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Ifrah G., Bellos D. — The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer
Ifrah G., Bellos D. — The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer

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Íàçâàíèå: The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer

Àâòîðû: Ifrah G., Bellos D.


"Georges Ifrah is the man. This book, quite simply, rules. . . . It is outstanding . . . a mind-boggling and enriching experience." –The Guardian (London) "Monumental. . . . a fascinating journey taking us through many different cultures."–The Times (London)"Ifrah’s book amazes and fascinates by the scope of its scholarship. It is nothing less than the history of the human race told through figures." –International Herald Tribune Now in paperback, here is Georges Ifrah’s landmark international bestseller–the first complete, universal study of the invention and evolution of numbers the world over. A riveting history of counting and calculating, from the time of the cave dwellers to the twentieth century, this fascinating volume brings numbers to thrilling life, explaining their development in human terms, the intriguing situations that made them necessary, and the brilliant achievements in human thought that they made possible. It takes us through the numbers story from Europe to China, via ancient Greece and Rome, Mesopotamia, Latin America, India, and the Arabic countries. Exploring the many ways civilizations developed and changed their mathematical systems, Ifrah imparts a unique insight into the nature of human thought–and into how our understanding of numbers and the ways they shape our lives have changed and grown over thousands of years. "Dazzling."–Kirkus Reviews "Sure to transfix readers."–PublishersWeekly

ßçûê: en

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Nigeria      70
Nilakanthaso-mayajin      414
NILE      259
Nine      35 396
Nine hundred      216—217
Nine, Chinese      269
Nine, Egyptian      177
Nine, Hebrew      215
Nine, Indian      410
Nine, Japanese      276
Nineteen      177
Ninety      215 235 248 295
Ninety-nine      295
Ninety-three      58
Ninevah      101 103 135 146
Ninni, A.P.      197
Ninurta      161
Nippur      81 130 239
Nisawi, Abu'l Hasan 'Ali ibn Ahmad an      363 524 530 539 548 560 562—563
Nisibe      512
Nissen      92
Nizami      526 556
Nommo the Seventh      72
Non-equivalence between sets      3—4
Non-Euclidian geometry      598
Notched bones      11 see
Nottnagelus      359
Nougayrot, J.      85 146
Nought      see "Zero"
Nubians      39
Numa, King      47
number systems      see also "Abacus" "Accounting" "Base "Body "Calculation" "Decimal" "Mysticism" "Position rule "Sumerian" "Zero"
Number systems, alphabetic numerals      156—157 212—262 483—484
Number systems, Arab-Islamic      511—576
Number systems, Chinese      263—296
Number systems, Cretan      178—180
Number systems, Dictionary      440—510
Number systems, Egyptian      162—177
Number systems, Europe      578—582 586—591
Number systems, Greek      182—187 218—223 232—233
Number systems, Hebrew      214—218 233—236
Number systems, historical classification      347—355
Number systems, Hittite      180—181
Number systems, Indian      367—439
Number systems, Mayan      297—322
Number systems, Mesopotamian      96—108 134—161
Number systems, modern      324—325 343—347 356—367 592—599
Number systems, Roman      187—200
Numerology      93—94 161 360 554 see "Mysticism"
Nur ad din      526
Nusayir, Musa Ben      520
Nusku      161
Nuwas, Abu      521
Nuzi, Palace of      100—101
Oaxaca Valley      301 305
Oaxahunticu      see "Maya calendars"
Obols      182—183 201—203
Oceania      10 12—14 36 44 554
Odyssey      214
Oedipi Aegyptiaci      226
Oezguec      181
Oghlan, Karaja      529
Ojha      386—387
Okinawa      70
Olivier      179
Omayyad dynasty      520
Omri, King      236
One      33 194 392
One hundred and eight      71
One, Aztec      305
One, Chinese      269
One, Greek      179 182 184 186
One, Hebrew      215
One, hieroglyphic      165 168 176 178 181 325
One, Indian      409—410
One, Maya      308
One, Roman numerals      188 192
One, Sumerian      84 148
One-for-one correspondence      10—12 16—17 19 96 191 194
Opera mathematica      91
Ophel, accounting      236
Oppenheim, A.L.      100—101 131
Ora      216
Oral numeration      25—26 265—266 303
Orchomenos      183
Order relation      20
Ordinal numeration      20—22 24 182 193
Ore      276 428
Oriental Research Institute (Baghdad)      100
Origin of species      519
Orissi numerals      370
Oriya numerals      370 381 384 421 438
Orontes      55
Oscan alphabet      212
OSIRIS      169 259
Ostraca      213 236 238
Otman, Khalif      58
Ottoman Empire      527—529 543
Ottoman Empire, secret writing      248—250
Ottoman Empire, Siyaq numerals      547—548
Oudjat      169—170
Ounce      92
Ownership, mark of      66
Oxen      72
Pacific Islands      72 125
Pacioli, Luca      57 567 576
Pairing      6 21
Pakistan      94 386 520
Pakistan, numerals      368 381 534
Pakistan, phalanx-counting      94
Palaeo-Hebraic alphabet      212—213 233 236 238
Palaeography      391 401 404—406 419 538—539 579
Palamedes      219
Palenque      297 316—317 320
Palestine      70 236 239 519 528
Palestine, numerals      228 236—238 241 246
Pali writing      374 377 383 385
Palindromes, numerical      399
Pallava dynasty      378
Pallava dynasty, numerals      397—398
Palmyra      212 227—228 248 533
Palmyrenean numerals      390
Panchasiddhantika      414—416 439
Panchatantra      323 419 520
Panini      388—389
Paniniyam      389
Pantagruel      51
Paper making      516 521 566—567
Papias      207
Pappus Of Alexandria      221—222 523
Papuans      13—14
Papyrus      533
Paraguay      15
Parameshvara      414
Parchment, Maya      301
Pardes Rimonim      253
Paris (of Athens)      51
Paris Codex      301
Paris, B.N.      361—362
Parity, concept of      6
Parmentier, H.      413 418—419
Parrot, Andre      142
Pascal's triangle      282 511
Pascal, Blaise      282 594 598
Pasha, Ziya      529
Pebbles      12 15 96—97 125
Pebbles, counting      126
Peguy, Charles      365
Peignot      381
Peignot script face      588
Peking      272
Peletarius      358
Pellat, C.      55 541—542
Peloponnese      75—76 183
Pemy, P.      51 268 271
Pendulums      42
Pepys, Samuel      578
Perception, limits of      6—10
Perdrizet, P.      256 258—259
Pergamon      256
Persia      70 259 376 512—528
Persia, abacus      556 562—563
Persia, number system      39 58 250—251 545—547 553
Persia, writing      240 248 539
Persian Gulf      see "Sumerians"
Peru      69—70 308 543
Peruvian Codex      308
Peten, Lake      299—300
Peter, Simon      257
Peterson, F.A.      312—314 317 320
Petitot      46
PETRA      228
Petruck      434
Petrus of Dacia      361
Phaestos      178
Phalanx-counting      94—95
Pheidon, King      75
Philippines      383
Phillipe, Andre      65
Philo of Byzantium      513 518
Philology      419
Philosopher's stone      518—519
Philosophica Fragmenta      203
Phoenicians      359
Phoenicians, alphabet      212—214 219 239
Phoenicians, number system      9 39 137 227—228 351
Phoenicians, writing      185 232 236 390
Phonograms      80 136 265 see
Phrygia      238
PI      596—597
Piaget      4—5
Picard      598
Picard, Abbe Jean      42
Pictograms      78—81 85 97—99 107—108 306 see
Pieron, H.      365
Pihan, A.P.      268 271 356 381 543—545 547
Pingree, D.      91—92 150 153 157 414—415
Pinyin system      265
Pisa, Leonard of      see "Fibonacci"
Pizarro      68
Place-value system      324 559—560 588 see rule "Positional
Place-value system, abacus      287—288 434—437 561
Place-value system, discovery      287—288 337—339 399—407 416—421
Planudes, Maximus      361 365 562 589
Plates, lead      181
Plato      512—513 517 523 598
Plaut      273—274
Plautus      194
Pliny the Elder      47 198 427
Plotinus      513 523
Plurality      32
Plutarch      47 55
Po Nagar      404—406 420
Poincare, H.      367
Polish      33—35
Polybius      200
Polynesia      6 72
Polynomials      283
Pompeii      256
Popilius Laenas, C.      189
Popol Vuh      301
Porter      75
Portugal      33 35 51
Posener, G.      52 533
Position, rule of      24 143 145—155 334—340 345—346 see
Positional systems, Arabic      186
Positional systems, Babylonian      145—154
Positional systems, Chinese      278—283
Positional systems, historical classification      353—355
Positional systems, India      411—421
Positional systems, Mayan      308—312 322
Pott, F.A.      36—37
Powell, M.A.      82 121
Powers, abacus      285
Powers, cubed      363
Powers, exponential      528 594
Powers, negative      156 278
Powers, squared      323—324 363
Powers, ten      278 426—429 440 594
Prah Kuha Luhon      404
Prasat Roman Romas      413
Prayer-beads      11 50—51 99
Pre-Sargonic era      81 87 89
Prescott, W.H.      69
Priests, Mayan      311—312
Primitive societies, barter in      72—73
Primitive societies, counting      5 10 12—18 46
Prinsep, J.      386—387
Prithiviraj      526
Prolegomena      261 363 519 529 542 552—553 593
Prophet, the      see "Mohammed"
Proto-Elamite number system      326
Psammetichus, King      52
Psammites, The      333
Pseudo-Callisthenes      256
Ptolemy      513 520—525 588 598
Ptolemy I      256
Ptolemy II      232
Ptolemy V      167
Pudentilla, Aemilia      55—56
Puebla region      301
Pulisha Siddhanta      427
Punjab      228
Punjabi numerals      369 381 384 421 438
Putumanasomayajin      414
Puzzles, number      176—177
Pygmies      5 72
Pylos      179
Pythagoras      256 515 596
Pythagoras' theorem      151 522
Qasim, Abu'l      524
Quadrillion      427—428
Quahuacan      36
Quauhnahuac      36
Qubbut al Bukhari      252
Qudama      523
Quetzalcoatl      300
Quinary systems      9 44—46 94—95
Quintana Roo      299 303
Quintilian      47
Quintillion      428
Quipucamayoc      69 308
Quipus      64 68—69 308 542—543 see knotted"
Quirigua      298 316—317 319—321
Qutan Xida      see "Buddh"
Qutayba      513
Qutb ud din      526
Rabban, 'Ali      522
Rabelais      51
Rachet, Guy      81 135
Raimundo of Toledo      362
Rajasthani numerals      381 384
Ramus      358
Ramz      250
Rangacarya, M.      414 418
Rank-ordering      16
Ras Shamra      137 214
Rashed, R.      363 511 519
Rashi      253
Rashid ad din      514 516 527
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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