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Rappoport Z. (ed.) — The Chemistry of Dines and Polyenes (vol. 1) |
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Pilet, O. 185(163) 258
Pillai, K.M.R. 844 845(177) 865
Pimentel, G.C. 233(231) 260
Pindur, U. 591(135) 615
Pinke, P.A. 466(313a) 480
Pinkos, R. 575(92b) 614
Pinos, R. 252(309) 261
Pinto, I. 629(45) 651
Pinto, I.L. 458(294) 479
Piocos, EA. 337(46) 355
Piotti, M.E. 456(287) 479
Piper, S.E. 399(126) 472
Pirkle, W.H. 268 313(14d) 320
Pirrung, M.C. 282(44a) 321
Piscopio, A.D. 440(249) 478
Piseri, L. 166(115) 172
Piskala, A. 407(152b) 473
Pistorius, R. 643(81c) 651
Pitt, G.A.J. 783(30) 862
Pitteloud, R. 520(55 57) 545
Plalt, K.L. 364 365(23b) 468
Planar diene rule 136
Planar dienes 114 117
Planar dienes s-cis 132—134 141 142
Planar dienes s-trans 135—137 141 142
Planter, R.D. 918(175) 926
Plastic phases 46
Platsch, H. 185(164) 258
Plemenkov, V.V. 179(40) 180(40 52) 255
Plieninger, H. 570(83) 602(176 177 179) 614 616
Pliss, E.M. 180(73) 256
Ploteau, C. 675(59) 681
Poddington, J. 213(193) 259
Pododensin, A. 90(64) 108
Poeth, T. 432(204) 476
Poggi, G. 119(25) 147
Poklukar, N. 920(199) 926
Pokrovskaya, I.E. 497(33) 505 920(192) 921
Polarizability 15
Polarizability bond-bond 213
Polbom, K. 57(169) 65 949(59) 975
Pollack, R.M. 97(79) 109
Pollack, S.K. 99(90) 110 738(22) 750
Pollard, R. 279(38c) 321
Pollmann, M. 578(97) 614
Polyacetylene, absorption spectrnm of 158
Polyacetylene, quantum-chemical calculations for 9 10
Polyacetylene, radiation chemistry of 352 353
Polyacetylene, Raman spectra of 166 169
Polyacetylene, structures of 168
Polyacetylene, thermochemistry of 87
Polyalkynes (see also “Polyacetylene”)
Polyalkynes chirality of 141
Polyalkynes, radiation chemistry of 352—354
Polybutadienes, formation of 343
Polybutadienes, radiation chemistry of 346—351
Polycyclic dienes, oxidation of, with osmium tetraoxide 895—897
Polycyclic dienes, oxidation of, with ozone 921
Polycyclic dienes, oxidation of, with peroxo compounds 906
Polycyclic dienes, oxidation of, with ruthenium tetraoxide 898
Polycyclic dienes, oxidation of, with triplet oxygen 918 919
Polycyclic dienes, structure of 41—50
Polycyclic polyenes, structure of 41—50
Polyene macrolides, analysis of 500 501
Polyenes (see also “ “ “ “Heptaenes” “Hexaenes” “Nonaenes” “Pentaenes” “Spiropolyenes” “Tetraenes” “Trienes”
Polyenes, absorption spectra of 155—158
Polyenes, acidity of 748 749
Polyenes, buried 68
Polyenes, cathodic reduction of 770—773
Polyenes, conformation of 166—169
Polyenes, electronic spectra of 236—238
Polyenes, electronic structure of 154
Polyenes, fluorescence spectra of 156 157
Polyenes, long, excited states of 14 15
Polyenes, long, geometry/force fields for 9 10
Polyenes, PE spectra of 178 183—185
Polyenes, radical additions to 620—627
Polyenes, Raman spectra of 166—169
Polyenes, regioselectivity in 630—634
Polyenes, synthesis of, -labelled 847 848
Polyenes, synthesis of, -labelled 824—826
Polyenes, synthesis of, -labelled 845 847
Polyenes, synthesis of, -labelled 802—806
Polyenes, synthesis of, -labelled 827 829—841
Polyenes, synthesis of, -labelled 807
Polyenes, synthesis of, deuterium-labelled 776—802
Polyenes, synthesis of, tritium-labelled 808—818 821—824
Polyenoates see “Hexaenoates” “Trienoates”
Polyenoic acids see “Hexaenoic acids” “Tetraenoic
Polyenyl radicals 619 625
Polyenyl radicals, reactions of 627—630
Polyenyl radicals, reactions of regioselectivity in 634—643
Polyhomoalrylie fatty acids, -labelled, synthesis of 824 825
Polyisoprene, formation of 344—346
Polyisoprene, radiation chemistry of 346—351
Polymerization (see also “Copolymerization”)
Polymerization radiation-induced 343—346
Polymers, radiolysis of 346—351
Polymers, radiolysis of, effect of oxygen on 347
Polymorphism 29 46
Pomerantz, M. 84(45) 107
Pommer, H. 407(150f 153) 473
Pong, R.G.S. 313(108a 108b) 324
Pontikis, R. 782(23) 861
Pople, J.A. 3(6) 20 32(25) 51(136a) 62 64 78(27) 106 183(114) 197(169) 211(114) 257 258 747(61) 751
Popov, E.M. 158(58) 171
Porco, J.A.Jr. 297—299(73c) 301(85a 85b 86) 304(73c) 322 323
Porphyrins (see also “Metalloporphyrins” “Octamethylporphyrin”)
Porphyrins in aerobic oxidation 667
Porter, B. 457(292) 479
Porter, N.A. 633 640(62) 651 917(170 171 174) 925
Posner, G.H. 366(29b) 406(149) 468 472 592(138) 615
Posner, T. 631(59) 651
Poss, A.J. 417(164c) 473
Post, B. 52 53(148) 65
Postemak, T. 892(11) 922
Potential energy functions 6
Potential surfaces 6 7
Potier, P. 368 369(31b) 380(79 80) 468 470
Potts, W.J. 169(123) 172
Poutsma, M.L. 636(65) 651
Powell, J. 677(61a) 681
Powell, K.A. 892(9 10) 922
Powell, W.S. 411(155e) 473
Powner, T.W. 511(26) 544
Prakash, S.R. 843(176) 865
Prandi, J. 912(139) 925
Prasad, L. 338(59 60) 355
Prasad, P.N. 15 16(81) 22
Precalciferol, ring closure of, photochemical 268 271
Prednisolone suleptanates, -labelled, synthesis of 842 843
Prednisolone, deuterium-labelled, synthesis of 799 800
Prednisone, deuterium-labelled, synthesis of 799 800
Prestwich, G.D. 809 810(87a 87b) 812(90) 838(163) 863 865
Preuss, H. 252(308) 261
Preuss, T. 181 183(86) 256 903 904(78) 924
Price, R. 807(79) 863
Prileschajew, N. 901(67) 923
Prins, W.L. 395(114b) 471
Prinzbach, H. 182(102 108 112 113) 184(108) 185(112 160) 236(266) 252(266 309 310) 256—258 260 261 466(312a 312b) 480 575(92a 92b) 614
Prokopeko, V.A. 397(116c) 471
Propargyl cations 873
Propargyl halides, solvolysis of 874
Propelladienes 90
Propellanes 90
Propenes (see also “Cyclopropenes”)
Propenes, cidity of 736 739
Pross, A. 620(4) 650 738(22) 750
Prostaglandins, synthesis of, biomimetic 639 640
Prostaglandins, synthesis of, isotopically labelled 776 784 786—788 793—799 812—818 827
| Protoanemonin in Diels — Alder reaction 18
Proton affinity, measurement of 99
Proton transfer, rates of, isotope studies of 734
Prudent, N. 17 19 20(115) 23
Pruesse, T. 860(241) 867
Prugh, J.D. 827(144) 864
Pryzbyla, C.A. 894(23) 922
Psaume, B. 376(62) 469
Pseudomonas putida in synthesis of conjugated dienes 465
Pseudoscopine, synthesis of 665
Pucci, S. 158(55) 171
Pugh, D. 15(89) 22
Pujol, D. 639(78) 651
Pulay, P. 4(14 31) 5 8—10(31) 21 152(19) 162(92) 170 171
Pumilotoxin, synthesis of 678 679
Pupyshev, V.I. 4 5 7(19) 21 162 164(91) 171
Purmort, J.I. 747(62) 751
Puzicha, G. 805(76) 863
Pyne, S.G. 394(108a) 471
Pyridinium sulphonate, ring opening of 460
Pyridones, Diels — Alder reaction of 580 589
Pyridones, [4+4]photocycloaddition of 308 309
Pyrones (see also “Dewar pyrones” “2-Hydroxyalkyl-4-pyrones” “3-Hydroxy-4-pyrones”)
Pyrones, Diels — Alder reaction of 580 588
Pyrones, photorearrangement of 287—289
Pyrones, [4+4]photocycloaddition of 310—313
Pyrrolcarboxylates, -labelled, synthesis of 807
Pyrroles (see also “3-Hydroxyalkylpyrroles”)
Pyrroles, Diels — Alder reaction of 575 580 586
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids, synthesis of 677
Pyrylium ions (see also “4-Hydroxypyrylium ions”)
Pyrylium ions, ring opening of 459 461 462
Pyun, H.J. 859(236) 867
QCISD(T) level 17
Qi, Y. 86(50) 108
Qin, X.Z. 248(304) 261 337(44 49) 338(49) 355
Qninone monoketals, photorearrangement of 282
QSCR 720 721 723
QSPR 721—727
QSRR 716—720 723—725
Quinkert, G. 265(7 9) 266(10a 10b) 319 399(124f) 472
Quinodime thanes see “o-Quinodime thanes” “Xylylenes”
Quintanilha, A. 917(168) 925
Quintard, J.P. 446(252) 478 675(59) 681
Quintata, C.A. 347(122) 356
Raaen, V.F. 848 849(195) 866
Rabideau, P.W. 81 88(37) 107
Rabinovich, D. 40(88) 63
Rabjouh, N. 901(65) 923
Rablen, P.R. 4 6(22) 21
Raby, P. 338(64) 355
Rachdi, F. 911(133) 925
Rademacher, P. 58(185) 65 184(137) 257
Radialene ketones 951 963
Radialenes (see also “Heteroradialenes” “Naphtharadialene” “Permethylradialenes” “Trimethylsilylethynylradialenes”)
Radialenes expanded 929
Radialenes expanded, synthesis of 970—973
Radialenes, nomenclature of 927—930
Radialenes, significance of 930
Radical addition 619—649
Radical addition intramolecular 627
Radical addition, regioselectivity of 630—634
Radical cations, electronic doublet states of 175
Radical cations, electronic structure of, by electronic spectra 229—239
Radical cations, electronic structure of, by PE spectra 175—228
Radical cations, electronic structure of, by theoretical methods 240—243
Radical cyclization 627—630 633 634 646
Radical halogenation 636
Radical pair mechanism 639
Radical reactions (see also “Radical addition” “Radical “Radical
Radical reactions chain 619 620 626 642
Radical reactions nonchain 644—649
Radical recombination 620 639 641 643
Radical scavengers 327 328
Radicals, initiator-derived, addition to dienes 624
Radiolysis of dienes in aqueous solution 327—334
Radiolysis of dienes in non-aqueous solvents 334—339
Radiolysis of water 327
Radom, L. 3(6) 20 78(27) 106 183 211(114) 257 620(4) 650 738(20 22) 750
Radonovich, L.J. 36(52) 62
Radwan-Pytlewski, T. 394(105c) 471
Rafel, J. 17 19 20(114) 23
Rafel, S. 17 19 20(113) 23
Raghavachari, K. 32(25) 62
Raghavan, N.V. 336(31) 354
Rahm, A. 590(127) 615
Raimondi, L. 17 18 20(104) 22 852 853(207) 854(207 210) 866
Rainbow, L.J. 459(296) 479
Raine, B.C. 99(90) 110
Raitery, M.I. 804(74) 863
Rajadurai, S. 336(37) 355
Rajaram, J. 453(276b) 479
Ramachandran, K. 457(292) 479
Raman spectroscopy 151—153
Raman spectroscopy of 1,3-butadiene 158—161
Raman spectroscopy of polyenes 162—169
Ramanathan, H. 280(39) 321
Ramasubbu, A. 540(118a-c) 546
Ramberg, L. 374(52a) 469
Ramberg-Backlund reaction, as synthetic procedure for conjugated dienes/polyenes 374 375
Ramesh, S. 417(164c) 473
Ramirez-Munoz, M. 375(56a) 469
Ramm, P.J. 838(164) 865
Ramondenc, Y. 382(83f 84) 384 419(83f) 470
Raney, K.D. 905(94) 924
Rankin, D.W.H. 179(43) 255
Rannela, E. 594(147) 615
Rao, Ch.S. 463(302 303b) 480
Rao, S.A. 431 432(201) 476
Raphael, R.A. 405(139) 472
Rapoport, S.I. 824(125) 864
Rapp, G.A. 717(58) 732
Rappoldt, M.P. 268(16a) 320
Rappoport, Z. 278(34c) 321 673(57b) 681 869(1 2) 872(22) 886
Rasmussen, R.S. 158(48) 170
Rathunde, R.A. 155(33) 170
Ratovelomanana, V. 438 439(234a) 452(269a) 454(280) 477—479
Rauch, M.U. 902(73) 924
Rauchschwalbe, G. 746(59) 750(75) 751
Rauk, A. 114 119(7) 120(28) 146 147
Raulins, N.R. 276(29a) 320
Ravindran, K. 310(104) 323
Rawley, A.G. 407(150e) 473
Rawlinson, D.J. 648(93) 652
Raybock, S.A. 899(56) 923
Raymo, F.M. 576(94e) 614
Rayner, CM. 910(118) 924
Reaction volume 548—552
Reaction volume relationship with ring size 603 608 609
Reay, P.P. 791(43) 862
Receptor interactions, determination of mechanism of 776
Reddy, G.S. 426(184a) 475
Reddy, M.P. 464(306) 480
Reddy, S.M. 136 137(45a 45b) 147
Reddy, V.P. 602(175) 616
Redel, J. 435(220) 476
Ree, K.H. 56(165b) 65
Reed, A.E. 32(24) 62 742(41) 750
Reed, J.W. 278(34a) 321
Reed, K.L. 906(100) 924
Reed, R.I. 486(13) 504
Rees, C.W. 457(291) 479
Reetz, M.T. 17 19 20(118) 23 184(156) 258
Reeves, R.L. 378(70c) 469
Reffly, J. 285(49d 50) 321 895(34) 923
Regioselectivity in Diels — Alder reaction 19
Regioselectivity in radical additions 630—634
Regioselectivity in reactions of polyenyl radicals 634—643
Reglier, M. 541(119) 546 653(4 5) 657(16—19) 658(4 16) 679 680 919(187) 926
Rehner, J. 347(114) 356
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