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Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49 |
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Hamiltonians, low-field systems, homogenous 406
Hamiltonians, reduced density matrices 324—326
Hamiltonians, SSH (Su, Schrieffer and Heeger) 35—38
Hamiltonians, valence effective 38
Hammons, B.E. 165
Han 238
Han, C.-C. 17
Han, J. 216 223 224 225(49) 234 237 239 240(77) 241 242(79) 243(79) 244 248 249 252 253 254(102) 255(85) 256 257(104) 258(104) 260 261(108) 263(108) 264 265(104) 266 276 277(104) 278 285
Handlovitis, C.E. 21
Hangleiter, A. 280 281(127)
Hann, R.A. 27 116(93)
Harder, C. 278 279(125)
Harle, V. 280 281(127)
Harris, J.S., Jr. 376
Harrison, M.G. 57 68 88 89 104 105(219) 106 108(250) 111(189) 112 113 114 115(250)
Harrison, W.A. 182 199(72) 234
Harsch, W.C. 214
Harstein, A. 296
Hartree — Frock semiempirical AMI (Austen Model 1) technique 38
Hashemi, M.M. 229
Hashitsume, Natsuki see "Kubo R."
Hass, K.C.: Electronics Structure of Copper-Oxide Superconductors 42 213
Hatano, T. 404
Haterott, M. 269 271(114)
Haug, H. 272 402 335 430 431(251) 433(383)
Hauge, E.H. 305 310(119) 442 444 445
Haugen, G.M. 260
Hauksson, I. 270
Haus, J.W. 154 187(34) 190
Havinga, E.E. 88 109(255) 110(255)
Haydock, Roger: The Recursive Solution of the Schroedinger Equation 35 216
Hayes, G.R. 83 84(248)
Hayes, J.R. 294
Hayes, T.M., and Boyce, J.B.: Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy 37 173
hcp see "Hexagonal-close-packed lattice"
He, L. 239 240(77) 241 242(79) 243(79) 249 253 254(102) 256 257(104) 258(104) 265(104) 277(104)
He, Li 248 249(90)
He, S. 310 440
Hebel, L.C., Jr.: Spin Temperature and Nuclear Relaxation in Solids 15 409
Hedin, Lars, and Lundqvist, Stig: Effects of Electron-Electron and Electron-Phonon Interactions on the One-Electron States of Solids 23 2
Heeger, A.J. 6 8 19 20 22 26 30 31 34 35 38 39(118 119) 41 42(133) 54 55 60 61 68 82 96 115 118 119 120 122 123 128 129 130(336) 131 132(129) 142 147 148
Heeger, A.J.: Localized Moments and Non-moments in Metals: The Kondo Effects 23 284
Heenecke, M. 53
Heer, Ernst, and Novey, Theodore B.: The Interdependence of Solid State Physics and Angular Distribution of Nuclear Radiations 9 200
Hefetz, Y. 215
Hegarty, J. 223
Heiland, G., Mollwo, E., and Stoeckmann, F.: Electronic Processes in Zinc Oxide 8 193
Heine, Volker see "Cohen M.L."
Heine, Volker, and Weaire, D.: Pseudopotential Theory of Cohesion and Structure 24 250
Heine, Volker: Electronic Structure from the Point of View of the Local Atomic Environment 35 1
Heine, Volker: The Pseudopotential Concept 24 1
Heinke, H. 213
Heitz, W. 20 21 120 122 125(313) 129(59 313) 130(313)
Hekking, F.W.J. 310
Helbig, M. 62 132(203)
Helfrich, W. 11
Helm, M. 223
HEMT see "High-electron mobility transistor"
Henderson, G. 154 171(36)
Henderson, G.N. 172
Henneberger, F. 221 272
Hennecke, M. 53
Hennig, R. 141
Henning, P.A. 431
Henry, C.H. 278 279(124) 280(124)
Hensel, J.C., Phillips, T.G., and Thomas, G.A.: The Electron-Hole Liquid in Semiconductors: Experimental Aspects 32 88
Hensich, H.K. 64 67(206) 78(206)
Hershfield, S. 306 308 444 446
Herzfeld, Charles M., and Meijer, Paul H.E.: Group Theory and Crystal Field Theory 12 2
Hess, B.C. 57
Hess, K. 298 310 311 442 443 448
Heterostructures see also "Wide band-gap II-VI heterostructures"
Heterostructures, photonic band-gap 202
Heun, S. 53
Hexagonal-close-packed lattice 2D PBG 190
Heyman, M. 129
Hibbs, A.R. 293 298(48) 315(48)
Hicks, J.C. 42 42(139)
Hida, H. 419 435
Hideshima, T. see "Saito N."
Hiei, F. 213 242 252
Higashi, H. 129
High-electron mobility transistor, quantization 287
High-electron mobility transistor, quantization, tunneling 303—304
High-field systems, homogeneous, Airy function retarded Green's function 420—425
High-field systems, homogeneous, description 417—420
High-field systems, homogeneous, less-than function 425—429
Hiley, J.M. 337
Hinds, E.A. 165 166(49)
Hiramoto, M. 141
Hirliman, C. 429
Hirooka, M. 19
Hirth, J.P. see "Pond R.C."
Hjertberg, T. 31
Ho, E. 214 234 236
Ho, K.M. 153 154 163 164 187(30) 188 189 192 193(21) 195
Ho, S. 302 306
Ho, S.T. 168
Hoeger, S. 128
Hoehold, H.H. 57
Hoelzaepfel, J. 145
Hoerhold, H.-H. 21 62 132(203)
Hofler, G.E. 256 259
Hoger, S. 119 122
Holdcroft, S. 107
Hole concentration in p-ZnSe and p-ZnTe 237 239
Holes see "Capture electron-hole"
Holland, P.R. 337 357(257)
Holmes, A.B. 11 12(31) 18 21 22 24 25 29 30 31(102) 46 51 52 53 54(104) 56 60 61(194) 68 72 73 82 83 84(248) 104 105(219) 106 107 117 118 119 120 122 123 124(78 321) 125 128 129 130(223) 131(223 302) 132 134 135 136(178) 137 138 139 141 144(226) 146 147 148
Holscher, H. 217
Holweg, P.A.M. 308
Home, D. 46
Hommel, D. 272 274(119)
HOMO levels see "Ionization potential conjugated
Hone, D.W. 322
Hong, K.M. 60
Hong, X. 233
Hongawa, K. 120 123
Hopfel, R.A. 402
Hopfield, J.J. 206 217(1)
Horing, N.J. 347
Horing, N.J.M. 333 334 335 402 444
Horneigh, R.M. 192
Hornreich, R.M. 192
Horovitz, B. 40 42
Horowitz, G. 11 29 57 111 112(183 184) 129
Hosokawa, C. 129
Hotta, S. 111
House, J.L. 234 236
Hovinen, M. 244 255(85) 256(85) 260 262(108) 263(108) 264
Howard, R.E. 296
Hsieh, B.R. 73 74 76(232) 84 126(228) 133 146
Hu, B.Y.-K. 314 335
Hu, G.Y. 302 314 332 334
Hu, P. 310 333 446 447
Hua, C. 250 255(85) 256(85)
Hua, G. 252
Hua, G.C. 249 253 254(102) 260 261(108) 263(108)
Huber, J. 25 120 123 124(81)
Huber, J.-J. 120 123 124(321)
Huebener, R.P.: Thermoelectricity in Metals and Alloys 27 64
Hueckel (tight-binding method), electron descriptions 32
Hueckel (tight-binding method), electronic structure and chain geometry of charged excited states 46
Hughes, W.C. 249
Hui, P.M. 172 179 185 192 197 199 202(69 70)
Hui, P.M., and Johnson, Neil F.: Photonic Band-Gap Materials 49 151
Hulin, D. 429
Huntington, H.B.: The Elastic Constants of Crystals 7 214
Hupe, J. 26
Huser, J. 306
| Hussain, A.T. 67 68(213) 88 103(213) 104(213) 105 107(213)
Hutchings, M.T.: Point-Charge Calculations of Energy Levels of Magnetic Ions in Crystalline Electric Fields 16 227
Hwang, W. 64 66 70(208) 71(208)
Hybertson, M. 276 280(123)
Hydrodynamic moment equations 339—332
Hyldgaard, P. 306 308 444 446
Iafrate, G.J. 292 302 315 317(178) 342(46) 347 370(279) 374(279) 378(46) 380(46)
ICFE see "Intracollisional field effect"
Ichiguchi, T. 308
Ichino, K. 218 220(37)
Ideality factor for Schottky-barrier diodes 8—9
Ikeda, M. 242 244 253 254(84a)
Ikeda, S. 5
Impurities see also "Defects" "Doping"
Impurities in PBG materials, dielectric and air spheres 193—194
Impurities in PBG materials, nonlinear 185—186
Impurities in poly(3-alkythiophene)s 22
Impurities, charge-conjugation symmetry breaking and 46
Impurities, Green's functions and photonic band-gap 184—186
Impurities, phase coherence and 296
Impurities, radiative decay in PPVs 81
Imry, Y. 296
Incoherent II-VI light emitters 211
Indium-tin oxide electrodes, interfacial barriers in PPV LEDs 72
Inelastic mean free path, ballistic transport over 299
Inelastic mean free path, phase interference and 294
Inelastic scattering in resonant-tunneling diodes 445—446
Inganaes, O. 10 31 67 88 107
Ingold, G.-L. 448
Inguva, R. 154 187(34) 190(34)
Initiators, Durham polyacetylene and 16
Inokuchi, Hiroo, and Akamutu, Hideo: Electrical Conductivity of Organic Semi-conductors 12 93
Inoue, K. 223
Inoue, T. 123
Insulator layer, MIS device, description 84—85
Insulator layer, MIS device, polyacetylene diodes 94
Insulators, charge transfer across metal contacts and 64—68
Interchain interactions, polaron stabilization 46—47
Interchain interactions, polymers with gaps in blue or UV 50
Interfacial barriers in PPV LEDs 125—126
Interfacial barriers, contaminated surfaces and oxygen 73
Interfacial barriers, effects on charge injection 72
Internal photoemission spectroscopy 127—128
Intracollisional field effect 288
Intracollisional field effect, importance or lack thereof 418—419
Intracollisional field effect, less-than function 425
Intrinsic bistability in double-barrier resonant-tunneling diodes 395
Intrinsic semiconductors in LEDs 67
Intrinsic semiconductors, band-bending versus trap density 67
Intrinsic semiconductors, trap-free 65—66
Inversion layer, MIS diode 89—90
Inversion layer, p-type semiconductors 85—86
Inversion layer, polyacetylene MISFETS 101
Ionization potential, conjugated polymer, doping and 58
Ionization potential, conjugated polymer, experimental results 61—63
Ipatova, I.P. see "Maradudin A.A."
Isawa, Y. 404
Ishibashi, A. 223 242 244 247 253 254(84a) 264 265(111)
Ishibashi, K. 308
Ishihara, T. 269 270 271(114 116) 273(116) 275(116)
Isihara, A.: Electron Correlations in Two Dimensions 42 271
Isoelectronic centers of tellurium in ZnSe 225—229
Isoelectronic centers of tellurium, blue-green LEDs 249—250
Isolated chains, models for infinite 34
ITO electrodes see "Indium-tin oxide electrodes"
Ito, T. 5
ITO/PPV light emitting diodes, electrical characteristics 124—125
ITO/PPV light emitting diodes, multilayer 132—133
Itoh, S. 244 253 254(84a)
Itoh, Y. 115
Ivanov, T. 447
Iwai, H. 285
Iwayanagi, S. see "Saito N."
Iyechika, Y. 20
Iyer, S.S. 115
Izrael, A. 190
Jackel, L.D. 296
Jackson, R.W. 17 18 125
Jacobini, C. 285 306 316 347 361(11 180) 418 419 447 448
Jacobs, J.P. 278 279(125)
Jacobsen, K.W. 310
Jain, J.K. 362
Jalabert, R. 362
James, R.W.: The Dynamical Theory of X-Ray Diffraction 15 55
Jan, J.-P.: Galvanomagnetic and Thermomagnetic Effects in Metals 5 3
Janssen, T. see "Currat R."
Janussis, A. 318
Jarrett, C.P. 88 100 101 108 109 110
Jarrett, H.S.: Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy in Molecular Solids 14 215
Jauho, A.P. 304 305 306 310(118) 333 334 407(228) 408 417 419 418 428 429 439 440 448
Jeglinski, S. 49
Jenekhe, S.A. 146
Jensen, K.L. 386 387
Jeon, H. 115 207 208 241 242(79) 243(79) 244 247 248(87) 249 252 255(85) 256(85) 266 269 270 271(114 116) 273(116) 275(116)
Jerome, D. 3 4(4)
Jin, Y. 285
Jing, W.-X. 24 123 124(78)
Joannopoulos, J.D. 154 160(31 32) 161 162 162(32) 163 164 190 190(32) 191 192(86) 193(22) 193 194
Joannopoulos, J.D., and Cohen, Marvin, L.: Theory of Short-Range Order and Disorder in Tetrahedrally Bonded Semiconductors 31 71
Jobst, B. 272 274(119)
Joen, H. 251
Joffre, M. 429
John, S. 153 169 187
Johnson, M. 215
Johnson, N. 239 240(77)
Johnson, N.F. 172 179 197 199 202(69 70 71)
Johnson, N.M. 234 236
Johnson, Neil F. see "Hui P.M."
Johnston, W.G. see "Gilman J.J."
Jones, C.A. 8 9 10 11 87(18 19) 88(18) 92(18 19) 94(18 19) 95(18 19) 100(18) 101(18 19) 102(19) 103(18 19)
Jonker, B.T. 216
Jonson, M. 304
Joo, J. 26
Joosten, H.P. 306
Jorgensen, Kluxbull, Chr.: Chemical Bonding Inferred from Visible and Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra 13 376
Joshi, R.P. 435
Joshi, S.K., and Rajagopal, A.K.: Lattice Dynamics of Metals 22 160
Jung, N. 144
Juza, P. 223
Kadanoff, L.P. 321 323(201) 410(201)
Kadyshevitch, A. 168
Kaenzig, Werner: Ferroelectrics and Antiferroelectrics 4 5
Kaerijama, K. 22 73 128(225)
Kagan, J. 29
Kahbn, F.S. 419
Kahlert, K. 29 30(100)
Kahn, A.H., and Frederikse, H.P.R.: Oscillatory Behavior of Magnetic Susceptibility and Electronic Conductivity 9 257
Kahn, M.S. 61
Kajiwara, T. 215
Kakuta, A. 115
Kalashnikov, V.P. 336
Kalkhoran, N.M. 115
Kallmann, H.P. 11 116(28)
Kalvova, A. 419
Kalyanasundaram, K. 145
Kamata, A. 236
Kanbara, T. 123
Kanbe, M. 16
Kane, E.O. 152 157(4) 170(4) 303
Kaneisha, M.A. 429
Kanicki, J. 8 145(16)
Kann, M.J. 435
Kano, H. 111
Kao, K.C. 64 66 70(208) 71(208)
Kaplan, S.B. 296
Karasawa, T. 208 215 235(9)
Karasz, F.E. 17 19 29 30(101) 31 57 74 106 120 123
Karathanos, V. 154
Karczewski, G. 239
Karg, S. 68 122 126 129 146(326 327)
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