. 31
Mohammed, K. 216
Molecular beam epitaxy, historical role of 207
Molecular beam epitaxy, ZnCdSe/ZnS, Se heterostructures and 216
Molecular beam epitaxy, ZnSe-type doping 236
Molecular orbitals, conjugated polymer, electronic and vibrational excitations 33 47
Molecular orbitals, conjugated polymer, localized versus delocalized 34
Molecular organic LEDs, multilayer 130
Molecular organic LEDs, optical properties 139
Molecular organic LEDs, oxygen and moisture effects 143
Molecular organic materials, electroluminescent, blue emission from 120
Molecular organic materials, electroluminescent, crystals 116
Molecular organic materials, Frenkel exciton theory 50—51
Molecular organic materials, thin-film EL in 27—29
Molecular semiconductors, extended orbital fragments 2—3
Molecular semiconductors, photoconductive and photovoltaic devices 144—145
Molecular semiconductors, thiophene oligomer field-effect devices 111—113
Molenkamp, L.W. 301
Molina, M.I. 185
Moliton, A. 108
Mollwo, E. see "Heiland G."
Moment equations for classical-quantum transition 336—346
Moment equations, applications in modeling devices 342—346
Moment equations, hydrodynamic moment equations 339—332
Momentum variables, in density matrices, versus position variables 347—350
Momii, T. 17 19(47)
Momose, H. 439
Mongre, J.-L. 129
Montgomery, D.J.: Static Electrification of Solids 9 139
Montroll, E.W. see "Maradudin A.A."
Mooij, J. 308
Moon, Y.B. 6
Moore, T.M. 306
Moraes, F. 22
Moratti, S. 46 72(150)
Moratti, S.C. 21 22 24 25 73 83 84(248) 107 120 122 123 124(78) 129 132 134 141 144(226) 148
Morawitz, H. 140
Morgenstern Horing, N.J. 418 430
Morgenstern-Horing, N.J. 408
Morhange, J.F. 429
Mori, H. 233 244(63) 316 326(182)
Mori, N. 439
Mori, Y. 223 244 253 254(84a)
Morihima, C. 129 130(337)
Moringa, Y. 252
Moritz, A. 280 281(127)
Moroz, A. 196
Morrison, B.J. 353
Morrocco, M. 168
Morton, D.C. 120 123
Moses, D. 129 130(336) 147 148
MOSFETs see "Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors"
Moss, S.C. see "Axe J.D."
Mossberg, T.W. 167
Mott — Wannier excitons, electron-hole pair locations 47
Mott — Wannier excitons, energy levels 48
Mott, N.F. 64
Moulton, J. 30
Moyal, J.E. 318 380(188)
Mriman, A.M. 419
Muellen, K. 25 120 123 124(81)
Mueller, G. 302
Mueller, G.O. 116
Mukai, T. 245 253(86)
Muller, G.O. 116
Multilayer light-emitting diodes, description 130—134
Multilayer light-emitting diodes, PPV/CN-PPV 142—143
Multiple quantum well lasers 207
Multiple-barrier structures 357—361
Murase, I. 19
Murata, H. 17 19(47) 108
Murmikko, A.V. 115
Muro, K. 119 120 123
Murphy, N.S. 6
Murra, D. 168
Murray, C.B. 232
Murray, K.A. 107
Murray, S. 319
Muto, Toshinosuke, and Takagi, Yutaka: The Theory of Order-Disorder Transitions in Alloys 1 194
Mysrovicz, A. 429
Mysyroviecz, A. 425
N, N'-Diphenyl-N, N'(3-methylphenyl)-1, 1'-methynl-4, 4'-diamine, structure 28
N-type semiconductors see also "P-type semi-conductors" "Semiconductors"
N-type semiconductors, charge injection into 64—68
N-type semiconductors, Schottky barrier between metal and 70
Naarmann, H. 109
Nagai, K. 120 123
Nagamiya, Takeo: Helical Spin Ordering-1 Theory of Helical Spin Configurations 20 306
Nahory, R. 207
Nakamo, K. 253
Nakamura, S. 245 253(86)
Nakanishi, K. 215
Nakano, K. 244 251 253 254(84a)
Nakano, T. 20
Nakao, T. 236
Nakayama, N. 244 253 254(84a)
Nakayama, T. 115 217
Nakazato, K. 308
Namavar, F. 115
Namba, S. 295
Nanai, N. 26
Nanostructures, attempts to fabricate 229—233
Nanostructures, Green's functions and study of 448
Nara, S. 8
Narrow-gap II—IV semiconductors 207
Nazarov, Yu.V. 310 448
Neikirk, D.P. 387
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