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Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49 |
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Resonant-tunneling diodes, Wigner distribution and double-barrier 391—399
Reynolds, D.C. 47
Reznitsky, A. 227
Rhoderick, E.H. 64
Rice, M.H., McQueen, R.G., and Walsh, J.M.: Compression of Solids by Strong Shock Waves 6 1
Rice, M.J. 35 39(120) 45
Rice, T.M. 276 280(123) see B.I."
Rice, T.M.: The Electron-Hole Liquid in Semiconductors: Theoretical Aspects 32 1
Richert, R. 75
Rick, K. 431 433(394)
Rideout, V.L. 284
Rieb, W. 126 129
Rieger, P.H. 62
Rieke, R.D. 23
Ries, S. 11 29(25) 111(25)
Riess, W. 68 122 126 146(326 327)
Rikken, G.L.J. 83 84(246 247) 120(246 247) 122 123
Rikken, G.L.J.A. 127
Rinaldi, R. 219 272
Ring opening metathesis polymerization initiator 15
Ringhofer, C 385 386(320) 387 388 390 392(328) 396
Ringle, M. 223 224(47) 238 256 257(104) 258(104) 260 265(104) 266 267(104)
Ringle, M.D. 260 261(108) 263(108)
Rishton, S. 285
Risken, H. 380
Ritchie, R.H. see "Echenique P.M."
RO-PPV see "Dihexyloxy-poly(p-phenylene-vinylene) cyano-substituted derivative"
Roberts, G.G. 27 116(92 93)
Robertson, W.M. 162 163 164 190(43 44)
Roessler, U. 293
Roghberg, L.J. 81 83(242) 143(242)
Rohrer, H. 304
Roitburd, A.L.: Martensitic Transformation as a Typical Phase Transformation in Solids 33 317
Rooks, M.J. 295
Rosenberg, H.M. see "Mendelssohn K."
Rosenberg, L.M. 79
Rosenfeld, L. 288
Rossi, F. 316 335 347 361(180) 419 430 431 433(252 388 394)
Rossin, V.V. 221
Rota, L. 335 428(245)
Roth, L.M. 347
Roth, S. 99
Rothberg, L. 84
Rothberg, L.J. 132 141 148
Rouleau, C.M. 208 235(8)
Royer, A. 318
Ruehe, J. 67 68(213) 88 103(213) 104(213) 105 107(213)
Rughooputh, S.D. 19
Rumbles, G. 53 82 83(170 245)
Runge, E. 220 276 277(122) 447
Ruppel, W. 79
Ryan, J. 285
Saad, Y. 287
Sachrajda, A.S. 306 307
Sacra, A. 232
Sadoun, M.A. 111
Safran, S.A.: Stage Ordering in Intercalation Compounds 40 183
Saggia, E. 186
Sai-Halasz, G.A. 285
Saito, M. 285
Saito, N., Okano, K., Iwayanagi, S., and Hideshima, T.: Molecular Motion in Solid State Polymers 14 344
Saito, S. 17 19(47) 28 60 108 116 130(96) 140 141
Sakaki, H. 111 293
Sakamoto, A. 57 107(185)
Salamanca-Riba, L. 260
Salaneck, W.R. 31 46 61 62 72 73 128(225)
Salbeck, J. 25 120(81) 123 124(81)
Salehpour, M.R. 154 187(25)
Salem, L. 5 32 36(8)
Salokatve, A. 244 252 255(85) 256 257(104) 258(104) 260 265(104) 277(104)
Samara, G.A., and Peercy, P.S.: The Study of Soft-Mode Transitions at High Pressure 36 1
Samara, G.A.: High-Pressure Studies of Ionic Conductivity in Solids 38 1
Samarth, N. 207 215 216 219 221(39 114)
Samuel, I.D.W. 53 82 83 84(248)
Sander, R. 120 122 125(313) 129(313) 130(313) 141
Santhanam, P. 298
Sapochak, L.S. 143
Saraie, J. 241 242(79) 243(79) 249
Sariciftci, N.S. 148
Sasai, M. 46
Sasaki, A. 215
Sato, M. 22 30
Sato, N. 62
Satpathy, S. 154 172(26) 187(25) 188(26)
Sawaki, N. 347
Scalar wave equations, 3D photonic band structures 172
Scalar wave equations, plane-wave expansion of position-dependent fields 186—187
Scanlon, W.W.: Polar Semiconductors 9 83
Scarlora, M. 168
Scattering terms versus streaming in kinetic transport functions 331
Scattering terms, Boltzmannn equations, dissipation and current flow 362—364
Scattering terms, Boltzmannn equations, quantum effects in 335
Scattering, inelastic, in resonant-tunneling diodes 305 400—401
Scattering, self-energy and 407
Scattering, transport in presence of localized 309—310
SCH see "Separate confinement hetero-structure"
SCH/SQW devices 250—258
Schaff, W.J. 285
Schaffer, H.E. 55 96
Schafroth, M.R.: Theoretical Aspects of Superconductivity 10 295
Schein, L.B. 74
Schenk, H. 25 120(81) 123 124(81)
Scherf, U. 25 120 123 124(77 81 321) 131(77)
Schetzina, J.F. 242 249
Schetzina, J.S. 247
Schiebel, U. 144
Schikora, D. 215
Schilp, J. 335 430(252) 433(252)
Schimmel, T. 109
Schirber, J.E. 3 4(5)
Schlapp, W. 302
Schlenoff, J.B. 106
Schlip, J. 431 433(394)
Schlueter, A.-D. 24
Schmidt, H.-W. 120 122
Schmitt-Rink, S. 429 430
Schnatterley, S.E.: Inelastic Electron Scattering Spectroscopy 34 275
Schneider, W.G. 11
Schoell, E. 335 419 430(252) 433(252)
Schoeller, H. 323 347 448
Schoen, G. 310
Scholz, F. 280 281(127)
Schottky barriers, definition 65
Schottky barriers, forming against metals 8
Schottky barriers, ITO/PPV/A1 LEDs 126—127
Schottky barriers, thermionic emission and 69 70 126 127
Schottky barriers, tunneling rate through 71
Schottky, W. 64
Schottky-barrier diodes 8—10
Schrieffer, J.R. 34 35 39(118 119) 46
Schrock, R.R. 16 120 123
Schroeder, D.K. 377 378(302)
Schroedinger equation, PGB versus electronic crystals and 154—155
Schroedinger equation, quantum mechanical semiconductor modeling and 308—310
Schroedinger equation, quantum waveguides 310—314
Schulman, James, H. see "Klick C.C."
Schultz, S. 153 162 169
Schwalm, M.K. 331 439 440
Schwalm, W.A. 331 439 440
Schwartz, L.M. 186 see H."
Schwoerer, M. 68 109 122 126 146(326 327)
Seitz, Frederick see "Wigner E.P."
Seitz, Frederick, and Koehler, J.S.: Displacement of Atoms during Irradiation 2 307
Self-energy for electron-phonon and impurity scattering 417—418
Self-energy, Airy function retarded Green's function 422
Self-energy, Green's function and 406—407 415—416 427
Sellmyer, D.J.: Electronic Structure of Metallic Compounds and Alloys: Experimental Aspects 33 83
Semaltianos, N.G. 245
Semi-insulators 233 see
Semiconducting polymers, description 2—7
| Semiconducting polymers, quantum chemical calculations 38—39
Semiconductors see also "Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors"
Semiconductors, band-gap engineering 152
Semiconductors, charge injection 86
Semiconductors, charge transfer across metal contacts and 64—68
Semiconductors, chip density, implications of increasing 283—286
Semiconductors, inorganic, LEDs with p-n junctions of 115
Semiconductors, intrinsic, band-bending versus trap density 67
Semiconductors, intrinsic, in LEDs 67
Semiconductors, intrinsic, trap-free, charge injection and 65—66
Semiconductors, molecular 2—3 27—29 111—113
Semiconductors, n-type, Schottky barrier between metal and 70
Semiconductors, quantum effects in 284—286
Semiconductors, quantum transport modeling see "Quantum transport modeling"
Senoh, M. 245 253(86)
Separate confinement heterostructures 211
Separate confinment heterostructure devices, blue-green diode lasers 250—251
Separate confinment heterostructure devices, lattice mismatch strain 212—213
Set see "Single-electron tunneling"
Sexithiophene 29 see
Sfiat, S. 289
Shacklette, L.W. 6
Shahzad, K. 215
Sham, L.J., and Ziman, J.M.: The Electron-Phonon Interface 15 223
Shambrook, A. 154
Shank, C.V. 429
Shao, Z. 307
Sharvin, D.Yu. 295
Sharvin, Yu.V. 295
Shaw, M.P. 394
Shaw, T.M. see "Beyers R."
Sheard, F.W. 306 396(122)
Sheng, P. 154
Sherman, B. 168
Shih, C.C. 168
Shimizu, T. 30
Shinar, J. 57 123 136 137 138
Shirakawa, H. 4 5 6
Shirley, I.M. 24
Shokin, Y.I. 385 386(318)
Short, S.W. 223
Shtrikman, S. 192
Shuai, Z. 49 50 136(163)
Shull, G.C., and Wollan, E.O.: Applications of Neutron Diffraction to Solid State Problems 2 138
Shum, K. 446
Siegel, J.L. 316
Sigalas, M. 163 164 192(46 47) 195
Sigel, J.L. 316 326(185)
Signal propagation, control of IC 169
Silbey, R. 9 46 85 140
Silicon dioxide 94
Silicon, electroluminescence from, attempts to create 115
Silicon, LED substrates of 142
Simmons, J.G. 67
Simon, J. 111
Simple models 45—47
Simpson, J. 215 270
Simulated emission, ZnSe-based QW laser 267—282
Singh, Jai: The Dynamics of Excitons 38 295
Single-atom resonance fluorescence 167—169
Single-electron tunneling 307—308 see "Tunneling
Single-layer light-emitting devices 124—130
Single-mode cavities 166—167
Singwi, K.S. see "Kothari L.S."
Singwi, K.S., and Tosi, M.P.: Correlations in Electron Liquids 36 177
Site-selective fluorescences 53—54
Sitter, H. 215 223
Sivananthan, S. 215
Skocpol, W.J. 296
Slack, Glen A.: The Thermal Conductivity of Nonmetallic Crystals 34 1
Slater, J. 192
Slater, J.C. 184 185(74)
Slater, J.M. 14
Smart, A.P. 230
Smith, Charles S.: Macroscopic Symmetry and Properties of Crystals 34 1
Smith, D. 153 162(15)
Smith, D.L. 139 152
Smith, D.R. 162
Smith, H. 322 323(204) 334(204) 405(204) 422(204)
Smith, P. 26 30 31 142
Smith, T.B. 318
Smolowitz, L. 148
Snowden, C.M. 286 287
Soezueer, H.S. 154 187(34) 190
Sokokik, I. 57 120 123
Sokolowski, M.M. 16 29(42) 30(42)
Solid conjugated polymers, exciton extension over molecular units 48
Solid conjugated polymers, exciton motility in 50
Solitons see also "Polarons"
Solitons in conjugated polymers with nondegenerate ground states 42
Solitons in Peirels-distorted polymer chains 39—42
Solitons in photoinduced absorption of Durham polyacetylene 55—56
Solitons, charge storage in polyacetylene devices 91—92
Solitons, measuring mass of charged Durham poly-acetylene 56
Solitons, polyacetylene MIS devices 97—98
Sollner, T.C.L.G. 305
Solomon, P. 394
Sols, F. 301 310 311 312 442 443
Solubility, conjugated polymers, PPP 24
Solubility, conjugated polymers, PPV derivative synthesis and 18—22
Solubility, conjugated polymers, problems 6—7
Solution-processed polymers 29—30
Sommers, C. 192
Sond, Ajay K.: Structural Ordering in Colloidal Suspensions 45 1
Soos, Z.G. 46
Sorba, L. 219 220(41) 272
Sotomayor Torres, C.M. 230
Soukoulis, C.M. 153 154 164 187(30) 188 189 192 193(21) 195
Space charge, injection effects versus 63—64
Space charge, limiting single-carrier current 76
Space charge, two-carrier currents 77 78 79
Space-charge-limited (SCL) current 76—77
Spaepen, Frans see "Nelson D.R."
Spector, Harold N.: Interaction of Acoustic Waves and Conduction Electrons 19 291
Spectral function in quantum transport 289—290
Spectral function, less-than Green's function 425
Spectroscopy of polyacetylene MIS devices 96—100
Spectroscopy, blue-green diode laser gain 277—281
Spectroscopy, coherent microwave transient 162—163
Spectroscopy, femtosecond pump-probe 271
Spectroscopy, II-VI QWs, electronic confinement and 224—225
Spectroscopy, optical 217
Spencer, G.W.C. 141
Spicka, V. 288 305 310(119) 329 418 437(359) 442(119)
Spoelstra, K.J. 83 84(247) 120(247) 123
Sprangler, C.W. 56 136(178)
Srdanov, G. 20
Srdanov, V.I. 148
Srivastaqva, P. 11 111(26)
SSH (Su, Schrieffer and Heeger) model, conjugated polymer electronic structure, excited states 39—42
SSH (Su, Schrieffer and Heeger) model, conjugated polymer electronic structure, ground state 35—38
SSH (Su, Schrieffer and Heeger) model, conjugated polymer electronic structure, implication of radiative decay 46
SSH (Su, Schrieffer and Heeger) model, site-selective fluorescence 54
St. J-Russel, P. 152
Stacking faults 263
Stafstroem, S. 72
Stampfl, J. 25
Stanton, C.J. 308
Staring, E.G.J. 83 84(246 247) 120(246 247) 122 123 127
Stark ladder effects 290
Stark, J.B. 429
Statistical thermodynamics, quantum potentials and 291—293
Stavrinides, T. 234
Stefanou, N. 154
Stehlin, T. 25 120(81) 123 124(81)
Steinrueck, H. 320 382
Stenger-Smith, J. 17
Stern, F. 281 287 392(19)
Stern, Frank: Elementary Theory of the Optical Properties of Solids 15 300
Stern, R. 25 120(81) 123 124(81)
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