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Rappoport Z. (ed.) — The Chemistry of Dines and Polyenes (vol. 1) |
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Tsurata, H. 313(109c) 324
Tsutsuki, N. 904(84) 924
Tuazon, E.C. 922(216) 926
Tubino, R. 166(115) 172
Tucker, J.A. 17 19 20(121) 23
Tumakova, T.A. 717 722(55) 732
Tumer, D.T. 347(111 112 118 119) 350(111) 356
Tumer, R.B. 81(39) 84(45) 88(39) 97(77) 107 109
Tumer, R.W. 402 403(134e) 472
Tumer, S. 920(203) 926
Tupper, K.J. 855 857(226) 866
Turba, V. 306(91) 323
Turecek, F. 180(74) 256 776(1) 861
Turin, M. 597 599(166) 600(167) 616
Turner, D.W. 175(6 7) 178(7) 210(185) 211(185 187) 254 258
Turro, N.J. 297(75) 298(77a) 322 609(191) 617 845(184) 865
Tweig, R.J. 904(82) 924
Tyer, L. 818(104) 863
Tyminski, I.J. 627 631 632 634 635(38) 650
Tyrlik, S. 428(189) 475
Tyrrell, E. 424(180) 475
Tyulin, V.I. 158(52) 170
Tyutyulkov, N. 974(110) 977
Uchida, T. 548(10) 588(121b) 589(124) 610(198) 611 615 617
Uchiyama, M. 18(132a) 23
Uda, H. 365(23(1 468
Uemura, S. 528(83) 545
Uenishi, J. 454(279a 279b) 479
Ueno, H. 408(154c) 473
Ugolini, A. 388 390(96d) 470
Uguen, D. 375(56a) 394 396(106c) 469 471
Uh, H.S. 526(76a 76b) 545
Uhrick, D.A. 518(49) 545
Ujita, H. 338(56) 355
Ujvary, I. 809 810(87a) 812(90) 863
Ukai, J. 427(186) 475
Ulery, H.E. 526(73) 545
Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, as analytical method 482 483 501
Umani-Ronchi, A. 394(105d) 471
Umemoto, H. 339(69) 355
Ura, T. 913(140) 925
Urbano, A. 371(44 45) 468
Urscheler, H. 276(27a) 320
Uskokovic, M.R. 415 421(171d) 474
Utimoto, K. 431(198a) 476 525(68) 545 633(64) 651
Utkin, I.V. 180(73) 256
Utley, J.H. 642(82) 651
Uyehara, T. 538(110) 546
Vagberg, J. 662 663(33c) 680
Vagberg, J.O. 666(45) 668(49a) 680
Vaida, V. 160(68) 171
Vakar, V.M. 179 180(40) 255
Valasinas, A. 807(77 78) 863
Valentine, I.S. 899(55) 923
Valla, A. 368 369(31b) 380(79 80) 468 470
Valvassori, A. 306(91) 323
Van Bekkum, H. 770(22) 774
Van Bramer, S.E. 485(8) 504
van de Wateibeemd, H. 802(64) 862
van den Elzen, W. 610(201) 617
Van den Enden, L. 27 28(7) 61
Van der Hart, W.J. 236(248 274) 260
van der Heyde, H.B. 339(75) 355
Van der Waals interactions, parameterization of 712
Van der Waals volume 550—552
Van Duyne, G. 184(141 142) 257
van Helden, R. 430(194a) 475
Van Hemelrijk, D. 27 28(7) 61
van Hom, D.E. 452(269d 269e) 478
van Hook, W.A. 802(66 68 69) 862 863
van Hummel, G.J. 404(138) 472
van Nes, GJ.H. 51(129) 64
van Remorrtere, F.P. 57(172) 65
van Rheenan, V. 895 896(30) 923
van Sickle, D.E. 851 852(206) 866
van Tamelen, E.E. 525(69) 532(69 95 96) 545
Van Vechten, D. 73(18) 99(89) 105 110
Van Velzen, P.N.T. 236(248) 260
Van Verth, J.E. 738(21) 750
Van Wrjk, A.M. 770(22) 774
Vandenput, D.A.L. 592(139) 615
Vandeputte, J. 361(13a) 467
Vandewalle, M. 507(1) 544
Vanhove, A. 830 831(147) 864
Vankar, P.S. 894(24) 923
Varga, D.M. 791(42) 862
Varma, M. 846(188) 865
Varma, R.S. 846(186 188) 865
Vasil’vitskaya, E.N. 598(162) 616
Vasylvitskaya, E.M. 552(30) 612
Vater, H.-J. 402 403(134d) 472
Vaughn, W.E. 81 88(38) 107
Vedejs, E. 374(52e) 407(151b) 415 421(171c) 423(173a 173b) 430(191) 469 473—475 511(18) 544
Vel’der, Ya.L. 431(198b) 476
Ventura, M. 17 19 20(113 114) 23
Venturell, C 912(138) 925
Venturing A. 17(95) 22
Verboom, W. 404(138) 472
Verhoeven, T.R. 433(208e) 476
Verkade, P.E. 687(12) 731
Verloop, A. 708(48) 731
Vermeer, P. 52(143) 65 439(241a) 477
Vernon, P.G. 408(154c) 473
Verpeaux, J.-N. 376(61) 469
Verrucarin A, tritium-labelled, synthesis of 817 818
Verrucarol, tritium-labelled, synthesis of 817 818
Vetter, W. 493(19) 505 783(30) 862
Vibrational spectroscopy (see also “Infrared spectroscopy” “Raman
Vibrational spectroscopy of dienes 158—161
Vibrational spectroscopy of polyenes 161—169
Vibronic coupling 9
Vibronic mixing 211
Vidyasagar, V. 565(70) 613
Vietmeyer, N.D. 377 378(69a) 469
Vig, O.P. 513(31) 544
Vilesov, F.I. 175(6) 254
Vilkov, L.V. 51(135) 64
Villieras, J. 457(290) 479
Vilsmeier reaction, as synthetic procedure for conjugated dienes 464
Vinyl anions in solution 738 739
Vinyl anions, geometry of 737
Vinyl anions, inversion of 737
Vinyl anions, theoretical studies of 737 738
Vinyl cations 869 872
Vinyl ethers, acidity of 735 736
Vinyl hydrogens, gas-phase acidity of 735—737
Vinyl ketones (see also “Divinyl ketones”
Vinyl ketones, Diels — Alder reaction of 20
Vinyl radicals, electron affinity of 739
Vinyl sulphones, reductive desulphonylation of 375 376
Vinylbicycloheptenols, deuterium-labelled, synthesis of 776 777
Vinylcyclopropane rearrangement 633
Vinylcyclopropanes (see also “Trivinyleyelopropanes”)
Vinylcyclopropanes, synthesis of 277 279 280
Vinyllithiums 739
Viola, F. 823(121) 864
Violette, C.A. 243(298) 261
Virkar, S.D. 374(53) 469
Visser, G.W. 404(138) 472
Vitale, M. 561(63b) 613
Vitamin , synthesis of 276
Vitamin , photocyclization of 275 276
Vitamin A 141
Vitamin A deuterium-labelled, synthesis of 783—785
Vitamin D 141
Vitispirane, synthesis of 675 676
Vittinghoff, K. 873(24b) 886
Vituskin, N.I. 346 347(105) 356
Vliegenthart, J.F.G. 917(172) 925
Vllar, H.O. 4(12) 21 31(15—17) 35(17) 61 166(109) 172
| Vo-Quang, L. 723(68) 732
Vo-Quang, Y. 723(68) 732
Vob, E. 590(130) 615
Vogel, E. 179 183(47) 185(47 165) 255 258 510(13) 544 574(91) 614
Vogel, P. 134(42 43) 147 180 181(67) 184(158) 185(163) 256 258
Vogelsanger, B. 46(118) 64
Vogler, H. 602(176) 616
Vogt, J. 931(5) 974
Vogtle, F. 408(154b) 473
Voigt, K. 433(213) 434(209b) 476 609(196) 617
Vollhardt, K.P.C. 183(130) 184(146) 257 366 367(28c) 399(124c) 468 472 517(43) 544 964(91) 976
Volpp, W. 920(193 198) 926
Volz, W.E. 180(71) 256 367(28b) 468
von Doering, W.E. 81(39) 84(45) 88(39) 97(77) 102(100) 107 109 110 599(164) 616
von Jouanne, J. 549(23) 594(148) 609(23) 612 615
von Niessen, W. 211(189) 258
von Raven, A. 348(125 126) 357
von Rosenberg, J.L. 179(33) 255
von Rudloff, E. 892(12) 922
von Schickh, O. 379(76b) 470
von Schnering, H.G. 587(120) 615 898(51) 923
Vonderwahl, R. 39(79) 63
Vonwiller, S.C. 918(180) 926
Vornonkov, V.V. 180(73) 256
Vos, A. 51(129) 64 780(11) 861
Vostrowsky, O. 407(150c) 459(299c) 473 479
Vrbancich, J. 119(25) 147
Wacker, C.D. 57(175) 65 947(51) 975
Wada, A. 141(50d) 147
Wada, K. 379(74a) 428 429(190f) 469 475
Wada, N. 185(166) 258
Wada, Y. 464(305) 480
Wadsworth, W.S.Jr. 415(163b) 473
Waegell, B. 541(119) 546 657(15—19) 658(16) 680
Wagman, D.D. 69(3) 104
Wagner, C.D. 339(75) 355
Wagner, G. 892(4) 922
Wagner, H.U. 748(63 64) 751
Wagner, P.J. 264(5) 296 306(70) 319 322
Wagner, R.D. 640(79) 651
Wagniere, G. 117(14) 120(14 27 29) 138(47b) 146 147
Wagniere, G.H. 197(170) 258
Wagschal, K.C. 859(236) 867
Wahl, F. 252(310) 261
Wahlberg, I. 493(20) 505
Waitkus, P.A. 931(3 4) 940(3) 974
Wakabayashi, S. 834(157) 865
Walba, D.M. 894(18 22 23) 922
Walborsky reaction 371
Walborsky, H.M. 112(3) 136(44a-c 45a 45b) 137(45a 45b) 146 147 371(40) 432(206a) 468 476
Wald, G. 498 499(38) 505
Walker, C.B. 894(23) 922
Wall, A. 374(54b) 469
Wallace, T.W. 402 403(134e) 472 508(5) 544
Wallach, O. 892(5 6) 922
Walling, C 598(161) 616 627(22) 650
Wallis, C.J. 508(5) 544
Walsgrove, T.C. 565(68) 613
Walsh orbitals 209
Walsh, A.D. 208(180) 258
Walton, J.C. 626(19) 650
Wan, P. 279(38c) 321
Wand, M.D. 894(18) 922
Wang, C.L.J. 377 378(69c) 469
Wang, D. 539(115) 546
Wang, H.Q. 338(59 60) 355
Wang, J.Q. 185(163) 209(183) 258
Wang, J.T. 183(133) 236(259) 237 248 250(278) 257 260 261 337 338(49) 355
Wang, K.K. 369(38) 424(183a-c) 468 475
Wang, Q. 904(82) 924
Wang, T.L. 911(135) 912(136) 925
Wang, X. 911(131) 925
Wang, X.C. 364 365(23e) 468
Wang, Y. 37(57) 63 285(50) 321 412 414(162b) 473
Wang, Y.C. 49(126) 64
Wang, Z.M. 897(44) 923
Wannowius, H. 895 896(26) 923
Ward, D.L. 57(173) 65 971(106) 977
Ward, H.R. 276(30c) 320
Ward, M.D. 942(32—34) 975
Ware, R. 280(39) 321
Warita, Y. 368 369(31a) 468
Warmus, J.S. 514(34) 544
Warrell, D.C. 822(115) 864
Warren, S. 415(168a-d 169a 169b) 474
Warrier, U.S. 388 391(96f) 470
Warshel, A. 153 159 161(22) 170
Wasiowich, C.A. 783(28) 862
Wasseiman, H.H. 913(143) 914(148) 925
Wassink, B. 639(72) 651
Watanabe, H. 313(109c) 324
Watanabe, K. 797(50) 862
Watanabe, M. 272(21) 320
Watanabe, T. 402(135) 472
Watanabe, W.H. 854 855(213) 866
Watanabe, Y. 379(74b) 415 421(171c) 452(270) 469 474 478 827(140 141) 864
Watehtel, J.L. 361(13a) 467
WatMns, W.D. 831(148) 864
Watt, C.I.F. 409(154f) 473
Watthey, J.W.H. 510(11) 544
Watts, C.D. 494(24) 505
Watts, J.D. 4(12) 21 31(16) 61 166(109) 172
Watts, W.E. 874(27) 886
Wautelet, M. 185(168) 258
Waykole, L. 45(110) 64 181 185(98) 256
Waymouth, R.M. 539(115 116) 546
Weast, R.C. 720 723(63) 732
Weaver, S.L. 594 595(149) 616
Webb, G. 820(110) 864
Webb, T.R. 179 180(28) 255
Weber, B.A. 917(170 171) 925
Weber, K. 252(310) 261
Webster, O.W. 566 570(80) 613
Wedinger, R. 597 599(166) 600(167) 616
Weedon, B.C.L. 642(82) 643(81d) 651 834(160) 865
Weenan, H. 917(170) 925
Wege, D. 570(89) 614
Wegener, S. 578(96) 614
Wegner, G. 343(93) 356
Wehrli, P. 276(31b) 320
Wehrli, P.A. 394 396(106a) 471
Weider, R. 574(91) 614
Weidmann, K. 182 185(112) 257
Weidner, U. 29(10) 61 179 184(35) 255
Weigang, O.E.Jr. 123(33) 147
Weigel, L.O. 120(31) 147 416(164a) 473
Weiler, L. 184 225(136) 257 894(21) 922
Weinberger, A. 848 849(195) 866
Weinges, K. 44(103 104) 64
Weinhold, F. 32(24) 62 742(41) 750
Weinreb, S.M. 431(199) 476
Weinstock, R.B. 742(41) 750
Weisman, C. 14(73) 22 156(39) 170
Weiss, U. 114 115(9) 117(9 15) 119(20 21) 126 134(36) 146 147
Weissman, S.I. 228(216) 259
Weitmeyer, C 903 904(78) 924
Wellman, D.E. 937(16) 939 942 943(20) 974
Wemmer, D.E. 801(58) 862
Wen, X. 412(161a 161b) 413(161a) 473
Wender, P.A. 264(2b 4a 4b) 289(61) 296 306(72) 319 322 455(282c) 479 540(117b) 546
Wendling, L.A. 937(15 17) 974
Wenkert, E. 417(164d) 457(292 293) 474 479 513(30) 544 593(143) 615
Wentnip, C 185(161) 258
Wepster, B.M. 687(12) 731
Werle, T. 949 959(61) 975
Werst, D.W. 337(41 42 46) 355
Werstiuk, N.H. 4 7(28) 21 179(31 32 36) 180(53) 255
Wescott, J.Y. 783(25) 862
West, F.G. 268(13) 289(62) 290(63 64 66) 291(67) 293(68 69) 311(105) 313(13) 320 322 323
West, P. 169(125) 172 747(62) 751
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