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Branden C., Tooze J. — Introduction to protein structure |
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Water, GTP hydrolysis by GTPase 259—261
Water, interchain bridges in collagen 286 286F
Water, protein-DNA interactions 162
Water-mediated hydrogen bonds 286 286F
Watson, Herman 58F
Watson, James 13 121 387
Wavelength, diffracted beams 370F 379 380F
WD repeats 262 262T 263F
Weedkillers 239
Wells, James 363
Welte, Wolfram 229
Wiley, Don 79 81 317
Wilkins, Maurice 121 387
Wilson, Ian 317
WIN 51711 drug 337
Wittinghofer, Alfred 260
Wolberger, Cynthia 162
Wool, -helical fibers 283
World Wide Web 393—394
World Wide Web, homologous proteins sequences 348
World Wide Web, Protein Data Bank 353
World Wide Web, websites 393—394
Wright, Peter 164 177
Wrighton, Nicholas 364
Wurthrich, Kurt 99 160 389
X-ray 376—377
X-ray crystallography 13 374
X-ray crystallography, protein with GDP/GTP 256
X-ray crystallography, advantages and limitations 391
X-ray crystallography, bacteriophage MS2 339
X-ray crystallography, calmodulin 109
X-ray crystallography, data interpretation 381—382 382F
X-ray crystallography, DNA complex with phage 434 Cro and repressor 136—137
X-ray crystallography, DNA-binding domain of lambda repressor 132—133 133F
X-ray crystallography, EMP1 dimer from erythropoietin receptor 365F
X-ray crystallography, GroEL 100
X-ray crystallography, GroES 102
X-ray crystallography, lambda Cro protein 131—132
X-ray crystallography, NMR results comparison 390—391
X-ray crystallography, phase determination 379—381
X-ray crystallography, phosphofructokinase 114—117
X-ray crystallography, polyomaviruses 342
X-ray crystallography, POU region 165
X-ray crystallography, PPR1NA complex 190—191
X-ray crystallography, recording of x-ray data 377
X-ray crystallography, serpins 111
X-ray crystallography, SH2 domain 273
X-ray crystallography, TBP binding to DNA 155—157
X-ray crystallography, technological advances 383—384
X-ray crystallography, thioredoxin 20F 97
X-ray crystallography, time-resolved 376
X-ray crystallography, zinc finger motif 177 (see also “Crystallization” “Crystals” “X-ray
X-ray diffraction 374
X-ray diffraction, amplitude and wavelength of beam 379 379F 380 380F
X-ray diffraction, Bragg’s law 378 379F
X-ray diffraction, diffraction pattern 374 374F
X-ray diffraction, diffraction spots 379 386
X-ray diffraction, fibers see “Fiber diffraction methods”
X-ray diffraction, heavy metals in 380—381
X-ray diffraction, interference calculation 380—381 380F
X-ray diffraction, model building, data interpretation 381—382 382F
X-ray diffraction, model building, error removal by refinement 383
X-ray diffraction, patterns 374 374F 378F
X-ray diffraction, phase determination 379—381 379F 380F
X-ray diffraction, phase determination, Multiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction 381
X-ray diffraction, photosynthetic reaction center 234 235F
X-ray diffraction, porins 229
| X-ray diffraction, principles 376—377 377F 378F
X-ray diffraction, recording of data 377
X-ray diffraction, resolution of data 381—382
X-ray diffraction, scattering and anomalous scattering 378 381
X-ray diffraction, schematic view 377F
X-ray diffraction, time-resolved, cross-bridge movement 292—293
X-ray diffraction, x-ray sources 376—377 (see also “X-ray crystallography”)
X-ray, electron interactions 381
X-ray, monochromatic 376
X-ray, polychromatic 376
Xenopus laevis 176 176F 177
Xfin 176F 177
Yanofsky, Charles 143
Yeast transcription factor GCN4 see “GCN4”
Yeast transcription factor PPRl 190—191 190F
Yeast, genome 271
Yeast, TATA box-binding protein 153
Yeast, transcription factor see “GAL4”
Z domains, bacterial protein A 363 363F
Z-DNA 121 122F
Z-DNA, zigzag pattern 123
z-scores 354
Zif 268 protein 177—178 178F
Zif 268 protein, amino acid sequences 177F 368T
Zif 268 protein, design without stabilization by zinc (FSD-1) 367—368 368F 368T
Zif 268 protein, DNA interactions 179 179F
Zif, DNA binding sequence 180F
Zinc finger motif 11 176 176F
Zinc finger motif, cis-retinoic acid receptor (RXR) 186 186F
Zinc finger motif, classic 176 176F 191 367
Zinc finger motif, classic, binding to DNA in tandem 177—178
Zinc finger motif, classic, finger region interaction with DNA 178—181
Zinc finger motif, classic, sequence-specific binding 180—181 180F
Zinc finger motif, classic, TTK and GLI 179
Zinc finger motif, classic, without zinc stabilization, design 367—368 368F 368T
Zinc finger motif, classic, Xfin 177
Zinc finger motif, classic, Zif 268 177—178 178F
Zinc finger motif, definition 176
Zinc finger motif, DNA binding, classic motif 177—181 179F 180F
Zinc finger motif, DNA binding, dimers 183—184
Zinc finger motif, DNA binding, glucocorticoid receptor 183—185
Zinc finger motif, DNA binding, monomers 177
Zinc finger motif, glucocorticoid receptor 181—183 191
Zinc finger motif, nuclear receptor family 181—183 191
Zinc in carboxypeptidase 62F
Zinc in proteins 11 11F
Zinc, DNA-binding motifs 175
Zinc, functions 11
Zinc, functions in glucocorticoid receptor 185
Zinc, growth hormone binding to prolactin receptor 270 271F
Zinc, pS3 DNA-binding domain 169 171
Zinc, transcription factors 176—177
Zinc, transcription factors with cysteine residues bound to 181F (see also “Zinc finger motif”)
Zinc-containing motifs 191
Zinc-containing motifs, -zinc cluster family 190—191 190F 202
Zinc-containing motifs, binuclear zinc cluster 187—188 188F
Zinc-containing motifs, GAL4 family 187—188 191 “Specific
“Backbone”, formation 4 4F
“D (dimerization) box” 184
“Hot-spot principle” 364
“Kinase insert region” 272F
“Knobs in holes” model 36—37 37F
“Mad cow disease” 113
“Miniglobular protein” 177
“Ridges in grooves” model 38 40 41F
“Ridges in grooves” model, geometry 40—41
“Spring-loaded safety catch” mechanism 110—113
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