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Ifrah G., Bellos D. — The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer
Ifrah G., Bellos D. — The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer

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Íàçâàíèå: The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer

Àâòîðû: Ifrah G., Bellos D.


"Georges Ifrah is the man. This book, quite simply, rules. . . . It is outstanding . . . a mind-boggling and enriching experience." –The Guardian (London) "Monumental. . . . a fascinating journey taking us through many different cultures."–The Times (London)"Ifrah’s book amazes and fascinates by the scope of its scholarship. It is nothing less than the history of the human race told through figures." –International Herald Tribune Now in paperback, here is Georges Ifrah’s landmark international bestseller–the first complete, universal study of the invention and evolution of numbers the world over. A riveting history of counting and calculating, from the time of the cave dwellers to the twentieth century, this fascinating volume brings numbers to thrilling life, explaining their development in human terms, the intriguing situations that made them necessary, and the brilliant achievements in human thought that they made possible. It takes us through the numbers story from Europe to China, via ancient Greece and Rome, Mesopotamia, Latin America, India, and the Arabic countries. Exploring the many ways civilizations developed and changed their mathematical systems, Ifrah imparts a unique insight into the nature of human thought–and into how our understanding of numbers and the ways they shape our lives have changed and grown over thousands of years. "Dazzling."–Kirkus Reviews "Sure to transfix readers."–PublishersWeekly

ßçûê: en

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Lombok      375
London, Royal Society of      42
Long Count      316—319
Lot of Sodom      253
Louis XI France      38
Louis XIV      528
Louvre      146
Lucania      189
Lull, Ramon      550
Lunar cycle      17—18 50 217
Lunar cycle and numerology      93
Lunar cycle, calendars      19 297 407
Lunar cycle, eclipse      529
Lunar cycle, mansions      554
Luther, Martin      260—261
Lutsu      64
Lycians      9 39
Lydian civilisation      9
Lyon      141
Ma'shar, Abu      521
Macassar writing      383
Maccabeus, Simon      234
MacGregor, Sir William      14
Machtots, Mesrop      224
Madagascar      125 368 534
Madura      375
Magadha      383
Maghreb      244 252 513 520—521 525—528
Maghreb, calculation      556 560 563
Maghreb, numerals      356 385 534—539 559
Maghreb, writing      539—540
Maghribi script      539—540
magic      248—262 298 302 549—556 see
Magic talismans      262 522 554
Magini      595
Magnus, Albertus      515
Mahabharata      419
Mahajani writing      381 384
Maharashtri writing      380 384
Mahaviracharya      399 414 418 421 562
Mahmud      523
Mahommed      see "Mohammed"
Maidu      125
Maimon, Rabbi Moshe Ben      see "Maimonides"
Maimonides      526
Maithili numerals      370 381 384 421
Majami      55
Maknez, chronograms      252
Malagasy      39
Malay, Old      383 385 404 406
Malaya      534
Malayalam numerals      332 334—335 342 353 373 383 385
Malaysia      39 368 406—407 418 420
Maldives      374
Malherbe, M.      36 51 273
Mali      72
Malinke      36 44
Mallia      178
Mallon      224
Malta      522
Manaeans      9
Manchuria      272
Manchus      39
Mandeali numerals      381 384
Manipuri numerals      381 384 421
Mann      37
Mansur, Yahya ibn Abi      513 521
Many, concept of      5—6 32 94
Mapping      10—12 16—17 21 23
Marathi numerals      369 380 384 421 438
Marchesinus, J.      588
Marduk      146—147 159 161
Mari      74 81 134 142—146 336 352
Maronites      240
Marrakech      525 527
Marre, A.      363 568
Martel, Charles      512 520
Martial      203
Martinet, A.      385
Marwari numerals      381 384 421
Mashallah      359 520
Mashio, C.      305
Maspero, H.      74 267 269
Massignon, L.      512 514—519
Masson, O.      179
Materialen zum Sumerischen Lexikon      130
Mathematical Treatise      515
Mathematics in the Time of the Pharoahs      175
Mathews      268 278
Mathura numerals      397—398
Matlazinca      301
Matzusaki, Kiyoshi      289
Maudslay, Alfred      300
Maximus, Claudius      56
Maya civilisation      72 297—322
Maya civilisation, astronomy      315—316 321—322
Maya civilisation, calculation      303—305 321—322
Maya civilisation, calendars      36 300 311—319
Maya civilisation, mysticism      300 311—314 316—322
Maya civilisation, writing      298—301 305 311—314 316—322
Mayan number system      9 36 44 162 303—312 345
Mayan number system, positional      322 337 339—340 353—354 430
Mayan number system, zero      320—322 341—342 430
Mazaheri, A.      363 519 533 539 541—542 549 556 561
Mead      541
Measurement      82 91 153 158
Mebaragesi      81
mecca      519 529 537 554
Mechain      43
Media      519 522
Mediating objects      see "Model collections"
Medina      519
Mediterranean      212 222
Mehmed IV, Sultan      529
Mehmet II, Sultan      528
Mei Wen Ding      280 284
Mejing      516
Melanesian Languages      6
Melos      219
Menelaus      513 522—523
Menna, Prince      61
Menninger, K.      190 276 283 336 343 356 428
Merida, bishop of      300
Meridian expedition      42—43
Merv      513
Mesha, King      212—213
Mesopotamia      94 162 239 see "Elam" "Semites" "Sexagesimal "Sumerians"
Mesopotamia, Arabs      512 519 526 528
Mesopotamia, Babylonian era      134—161
Mesopotamia, counting, abacus      130—133 562—563
Mesopotamia, counting, bullae      99 101
Mesopotamia, counting, calculi      97—98
Mesopotamia, counting, clay tablets      84—89
Mesopotamia, India      376 513
Mesopotamia, Mari      142—146
Mesopotamia, mysticism      93—94 554
Mesopotamia, number system      82 96—108 134—161 325—329
Mesopotamia, number system, Aramaic numerals      228
Mesopotamia, number system, decimals      138—146
Mesopotamia, number system, letter-numerals      243
Mesopotamia, number system, zero      152—154 341
Mesopotamia, writing      212 539
Messiah (jewish)      253
Metal, as currency      73—74
Metaphysics      20
Metonic cycle      195
Metric history      42—43
Metric system      595
Metrology      182
Mexico      36 299—301 303 305 307
Mexico City      301 305
Mi-s'on      406—407 413
Micah III      256
Middle East, calculi      97—98
Middle East, language      52 212 222 248—250
Middle East, Semites      134
Midrash      253
Mieli, A.      519
Mikame      289
Miletus      219
Milik, J.T.      234
Millas      216
Miller, J.      42 273—274
Milliard      428
Million      140 165 168 325 427—428
Minaeans      185—186
Minoan civilisation      39 178—180
Minos, King      178
Minus (mathematical concept)      89
Mirkhond      528
Miskawayh      525
Misra, B.      562
Misri, Dhu "an Nun      522
Mithat, Ahmet      529
Mithras      259
Mitsuyoshi, Yoshida      278
Miwok      125
Mixtecs      36 305 307—308
Mkhedrouli      225
Mnemonics      432 537
Moab      212
Model collections      10 12 17—18 23
Modern numerals      324—325 343—347 356—365 368 385 426—439 592—599
Modi numerals      380 384
Moeller, G.      342 390
Mogul Empire      528
Mohammed      47 50—51 58—59 514 519 553
Mohenjo-daro      375 385
Mohini      50
Mole      43
Moliere      38
Mommsen, T.      187
Mon writing      194 383
money      41 72—76 182—184 308
Monge      42—43
Mongolia      22 27 39 49 51 556
Mongolian Empire      382 526—527
Mongolian numerals      382 385 395—396
Monks      70—71
Monks, Zen      295
Monteil, V.      513—514 516 518—519 593
Montezuma      301 303
Montucla, J.F.      360—361
Moon      217 239 411 see
Moor      439
Moraze, Charles      345 347
Moreh Nebukhim (Guide for the Lost)      514
Morley, S.G.      298 316 320
Morocco      51 252 555
Morra      51—52
Moses      254 553
Moss      75
Mota      19
Motecuhzoma I      301 303
Mouton, Abbe Gabriel      42
Mozarabes (Arabic Christians)      513
Mu'awiyah      520
Mudara, Muhammedal      252
Muhammad of Ghur      526
Muhammad, Abu Nasr      523
Multani numerals      381 384 421
Multiplication methods, abacus      127 204—206 208—209 285—287 292 557—559 582—585
Multiplication methods, calculi      122
Multiplication methods, fingers      59—61
Multiplication methods, tables      154—156 220 561 578
Multiplication methods, written      154—156 174—176 567—576
Multiplicative principle      229 231 246 263 270 330—334
Muqaddimah      261 363 519 529 542 552—553 593
Murabba'at      236
Murray Islanders      5—6 14
Muslims      see also "Arab-Islamic civilisation"
Muslims, finger gestures      47 50 52 58—59
Muslims, Hisabal Jumal      250 252 261—262
Muslims, magic talismans      262 522 554
Muslims, prayer      9 50 71
Mutanabbi      522
Muwaffak, Abu Mansur      524
Mycenae      179
Myres      179
Myriad      26 221—222
Mysticae numerorum signification esopus      199
Mysticism, number      see also "Codes and ciphers" "Magic"
Mysticism, number, Arabs      512 553—555
Mysticism, number, China      270
Mysticism, number, fear of numbers      214 275—276
Mysticism, number, India      431 543
Mysticism, number, Mayan      321—322
Mysticism, number, sacred symbols      93—94 162 239
Mysticism, number, soothsayers      261—262 269 551—556
Nabataean numerals      212 227—228 390
Nabi      529
Nagari numerals      364 368—369 384 400 421 438 481 532 538
Nagari writing      364 377 379—380 388 420
Naima      529
Nakshatra      417
Names of numbers      14—15 19—23 33—35 136—137
Names of numbers, games      159
Names of numbers, gods' names used      95
Names of numbers, Indian      481—482
Names of numbers, Mayan      303—304
Names of numbers, prayer words      214
Nana Ghat      379 387—388 391 397—399 420 435—436
Napier, John      597
Narayana      562
Narmer, King      164—165
Nasik      379 387—388 397—398 435
Naskhi script      539—540
Nasr      101
Nasr, Abu      524
Nasr, S.H.      516 519
Nastalik script      539—540
Nathan, Ferdinand      291
Natural History      47 198 200 427
Nau, F.      366
Naveh      232 234
Nayshaburi, Hasan ibn Muhammad an      571
Nebuchadnezzar II      135 236
Nedim      529
Needham, Joseph      51 264 268—269 278—284 293 408
Nefi      529
negative numbers      278 283 287 597
Negev, A.      73
Nemea      185
Nepal      377 384 388 390 420
Nepali numerals      371 381 384 392—398 438
Nergal      161
Nero      256 260
Nesselmann, G.H.F.      218
Nestor, King      55
Nestorian sect      240
Neugebauer, O.      91—92 150 153 157 414—415
New Guinea      13—14 305
New Hebrides      36
New Mexico      196
Newberry      52
Newton, Isaac      42
Nichomachus of Gerasa      43—44
Nicobar Islands      375
Nicomacchus of Gerasa      578
Niehbuhr, Karsten      48—49
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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