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Rappoport Z. (ed.) — The Chemistry of Dines and Polyenes (vol. 1) |
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Myers, A.G. 631(61) 651 810(89) 865
Myers, M. 920(203) 926
N-Acetylcolchinols, -chloroacetates of, synthesis of 838—840
Nader, F.W. 57(175) 65 947(51) 975
Naegeli, P. 527(79) 545
Naemura, K. 513(30) 544
Nagaev, I.Y. 813(97 98) 865
Nagai, Y. 631 632(51) 651
Nagano, Y. 596(156) 616
Nagao, M. 452(270) 478
Nagaraju, S. 406(147) 472
Nagasaka, T. 402(135) 472
Nagatomi, T. 940—942(27) 975
Nagels, P. 352(143) 557
Nahor, G.S. 339(71) 555
Naik, N.C. 116 117 133(11) 146
Naiman, M. 598(161) 616
Nairn, A. 336(30) 554
Naito, H. 398(117a) 471
Naito, T. 264(la) 319
Naitoh, Y. 180(64) 255
Nakabayashi, K. 338(63) 555
Nakaboyashi, K. 337(39) 555
Nakada, M. 415 422(171(1 474 642(86) 652
Nakagawa, H. 57(176) 65 953 961(70) 976
Nakagawa, S. 339(69) 555
Nakagawa, T. 341(82) 556
Nakahara, M. 551 552 561 609(25a) 612
Nakajima, H. 769(18) 774
Nakajima, I. 452(271) 478
Nakamura, A. 424 425(179b) 475
Nakamura, E. 541(120) 546
Nakamura, H. 337(52) 338(58) 555
Nakamura, K. 341(83) 556
Nakamura, M. 904(84) 924
Nakamura, N. 921(207) 926
Nakamura, S. 528(86) 545
Nakamura, Y. 308(99b) 525 756(6) 774
Nakanishi, K. 112 117(1d 1e) 123(1d) 133(ld le) 141(50a-c) 146 147 428(190a) 475
Nakano, H. 589(125) 615
Nakano, T. 365(23(1 468 631 632(51) 651
Nakao, A. 520(56) 545
Nakao, K. 424 425(179e) 475
Nakao, O. 344(95 96) 356
Nakashima, H. 580(100) 596(155) 614 616
Nakasnishi, K. 418(165a) 474
Nakata, M. 48(122) 64 151(15) 170
Nakatsuka, M. 377(64 65) 469 514(39) 544
Nakatsuka, N. 306(93) 323
Nakawa, H. 587(117) 615
Nakazawa, M. 435(216) 476
Nam, W. 899(55) 923
Nambu, M. 446 451(257i) 478
Nambudiri, M.E.N. 415 421(171d) 474
Nanayakkara, A. 32(25) 62
Naoe, Y. 368 369(31c) 468
Naphthalenes 68 69 “Tetrahydronaphthalenes”)
Naphthalenes, Diels — Alder reaction of 569 570
Naphthalenes, thermochemistry of 90 103
Naphtharadialene 928 971
Naqvi, S.M. 278(34d) 321
Narang, S.C. 758(8) 774
Narayanan, K.V. 875(28) 886
Nariai, T. 824(125) 864
Narula, A.P.S. 453(276b) 479
Naruse, M. 166 168(101) 171 408(154a) 473
Naruse, Y. 440 441(244b) 477
Naser-ud-Din 643(8Id) 651
Nashiyama, S. 410(155b) 473
Nasipuzi, D. 527(81) 545
Naso, F. 452(273) 457(289) 479
Nat, F.F. 375(56b) 469 511(24a 24b 27) 544
Nat, I.L. 457(293) 479
Natchus, M.G. 264(2a) 319
Natekar, M.V. 374(53) 469
Natowsky, S. 180 183(75) 256
Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis 742
Nawata, Y. 398(117b) 471
Nayler, P. 155(32) 170
Naylor, A. 424(180) 475
Naylor, P. 368—370(36) 468
Naylor, R.D. 70(9) 104
Nazarov reaction 508
Nazarov, I.N. 508(6 7) 544
NBO analysis 32
Nebot-Gil, I. 11(49 59) 12 13(49) 21 22
Nechvatal, A. 636(67) 651
Nefedov, V.D. 869(3) 886
Negishi, E. 539(113 114) 546
Negishi, E.A. 368(34) 435(217) 436(223a 223b) 438(230) 446(257e) 449(265 266) 451(257e) 452(269b 269d 269e) 455(281) 468 476—479
Negri, F. 162 164(88) 166(110) 171 172
Neil, D.A. 465(307) 480
Neimeyer, H.M. 739(28) 750
Nelsen, S.F. 919(181) 926
Nemeth, G.A. 337(51) 339(66) 355
Nemo, T.E. 899(54) 923
Nemoto, H. 399(124e) 404(137a) 472 517(42) 544
Neryl glucosides, deuterium-labelled, synthesis of 788—790
Neta, P. 327(9) 339(71) 354 355
Neuenschwander, M. 183(125) 257 684(1) 725(73) 730 732
Neugebauer, D. 315(113a) 324
Neuhaus, L. 184(145) 237(286) 257 261
Neukom, C. 394 396(106b) 471
Neuman, P.C. 508(4) 544
Neuman, R.C. 601(170) 616
Neumann, M. 627(28) 650
Neumann, R. 496 497(28) 505 900(58 59) 913(142) 920(189) 923 925 926
Neumann, R.C.Jr. 549(22b-d) 612
Neumann, W.P. 627 631 634(37) 650
Nevins, N. 38(67) 39(77) 63
Newcomb, M. 620(2) 650
Newcombe, D.S. 781(17) 861
Newlands, M.I. 903(79) 924
Newman, M.S. 702(36) 731
Ng, D.K.P. 466(314) 480
Ngoi, T.H.J. 522(61) 545
Nguyen, A. 81(42a 42b) 107
Nguyen, H.T. 904(82) 924
Nguyen, S.B.T. 542(123a) 546
Nguyen-van-Duang, K. 639(78) 651
Nibbering, N.M.M. 236(274) 260
Nicholas Tawn, D. 336(28) 354
Nicholas, A. 17 19 20(111) 23
Nicholas, C.J. 408(154c) 473
Nicholls, R.V.V. 637(69) 651
Nickel, D.G. 417(164c) 473
Nickon, A. 54(161) 65 915(157) 925
Nicol, M. 498(36) 505 907(104) 924
Nicolaisen, F.M. 162—165(86) 171
Nicolaou, J.L. 399(125a) 472
Nicolaou, K.C. 375(58) 410(155c) 415(171b 171e) 420(166a 166c) 421(171b) 422(171e) 423(172c) 438(226a 226b) 440(249) 454(279a-c) 460(171b) 469 473 474 477—479 517(41) 544 642(86) 652
Nicolauv, G. 435(220) 476
Nicolini, M. 621 622(7) 631(57) 646(7) 647(89) 650—652
Nie, H. 280(39) 321
Nie, X.Y. 280(39) 321
Niedenbriick, H. 921(209) 926
Niederprum, N. 51(131) 64
Nieduzak, T.R. 565(69) 613
Nieger, M. 408(154b) 473
Nielsen, A.T. 378(70a) 469
Nielsen, J.R. 158(49) 170
Nielsen, O.F. 162—165(86) 171
Nielsen, O.J. 339(67 68) 355
Niemeyer, H.M. 749(68) 751
Niesert, C.P. 411(155(1 473
Nieuwstad, Th.J. 770(22) 774
Niewoehner, C.B. 892(10) 922
Nigenda, S.E. 758(8) 774
Nikaido, T. 631 632(51) 651
Nikam, S.S. 369(38) 468
| Nikitin, O.T. 158(55) 171
Nikitina, T.S. 346 347(105) 356
Nikles, M. 453(276d) 479
Nilsson, Y.I.M. 672(54a 54b 56) 673(54a 54b) 675(58b 59) 676(58b) 680 681
Ninomiya, I. 264(la) 319
Ninomiya, S. 335(24) 354
Nishi, T. 424 425(179b) 475 883(41) 887
Nishida, S. 180 182 185(56) 255
Nishiguchi, I. 754(3) 764(13) 773 774
Nishikawa, M. 335(21 24) 354
Nishimoto, K. 942 945(31) 975
Nishimura, S. 453(275b) 479
Nishimura, T. 361(14) 467
Nishino, H. 337(39) 355
Nishio, M. 123(32) 147
Nishioka, H. 350(133) 357
Nishitani, Y. 405 418(143) 472
Nishizawa, H. 569(74) 613
Nitroform anions 332
Nitrogen, extrusion of, in synthesis of conjugated dienes 401
Nitsche, S. 179 183 184(23) 235(236) 236(241 251 270) 237(275 279 286) 245(241) 248(270 275 279) 249(270 275) 255 260 261
Nixdoif, M. 37(56 57) 63 181 182(80) 256
Niyaz, N.M. 315(118) 324
Noack, K. 112(4) 138(46b 47a) 141(4) 146 147
Noble, W.J. 548(2 5—8 12) 549(21) 552(27) 562(62) 564(2) 565(70) 596(150) 597(166 169) 599(166) 600(167 169) 602(178a 178b) 611—613 616 874(25) 886
Noda, Y. 446 451(257e) 478
Nogales, D.F. 805 806(75) 863
Noifekh, A.I. 351(138) 357
Noiman, J.A.T. 937(14) 974
Noimant, J.F. 449(267a) 456(288) 457(290) 478 479
Nojima, M. 921(207) 926
Noltemeyer, M. 53 54(156) 65
Nomoto, T. 397(116b) 398(117a) 471
Nonaenes see “Octadecanonaene”
Nonconjugated dienes 68
Nonconjugated dienes, -cleavage of 486 489
Nonconjugated dienes, anodic oxidation of 759—764
Nonconjugated dienes, by anionic reactions 536—539
Nonconjugated dienes, by cationic reactions 525—531
Nonconjugated dienes, by free-radical reactions 522—525
Nonconjugated dienes, cyclization of 518—521 542 543
Nonconjugated dienes, metal-catalysed 539—541
Nonconjugated dienes, oxidation of, palladium-catalysed 655—661
Nonconjugated dienes, oxidation of, with metalloporphyrins 899 900
Nonconjugated dienes, oxidation of, with osmium tetraoxide 895
Nonconjugated dienes, oxidation of, with ozone 920 921
Nonconjugated dienes, oxidation of, with permanganate 892 894
Nonconjugated dienes, oxidation of, with peroxo compounds 903—913
Nonconjugated dienes, oxidation of, with singlet oxygen 915
Nonconjugated dienes, oxidation of, with triplet oxygen 916—919
Nonconjugated dienes, photorearrangement of 276—280
Nonconjugated dienes, structure of 26—28
Nonconjugated dienes, thermochemistry of 70 71 85 86
Nonenols, synthesis of 298
Noneonjugated polyenes, structure of 28—31
Noneonjugated polyenes, thermochemistry of 72
Nooner, D. 492 493(14) 504
Norbornadienes, acidity of 736 737 739
Norbornadienes, electrooxidation of 761—763
Norbornadienes, structnre of 46
Norbornene, acidity of 737
Norcaradienes, structure of 43^5
Nordberg, R.E. 662(33a-c) 663(33a-c 35) 680
Norden, B. 146(53) 147
Norden, T.D. 51 52(139) 64 179(38) 255
Nordlander, J.E. 746(51—53) 751
Nornian, J. 949(63) 975
Nornian, N. 52 53(148) 65
Norrish Type II cleavage 299 300
Norton, G. 724(72) 732
Nosaka, Y. 236 248(249) 260
Nose, M. 949(65 66) 950(66) 951 952(65 66) 953(66) 965(65 66) 976
Noskova, N.F. 860(239) 867
Nosoka, Y. 232(230) 260
Notaro, G. 898(52) 923
Noth, H. 49(128) 64
Nothieisz, F. 668(48a 48b) 680
Novello, F.C. 827(144) 864
Noyori, R. 287(52a 53) 321 322
Nozaki, H. 287(52a) 321 431(198a) 476 907(107) 924
Nozoe, T. 313(100) 324 464(305) 480 581(102) 595(154) 614 616 765(14) 770(21) 774
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of allenyl cations 881 882
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, as analytical method 483 484 501
Nucleophiles, as cation traps 644
Nudenberg, W. 622(12) 640(80) 641(81a) 650 651
Nugara, P.N. 372(46) 468
Nugent, W.A. 540(117a) 546
NuMi, Y. 595(154) 616
Nummellin, K. 81(40 41) 83(43) 107
Nunes, J.J. 582(107b) 591(132) 614 615
Nunn, D.S. 282(44a) 321
Nuss, J.M. 264(4a 4b) 319 436(222) 477
Nussbaumer, M. 46(115) 64
Nussin, M. 802(59) 862
Nuttall, R.L. 69(3) 104
Nyfeler, R. 801(56) 862
Nyquist, R.A. 169(123) 172
Nystatin, structure determination of 500
Nystrom, J.E. 663(35) 665(37) 666(38) 680
o-Quinodimethanes, intramolecular Diels — Alder reaction of 514—516
Oberdorfer, F. 825(129) 826(129 132) 864
Oberhammer, H. 38(61) 63
Occidentalols 119
Occidentalols, synthesis of 273 274
Octadecanonaene, thermochemistry of 102
Octadienes see “Cyclooctadienes”
Octalene, thermochemistry of 103
Octalins, formation of 511 512 525 526 530 531
Octatetraenes (see also “Cyclooctatetraene”)
Octatetraenes, cyclization of 510
Octatetraenes, excited states of 14
Octatetraenes, geometry/conformation of 7—9
Octatetraenes, structure of 31
Octatetraenes, vibrational frequencies for 9
Octatrienes see “Cyclooctatrienes”
Oda, K. 910(125) 925
Oda, M. 57(171) 58(179) 61(171 179) 65 931(10) 935(11) 942(31) 945(31 42) 947(54) 949(42 54 65—67) 950(66) 951(42 54 65—67) 952(65 66) 953(66 72 73) 961(11 73) 963(67) 965(65 66) 967(67) 974—976
Odani, M. 289(56) 322
Odell, A.D. 831(151) 865
Odinokov, V.N. 496(30) 497(30 34) 505 920(204) 921(205 206) 926
Oebels, D. 609(194) 617
Oediger, H. 364(24b) 468
Oelze, J. 590(129a) 615
Oesch, F. 364 365(23b) 468
Oeser, T. 44 48(101) 64
Oesterhelt, D. 150 151(12) 170 808(81) 863
Oetamethylporphyrin, -labelled, synthesis of 807
Oeters, K. 587(120) 615
Oezkar, S. 315(113a) 324
Ogasawara, K. 910(126) 925
Ogawa, M. 913(140 141) 925
Ogawa, S. 433(212a) 476
Ogawa, Y. 375(58) 420(166c) 423(172c) 469 474
Ogbu, C.O. 315(112a) 324
Ogima, M. 449(268c) 478
Ogiyama, M. 937 943(18) 974
Ogle, M.E. 749(72) 751
Oguri, T. 377 378(69c) 469
Oh, H.J. 831(149) 865
Ohara, M. 583(111) 614
Ohashi, M. 141(50d) 147
Ohkawa, M. 754(3) 773
Ohloff, G. 511(24a 24b) 525(72) 544 545
Ohmine, I. 4 8(18) 13 14(67) 21 22
Ohnishi, Y. 287(53) 322
Ohno, K. 180(64) 181(88) 255 256
Ohno, M. 415 422(171f) 474 895(31) 923
Ohta, N. 344(95 96) 356
Ohtsu, A. 797(50) 862
Ohtsuka, M. 433(212a) 476
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