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Rappoport Z. (ed.) — The Chemistry of Dines and Polyenes (vol. 1) |
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Simpson, J.H. 445(250) 478
Simpson, N. 824 826(123) 864
Simpson, R.E. 801 802(57) 862
Sims, L.B. 855(217) 866
Simvastatin, -labelled, synthesis of 843
Sinclair, R.S. 237 238 245(287) 261
Singelin-Schmid, R.S. 298(77b) 322
Singh, O.M. 463(303b) 480
Singh, R.L. 527(77) 545
Sinha, S.C. 898(47 48) 923
Sinha-Bagchi, A. 898(47 48) 923
Sinke, G.C. 89(59) 108
Sinotova, E.N. 869(3) 886
Sioda, R.E. 642(82) 651
Sipos, W. 44(103 104) 64
Sisman, O. 350(131) 357
Sit, S.Y. 827(142) 864
Sita, L.R. 910(121) 924
Sivignac, M. 433(210b) 476
Skancke, A. 39(75) 52(142) 53 54(75) 63 65
Skeean, R.W. 531(92) 545
Skelton, B.W. 182(109) 257
Skinner, WA. 627 631 636(30) 650
Skov, H. 339(67) 355
Slagel, R.C. 921(212) 926
Slawin, A.M.Z. 576(94a 94c 94e) 614
Slayden, S.W. 69(1) 89(63) 95(74) 104 108 109
Sloop, J.C. 417(164e) 474
Smakula, A. 155(35 36) 156(36) 170
Smaldone, D. 898(52) 923
Smidt, J. 653(la) 679
Smimova, N. 72(16) 105
Smimova, T.N. 350(137) 357
Smit, A. 380(78) 470
Smith, A.B.III 415(170) 440 443(245a) 474 477
Smith, A.C.B. 920(203) 926
Smith, A.L. 438(226a) 477
Smith, B.J. 738(20) 750
Smith, C.M. 313(110a 110b) 324
Smith, D.B. 582(107a) 614
Smith, D.R. 576(94c) 614
Smith, G.M. 561(65) 613
Smith, H.E. 845(180 183) 865
Smith, H.G. 268(12b) 320
Smith, HA. 81 88(38) 107
Smith, K.J. 917(171) 925
Smith, K.M. 514(35) 544
Smith, N.K. 81(42a 42b) 107
Smith, R.L. 827(144) 864
Smith, S.C. 423(172b) 474
Smithers, R. 673(57c) 681
Snell, W. 184 250(148) 257
Snieckus, V. 518(46) 544
Snyder, J.P. 549(22a) 612
Sobrio, F. 819 820(109) 864
Soderberg, B.C. 661(30) 680
Soderquist, J.A. 439(238a 238b) 477
Sodupe, M. 17 19 20(107 108 111) 22 23
Sojka, SA. 179 180 211(17) 254
Solarz, T.L. 906(100) 924
Solladie, G. 371(41—45) 468
Solomon, V.C. 518(47) 544
Solvents, models for 19
Solyom, S. 535(105 106) 546
Sommer, R. 627 631 634(37) 650
Sommer, T.J. 264(2c) 319
Somoano, R. 352(141) 357
Sondheimer, F. 101 102(96) 110 155(29) 170 366(27) 468
Song, K. 11(46) 13(46 68) 21 22 157(42) 170
Song, Z.Z. 587(118a) 615
Sonnet, P.E. 372(47c) 469
Sonnewald, U. 808(80) 863
Sonney, J.M. 134(42) 147
Sonntag, C.von 326(8) 329 330(14) 331(14 17) 332(17) 333(19) 334(17) 354
Sonoda, A. 432(207a) 476
Sonoda, T. 883(40) 887
Sonogashira, K. 438(227) 477
Sordo, T.L. 17 20(130) 23
Sorensen, EJ. 642(86) 652
Sorgi, K.L. 907(111) 924
Sosa, C.P. 17 18(99) 22
Sosnovsky, G. 648(93) 652
Sotiriou-Levintis, C 627(27) 650
Souchet, M. 666(44) 680
Soulen, R.L. 772(24) 774
Southworth, S. 184 250(150) 257
Souto, AA. 423(172a) 474
Spanget-Larsen, J. 43(98b) 63 180(65) 181(65 99 100) 183(127) 184(140) 185(99) 213(194 195) 255—257 259
Spangler, C 8(42) 21 34(40) 62
Spangler, C.W. 34(39) 62 155(31 33 37) 170 366(29d) 468
Spangler, R.J. 514(38a 38b) 544
Spanguet-Larsen, J. 215(198) 259
Spear, K.L. 415 421(171c) 474
Spear, RJ. 881(36) 886
Specht, H. 237 250(283) 261
Speck, J. 808(83) 863
Speers, P. 739(31) 750
Spellmeyer, D.C. 43(98c) 63 394(108a) 471
Spence, G. 308(100b) 323
Spiegel, B.I. 452(269e) 478
Spin trapping 326
Spinks, J.W.T. 325(2) 354
Spinner, M.E. 920(203) 926
Spino, C 406(148) 472 894(21) 922
Spirikhin, L.V. 431(198b) 476
Spiroconjugation 41^13 225—228
Spirocyclization reactions 282 283 675 676
Spirodienes (see also “Dispirodecadiene”)
Spirodienes, structure of 41 42
Spiroeyelopropanes, as part of homoeonjugated system 47
Spiropolyenes, structure of 41—43
Spirotetraenediones, structure of 42
SPQR 685—687
Sprague, J. 749(67) 751
Sprecher, H. 778(7) 780(11) 861
Sprikhin, L.V. 907(105) 924
Springall, H.D. 101 102(96) 110
Spurr, P.R. 252(309) 261 466(312a) 480
Squalenes, mass spectra of 492 493
Squalenes, synthesis of, -labelled 802—804
Squalenes, synthesis of, -labelled 838 839
Squalenes, synthesis of, tritium-labelled 823 824
Squillacote, M.E. 81(35a) 107 161(71) 171
Squires, R.R. 736(14) 737 740(15) 750
Srebrolskii, Yu.I. 875 877(29) 886
Sridharan, V. 433(212b) 436(221) 476 477
Srikrishna, A. 308(95) 323 406(147) 472
Srinivasachar, K. 308(101e) 323
Srivasta, S. 565(70) 613
Srivastava, P.C. 846(188) 865
Srivastava, S. 947(55 56) 975
Staab, E. 911(129) 925
Stable, M. 746 747(54) 751
Stacino, J.P. 376(60 61) 469
Stadelmann, J.-P. 179(22) 255
Staemmler, V. 627(28) 650
Staheli, R. 964 967(92) 976
Stahl, D. 180(74) 256
Staley, D.L. 36(53) 62
Staley, S.W. 41 42(91) 51 52(139) 63 64 179(38) 255
Stamm, R.F. 627 636(31) 650
Standen, M.C. 338(64) 355
Stanford, R.H.Jr. 40(81) 63
Stang, PJ. 57(170) 65 869(1) 886 947(46 48 52) 975
Stannaries, addition to dienes 627
Stanop, B. 415 421 460(171b) 474
Stanton, R.V. 17 18(97) 22 855(221) 866
Stark, B.P. 401(132b) 472
Stark, H. 399(124(1 472
Starr, M.P. 494(23) 505
| Starrett, J.E.Jr. 417(164c) 473
Stashina, G.A. 598(162) 616
Stasko, A. 352(145 146) 357
Stauffer, R.D. 466(313a) 480
Stec, W.J. 415(163d) 473
Steckhan, E. 753 757(1) 773
Steele, W.V. 81(42a 42b) 107
Stefanov, B.B. 32(25) 62
Steffen, J. 535(105) 546
Stegemann, J. 38 39(69) 63
Stein, S.E. 73(18) 89(62) 105 108
Steiner, E. 631 634(58) 651
Steinmuller, S. 141(50e) 147
Stelter, H. 379(76c) 470
Stenger, V. 341(79) 356
Stenmark, K.R. 783(25) 862
Stereoehemieal switches 662
Stereoselectivity in Diels — Alder reaction 19
Stereoselectivity, dual, in palladium-catalysed chloroacetoxylation 665
Steric effects 702—710
Steric effects, composite model of 710
Steric effects, monoparametrie model of 704—707 729
Steric effects, primary 702 703
Steric effects, secondary 703
Steric effects, segmental model of 709 710 729
Steric effects, simple branching model of 708 729
Steric interactions, in determination of stable conformations 7
Stern, M. 855(218) 866
Steroid hormones, isotope studies of 799
Steroidal -reductase inhibitors, isotopically labelled, synthesis of 831—833
Steroids, synthesis of 532
Stetuing, L. 951(69) 958(80) 976
Stewart, A.W. 702 704(33) 731
Stewart, C.A.Jr. 558 559(50) 613
Stewart, E.L. 38(67) 39(77) 63
Stewart, J.J.P. 630(48) 651
Stewart, J.P. 32(25) 62
Stewart, S.K. 447(260) 478
Stigliani, W.M. 51(134) 64
Stilbenes (see also “Iminostilbene”)
Stilbenes, photocyclization of 276
Still, I.WJ. 288(55a) 322
Still, W.C. 834(158) 865
Stille coupling, as synthetic procedure for conjugated dienes/polyenes 439—446
Stille, J.K. 433(215b) 439(235a 235b 236a 242b) 440(236a 242b 246a) 441(236a) 442(242b) 444(246a) 445(250) 476—478 509(10) 544
Stiller, E.T. 361(13a) 467
Stinson, S.C. 319(121) 324
Stock, L.M. 687(11) 731
Stockburger, M. 150 151(12) 170
Stoddart, J.F. 576(94a-e) 577(95) 614
Stoeckenius, W. 808(81 82) 863
Stoessel, SJ. 433(215b) 476
Stoichett, B.P. 158(46) 170
Stokker, G.E. 827(144) 864
Stolle, W.T. 842(175) 865
Stoller, H.-J. 394 396(106a) 471
Stone, G.B. 371(42—45) 468 670(53) 680
Stone, M.P. 905(94) 924
Storer, J. 854(210) 866
Storer, J.W. 17 18 20(104) 22 852—854(207) 866
Stork — Esehenmoser hypothesis 532
Stork, G. 405(140) 472 523(64—66) 532(98) 545 546 627 640(41) 651
Stork, L. 756(7) 774
Stover, E.D. 341(86) 356
Stradowska, E. 335(24) 354
Strahan, G.D. 159(67) 171
Strange, J.H. 46(113) 64
Stransky, W. 459(299c) 479
Straub, R. 180 183(70) 236 237(257 258) 249(257) 256 260
Strauss, E.S. 964(91) 976
Strauss, H.E. 520(55 58) 545
Street, S.D.A. 388 390(96c) 470
Streith, J. 268 313(14c) 320 631 634(58) 651
Streitwieser, A. 174 179 199 203 213(2) 254 734(4) 750
Streitwieser, A.Jr. 40(83) 63 734(6) 737(17) 739(6 28 32) 744(46) 748(66) 749(66 68 69) 750 751
Struchkov, Yu.T. 52(141) 65
Structure-property quantitative relationship (SPQR) 685—687
Stubbs, J.W. 871(16) 886
Stuhl, O. 424(178d) 475
Stull, D.R. 89(59) 108
Sturzenbecker, LJ. 808(83) 863
Sturzenegger, V. 138(47b) 147
Styrene, copolymerization with butadiene 346
Suarez, D. 17 20(130) 23
Subba Rao, G.S.R. 465(308c 308f-h) 480
Subba Rao, H.N. 276(30a) 320
Subotkowski, W. 854(212) 855(212 224) 866
Subramanian, L.R. 869(1) 870(7) 877(33) 886
Sudborough, J.J. 689—692(22) 702(31) 731
Suenram, R.D. 52 53(145) 65
Suetomo, S. 569(74) 613
Suffert, J. 433(215c) 476
Suffness, M.I. 532(95) 545
Suga, T. 788(35 36) 818(107) 862 863
Sugathapala, P. 315(116b) 324
Sugden, T.M. 208(180) 258
Sugimoto, K. 388(98b) 471
Sugimoto, R. 919(185) 926
Sugimoto, T. 57(176) 58(183) 65 940—942(27) 953(70 71) 961(70) 963(86—89) 965(98) 975 976
Suginome, H. 446 448(257a 257b) 478
Sugioka, T. 308(101i) 323
Sugiura, S. 797 798(51) 862
Sugiyama, S. 555(38) 579(99) 580(101a 101b) 595(151) 596(151 155) 600(168) 601(171) (153) 612 614 616
Suh, H. 382 384(83e) 470
Suhadolnik, J.C. 910(122) 924
SukirthaHngam, S. 433(212b) 436(221) 476 477
Sullivan, E.L. 289(57e) 322
Sulphonates see “Azulenesulphonates” “Pyridinium
Sulphones see “Allylic sulphones” Vinyl
Sulphoxides, elimination reactions of 374
Sulphur dioxide, extrusion of, in synthesis of conjugated dienes/polyenes 395 397—400
Sulzbach, H.M. 940(26b) 975
Sum, P.-E. 417(164c) 473
Sumi, H. 561(63c) 613
Sumitani, K. 452(271) 478
Sun, G.-Z. 906(99) 924
Sun, J.D. 778(4) 861
Sun, Y.-P. 81(35c) 107
Sunami, M. 289(56) 322
Sunderbabu, G. 308(95) 323
Suniktsa, I.L. 346 347(105) 356
Surya Prakash, G.K. 881(37 38) 887
Suryawanshi, S.N. 906(97) 924
SusHck, K.S. 899(57) 923
Suss, H.U. 213(194) 259
Sussman, S. 895(27 28) 923
Sustmann, R. 17 20(127 128) 23 337(48) 355 379(76d) 470 558(48) 612 627(29) 650 718(59) 732 967(103) 976
Sutbeyaz, T. 914(149) 925
Sutbeyaz, Y. 915(155) 925
Suter, A.K. 877(30) 886
Sutherland, I.O. 910(118) 924
Sutin, L. 658(23 24) 680
Suzuka, H. 834(156) 865
Suzuki coupling, as synthetic procedure for conjugated dienes/polyenes 446—449
Suzuki, A. 446(254a-c 257a-c 258a 258b) 447(259) 448(257a-c) 449(268a-c) 478
Suzuki, G. 840(171) 865
Suzuki, H. 113 114(6a) 146 397(116b) 471 919(185) 926
Suzuki, K. 387(90 92 93) 470
Suzuki, S. 368(33c) 388(100) 468 471
Suzuki, T. 344(95) 356 397(116a) 398(117a 117b) 471 586(113) 614 678(64) 681
Suzuki, Y. 404(137b) 472
Svard, H. 827(140) 864
Sverdlov, L.M. 158(57) 171
Swain, C.J. 388 389(96b) 470
Swallow, A.J. 325(3) 354
Swaminathan, S. 875(28) 886
Swarbrick, T.M. 401(131a) 472
Sward, K. 433(215b) 476
Sweigart, DA. 210 211(185) 258
Swenton, J.S. 562(57) 613
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