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Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49
Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49

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Название: Solid State Physics. Volume 49

Авторы: Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F.


Solid State Physics, Volume 49 continues the Series' tradition of excellence by focusing on the optical and electronic properties and applications of semiconductors. Three of the chapters deal with stress applications as well as the basic underlying science of semicondutors. All of the topics in this volume are at the cutting-edge of research in the semiconductor field and will be of great interest to the scientific community.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 509

Добавлена в каталог: 18.08.2015

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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Stewart, H.      225 270
Stoeckmann, F.      see "Heiland G."
Stoelzel, F.      145
Stolka, M.      74 76(232) 133 146
Stolz, W.      431 433(394)
Stone, A.D.      296 330(69) 383 440
Stopa, M.P.      306 308
Stovneng, J.A.      304 305 310(119) 442 444 445
Stpcka, V.      444
Streda, P.      301
Street, G.B.      46
Streklas, A.      318
Strickler, S.J.      81
Strohriegl, P.      126
Strong, H.M.      see "Bundy F.P."
Stroscio, M.A.      289 302 342 353 374 378
Stroud, D.      192 see N.W."
Stroud, David      see "Bergman David
Strukelj, M.      132
Stubb, H.      31 107 108
Stucky, G.      148
Sturge, M.D.: The Jahn-Teller Effect in Solids      20 92
Su, W.-P.      34 35 39(118 119)
Su, W.P.      47 49(161)
Sublimed molecular films      27—28
Substrates for II-IV heterostructures, choice of      213—214
Substrates, flexible, transparent LED      142
Suemune, I.      215 223
Sugano, T.      308
Sugimoto, R.      22 74
Sulfonium polyelectrolyte precusor route to PPV      16—17
Sullivan, K.G.      168
Sum, U.      45 46(144 145)
Sumetskii, M.      305 307 308 310(120)
Sundberg, M.      88
Sungki, O.      216
Supercell method      193—194
Superconductivity in charge-transfer salts      3—4
Superconductivity, PBG materials, theoretical calculations for      192
Superlattices, development of      207
Superlattices, electronic structure      217—225
Superlattices, quantum dot arrays      308
Superlattices, Stark ladder effects      290
Surface-emitting lasers      264—267
Sutherland, B.      170
Suzuki, M.      236
Suzuki, N.      41 42(133)
Svensson, C.      10 88 107(23)
Swanson, L.S.      57 123 136 137 138
Swatos, W.J.      20
Swenberg, C.E.      3 32(2) 47(2) 50(2) 51(2) 52(2) 82(2)
Swenberg, J.F.      250
Swenson, C.A.: Physics at High Pressure      11 41
Swock, E.W.      49
Synthesis of conjugated polymers, conducting, polyaniline      26—27
Synthesis of conjugated polymers, conducting, polypyrrole (PPy)      25—26
Synthesis of conjugated polymers, PPV precursor routes      16—18
Synthesis of conjugated polymers, semiconducting, description      12—15
Synthesis of conjugated polymers, semiconducting, Durham precursor route to poly-acetylene      15—16
Synthesis of conjugated polymers, semiconducting, poly(3-alkylthiophene)s      22—23
Synthesis of conjugated polymers, semiconducting, poly(p-phenylene)s      23—25
Synthesis of conjugated polymers, semiconducting, soluble PPV derivatives      18—22
Szafer, A.      383
Sze, S.M.      10 64(22) 65(22) 69(22) 71(22) 72(22) 86(22) 91(22)
Taguchi, T.      215
Taka, T.      31
Takada, N.      116 141
Takagaki, Y.      311 312 345
Takagi, Yutaka      see "Muto T."
Takailin, H.      129
Takayama, H.      37 40(125)
Takebayashi, K.      223
Takeda, E.      308
Takeda, S.      22
Takiguchi, T.      74
Taliani, C.      72
Tanaka, R.      60
Tanaka, S.      22
Tang, C.W.      28 116 130(94) 144 148(383)
Tani, J.      141
Tani, T.      8
Taniguchi, K.      287
Tanimoto, H.      287
Tannewald, P.E.      305
Tardieu, Annette      see "Charvolin Jean"
Tashiro, K.      30
Taskar, N.R.      236
Tasker, P.J.      285
Tasumi, M.      57 107(185)
Tauc, J.      41 42(135 136)
Taylor, D.M.      14 107(34)
Taylor, P.C.      170
Taylor, R.P.      306 307
Taylor, S.C.      24
TE      see "Tellurium isoelectronic centers" "Transverse
Tellurium isoelectronic centers in ZnSe and exciton-phonon interactions      225—229
Tellurium isoelectronic centers, blue-green LEDs      249—250
TEM      see "Transmission electron microscopy"
Temperature, ballistic electron studies and      301
Temperature, dark conductivity versus      58—59
Temperature, field emission and      71
Temperature, hopping mobilities in disordered materials      74—75
Temperature, low, excitonic processes in optically pumped lasers      269—277
Temperature, low, quantum distribution function      290
Temperature, oscillatory behavior in matrices and      349—350
Temperature, p-ZnSe hole concentration and      237 239
Temperature, QW photoluminescence efficiency and      224
Tenhoeve, W.      83 84(247) 120(247) 123
Tennant, D.M.      296
Terai, A.      42 98(141)
Tetrahydrothiophene precursor      16—18
Tetrathiafulvalene tetracyanoquinodimethane compound      3
Themans, B.      46
Thermionic emission across Schottky barriers in PPV LEDs      126 127
Thermionic emission in charge injection processes      69—71
Thim, H.W.      342
Thin films of polymers soluble in final form      18
Thin films, EL devices, from anthracene      116—117
Thin films, EL devices, from PPV      117—118
Thin films, photoconductive and photovoltaic devices      144—145
Thin films, producing from conjugated polymers      14
Thin films, thiophene oligomer devices      111
Thin-film electroluminescence (EL) of conjugated polymers      11—12
Thin-film electroluminescence (EL) of molecular organic materials      27—29
Thiophene oligomer field-effect devices      111—113
Thomas, D.G.      216 217(1)
Thomas, E.L.      29 30(101)
Thomas, G.A.      see "Hensel J.C."
Thomas, H.      300 310(84)
Thomas, J.E.      214
Thompson, M.E.      143
Thomson, Robb: Physics of Fracture      39 1
Thornber, K.K.      288
Thornton, T.J.      308
Thouless, D.J.      309 440
Tiberio, R.C.      285
Tight-binding models, conjugated polymer      35—38
Tight-binding models, Frenkel excitons in molecular organic crystals      50
Tight-binding models, photonic-band structures      199
Tikhodeev, S.G.      431 435(392)
Time variables, Green's functions      404
Time-ordered Green's function      322—323
Ting, C.S.      333 334 347 407
Tinkham, M., and Lobb, C.J.: Physical Properties of the New Superconductors      42 91
TM      see "Transverse magnetic polarization"
TMTSF, superconductivity of      3—4
Tojyo, T.      244
Tokito, S.      17 19(47) 28 31 60 108 116 116(96) 130(96)
Tokura, Y.      306
Tomiya, S.      253
Tomozawa, H.      8
Toombs, G.W.      306 396(122)
Tosi, M.P.      see "Singwi K.S."
Tosi, Mario P.: Cohesion of Ionic Solids in the Born Modek      16 1
Tourillon, G.      22 145
Townsend, P.D.      46 49(151) 55 56(151) 58 59 96 97(258)
Toyozawa, Y.      226 227(51)
TPD      see "N N'-Diphenyl-N N'[3-methyl-phenyl]-1 1'-methynl-4 4'-diamine"
Tran Thoai, D.B.      335 430 431(251) 433(383)
trans-Polyacetylene, bond alternation, senses of      35
trans-Polyacetylene, charge storage and field effect      87
trans-Polyacetylene, formula and energy gap      13
trans-Polyacetylene, infinite one-dimensional chain model      34
trans-Polyacetylene, photoinduced absorption studies of      54—56
trans-Polyacetylene, tight-binding models      35—37
Transient behavior of double-barrier, resonant-tunneling diodes      396
Transient response, polymer LED      129—130
transistors      see also "Field-effect devices transistors" "Metal-insulator-semiconductor field
Transistors, bipolar      165
Transistors, high-electron mobility      287 303—304
Transmission electron microscocopy      260—263
Transport, transition from quantum to classical      335—336
Transverse electric polarization, $k \cdot p$ method and      199 200f
Transverse electric polarization, 2D PBG system eigenmodes      190—192
Transverse electric polarization, wave versus scalar equations      172
Transverse magnetic polarization, $k \cdot p$ method and      197—199 201f
Transverse magnetic polarization, 2D PBG system eigenmodes      190—192
Transverse magnetic polarization, wave versus scalar equations      172
Trap-free intrinsic semiconductors/insulators, charge injection and      65—66
Trap-free intrinsic semiconductors/insulators, space-charge-limited current      76
Trapping sites, band-bending versus number of      67
Trapping sites, PPV      67
Trapping sites, trap-filled limit (TFL)      76—77
Treacy, G.M.      26 142
Tripathi, V.K.      311 312
Triplet excitons, photoinduced absorption and PPV      56—57
Triplet excitons, radiative lifetime      81
Tristram-Nagle, S.      30
Troffer, M.B.      208 235(8)
Truncation errors, plane-wave      187
Tsironis, G.P.      185
Tso, H.C.      402 418 430
Tsu, R.      304
Tsuchiya, H.      391 398 402 403 404
Tsumara, A.      8 11 14(17) 88(27) 107(17) 108(27) 111(17)
Tsutsui, T.      17 19(47) 28 60 108 116 130(96) 140 141
TTF-TCNQ      see "Tetrathiafulvalene tetracyanoquinodimethane compound"
Tunneling      see also "Field emission"
Tunneling barriers, description      304
Tunneling barriers, modeling single      342—343
Tunneling in high-electron mobility transistors      303—304
Tunneling time in double-barrier resonant-diodes      398—399 446—447
Tunneling time, definition      304
Tunneling, Frenkel exciton      51
Tunneling, PPV LEDs      126
Tunneling, single-electron      307—308
Turnbull, David: Phase Changes      3 226
Tuttle, G.      163 164(46) 192(46)
Two-carrier currents      77—80
Tyler, W.W.      see "Newman R."
Uchida, M.      119 120 123 129 130(337)
Ueno, H.      74
Uenoyama, T.      236
Uichlein, C.      217
Ullrich, B.      120 123
Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy, conjugated polymer ionization potentials      61—62
Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy, polymer-metal interaction studies      72—73
Umbach, C.      295
Umbach, C.P.      295 296
Underhill, A.E.      14 107(34)
Uneno, A.      115
Universal conductance fluctuations in homogeneous systems      419—420
Universal conductance fluctuations, femtosecond laser excitation      435
UPS      see "Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy"
Urbina, C.      308
UV absorption spectrum, PPV      49
Valat, P.      129
Valeeva, I.L.      123
Valence effective Hamiltonian method, conjugated polymers and      38
Valence effective Hamiltonian method, PPV ionization potential      61
Valtchinov, V.      447
Vamanu, D.      see "Corciovei A."
Van de Walle, C.G.      210 215
van der Marel, D.      300
van Houten, H.      300 see C.W.J."
Van Lint, V.A.J.      see "Nichols D.K."
Van Meirhaeghe, R.L.      140
Van Slyke, S.A.      28 116 130(94)
van Wees, B.J.      300
van Welzenis, R.G.      335
Vancetti, L.      219 220(41)
Vande Walle, C.G.      236
Vanzetti, L.      219 272
Varani, L.      330
Vardeny, Z.      41 42 54 96(177)
Vardeny, Z.V.      49 57 147
Vasanelli, L.      219
Vaubel, G.      116
Vawter, G.A.      165
Vector wave equations, 2D PBG crystals      172
Vector wave equations, plane-wave expansion of position-dependent fields      186—187
VEH      see "Valence effective Hamiltonian method"
Velicky, B.      288 329 418 437(359)
Venhuiozen, T.H.J.      83 84(247) 120(247) 123
Venhuizen, A.H.J.      83 84(246) 120(246) 122
Verbing, S.      227
Veresegyhazy, R.K.      287
Vertex correction      417
Vestweber, H.      20 120 122 125(313) 129(59 313) 130(313)
Vibrationally excited states in conjugated molecules      33—34
Vibrationally excited states, PPV      51—52
Vickers, M.E.      29 30(99) 60(99)
Villeneuve, P.R.      152 154 169(8) 174(8) 175(8) 187(8) 190(39)
Vincett, P.S.      27 116(92 93)
Vink, H.J.      see "Kroeger F.A."
Virtual cathode point      65
Vlachos, K.      318
Vogl, P.      39 42(130) 46(130)
von Klitzing, K.      302
von Seggern, H.      120 122
Voss, K.F.      20 54(56)
Vuorimaa, E.      107
Waag, A.      213
Wada, Y.      42 53 82(171) 83(171) 98(141)
Wagner, H.P.      230
Wagner, M.      305 306 308 322 405(203) 439
Wakimoto, T.      116
Walecki, W.      216
Walker, C.T.      241 244(78) 27(78)
Walker, J.      236 239 240(77)
Wallace, Duane C.: Thermoelastic Theory of Stressed Crystals and Higher-Order Elastic Constants      25 302
Wallace, Philip R.: Positron Annihilation in Solids and Liquids      10 1
Walsh, C.      148
Walsh, J.M.      see "Rice M.H."
Wang, J.      169
Wang, M.W.      250
Wang, S.Y.      225
Wannier functions, CCR representation expansion      181—183
Wannier functions, density matrices and nonuniform fields      373—374
Wannier functions, photonic band-gap theory      175—176
Waragai, K.      111
Warmenbol, P.      334 335
Warnock, J.      216
Washburn, S.      295 296
Watanabe, M.      140
Watt, E.J.      14
Watt, M.      230
Wave equations for ordered PBG materials      180
Wave equations for photonic band-gap theory      171—172
Wave packets, DBRTD potential and Gaussian      387—389
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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