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Rappoport Z. (ed.) — The Chemistry of Dines and Polyenes (vol. 1) |
Предметный указатель |
Swern, D. 497 498(32) 505 901(68 69) 902(69) 923
Swieton, G. 549(23) 594(148) 609(23) 612 615
Swigor, J.E. 827(143) 836(161) 864 865
Sydnes, L.K. 36(48) 62
Sykes, B.D. 498(41) 505
Szabo, A. 3(9) 20
Szabo, S. 832(154) 865
Szalay, P.G. 4(16) 11 13(54 55) 21 158(62) 161(74) 162(62 92) 166(62) 171
Szczeklik, A. 793(46) 862
Szeimies, G. 57(169) 65 949(58 59) 956(77) 975 976
Sztainbuch, I.W. 153(28) 170
Szwarc, M. 620 621(5) 650
t-Butyl-1, 3-butadienes, structure of 34—37
t-Butylethylene, acidity of 735 739
Taagepera, M. 851(205) 866
Tabata, Y. 350(136) 357
Taber, D.F. 513(32) 540(117a) 544 546 780(10 12) 861
Tadano, K. 837(162) 865
Taehisterol 141
Taft, R.W Jr. 207(177) 258
Taft, R.W. 687(13) 688(14—16) 705(41) 731
Taga, T. 840(170) 865
Tagaki, M. 660(27) 680
Taguchi, H. 446 448(257d) 478
Takagi, K. 432(202c 203) 476
Takagi, W. 453(275b) 479
Takahashi, H. 655(12) 679
Takahashi, J. 236 237(258) 260
Takahashi, K. 937(18) 939(21 22) 943(18 21) 945(21 22) 974 975
Takahashi, T. 435(216) 452(269b) 476 478
Takai, T. 916(167) 925
Takaku, T. 840(171) 865
Takamuku, S. 337(39) 338(53 63) 341(78 82 83) 355 356
Takano, S. 910(126) 925
Takashita, A. 313(109c) 324
Takayama, H. 397(116a 116b) 398(117a 117b) 471 586(113) 614
Takayangi, T. 338(57) 355
Takeda, N. 282(47c) 321
Takeda, T. 904(84) 924
Takemasa, T. 405 418(143) 420(166b) 472 474
Takemura, H. 338(55) 355
Takemura, K.H. 582(107a) 614
Takemura, Y. 338(54) 355
Takenchi, H. 5 6(39) 21
Takeshita, H. 287(52b) 321 428(190a) 475 555(38) 579(98 99) 580(100 101a 101b) 581(102 104a 104b 105 106) 588(123) 595(151 154) 596(151 155 156) 600(168) 601(171) (153) 612 614—616
Taketo, M. 809(86) 863
Takeuchi, H. 158 159 161(60) 162(60 84) 164(84) 166(60 84 107 119) 167(122) 168(60 107) 171 172
Takeuchi, K. 936 941(12) 974
Takigawa, T. 404(137a) 472
Talapatra, G.B. 15 16(81) 22
Tam, K.-F. 402(133b) 472
Tam, P. 860(238) 867
Tamai, T. 338(53) 355
Tamao, K. 452(271) 478
Tamis, I. 213(191) 259
Tamura, N. 350(136) 357
Tanaka, H. 498(35) 505 840(170) 865 912(137) 925
Tanaka, K. 57(173) 65 466(315) 480 945 954(41) 975
Tanaka, M. 440 444(246a) 477
Tanaka, N. 388 392(97b) 471 802(62) 862
Tanaka, S. 837(162) 865 907(107) 924 949(65 66) 950(66) 951 952(65 66) 953(66) 965(65 66) 976
Tanaka, T. 794 795(48) 797(50 51) 798(51) 813(95) 862 863
Tang, B.Z. 353(148—150) 357
Tang, W. 31(13) 61 158 159(65) 171 236(242 246) 237 238(246) 245(242 246) 248(302) 249(246) 260 261
Taniguchi, H. 870(8) 871(18) 872(22) 873(23) 883(40 41) 886 887
Tanko, J. 278(34b) 321
Tanner, D. 415 421 460(171b) 474 666(41) 680
Tanoury, G.J. 450(261a) 478
Tao, F.-G. 906(99) 924
Tao, Y. 408(154c) 473
Tarakanova, A.V. 74 81(20) 105
Tarasova, N.V. 158(57) 171
Tarbit, B. 458(295) 479
Tartakovski, E.E. 337(46) 355
Tartly, D.C. 18(132c) 23
Tarutani, S. 939(21 22) 943(21) 945(21 22) 975
Tashtoush, H.I. 337(48) 355
Taskinen, E. 81(40 41) 83(43) 107
Tassell, R.I.van 822(117 118) 864
Tasumi, M. 5 6(39) 13(69) 21 22 151(15) 152(18) 153(26) 158 159(60) 161(60 78) 162(60 84 93 94) 163(93) 164(84 93 94) 165(93 94) 166(60 84 93 98 99 103 113 121) 168(60 93 98 99) 169(98 99 126) 170—172
Tatevskii, V.M. 158(52) 170
Taticchi, A. 566(71) 592(140) 593(143) 613 615
Tatlow, J.C. 717(56) 732
Tatsuno, T. 272(20) 320
Tavan, P. 14(75) 22
Taxane B-C ring synthon, construction of 310
Taylor, C.A Jr. 845(182) 865
Taylor, E.C. 308(100a 100b) 323
Taylor, G.N. 181(79) 256
Taylor, J.W. 207(176) 258
Taylor, P.R. 3(10) 21
Taylor, R.F. 503(52) 505
Taylor, R.J.K. 459(297 298 299a 300a-d) 461(299a 300a 300b) 462(300c 300d) 479
Taylor, W.H. 51 52(139) 64
Taylorione, dideoxy derivative of, synthesis of 278 279
Teasley, M.F. 919(181) 926
Tebbe, F.N. 426(184a) 475
Tebbe’s reagent, in synthesis of dienes 426 427
Tedder, J.M. 620 631(3) 650
Tedjo, E.M. 374(50) 469
Tegenfeldt, J. 658 660(25) 680
Teles, J.H. 599(164) 603(190) 616 617
Telfer, A. 243(297) 261
Temer, J. 150 151(10) 170
Tenaglia, A. 657(20) 680
Teng, H.H.-I. 229 230(219) 236 248(267) 259 260
Terakado, M. 859(235) 867
Teramae, H. 166 169(118) 172
Terando, N.H. 841(173) 865
Teranishi, S. 907(109 110) 924
TerasaM, M. 379(74a) 469
Terekhova, M.J. 745(50) 751
Terem, B. 642(82) 651
Terenin, A.N. 175(6) 254
Tereshin, I.M. 361(13c) 467
Terns, A. 17 19 20(114) 23
Terpenes, mass spectra of 489—492
Terrein, formation of 288 289
Testa, B. 802(64) 862
Tetradecaheptaene 103 104
Tetraenes (see also “Octatetraenes”)
Tetraenes, cathodic reduction of 771 772
Tetraenes, cationic cyclization of 532
Tetraenes, electronic spectra of 237
Tetraenes, PE spectra of 178 184 185
Tetraenes, thermochemistry of 74 75
Tetraenoic acids see “Eicosatetraenoic acids”
Tetrahydrofurans, synthesis of 668
Tetrahydronaphthalenes, ORD spectra of 114 115
Tetrahydropyrans, synthesis of 668
Tetralin, thermochemistry of 90
Tetravinylmethane, structure of 28—31
Teuerstein, A. 971(106) 977
Tezuka, T. 313(109(1 109f 109h) 324
Thaler, W.A. 627 631 632 634(34) 650
Theaspirone, synthesis of 675 676
Thebtaranonth, C 507(2) 544
Thebtaranonth, Y. 507(2) 544
Thermal desorption in structure determination, of dienes 486 487
Thermoluminescence 335
Thiel, W. 183(130) 184(146) 257
Thiele, G. 734(4) 748(70) 750 751
Thieme, P.C. 407(153) 473
Thiocolchicines, -chloroacetates of, synthesis of 838 840
Thiols, addition to dienes 627 631
Thiols, as radical traps 634 635
Thirion, G. 141(52a) 147
Thomas, A.F. 901(66) 923
Thomas, B.R. 896(37) 923
Thomas, E.W. 907(108) 924
| Thomas, J.K. 328(11) 354
Thomas, M.J. 639(72 73) 651
Thomas, R. 415(163a) 473
Thomas, R.M. 606(185a) 616
Thommen, W. 511(27) 544
Thompson, A.S. 415(170) 474
Thompson, G.L. 181 184 185(95) 256
Thompson, L.M. 831(151) 865
Thompson, T.B. 745—747(45) 751
Thomsen, D.S. 900(60) 923
Thomson, A.J. 138(47a) 147
Thoren, S. 405(141a) 472
Thornton, E.R. 802(62) 851(205) 862 866
Thrash, R.J. 157(41) 170
Through-bond interactions 216 218—223
Through-space interactions 208 216 218—223
Thuillier, A. 636(66) 651
Thynne, J.C.J. 621 631(9) 650
Tian, G.R. 579(99) 614
Tichy, M. 81 88(39) 107
Tideswell, J. 415 421(171d) 474
Tidwell, T.T. 717(57) 732
Tiedemann, R. 493(18) 504
Tieszen, D. 627 631 636(30) 650
Tietze, L.F. 379(76a 76e) 470 519(52 53) 545 590(129a-d 130) 594(145) 604(182) 605(183) 615 616
Tilmicosin, -labelled, synthesis of 841 842
Timmermans, J. 46(114) 64
Timmins, G. 4 7(28) 21 179(31 32) 255
Timofeeva, L.P. 74 81(20) 105
Timpanaro, P.L. 871(14) 886
Tin hydrides, as radical traps 634 635 640
Tipker, J. 708(48) 731
Tirrell, D.A. 623 624(15 16a) 650
Titowa, A.N. 892(7) 922
Tkachenko, L.I. 352(142) 357
Tnittmann, L. 183(133) 236(247 259 260) 237 248(278) 249(247) 250(260 278) 257 260 261
Tochtermann, W. 898(51) 923
Toda, F. 57(173) 65 466(315) 480 945 954(41) 975
Toh, H.T. 415 421(171d) 474
Tohm, S.M. 440 444(246c) 477
Tokue, I. 51(132) 64
Tokumoto, H. 827(141) 864
Tolbert, L.M. 749(72) 751
Told, S. 297(76a) 298(80a) 322 337(39) 338(63) 355
Tolstikov, G.A. 397(116c) 431(198b) 471 476 496(30) 497(30 34) 505 907(102 105) 920(204) 921(205 206) 924 926
Toma, L. 409(154d) 473
Tomaselli, G.A. 910(119) 924
Tomer, K. 377 378(69a) 469
Tomioka, T. 18(132a) 23
Tomita, N. 872(22) 886
Tomiyama, T. 832(155) 834(156 157 159) 865
Tomokawa, J. 872(21a 21b) 886
Toneman, L.H. 38(62 64) 63
Topol, L.A. 4(34) 21
Tora, T. 797(50) 862
Torii, H. 13(69) 22 162 164 165(94) 166(99 121) 168 169(99) 171 172
Torimitsu, S. 895(31) 923
Torisawa, Y. 793(45) 862
Torok, F. 162 164(87) 171
Torrado, A. 446 451(257g 257h) 478
Tortajada, A. 381(81a 81b 82) 470
Toshima, H. 410(155b) 473
Toshimitsu, A. 528(83) 545
Tost, W. 590(129a 129b 130) 615
Tosyl cyanide, addition to dienes 636 637
Tosyl radicals, addition to dienes 631
Toto, J.L. 4 9 10(37) 15 16(88) 21 22
Tottie, L. 658(22 25) 659(22) 660(25) 680
Tounge, B.A. 14(74) 22
Tounoul, E. 642(83) 652
Tour, J.M. 541(121) 546
Toussaint, J.M. 14(76) 22
Towns, T.G. 53(153) 65
Townsend, D.E. 308(101c) 323
Townsend, P.D. 243 246(300) 261
Toyota, A. 181 184 185(92) 256
Trabert, L. 945 954(39) 955(39 76) 956(78) 958(39) 975 976
Trachtman, G.P. 35 36(46c) 62
Trachtman, M. 158(61) 171
Traetteberg, M. 4(32 33) 5(38a) 7(32 33) 8(38a 43) 21 33(31 33) 34(36—38) 35(43) 36(47—49 51) 38(65 66 68 71 72) 39(68) 42(92) 53 54(152) 58 60(182) 62 63 65 158(45) 161(80) 162(82) 163(95) 170 171
Trager, W.F. 802(64) 862
Tramell, G.L. 531(92) 545
trans-Piperylene, polymerization of, radiation-induced 344
Transition metal hydride complexes, reactions with dienes 639
Transmetallation reactions 734 738 739
Transoid conformation, of conjugated dienes 112 113 131
Trautman, J.K. 243(298) 261
Trautmann, W. 180 181(51) 255
Traylor, T.G. 179(30) 255
Trehan, I.R. 513(31) 544
Tressl, R. 791(40) 862
Triafulvalene, structure of 51
Triafulvenes, thermochemistry of 92 97
Trialkylsilyl radicals, addition to dienes 626
Triarylallenyl cations 871
Trienes (see also “Heptatrienes” “Hexatrienes” “Octatrienes”)
Trienes, anodic oxidation of 764—767
Trienes, cathodic reduction of 770 771
Trienes, cationic cyclization of 531 532
Trienes, electronic spectra of 236 237
Trienes, intramolecular Diels — Alder reaction of 511 512
Trienes, PE spectra of 178 183 184
Trienes, ring closure of, photochemical 270 271 274 275
Trienes, thermochemistry of 73 74 87—91
Trienoates see “Eicosatrienoates”
Trienones, intramolecular Diels — Alder reaction of 513—515
Trienyl cations 883—885
Trifunac, A.D. 337(41—43 45 46) 355
Trihalomethyl radicals, addition to dienes 620—622
Trill, H. 627(29) 650
Trimethylsilylethynylradialenes, structure of 56 57
Trinajstic, N. 51(136b) 64 204(175) 258
Triphenylallyl anions 734
Triquinaeenes, stmcture of 50
Triquinaeenes, stmcture of thermochemistry of 86
Tris(2-adamantylidene)eyelopropane 935
Tris(fluoren-9-ylidene)cyclopropane, synthesis of 931
Tris(quino)eyelopropane 935 937
Trivinyleyelopropanes, structure of 48
Troe, J. 561(63a) 613
Trojan, D. 308(101c) 323
Trombini, C. 394(105d) 471
Trommsdorff, H. 281(40a) 321
Tropilidenes, thermochemistry of 89—91
Tropone oxime tosylate, as triene precursor 464
Tropones, alkene-tethered, intramolecular [6+2]photocycloaddition of 313 314
Tropones, Diels — Alder reaction of 575 579—581 596
Tropylium ions see “Hydroxytropylium ions”
Trost cyclization, as synthetic procedure for conjugated dienes 450
Trost, B.M. 17 19 20(120) 23 361 364(8) 368(33a) 372 373(48a 48b) 388(95d 102) 394(107) 395(110) 402 403(134a) 433(208e) 436(225) 450(261a-f 262 263 264a 264b) 456(284B) 467—472 476—479 512(28 29) 541(121) 544 546 657 660(21) 680
Trost, M.K. 450(264b) 478
Trucks, G.W. 32(25) 62
Trueblood, K.N. 805(76) 863
Truscott, T.G. 237 238 245(287) 261
Tsai, C.-Y. 399(127) 472
Tsang, W.I. 18(132b) 23
Tse, C.-W. 278(34b) 321
Tsikas, D. 782(20) 861
Tso, H.-H. 395(112b) 397(115) 471
Tsubata, K. 756(6) 774
Tsuda, T. 580(101a 101b) 614
Tsuda, Y. 567(72) 613
Tsuji, J. 368(33b 33c) 433(208d) 468 476 655(12) 678(64) 679 681 919(186) 926
Tsuji, R. 936 941(12) 974
Tsuji, T. 180 182 185(56) 255
Tsujimoto, K. 141(50d) 147 388(101) 471
Tsukida, K. 388 392(97b) 433(215d) 471 476
Tsunashima, S. 339(69) 355
Tsunetsugo, J. 313(10%) 324
Tsuno, Y. 688(19 20) 731 872(21a 22) 886
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