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Rappoport Z. (ed.) — The Chemistry of Dines and Polyenes (vol. 1) |
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Oie, T. 4(34) 21
Oimerod, J. 920(203) 926
Ojima, J. 379(74a 74b) 428 429(190e 190f) 469 475
Ojosipe, B.A. 596(150) 616
Oka, H. 963(89) 976
Okabayashi, T. 913(141) 925
Okabe, T. 799(54) 862
Okada, M. 338(56) 355
Okada, T. 341(78) 356 549 550(24) 612 765(14) 774
Okamoto, M. 609(191) 617
Okamoto, Y. 583(109) 614 687(10) 731
Okamura, W.H. 268(15a) 320 415 421(171d) 474
Okano, M. 528(83) 545
Okarma, P.J. 276(30b) 320
Okawa, M. 764(13) 774
Okaya, Y. 874(25) 886
Okazaki, K. 339(74) 355
Okazaki, M. 832(155) 865
Okazaki, T. 344(95) 356
Okomura, N. 797(50) 862
Oksenievich, L.A. 346 347(105) 356
Okubo, C. 942 945(31) 975
Okukado, N. 438(230) 452(269d 269e) 477 478
Okumoto, H. 420(166b) 474
Okuno, T. 282(47c) 321
Olah, G.A. 881(36—38) 886 887
Oligoenes, ehirality of 141
Oligoenes, radiolysis of 339—343
Oligomerization, radiation-induced 343—346
Oliva, A. 17(105—108 110—114 122) 18(106) 19(107 108 110—114) 20(105—108 110—114 122) 22 23
Ollis, W.D. 361 364(6) 467
Olofson, RA. 208(179) 258
Olsen, H. 549(22a) 612
Olson, G.L. 394 396(106b) 471 532(97a 97b) 546
Olson, J.A. 783(29) 784(33) 862
Olson, L.P. 855 857(226) 866
Ol’khov, Yu.A. 350(137) 357
Omstead, M.N. 840(172) 865
Omura, S. 361(13b) 467 910(125) 925
Ong, T.S. 179 180(28) 255
Onishi, Y. 388(100) 471
Ono, N. 236 237(261) 260
Onodera, K. 847(190) 866
Onto, K. 446 451(257f) 478
Onyon, P.P. 627(23) 650
Oostveen, J.M. 52(143) 65
Oppolzer, W. 399(124a 125b 125c) 401(129) 404(137d) 405(146) 472 511(19) 514(37 40) 517(40) 518(46 50a 50b 51a 51b) 520(55—59) 544 545 666(42) 680
Optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) spectroscopy 112
Optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) spectroscopy of tetrahydronaphthalenes 114 115
Orbital energies 200
Orchin, M. 113 114(6b) 146
Organic conductors 930
Organometallic compounds (see also “Allyllithiums” “Allylpotassiums” “Orignard “Metalloporphyrins” “Metal “Vinyllithiums”)
Organometallic compounds unsaturated, in synthesis of conjugated dienes 378 379
Ori, J. 492 493(14) 504
Orita, A. 456(286) 479
Orlandi, G. 2 11 14 15(1) 20 31(18) 61 150(3) 162 164(88) 166(110) 169 171 172 482 483(2) 504
Ortar, G. 433(215a) 434(209a) 476
Orti, J. 17(105 106 112 114) 18(106) 19(112 114) 20(105 106 112 114) 22 23
Ortiz, J.V. 32(25) 62
Ortuno, R.M. 17(105 106 108 112—114 122) 18(106 133) 19(108 112—114) 20(105 106 108 112—114 122) 22 23
Osbome, G.A. 5(40) 21 158 159(51) 170
Ose, E.E. 841(174) 865
Oshima, K. 431(198a) 476 525(68) 545 633(64) 651
Oshita, A. 119(18) 146
Osipov, O.A. 717 722(55) 732
Oslund, N.S. 3(9) 20
Osmium tetraoxide, as oxidizing agent 891 894—898
Osterlag, H. 826(132) 864
Ostrander, R.L. 315(112b) 324
Osugi, J. 551 552 561 609(25a) 612
Oswald, A.A. 627 631 632 634(34) 650
Otaka, K. 452(272) 478
Otani, H. 57(174) 58 61(179) 65 931(10) 949—952(66) 953(66 72 73) 961(73) 965(66) 974 976
Otani, S. 588(121a) 610(198) 615 617
Otawi, S. 582(108) 614
Otera, J. 388(98a 98b 100—102) 471
Oth, J.F.M. 102(97 98) 110 466(311a) 480
Otsuji, Y. 338(53) 355
Ott, C 590(129a 129c 129d 130) 594(145) 604(182) 605(183) 615 616
Otter, P. 920(203) 926
Otto, C. 591(135) 615
Overlap integrals 223
Overman, L.E. 433(211) 476 533(100) 546
Owczarczyk, Z. 449(266) 478
Owens, T.G. 243(298) 261
Owyang, R. 529(87b 88) 545
Oxaspirocyclization reactions 675
Oxazoles, Diels — Alder reaction of 580 587
Oxazolines, bicyclic see “Bicyclic oxazolines”
Oxidation, aerobic 653 667 668
Oxidation, as analytical method 496—498
Oxidation, as terminating step in radical reactions 644—649
Oxidation, copper-catalysed 658 670 671
Oxidation, palladium-catalysed 653—679
Oxidation, with dichromate 898
Oxidation, with metal salen complexes 898 900 901
Oxidation, with metalloporphyrins 898—900
Oxidation, with osmium tetraoxide 891 894—898
Oxidation, with oxygen 913—921
Oxidation, with permanganate 891—894
Oxidation, with peroxo compounds 901—913
Oxidation, with ruthenium tetraoxide 898
Oxoketene dithioacetals, as precursors of conjugated dienes/polyenes 463 464
Oxygen, as oxidizing agent 913—921
Oxygen, as radical trap 639
OzaM, K. 141(50d) 147
Ozone, as oxidizing agent 920 921
Ozonides, formation of 891
Ozouation, as analytical method 497
O’Brien, D.F. 738(25) 750
O’Connor, S.P. 840(172) 865
O’Donnell, J.H. 325(1) 354
O’Donnell, M.J. 591(146) 615
O’Mahony, M.J. 388 389(96b) 470
O’Shea, D.M. 430(193a) 475
Pac, C. 308(101i) 323
Pacansky, J. 268 313(14a) 320
Paddon-Row, M. 17 19 20(119) 23
Paddon-Row, M.N. 182(104 109 110) 184(138) 256 257
Padeken, H.G. 379(76b) 470
Padma, S. 364(25) 468
Padmakumar, R. 398(118) 471
Padwa, A. 289(55c) 311(106d) 322 323
Page, P.C.B. 910(118) 924
Paglia, P. 465(309b) 480
Painter, S.K. 846(186) 865
Palani, A. 420(166a) 474
Palemer, M.H. 179(43) 255
Paley, R.S. 440 442(244d) 477
Palings, I. 150 169(11) 170
Palmer, B.D. 388 389(96a) 470
Palmer, J.T. 394(108b) 471
Palmer, M.H. 180(59) 255
Palmieri, P. 119(25) 147
Palmisano, G. 409(154d) 473
Paltrinieri, L. 166(115) 172
Pan, X.M. 329 330(14) 331(14 17) 332(17) 333(19) 334(17) 354
Panchenko, Y.N. 4(19 25 26) 5 7(19) 8 9(25 26) 21 33(31) 62
Panchenko, Yu.N. 158(52—55) 161(73 80 81) 162 164(87 91) 170 171
Pancir, J. 180(74) 256
Panek, E.J. 432(206b) 476
Pansegrau, P.D. 181 184 185(92) 256 365(23d) 468
Paolobelli, A.B. 631 649(56) 651
Paolobelli, A.D. 637(68) 651
Papadopoulos, M. 558(43) 568 571(76 77) 612 613
Papiemik-Zielinska, H. (215) 866
Papol, W.M. 831(148) 864
Pappalardo, P. 399(124g) 472
Paquette, L.A. 45(110) 64 86(55) 108 116 117 132 133(10) 146 180(71) 181(84 92 94 95 98 100) 182(103 106) 183(128) 184(92 95 106 128) 185(92 95 98) 225(211 213) 256 257 259 364(22 23a) 365(23a 23c 23d 23g) 367(28b) 374(52b 52d) 395(110) 468 469 471 570(75) 613 903(80) 924
| Paracyclophanes, electrooxidation of 762 763
Pardoen, J.A. 150 169(11) 170
Parella, T. 17 20(122) 23
Parent, P. 830 831(147) 864
Paris, J.M. 388(95a) 470
Pariser, R. 242(289) 261
Park, C.H. 368(35) 468
Park, C.Y. 897(45) 923
Park, D.C. 368(35) 468
Park, L.Y. 236—238 245 249(246) 260
Parker, D.H. 183(119) 257
Parker, R.A. 827(142) 864
Parker, R.G. 40(81) 63
Parker, T.L. 919(182) 926
Parker, V.B. 69(3) 104
Parkinson, C.J. 440(248) 478
Parkinson, W.A. 346(106) 356
Parkinson, W.W. 347(120) 356
Parnes, H. 812(92) 863
Parr, R.G. 242(289) 261
Parra, M. 381(81a 81b 82) 470
Parrain, J.L. 446(252) 478 675(59) 681
Parriser — Parr — Pople (PPP) method 14
Parshall, G.W. 426(184a) 475
Parsons, P.J. 424(180) 436(224a) 458(294) 475 477 479 629(45) 651
Partidge, J.J. 415 421(171d) 474
Parton, A.H. 818(102) 863
Parvez, M. 431(199) 476
Pascher, F. 518(44) 544
Pasquato, L. 911(130) 925
Pasto, D.J. 627 634 635(36a) 639 641 643(71) 650 651 916(162) 925
Patai, S. 361(19) 468 673(57b) 681
Patel, A. 847(191) 866
Patel, B.A. 434(209d) 435(218a) 476
Patel, D.J. 283(48b) 321
Paterno — Buechi cycloaddition of 305 306
Paterno, E. 288 293(54a) 322
Paternoster, M.I. 809(86) 863
Patney, H.K. 182(104 109) 256 257
Patro, B. 463(302 303a) 480
Pattenden, G. 278(35 36) 321 415 421(171a) 428 429(190d) 440 444(246c) 474 475 477 629(46) 651 904(85) 924
Pattendon, G. 834(160) 865
Patyk, A. 916(163) 925
Paufler, R. 48(120) 64
Paul, D.E. 228(216) 259
Paul, H. 896(36) 923
Paul, I.C. 40(86 87) 63
Paulen, G. 33(31) 36(51) 62 161(80) 171
Pauling, L. 32(22) 56(163) 62 65 872(20) 886
Pauliukonis, L.T. 289(57b) 322
Paulson, S.E. 922(218) 926
Pauson, P. 640(80) 651
Pavia, M.R. 420(166a) 474
Pavlik, J.W. 289(57a-e 59a) 322
Pearson, A.J. 663 668(34b) 680
Pearson, J.M. 620 621(5) 650
Pedlar, B.E. 717(56) 732
Pedley, J.B. 70(9) 90(67) 91(68) 94(72 73) 104 108 109
Pedulli, G.F. 627 635(36b) 650
Pemer, D. 339(70) 355
Pena, M.R. 433(215b) 476
Pendalwar, S.L. 372(46) 468
Peng, C.T. 821(111—113) 822(116) 864
Peng, C.Y. 32(25) 62
Penner, G.H. 399 401(124i) 472
Penner, T. 342(88) 356
Pennethylradialenes, structure of 60 61
Pentadienes see “Cyelopentadienes” “2 “Methyl-1 “1 “1
Pentadienyl anions 749 750
Pentadienyl radical cations 338
Pentadienyl radicals, electron affinity of 739
Pentaenes see “1 “Fecapentaene”
Pentafulvenes 92
Pentalene, thermochemistry of 103
Pentin, Yu.A. 158(52 53 55) 170 171
Penveme, M. 458(294) 479
Peny, C.W. 783 805 809 834(27) 862
Peny, R.H. 920(202) 926
Peoples, H.A. 114 119(7) 146
Perez, J.J. 417(164c) 473
Perez-Sestelo, J. 415 421(171d) 474
Periasamy, M. 431 432(201) 476
Perillaketones, synthesis of 299
Permanganate, as oxidizing agent 891—894
Peroxo compounds, as oxidizing agents 901—913
Perpete, E.A. 15 16(87) 22
Persico, M. 133 134 137(41c) 147 287(52c) 322
Person, R.V. 805(76) 863
Persy, G. 185(164) 258
Pesedds, S.M. 388 392(97a) 470
Pestaner, F.J. 339(76) 355
Petasis, N.A. 420(166a) 454(279a-c) 474 479
Peteis, E.M. 898(51) 923
Peteis, K. 898(51) 923
Peteison, B. 368(33a) 468
Peteison, D,J. 424(178a) 474
Peteison, J. 964(93) 976
Peteison, J.R. 86(55) 108
Peteison, K.B. 851(202 204) 866
Peteison, L.I. 931 940(3) 945 954 955(36) 974 975
Peteison, M.J. 407(151b) 473
Peteison, M.L. 631 641(49) 651
Peteisson, G,A. 32(25) 62
Petek, H. 14(74) 22
Petersen, J.S. 910(121) 924
Peterson reaction, as synthetic procedure for conjugated dienes/polyenes 414—426
Petiov, E.S. 745(50) 751
Petiov, I.Ya. 350(132) 357
Petkav, A.J. 831(148) 864
Petrzilka, M. 399(125b) 472
Petteisson, H. 665(36) 680
Pfeifei, K.H. 180(55) 255
Pfennigei, J. 626(21) 650
Pflaumann, U. 493(18) 504
Pfoehlei, P. 182(107) 256
Phenanthrenes, Diels — Alder reaction of 568 569
Phenyl-1,3-butadienes, structure of 34
Pheromones, synthesis of 665
Philips, N.M. 832(153) 865
Philips, R.D. 918(176) 926
Philips, S. 657(13a 13b) 679
Phillips, M.A. 780(10) 861
Philp, D. 58(180) 65
Phorbol 315 317
Phorbol, synthesis of 289
Phospholes, Diels — Alder reaction of 580 588
Photis, J.M. 364 365(23a) 468
Photodissociation, photoionization/mass spectrometry 496
Photoelectron spectroscopy 175—228
Photoelectron spectroscopy interpretation of spectra 197—199
Photoelectron spectroscopy ionization energies and 175—178
Photoelectron spectroscopy of dienes 178—182
Photoelectron spectroscopy of polyenes 178 183—185
Photoelectron spectroscopy primary processes in 175
Photosantonic acid, synthesis of 265 266
Piccialli, V. 898(52) 923
Pickaid, J. 606(185a) 616
Pickup, B.T. 15(82) 22
Pie, G. 382(83f 84 85) 384 419(83f) 470
Pieioni, O. 141(48) 147
Piepho, S.B. 250(306) 261
Pierce, T.E. 915(159) 925
Piers, E. 440(243 246d 246e) 444(246d 246e) 477
Pietra, F. 287(52c) 322
Pietzuch, W. 237 250(283) 261
Pike, J.E. 917(173) 925
Pike, V.W. 825(130 131) 864
Pikerton, A.A. 663 668(34b) 680
Pilati, T. 45(105 106 108) 64
Piles, R.M. 289(57d) 322
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