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Rappoport Z. (ed.) — The Chemistry of Dines and Polyenes (vol. 1) |
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Mayer, J. 337(40) 355
Mayer, J.R. 97(77) 109
Mayer, M.G. 853(208) 866
Mayer, W. 45(109) 64
Mayo, F.R. 627 631(40) 651
Mayoral, J.A. 17 19 20(109 129) 22 23 911(133) 925
Mayr, H. 560(54) 613 742(43) 751 872(19) 877(31 32 34a 34b 35) 879(34a 34b 35) 886
Mazersk, J. 141(52c) 147
McBride, J.M. 98(80) 109
McCabe, J.R. 554(34) 557(41) 558(47b) 612
McCammon, J.A. 498(41) 505
McCasland, G.E. 892(8) 922
McCauley, J.A. 440 443(245a) 477
McClelland, B.W. 26 27(2) 61
McCord, D.J. 968(104) 977
McCullough, J.J. 399(124d) 472
McCurry, P.M.Jr. 527(77) 545
McDiarmid, A.G. 31(21) 62
McDiarmid, R. 11(45 65) 21 22 162—164(85) 171
McDonald, F.E. 289(61) 322 540(117b) 546
McDonald, G.J. 802(60) 862
McGarvey, G.J. 237(276) 260 382 383(83b) 470
McGift, J.C. 793(46) 862
McGift, J.M. 388 391(96e) 470
McGregor, S.D. 395(113a) 401(128) 471 472
McGuigan, P. 458(295) 479
McHardy, S.F. 420(166a) 474
McKendry, L.H. 268 313(14d) 320
McKervey, M.A. 374(52f) 458(295) 469 479
McKinley, S.V. 747(62) 751
McLafterty, F.J. 86(50—52) 108
McLaughlin, M.L. 53(151) 65
Mclnnis, E.L. 274(24) 320
Mclntosh, C.L. 268(14a 14e 14f) 311(106b) 313(14a 14e 14f) 320 323
Mclver, R.T.J. 735(12) 750
McMullan, R.K. 49(125) 64
McMurray coupling, as synthetic procedure for conjugated dienes/polyenes 371 428 429
McMurray, J.E. 428(187a-c) 439(235e) 475 477
McMurry, J.E. 184(141 142) 257 642(85) 652
McNeHs, E. 873(24a) 886
McNeill, E.A. 44(99) 63
McPhail, A.T. 378(72c) 469
McPhail, D.R. 378(72c) 469
McSweeny, G.P. 497(31) 505
McVey, J.K. 14(73) 22 156(39) 170
Meador, W.R. 97(77) 109
Meall, C 963 974(90a) 976
Medina, J.C. 910(123) 925
Meese, C.O. 781(14 15) 782(14) 784(34) 861 862
Meetsma, A. 593(144) 615
Mehrotra, M.M. 898(49) 923
Mehta, G. 364(25) 468
Meier, H. 958(79) 976
Meijer, J. 439(241a) 477
Meinwald, J. 274(26) 320
Meischler, K. 896(39) 923
Meisinger, R.H. 364(22) 468
Meister, M. 921(213) 926
Melander, L. 855(219) 866
Melder, J.P. 575(92b) 614
Melli, L. 466(313e) 480
Membrane, R.C. 916(165) 925
Menase, R. 411(155d) 473
Menorval, L.C.de 911(133) 925
Menyailo, A.T. 497(33) 505 920(192) 926
Menzies, I.D. 918(177 178) 926
Merbach, A.E. 597 599(166) 600(167) 616
Merchan, M. 4 8(30) 11(49 50 62) 12 13(30 49 62) 14(30) 21 22
Meresca, L.M. 909(114 115) 924
Merger, R. 184(153) 258
Merritt, J.A. 56(165a) 65
Merz, K.J. 855(221) 866
Merz, K.M. 17 18(97) 22
Mesobilirubin- , bis- -labelled, synthesis of 805 806
Mesoporphyrin IX dichloride, -labelled, synthesis of 847 848
Mestres, R. 381(81a 81b 82) 470
Metal salen complexes, as oxidizing agents 891 898 900 901
Metallopoiphyrins, as oxidizing agents 891 898—900
Metcalf, B.W. 831(149) 865
Methanofullerenes, structure of 58 59
Methanoprostaglandin methyl esters, synthesis of, deuterium-labelled 793—797
Methanoprostaglandin methyl esters, synthesis of, tritium-labelled 813 815 816
Methyl radicals (see also “Dicyanomethyl radicals” “Trihalomethyl
Methyl radicals addition to dienes 620 621 631
Methyl-1,3-butadienes, structure of 33
Methyl-1,3-pentadienes, polymerization of, radiation-induced 344
Methylbenzyl cations 99
Methylene increment 89
Methylenecycloalkanes (see also “Bismethylenecycloalkanes”)
Methylenecycloalkanes, structure of 51
Methylenecycloalkenes, structure of 51—54
Methylenecycloalkenes, thermochemistry of 92
Methylenecycloheptatriene, thermochemistry of 92
Methylenecyclohexadienes, structure of 53 54
Methylenecyclopentadienes, structure of 52 53
Methylenecyclopentadienes, thermochemistry of 92
Metts, L. 395(114a) 471
Meunier, B. 899(53 56) 923
Meyer, E.F.Jr. 43(97) 63
Meyer, F.E. 433(208b 213) 434(209b) 436(224a 224b) 476 477
Meyer, F.G. 609(196) 617
Meyer, L.U. 180(54 66) 181(54) 255
Meyer, V. 702(31) 731
Meyer-Schuster rearrangement 875 876
Mhin, B.J. 4(35 36) 5 6(35) 8 9(36) 21 166(112) 172
Miamoto, K. 398(117b) 471
Michael, B.D. 327 328(10) 354
Michaelis, W. 621 622(11) 650
Michaelson, R.C. 907(106 107) 924
MichalsK, S. 605(184) 616
Michelassi, F. 831(148) 864
Micheli, R.P. 364 365(23a) 468
Michels, E. 315(113c) 324
Michelsen, K. 184(140) 257
Michl, J. 35(44 45) 62 161(72) 171
Michno, D.M. 274(24) 320
Middleton, D.S. 408(154c) 473
Mielke, E.A. 791(42) 862
Miftakhov, M.S. 431(198b) 476
Mihelich, E.D. 907(112 113) 924
Miinzel, N. 237 250(283) 261
Mikata, Y. 583(111) 614
Miki, S. 181(78) 256
Mikjkovic, D. 276(31b) 520
Milas, N. 902(74) 924
Milas, N.A. 895(27 28) 925
Milhaud, J. 141(51c) 147
Milinchuk, V.K. 350(137) 557
Miller, B.J. 264(2b) 319
Miller, F.A. 56(165b) 57(178) 65 945(38)
Miller, I.S. 942(34) 975
Miller, M.J. 394(107) 471
Miller, R.G. 466(313a) 480
Miller, T.A. 231(223) 233(233) 236(269) 259 260
Millie, P. 737(19) 750
Mills, G. 336(30) 554
Milne, G.M. 532(95) 545
Milner, D.C. 347(109) 556
Mimoun, H. 912(139) 925
Minati, L. 592(140) 615
Minato, A. 452(271) 478
Minato, T. 464(305) 480
Minisci, F. 624 625 631(17) 648(17 94) 650 652
Minkin, V.I. 717 722(55) 752
Minowa, N. 440(249) 478
Minton, M.E. 274(23) 520
MinuS, L. 566(71) 593(143) 613 615
Mioskowski, C. 412(161c) 473 819 820(109) 864
Mirek, J. 940(25) 975
Mirza, NA. 276(30d) 520
| Misaki, Y. 58(183) 65 940—942(27) 953(70 71) 961(70) 963(87—89) 965(98) 975 976
Misawa, H. 388(98b 100) 471
Misev, L. 234(234) 260
Mishima, M. 827(146) 864
Misumi, S. 949(62) 975
Mitani, M. 376(63) 469
Mitchell, J.R. 782(19) 861
Mitchell, S. 289(62) 522
Mitchell, T.N. 439(235c 235d) 477
Mitchell, T.R.B. 540(118a-c) 546
Mitra, R.B. 374(53) 469
Mitsudo, T.A. 452(270) 478
Mittelbach, M. 920(199) 926
Miura, K. 525(68) 545 633(64) 651
Miyake, S. 870(8) 871(18) 886
Miyamoto, T. 337(52) 338(55) 555
Miyanaga, S. 424 425(179b) 475
Miyaura, N. 446(254a 257a-c 258a 258b) 447(259) 448(257a-c) 478
Miyazaki, T. 860(240) 867
Miyazawa, M. 859(235) 867
Miyazawa, T. 153(26) 166(113) 170 172
Mizuno, K. 338(53) 555
Mizushima, Y. 793(47) 813(96) 862 865
Mizusuna, A. 935 961(11) 974
Mlynek, C 181 185(99) 256
MNDO method in study of Diels — Alder reaction 18
MO calculations of rotational strength 120 143 144
Moberg, C 658(22—25) 659(22) 660(25) 680
Mochaklov, V.I. 33(31) 62
Mochalov, V.I. 161(80) 171
Mock, W.L. 395(113b) 471
Modena, G. 910(119) 924
Moffitt, W.E. 209(182) 258
Mohachsi, E. 102(99a) 110
Mohmand, S. 179(34) 255
Mohr, B.J. 436(222) 477
Mohraz, M. 184(158) 185(163) 258
Moisenkov, A.M. 921(205) 926
Molander, G.A. 446(256) 478
Molecular orbitals, canonical 197 198 220
Molecular orbitals, localized orthogonal 220 221
Molecular orbitals, virtual 228
Molho, D. 716(54) 752
Molin, M. 610(201) 617
Molina, A. 440 441(244c) 477
Moller — Plesset (MP) perturbation theory 3
Moller, F. 364(24b) 468
Moller, M. 306(92b) 525
Molloy, K.C. 678(65) 681
Momose, T. 236(261 262) 237(261) 260
Momroe, B.M. 914(150) 925
Moms, T.A. 339(66) 555
Monk, J.P. 812(93) 865
Monte Carlo study 19
Montford, A.W. 498(36) 505 907(104) 924
Montgomery, J.A. 32(25) 62
Montgomery, L.K. 52(140) 53 54(157) 65
Montgomery, R.E. 905(95) 924
Montury, M. 376(62) 469
Moody, R.T. 818(104) 863
Mook, R.Jr. 523(65) 545
Moore, A.L. 243(299) 261 337(51) 339(66) 555
Moore, C.B. 405(145) 472
Moore, T.A. 243(299) 261 337(51) 555
Moran, H.W. 871(9 11 12) 872(12) 886
More, P.G. 433(210a) 476
Morello, H. 179(43) 255
Morera, E. 433(215a) 434(209a) 476
Morgan, K.D. 394 396(106b) 471
Mori, A. 287(52b) 321 579(98 99) 580(100 101a 101b) 581(102 104a 104b 105 106) 595(154) 596(155 156) 600(168) 614 616 910(127) 925
Mori, K. 368 369(31a) 468
Mori, Y. 423(177) 474
Moriarty, R.M. 439(236b) 477
Morikawa, K. 897(44) 923
Morimoto, C.N. 43(97) 65
Morimoto, H. 801(58) 862
Morimoto, Y. 910(125) 925
Morino, Y. 27 28(8) 61 158(47) 170
Morishima, Y. 623(13 14) 631(14) 632(13 14) 650
Morita, Y. 308(99b) 525
Moriyama, T. 388(101 102) 471
Morley, J.O. 15(89) 22
Moro-oka, Y. 919(185) 926
Morokuma, K. 597(160) 616
Moron, T.A. 415 421(171d) 474
Morosi, T. 45(107) 64
Mortimer, C.T. 101 102(96) 110
Morton, D.R.Jr. 917(173) 925
Moscowitz, A. 114 115 117(9) 146
Mosher, O.A. 11(63) 22
Mosher, Y. 5(38b) 21
Moss, R.A. 208(179) 258 609(191) 617
Motevalli-Oliner, M. 102(102) 110
Motherwell, W.B. 377(67) 430(193a 193b) 469 475 626(20) 650 824(124) 864
Moulton, R.D. 769(19) 774
Mourino, A. 415 421(171d) 438 439(234b) 474 477
Mouser, J.K.M. 427(185) 475
Mouvier, G. 179(21) 207(176) 254 258
Moylan, C.R. 733(1) 750
Moytka, L. 279(38b) 321
Mozumder, A. 326(4) 354
MP2 calculations 3 5 6 8 18
MP3 calculations 5 6
MP4 calculations 3 5 6 18
MSAD acidity scale 739
Mtffler, G. 181 182(80) 256
Muccino, R.R. 783(27 28) 805 809 834(27) 862
Mueller, R.H. 855(222 223) 866
Muellerle, JA. 916(162) 925
Muffins, L. 347(119) 556
Muggenburg, BA. 778(4) 861
Mugnoli, A. 45(107) 64
Muhlbauer, G. 426(184c) 475
Mui, P.W. 81(35b) 107 161(71) 171
Muir, M. 17 18(98) 22
Mukai, T. 313(109c 109d 109f 109h) 524
Mukaiyama, T. 428(188 190b) 475 916(166 167) 925
Mukherjee, J. 844(179) 865
Mukhtar, R. 562(62) 613
Mulhauser, M. 375(56a) 469
Mulheim, LJ. 838(164) 865
Mullen, K. K. 34(42) 62 440 443(245c) 477 578(96 97) 614 974(110) 977
Muller, C 183(130) 184(146) 257
Muller, J. 826(132) 864
Muller, K. 276(31b) 520
Muller-Botticher, H. 182 184(108) 256
Mulliken populations 737
Mulliken, R.S. 207(178) 258
Mundnich, R. 602(176 177 179) 616
Munsch, B. 737(19) 750
Murahashi, S.I. 432(207a) 476
Murphy, B.C. 411(155e) 475
Murphy, G.K. 277(33) 321
Murphy, J.A. 627(42) 651
Murphy, M.M. 436(222) 477
Murphy, R.C. 782(21) 861
Murpy, R.C. 783(25) 862
Murray, R.W. 905(88) 913(143) 924 925
Murrel, J.N. 113 114(6c) 146
Murrell, J.N. 178(14) 197(170) 213(14) 254 258
Murthy, B.A.R.C. 252(309) 261
Muruyama, K. 432(207a) 476
Musso, H. 40(85) 65 180(51) 181(51 83) 255 256
Mustafi, D. 498(37) 505
Muthardt, J.L. 225(211) 259
Muzzafar, A. 838(168) 865
Myagkova, G.I. 813(98) 865
Myasoedov, N.F. 813(97) 818(103) 865
Myasoyedov, N.F. 813(98) 865
Mycoticin A/B, structure determination of 500 501
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