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Branden C., Tooze J. — Introduction to protein structure |
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NMR, homeodomain binding to DNA 162
NMR, interpretation of spectra 390
NMR, limitations 390 391
NMR, NOE 388 388F 389 389F
NMR, one-dimensional spectra 387F 388
NMR, radio frequency (RF) 387
NMR, SH2 domain 273
NMR, silk fibroins 290
NMR, two-dimensional spectra 388 388F 390F
NMR, two-dimensional spectra, sequential assignment 389—390
NMR, x-ray crystallography results comparisons 390—391
NOE (nuclear Overhauser effect) spectrum 388 388F 389 389F
NOE NMR 38h 388F 389 389F
Nuclear lamins 287F
Nuclear magnetic resonance see “NMR”
Nuclear receptors 181 191 202
Nyborg, Jens 255
Oct-1 164F 165
Octylglucoside 224
Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis 359F
Omega loop 22
Operator regions (OR) 130
Operator regions (OR), bacteriophage 434 137T
Operator regions (OR), bacteriophage lambda 130 131—132 131T
Operator regions (OR), bacteriophage, overwinding 140—141
Operator regions (OR), bacteriophage, repressor recognition 135 136
Operator regions (OR), differential binding of Cro and repressor, DNA conformation changes 140—141
Operator regions (OR), differential binding of Cro and repressor, sequence-specific 138—139
Operator regions (OR), palindromic sequences 131—132 131T 135
Operator regions (OR), sequence-specific protein-DNA, interactions 138—139 139F
Ovalbumin 111 111F
Overwinding, operator region, phage 434 140—141
Oxidation, disulfide bridge formation 5
Oxidizing agents 98
Oxyanion hole 209
Oxyanion hole, chymotrypsin 211 211F
Oxyanion hole, subtilisin 216—217
Oxygen, binding to myoglobin 105
Oxygen, ion selectivity filter of channel 234
P hairpin see “Hairpin motif”
P2 family 70
p21 166 254F
p21, transcription activation by p53 166
p53 166
p53, Arg mutations 170 170F 171
p53, DNA binding 169—170 169F
p53, DNA-binding domain 167 167F
p53, DNA-binding domain, antiparallel barrel 168—169 168F
p53, DNA-binding domain, mutations 167 170—171 170F 171F
p53, DNA-binding domain, nucleotide sequence of DNA 169F
p53, domains 167 167F
p53, function 166
p53, loop regions 169—170 171 171F
p53, mutations, regions 170—171 170F 171F
p53, oligomerization domain 167—168 167F
p53, tetramers 167
p53, tetramers, formation 167—168 167F
Pabo, Carl 133 160 165 177 197
Palindromic sequences 131—132 131T 135
Palindromic sequences, glucocorticoid receptor binding 185 191
Palindromic sequences, MyoD recognition sequence 198F
Papain 304F
Papovavirus family 341
Paracelsus challenge 368—370 369F 369T
Parvalbumin, motif 24 25
Parvoviruses 326
Patterson maps 380 380F
Pauling, Linus 14 43 205 285
Pavletich, Nikola 107 167 177
Pectate lyase, helix structure 84 84F 86F
Peptide bonds, cleavage by serine proteinases 208 208F
Peptide bonds, formation 4 4F
Peptide bonds, hydrolysis 208 208F
Peptide inhibitor, binding to chymotrypsin 211
Peptide units 8
Peptide units, dipole moment 16 16F
Peptide, binding to MHC molecules 314—315 315F 316
Peptidyl prolyl isomerases 98
Periplasmic space 228 231
Perutz, Max 14 44F 113 370F 379—381 380F
Petsko, Greg 54
PH domain 272
pH, hemagglutinin structural change 81—84
Phage see “Bacteriophage”
Phage display see “Bacteriophage display”
Phage replicase 339
Phase determination, diffracted beams 370F 379—381 380F
PHD program 351
Phenylalanine, insertion in TATA box 156
Phenylalanine, structure 6F
Pheophytin 238 239
Phi ( ) angle 8 9 14
Phi ( ) angle, Ramachandran plot 9 9F 10
Phillips, David 23F 95F
Phosducin 265—266
Phosducin, binding to 265—266 266F
Phosducin, C-terminal domain 265 266
Phosducin, structure and domains 265—266 265F
Phosducin, thioredoxin homology 265—266
Phosphate in helix 16F
Phosphate, Ras and binding to GTP 255 257 259
Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) 115 117
Phosphofructokinase (PFK) 114—117
Phosphofructokinase (PFK), allosteric properties 114—117
Phosphofructokinase (PFK), ami no acids 115—116
Phosphofructokinase (PFK), dimers and packing of 116
Phosphofructokinase (PFK), Escherichia coli 115—116 115F
Phosphofructokinase (PFK), quaternary structure 116F
Phosphofructokinase (PFK), R and T states 115 116—117 117F
Phosphofructokinase (PFK), reaction 114F
Phosphofructokinase (PFK), subunit structure 115
Phosphofructokinase (PFK), subunit structure, catalytic sites 116
Phosphoglycerate mutase 58F
Phosphoribosyl anthranilate (PRA) isomerase 52—53 53F
Phosphorylation, Src tyrosine kinase 275 276
Phosphorylcholine 308—309 309F
Phosphotyrosine (pTyr) 272—273
Phosphotyrosine (pTyr), binding to SH2 domain 273—274 278
Photoisomerization, retinal 227 228 229F
Photon absorption, photosynthesis 239—240 243
Photon absorption, rhodopsin 265
Photosynthesis, energy flow and mechanisms 243—244 244F
Photosynthesis, process 239—240
Photosynthetic pigments 234—236 235 236 236F
Photosynthetic pigments in photosynthetic reaction center 235 236 236F
Photosynthetic pigments, arrangement 238F
Photosynthetic pigments, bound to L and M subunits 237—239
Photosynthetic reaction center 234—236
Photosynthetic reaction center, amino acid sequences 247F
Photosynthetic reaction center, definition 235
Photosynthetic reaction center, Fe atom 236 238
Photosynthetic reaction center, hydropathy plots, correlation with crystal structure data 246
Photosynthetic reaction center, L, M and H subunits 235
Photosynthetic reaction center, L, M and H subunits, transmembrane helices 236—237 237F
Photosynthetic reaction center, light energy converted to electrical energy 239—240
Photosynthetic reaction center, light-harvesting (LH1 and LH2) complexes surrounding 240—241 243F
Photosynthetic reaction center, modeling 244
Photosynthetic reaction center, pigments see “Photosynthetic pigments”
Photosynthetic reaction center, polypeptide chains 234—236
Photosynthetic reaction center, three-dimensional structure 237F
Photosynthetic reaction center, transmembrane helices 244—245 (see also “Light-harvesting complexes”)
Picornaviruses 326 326F 333—335 333F
Picornaviruses, antibody binding sites 333
Picornaviruses, capsid 333
Picornaviruses, capsid, subunit arrangement 334—335 334F
Picornaviruses, jelly roll structure 335 336F
Picornaviruses, structural proteins (VP1-VP4) 334 336
Picornaviruses, T=3 plant virus relationship 337 (see also “Human rhinovirus”)
Pigments, photosynthetic see “Photosynthetic pigments”
Plasma membrane proteins 228
| Plasminogen 29F
Plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) 111 113
Plastocyanin 24F
Plastocyanin, NMR and x-ray crystallography comparison 391
Pleated sheets 19 19F
Pleckstrin 272
Pleckstrin-homology (PH) domain 272
Point mutations 366
Poliovirus 336F
Poljak, Roberto 304 309
Polyalanine repeats 290
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), random mutagenesis method 359F
Polyomavirus 326 341—343
Polyomavirus, structure 342
Polypeptide chains (subunits) 4 29
Polypeptide chains (subunits) in hemagglutinin 78F 79 79F
Polypeptide chains (subunits), antibodies 300—301
Polypeptide chains (subunits), large, domains 29—30
Polypeptide chains (subunits), main-chains 4
Polypeptide chains (subunits), organization 29F
Polypeptide chains (subunits), unfolded and folded states 90F
Polypeptide chains (subunits), virus capsid 325
Polyproline type II helix 274
Porins 228—231
Porins, channels 230—231 231F
Porins, channels, eyelet 230 231F
Porins, channels, up and down barrels 229—230 230F
Porins, transmembrane channels formed by strands 228—229
Positive control protein 146
Potassium channels 232
Potassium channels, ion pore 232F 233
Potassium channels, ion selectivity filter mechanism 233—234 233F
Potassium channels, selectivity filter structure 233F
Potassium channels, tetrameric molecule 232—233 232F
POU homeodomain 162F
POU regions 164—166 175
POU regions, binding to DNA by helix-turn-helix motifs 164—166 164F 165F
POU regions, domains 164F
POU regions, structure 164 164F
PPR1 transcription factor 190—191 190F
PRA-isomerase, IGp-synthase, double barrels 52—53 52F
Prealbumin 69
Prediction of structure 348—354
Prediction of structure from amino acid sequences 352—353
Prediction of structure, helix (helices) 352
Prediction of structure, active sites in barrels 57 59
Prediction of structure, CDR regions 350F
Prediction of structure, complementarity determining regions 350 350F
Prediction of structure, loop regions 21
Prediction of structure, secondary structure see “Secondary structure of proteins”
Prediction of structure, side chain conformation 349
Prediction of structure, tertiary structure, secondary structure, knowledge needed 350—351
Prediction of structure, threading methods 353—354
Prediction of structure, three-dimensional, in homologous proteins 349—350
Prediction of structure, transmembrane helix from, amino acid sequence 244—245
Primary structure of proteins 3F 4 28 29
Prion diseases 283
Prion proteins 290
Prion proteins, model system for 370
Procollagen 284
Prolactin receptor 267
Prolactin receptor, extracellular domain 269
Prolactin receptor, growth hormone complex 269—270 269F 270F 271F
Proline helix 16—17
Proline helix in collagen 284
Proline helix, cis-trans isomerization 98—99 98F
Proline helix, effect on protein stability 356—357
Proline helix, structure 7F
Proline-rich regions, binding to SH3 domain 273 274—275
Prolyl hydroxylase 284
Promoter elements 130
Promoter elements, core (basal) 151 151F
Promoter elements, enhancer element distance from 152
Promoter elements, proximal 151 151F
Pronase 71
Protein Data Bank 353
Protein design from first principles 367—368
Protein design, structure conversion to a structure 368—370 369F 369T
Protein design, definition 347
Protein design, zinc finger not stabilized by zinc 367—368 368F 368T
Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) 96 97
Protein engineering 347—354
Protein engineering, combinatorial methods 358—359
Protein engineering, definition 347
Protein engineering, goal 367
Protein engineering, protein folding studies 93—95
Protein engineering, specificity pockets 213—215
Protein engineering, stability increased 354—358
Protein engineering, stability increased, disulfide bridges 354—356
Protein engineering, stability increased, increasing proline residues 356—357
Protein engineering, stability increased, stabilizing dipoles of helices 357—358 387F lysozyme”)
Protein engineering, subtilisin 215 217 219
Protein fold assignments (threading) 353—354
Protein fold, database 353
Protein folding 4 89—120
Protein folding in GroEL-GroES complex 104
Protein folding, assignment of amino acid sequences (threading) 353—354
Protein folding, blocked, prevention 91
Protein folding, definition 89
Protein folding, disulfide bond formation 96—98
Protein folding, enzymes role in 89 96—98
Protein folding, hydrophobic side chain burying 93
Protein folding, inside chaperonins 99—100
Protein folding, intermediates 93 94
Protein folding, intermediates, accumulation 113
Protein folding, intermediates, disulfide-bonded 96—97
Protein folding, intermediates, unstable 91
Protein folding, inverse folding problem 353
Protein folding, isomerization of proline residues 98—99 98F
Protein folding, kinetic factors 91—92
Protein folding, molten globule as intermediate 93 94
Protein folding, multiple pathways 95F
Protein folding, problem in protein engineering 348
Protein folding, rate limiting step 98—99 98F
Protein folding, single pathway 93—95
Protein folding, single-site mutations and energetics 93—95
Protein folding, temperature-dependent fluctuations 104—105 (see also “Conformational changes”)
Protein G 369—370 369F
Protein kinase 106
Protein kinase, conformational changes 105—109
Protein kinase, cyclin-dependent (CDKs) see “Cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CKDs)”
Protein kinase, domains of enzyme-linked receptors 271
Protein structure see “Specific entries”
Protein(s), aggregation 99
Protein(s), breathing 105
Protein(s), classes 283
Protein(s), conformational state changes see “Conformational changes”
Protein(s), denatured state 90
Protein(s), folded 90F 92F
Protein(s), folded, flexible structure 104—105
Protein(s), folding see “Protein folding”
Protein(s), functions 3
Protein(s), homologous see “Homologous proteins”
Protein(s), membrane see “Membrane proteins”
Protein(s), molten globules see “Molten globular proteins”
Protein(s), native state 89 90
Protein(s), native state, secondary structure 92
Protein(s), native state, stability 90
Protein(s), techniques to determine structure 373—392 (see also “x-ray crystallography” “NMR”)
Protein(s), unfolded 90F 92F
Protein(s), unfolded as ensemble of interconverting structures 92 94F
Protein(s), unfolding, in chaperonins 99—100
Protein-DNA interactions, carbonyl groups of GAL4 in 188—189 189F
Protein-DNA interactions, glucocorticoid receptor 184
Protein-DNA interactions, Max and MyoD 201 201F
Protein-DNA interactions, water mediating 162 (see also “Other specific proteins”)
Protein-protein interactions, cytochrome subunit of photosynthetic reaction center 236
Protein-protein interactions, Mat 2-Mat al binding 163—164
Protein-protein interactions, transcription activation 152—153 159
Proteinase inhibitors 110—111
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