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Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49 |
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Fahlman, M. 46 72 73 128(225)
Faisst, C.F. 26
Falicov, L.M. 192
Fan, F. 264
Fan, H.Y.: Valence Semiconductors Germanium and Silicone 1 283
Fan, Y. 239 240(77) 241 242(79) 243(79) 249 252 256 257(104) 258 260 261(108) 263(108) 265(104) 277(104)
Fano, U. 315
Faschinger, W. 222
Fauquet, C. 73 128(225)
Faurie, J.-P. 215
Fave, J.-L. 1
FBC continuum model 43—45
FCC see "Face-centered-cubic structures"
Feast, W.J. 14 15 16 24 30 100 101
Feldmann, J. 141
Femtosecond laser excitation 429—435
Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy 271
Feng, S. 301
Feng, Y. 307
Fermi energy levels, charge transfer across metal-semiconductor/insulator contacts 64—65
Fermi energy levels, PPV dopant concentrations versus 68
Fermi energy levels, quasi-Fermi energies 70 366
Fermi — Dirac distribution, density matrices and 347—350
Fermi — Dirac distribution, Wigner function modeling and 383
Fermi's golden rule, recombination in PBG materials and 165—166
Ferraris, J.P. 139
Ferreira, R. see "Bastard G."
Ferreira, S. 215
Ferry, D.K. 285 287 288 291 292 293 302(12) 304 308 311 312 326(12) 332 334 335 337 338(50) 342 343 345 353 357 361(11) 364(263 292) 378(46) 380 382(45) 383 384(45) 385 386(320) 387 388 390 392(328) 396 400 419 420 423(371) 428(245) 435 440
Ferry, D.K., and Grubin, H.L.: Modeling of Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Devices 49 283
Fertig, H.A. 310 444
Fesser, K. 43 44(142) 45 46(144 145) 49(142)
Feynman, R.P. 293 298(48) 315(48) 337(49) 346 380
Fichou, D. 11 29 57 111 112(183 184)
Fiegna, C. 285
Field effects in conjugated polymers 84—89
Field effects, intracollisional 288
Field emissions, charge injection and 71
Field mobilities in disordered materials 74—75
Field-effect devices see also "Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors"
Field-effect devices, diodes, metal-insulator-semiconductor 89—90
Field-effect devices, early attempts to develop 8
Field-effect devices, MEH-PPV layers with polyaniline grid 115
Field-effect devices, modulation of optical properties 113—115
Field-effect devices, polyacetylene 91—103
Field-effect devices, polymers, field effect in conjugated 84—89
Field-effect devices, thiophene oligomer 111—113
Field-effect devices, transistors see also "Field-effect devices" "MIS
Field-effect devices, transistors, description 90—91
Field-effect devices, transistors, polyacetylene and polythiophene derivatives in, description 10—11
Field-effect devices, transistors, PPV and PT 107—111
Filig, T. 306
Films, aligned polymer 30
Films, amorphous sublimed 29
Films, electron diffraction measurements on unstretched 30
Films, Langmuir — Blodgett 27—28
Films, large-scale morphology of polymer 31
Films, nonradiative decay and PPV 82—83
Films, polymeric photoconductive and photovoltaic devices 145
Films, sublimed molecular 27—28
Fincher, C.R., Jr. 4 5(6)
Finite-element method 194—196
Fiorenza, G. 408
Fischer, F. 213
Fischer, J.E. 31
Fischetti, M.V. 286
Fisher, D.S. 299 330(80) 440(80)
Fisher, P.A. 214 234 236
Flatte, M.E. 276 277(122)
Flores, F. see "Echenique P.M."
Floyd, P.D. 229
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 329—330
Fluegel, B. 429
Fluorescence, single-atom resonance 167—169
Fluorescence, site selective, in conjugated polymers 53—54
Foad, M.A. 230
Foerster transfer process 51
Foerster, T. 51
Fokker — Planck equation 343
Foot, P.J.S. 29 30(99) 31 60(99)
Force balance equations 332—333
Ford, G.W. 332
Fork, R.L. 429
Formulas, conjugated polymer chemical 13
Forrest, S.R. 143
Forstner, A. 215
Fourier transforms, Wigner function and 319
Fowler — Nordheim plots 71
Fowler, A.B. 287 392(19)
Foxon, C.T. 300
Franciosi, A. 219 220(41) 272
Franck — Condon transitions 32—33
Frankevich, E.L. 57
Franssila, S. 108
Franz — Keldysh shift in bulk crystals 290
Frederikse, H.P.R. see "Kahn A.H."
Fredriksson, C. 72
Freeman, N.J. 14
Freeman, W.H. 182 199(72)
French, I.D. 144
Frenkel excitons in molecular organic crystals 50—51
Frenkel excitons, electron-hole pair location 47
Frensley, W.R. 358 385 389 392 396 400 401 443 448
Frequencies, defect modes, EM field localization around 166
Frequencies, optical, fabricating 2D and 3D PBG materials for 158
Frequencies, optical, single-mode cavities and 166—167
Frequencies, photon dispersion gaps in perfect PBG materials 155—156
Freund, L.B. 213
Friend, R.H. 8 9 10 11 12(31) 15 16 17 18 21 22 24 25 29 30 31(102) 46 49 50 51 52 53 54(104) 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 67 68 72 73 82 83 84(248) 85 87(18 19) 88 92(18 19) 93 94 95 96 97(258) 98 99 100 101 102 103(18 19 213) 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111(189) 112 113 114 115(250) 117 118 119 120 122 123 124(78 321) 128 129 130(223) 131(223 302) 132 134 135 136(163 178) 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144(226) 146 147 148 see N.C."
Fripiat, J.G. 46
Froehlich, H. 342
Frohne, H.R. 310
Fu, Q. 216 228 219 239(53) 250
Fu, Y. 88
Fuchigami, H. 11 88(27) 108(27)
Fugita, S. 215
Fuijita, S. 218 220(37)
Fujita, H. 236
Fujita, S. 218 220(37)
Fujita, Sg. 244
Fujiyasu, H. 215
Fukutome, H. 46
Fukuyama, H. 296 330(69)
Fukuyama, M. 26
Fulde, Peter, Keller, Joachim, and Zwicknagl, Gertrud: Theory of Heavy Fermior Systems 41 1
Fullerenes in photoconductive and photovoltaic devices 148
Furdyna, J. 207 218 219(38) 221(39) 229 269 270 271(114)
Furdyna, J.K. 215 216 223 239
Furukawa, Y. 57 107(185 186)
GaAS see "Gallium arsenide"
Gabrowski, M. 46
Gaensslen, F.H. 284
Gagnon, D.R. 19
Gailberger, M. 20 60(58)
Gain, blue-green laser 257
Gain, ZnSe-based QW laser 267—282
Gain, ZnSe-based QW laser, excitonic processes 269—277
Gain, ZnSe-based QW laser, optical resonances 268
Gaines, J.M. 252
Galbraith, I. 270
Galick, A.T. 302
Galitsky, V.M. 430
Gallium arsenide lasers, gain spectra of QW 278
Gallium arsenide lasers, historical role of diode 206
Gallium arsenide, components of total bond energy in 234—235
Galt, J.K. see "Kittel C."
Galvao, D.S. 46
Galvin, M.E. 31 81 83(242) 143(242) 148
GaN, covalent versus polar components of total bond energy 234—235
GaN, LEDs from epitaxically-grown 245
| Gandit, P. 295
Ganin, E. 285
Gao, Y. 73 126(228)
Garcia, N. 170
Gardner, C.L. 342
Garnier, F. 11 22 29 57 111 112 113 114 129 145
Gates, lengths of, MOSFET 284—285
Gates, lengths of, quantum effects 294
Gates, quantum dots and potentials on 306—307
Gau, S.C. 4 5(6) 145
Gaussian wave packets, DBRTD potential and 387—389
Gaylord, T.K. 154 171(36) 172
Geballe, Theodore, H. see "White Robert
Gebhardt, W. 230
Gellerman, W. 170
Gelsen, O.M. 30 52 54
Genack, A.Z. 170
George, C. 288
Gerard, J.M. 190
Gerber, Ch. 304
Gerrligs, L.J. 308
Gettinger, C.L. 82
Giftke, C. 215
Gill, R.E. 123
Gill, W.D. 8
Gilman, J.J., and Johnston, W.G.: Dislocations in Lithium Fluoride Crystals 13 148
Gin, D.L. 24
Givens, M. Parker: Optical Properties of Metals 6 313
Glaeser, D. 109
Glasse, C. 144
Glenis, S. 145
Glick, A.T. 287
Glicksman, Maurice: Plasmas in Solids 26 275
Glytsis, E.N. 154 171(36) 172
Gmeiner, J. 126
Gmitter, T.J. 153 154 159(17 18) 160(17 31 33) 161 189(33) 193(31) 194(31)
Goebel, E.O. 53 141
Goel, A. 296
Gogoliubov, N.N. 336
Goldberg, I.B. see "Weger M."
Golin, S. 192
Gomer, Robert: Chemisorption on Metals 30 94
Gomes, H.L. 14 107(34)
Gommes da Costa, P. 48
Gonsalves, J. 216
Gonsalves, J.M. 228 239(53)
Goodhue, W.D. 305
Goodings, C. 306
Goodings, C.J. 347
Goodnick, S. 448
Goodnick, S.M. 312
Goodnick, S.S. 311
Gordon, B. 20
Gorkov, L. 435
Gossard, A.C. 294
Gourary, Barry S., and Adrian, Frank J.: Wave Functions for Electron-Excess Color Centers in Alkali Halide Crystals 10 128
Gourley, P.L. 165
Govindam, T.R. 357 364(292) 378 342 353
Grabert, H. 304
Gradley, D.D.C. 68 119(216)
Graetzel, M. 145
Graham, S. 72
Graham, S.C. 106
Grant, P.M. 8
Greater-than function, density matrices and 322
Greczmiel, M. 126
Green LEDs, attempts to fabricate 250
Green — Kubo formula 435—442 see
Green's functions, density matrices and 320—324
Green's functions, modeling using, femtosecond laser excitation 429—435
Green's functions, modeling using, Green — Kubo formula 435—442
Green's functions, modeling using, high-field systems, homogenous 417—429
Green's functions, modeling using, low-field systems, homogenous 406—417
Green's functions, modeling using, overview 404—406
Green's functions, modeling using, resonant-tunneling diodes 442—448
Green's functions, photonic band-gap impurities and 184—186
Green's functions, quantum energy level prediction and exponential 338—339
Green's functions, quantum transport and real-time 335
Green's functions, retarded 320—324
Green, H.S. 346
Greenham, N.C. 21 22 68 72 81 83 84(248) 117 118(223) 119 122 123 128 129 130(223) 131(223 302) 132 134 135 137(240) 139 140 141(240) 142 143 148
Greenham, N.C., and Friend, R.H.: Semiconductor Device Physics of Conjugated Polymers 49 1
Greiner, A. 20 21 53 57 82(171) 83(171) 107(187) 120 122 125(313) 129(59 313) 130(313) 141
Grem, G. 25 120 123 124(77 80) 131(77)
Griffiths, K. 278 279(125)
Griffiths, R.B. 298
Grignard coupling route to poly(3-alkythiophene) 22
Grillo, D. 256 257(104) 258(104) 265(104) 277(104)
Grillo, D.C. 208 223 224(47) 244 247 248 249(90) 251 252 253 254(102) 255(85) 256(85) 260 261(108) 262(108) 264 266 276 278
Groenberg, L. 108
Groshev, A. 361 447
Ground states of charge-transfer salts 3—4
Ground states, conjugated polymers and molecules, extensions of simple models 45—47
Ground states, conjugated polymers and molecules, nondegenerate 42—45
Ground states, conjugated polymers and molecules, quantum chemical calculations 38—39
Ground states, conjugated polymers and molecules, tight-binding models 35—38
Ground states, conjugated polymers and molecules, vibrational 33—34
Grubbs, R.H. 24
Grubin, H.L. 292 342 353 357 364(292) 374 378 380(46) 394 see D.K."
Gruener, J. 22 24 120 123 124(78 321) 134 141
Gruener, J.F. 25 123
Gruner, J. 132
Gschneidner, Karl, A., Jr.: Physical Properties and Interrelationships of Metallic and Semimetallic Elements 16 275
Gu, H.B. 22
Guentherodt, H.-J. see "Busch G."
Guha, S. 256 259 260
Guillaud, G. 111
Guinea Lopez, F. 286 435(14)
Guinier, Andre: Heterogeneities in Solid Solutions 9 294
Gunshor, R.L. 115 208 216 223 224 225(49) 228 229 238 239 240(77) 241 242(79) 243(79) 244 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254(102) 255(85) 256 257(104) 258(104) 260 262(108) 263(108) 264 265(104) 266 276 277(104) 278 see A.V."
Guss, W. 141
Gustafsson, G. 31 67 68 88 107 119(215) 123 142
Gutowski, J. 272 274(119)
Guttman, Lester: Order-disorder Phenomena in Metals 3 146
Guyer, R.A.: The Physics of Quantum Crystals 23 413
Guyon, E. see "Dubois-Violette E."
Gymer, R.W. 88 108(250) 115(250) 119 120(308) 123 139
H equation, defect modes, photonic band-gap 179—180
H equation, Kohn — Luttinger functions and 176—179
H equation, photonic band-gap wave equations 171—172
Haase, M. 208 244(10)
Haase, M.A. 208 235(8) 242 244(78) 251(78) 256 259 260
Haasen, P. see "Alexander H."
Haberern, K.W. 252
Haddad, G.I. 400
Hadziioannou, G. 123
Haensch, W. 408 415(353)
Haeusler, W. 440 448
Hagedorn, M.S. 256
Hagerott, M. 218 221(39) 234 241 242(79) 243(79) 247 248 249 251 252 270 271(116) 273(116) 275(116) 278
Hagler, T.W. 20 54
Hahn, E.L. see "Das T.P."
Hajlaoui, R. 11 29(25) 111(25 26) 129
Haken, H. 380
Hakki — Paoli method 257—258 277
Hakki, B.W. 256 257(105)
Hall, A.G. 431 435(391)
Hall, D.G. 168
Hall, R. 115
Haller, E.E. 236
Halliday, D.A. 17 18 30 51 52 53 54(104) 56(169) 106
Halls, J.J.M. 60 61(194) 146 147 148
Halperin, B.I., and Rice, T.M.: The Excitonic State at the Semiconductor-Semimetal Transition 21 116
Ham, Frank S.: The Quantum Defect Method 1 127
Hamada, Y. 116
Hamaguchi, C. 287 295 439
Hamer, P.J. 24 25 120 123 124(78 321) 132 134
Hamiltonians, differential overlap (INDO) 49
Hamiltonians, electron-phonon system response to time-dependent perturbations 328—329
Hamiltonians, femtosecond laser excitation 431—434
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