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Ifrah G., Bellos D. — The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer
Ifrah G., Bellos D. — The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer

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Íàçâàíèå: The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer

Àâòîðû: Ifrah G., Bellos D.


"Georges Ifrah is the man. This book, quite simply, rules. . . . It is outstanding . . . a mind-boggling and enriching experience." –The Guardian (London) "Monumental. . . . a fascinating journey taking us through many different cultures."–The Times (London)"Ifrah’s book amazes and fascinates by the scope of its scholarship. It is nothing less than the history of the human race told through figures." –International Herald Tribune Now in paperback, here is Georges Ifrah’s landmark international bestseller–the first complete, universal study of the invention and evolution of numbers the world over. A riveting history of counting and calculating, from the time of the cave dwellers to the twentieth century, this fascinating volume brings numbers to thrilling life, explaining their development in human terms, the intriguing situations that made them necessary, and the brilliant achievements in human thought that they made possible. It takes us through the numbers story from Europe to China, via ancient Greece and Rome, Mesopotamia, Latin America, India, and the Arabic countries. Exploring the many ways civilizations developed and changed their mathematical systems, Ifrah imparts a unique insight into the nature of human thought–and into how our understanding of numbers and the ways they shape our lives have changed and grown over thousands of years. "Dazzling."–Kirkus Reviews "Sure to transfix readers."–PublishersWeekly

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.08.2014

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Ideographic representation, Akkadian      159—160
Ideographic representation, Chinese      265 271 273
Ideographic representation, Linear A script      178
Ifrah, G.      137 368 369—375
Ifriqiya      521—523 525 528
Ifriqiya, ghubari numerals      534 536
Ikhanian Tables      527
Iliad      72 214
Iltumish      526
Imperial measurements      92
Inca civilisation      39 68—69 125 308
Incalculable, Indian      422
InCh      92
India      356—439 512 520 523 526—528
India, astrology      417 463
India, astronomy      409—411 416—417 431—432 513—514
India, writing      212 431—432
Indian number system      332 341 346—347 361—439 534
Indian number system in Islamic world      511—576
Indian number system, calculation      346 435—437 568
Indian number system, chronograms      251
Indian number system, counting      39 49—50 94 559
Indian number system, dictionary of numerical symbols      440—510
Indian number system, fractions      424—425 595
Indian number system, high numbers      421—426 434 440
Indian number system, Indian numerals      367—383 389—399
Indian number system, place-value system      334—335 353 399—409 416—421
Indju, Jamal ad din Husayn      528
Indo-Aramaic      228
Indo-Europeans      22 29—32
Indochina      49—50 65—66 407
Indonesia      368 407
Indraji, B.      388—389
Indus civilisation      39 162 385
Infants      see "Children"
infinity      362 419 421—422 426 440 470—472 597—598
Intaille      203
Integers      597
Integers, aspects of      21—22
International Standards system (IS)      43
Inuit      36 44 305
invoices      78 110
Iran      81 135 522 see
Iran, accounting      97—99 101—102
Iran, counting      94 290
Iran, number system      368 534
Iraq      52 see
Iraq, accounting      101 121
Iraq, counting      49 94
Iraq, number system      251 368 534
Irish      33—35 38
Irrational numbers      528 596—597
Isabella I      528
Isaiah      258
Isfahan      513
Ishtar      161
Isidore of Seville      56 578
ISIS      169 258
Iskhi-Addu, King      74
Islam      see "Muslims"
Isma'il, Sultan      252
Ismail, Mulay      528
Isme-Dagan, King      74
Isopsephy      252 256—261
Israel      97—98 212 239 see "Jews"
Italic script      212—213 586
Italy      51 522
Italy, number system      31 238
Italy, writing      216 219 586
Itard, J.      48 221—222 428
Itzcoatl      301
Ivan IV Vassilievich      96
Ivanoff, P.      298—299
Ivanov, V.V.      385
Iyer      434
Jacob, Francois      593
Jacob, Simon      206
Jacobites      240
Jacques      443
Jacquet      438
Jaggayyapeta      378
Jaguar Priests      301
Jainas      425—426 440
Jainas, Lokavibhaga      416—420 430
Jalalabad writing      376
Jami'at tawarikh (Universal History)      516
Janus (god)      47
Japan      305 381
Japan, games      294—296
Japan, mysticism      554
Japan, number system      36 273—283 289—290 388 542—543
Jarir      520
Jaunsari numerals      381 384
Java      406—407 418 420
Java, Kawi writing      383—384 404
Java, Sanskrit      413
Javanese numerals      375 392—393 395 438
Jealousy multiplication      567—571 576
Jefferson      42
Jelinek      62
Jemdet      101
Jemdet Nasr      81 110
Jensen      219
Jerome, Saint      56
Jerusalem      233—234 236 525—526 587—588
Jestin      89 121
Jesus      257—258
Jews      134 239 256 512—513 537—538 see "Israel"
Jews, mysticism      250 252—256
Jews, number system      71 157—158 238
Jiangxian, Old Mann of      280
Jinkoki      278
Jiu zhang suan shu      287
John of Halifax      361
John of Seville      362
John, St      256 260
Jonglet, Rene      65
JORDAN      228 368 534
Jouguet, P.      220—221
Judaea      236 239
Julia, D.L.      593
Julian calendar      50
Juljul, Ibn      524
Junayd      523
Jundishapur      512—513
Justinian, Emperor      512
Justus of Ghent      48
Juvenal      55 203
Kabul      520
Kabyles      66
Kadman      233
Kai yuan zhan jing      408 418
Kairouan      513
Kaishu writing      267—268
Kaithi numerals      370 381 384 421
Kalaman, King      244
Kalidasa      419
Kalila wa Dimna      323 419 520 556
KALPA      473—474
Kamalakara      414
Kamata numerals      374
Kamil, 'Abu      514 516 523—524 530
Kamilarai people      5
Kampuchea      375
Kandahar      376
Kangshi, Emperor      343
Kanheri      401
Kanji ideograms      273
Kanjo Otogi Zoshi      289
Kannada numerals      374 385
Kannara numerals      383 438
Kapadia, H.R.      562
Karlgren, B.      272
Karoshthi numerals      386—387
Karpinski, L.C.      207 356 361—362 364 381 386—387 399—400 538 580
Karystos      269
Kashmir      368 370—371 381 420—421 438
Katakana      273
Katapayadi numerals      388
Kawi writing      383—385 404 421
Kaye, G.R.      358 400—402 407 434
Kazem-Zadeh, H.      543 545
Kelvin      43
Kemal, Mustafa      529
Kemal, Namik      529
Keneshre      366 512
Kenriyu, Miyake      284
Kerameus, Father Theophanus      256
Kern, H.      406 413 418
Ketsujo      542
Kewitsch, G.      91—93
Khalid      512
Khalifa, Hajji      528
Khaliji, 'Ala ud din      527
Khan, Genghis      382 526 556
Khan, Haluga      526—527
Khaqani      58—59 526 556
Kharezm Province      513
Kharoshthi writing      376—377 386
Khas Boloven      65—66
KhaSeKhem, King      165
Khatra      228
Khayyam, Omar      513—516 525
Khirbet el Kom      235
Khirbet Qumran      234
Khmer      383 404—407 420
Khmer numerals      375 385 421 438
Khmer, number system      36—37 388 403—404
Khorsabad      141 159
Khoutsouri      225
Khoziba      259
Khudawadi numerals      369 381 384
Khurasan      523—524
Khuzistan      519
Kilogram      42—43
King, ideogram for      159—160
Kircher, A.      210 226
Kis      81 101 134
Kitab al arqam (Book of Figures)      363
Kitabfi tahqiq i ma li'l hind      363 368 426
Knossos      178—180
Knot, meaning decimal system      542
Kochi numerals      381 384
Koebel      205 358
Kokhba, Simon Bar      233
Koran      514 519 521 553—554
Korea      275 278—283
Kota Kapur      404
kronecker      593
Kshatrapa numerals      397—398
Kufa, founded      519
Kufic script      243 539—540
Kulango      36
Kului numerals      381 384
Kululu      181
Kumi      190
Kurdistan      528
Kushana numerals      397—398
Kutila numerals      381 384
Kyosuke, K.C.      305
L'Inde Classique      443
La Caille      43
La Condamine      42
La Mesure de la Terre      42
Labat, R.      84 87 99
Lafaye, G.      51
Lagas      81 93
Lagrange      42—43
Lakhish      213 236
Lalitavistara Sutra      420—425
Lalla      414
Lalou, M.      26
Lambert, Meyer      90 137
Lampong writing      383
Landa numerals      381 384
Landsberger, D.      130
Langdon, S.      109 116—117 385—386
Lao Tse      70
Laos      375 383
Laplace, P.S.      42—43 361
Larfeld      182
Laroche, E.      180—181
Larsa      146
Laser      43
Latin      52 72 96 194
Latin, alphabet      212
Latin, number names      7 31 33—35
Laurembergus      359 589
Lavoisier      42
Law of 10 Frimaire, Year VIII      43
Laws of 18 Germinal, Year III      42—43
LCM (lowest common multiple)      93
Le Brun, Alain      101 109
Le Gendre, F.      566
Le Maur, Carlos      357
Lebanon      368
Leclant      52
Lehmann-Haupt      91
Leibnitz      550 598
Lemoine, J.G.      49—50 56 541—542
Lengua people      15
Lenoir      43
Leonard of Pisa      see "Fibonacci"
Leonidas of Alexandria      256
Lepsius      75
Letter numerals      see "Abjad numerals" "Alphabetic
Lettres of Malherbe      51
Leupold, Jacob      57 357
Levey      434
Levias, C.      359
Levy-Bruhl, L.      5 19 45—46
Leydon Plaque      318—319
Li Ye      282—283
Li, J.M.      275
Liber de Computo      56
Liber etymologiarum      56
Libya      368 520
Lichtenberg      593
Lidzbarski, M.      212 390
Liebermann, S.J.      98—99 130 140
ligatures      170—171 228—229 246 391 434
Light of Asia, The      421
Lilavati      431
Limbu numerals      381
Lincoln, Abraham      37
Lindemann      596
Linear A script      178—180
Linear B script      178—180
Lines, grouping of      433—434
Liouville      596
Lishu writing      266—268
Lithuania      33—35
Lives of Famous Men      55
Lobachevsky      598
Locke      68
Loefler      91
Logarithms, natural      597
Logic      598
Lokavibhdga      416—420 430
Lombard, D.      265
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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