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Branden C., Tooze J. — Introduction to protein structure |
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-zinc cluster family 190—191 190F 202
fragment 224—225
leak channels see “Potassium ( ) channels”
values 206 213 214
values 206 213 214
domains 31 35—46
domains, coiled-coil helices 35—37
domains, doughnut-shaped 39—40 39F
domains, evolutionary conservation 41—42
domains, four-helix bundle 37—39 38F
domains, globin fold 22F 35 40 40F
domains, helix movements and side-chain mutations 43
domains, hydrophobic interior 35 42—43
domains, packing of helices 40—41 41F 42F
domains, size and complexity 39—40
domains, tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 59—60 59F 60F
helix (helices) 14—19 15F
helix (helices) in domains 31 35
helix (helices) in structures, barrels 49 49F
helix (helices) in structures, horseshoe folds 55 56F
helix (helices) in structures, twisted open sheets 56—57 57F
helix (helices) in motif 27—28 28F
helix (helices) in helix-turn-helix motif 129
helix (helices) in membrane-bound proteins 35
helix (helices) in zinc motif of glucocorticoid receptor 184—185
helix (helices), helix 15 177
helix (helices), 263
helix (helices), 6-F helix 116
helix (helices), amino acids preferred 16—18
helix (helices), b/HLH/zip family 200
helix (helices), bacteriophage MS2 subunits 339
helix (helices), barnase folding intermediate 94 94F
helix (helices), buried and exposed types and sequences 17T
helix (helices), C- and N-termtni 16
helix (helices), calmodulin 110
helix (helices), CDK2 (PSTAIRE helix) 107F 108 108F 109F
helix (helices), coiled-coll 35—37 35F 36F
helix (helices), coiled-coll, GAL4 187
helix (helices), coiled-coll, heptad repeats 35—37 36F 192 286
helix (helices), coiled-coll, leucine zipper dimerization 192
helix (helices), coiled-coll, oligomers of fibrous proteins 286—287
helix (helices), coiled-coll, stabilization by salt bridges 36 37F
helix (helices), conversion from p sheet (protein design) 368—370 369F 369T
helix (helices), Cro protein 132
helix (helices), dipole moment 16
helix (helices), dipole moment, stabilizing to increase protein stability 357—358 357F
helix (helices), DsbA 97
helix (helices), electron-density maps 381F 382
helix (helices), F-actin 293
helix (helices), four-helix bundle 37—39 38F
helix (helices), GAL4 187
helix (helices), globin fold 40 40F
helix (helices), globular proteins 15
helix (helices), GroEL domain 100 102
helix (helices), growth hormone 267 267F
helix (helices), handedness 16 285
helix (helices), helical wheel 17T
helix (helices), hemagglutinin 79
helix (helices), homeodomains 160
helix (helices), hydrogen bonds 15
helix (helices), hydrophilic and hydrophobic residues 17
helix (helices), lambda repressor 133
helix (helices), length 15
helix (helices), leucine zipper motif 192 192F
helix (helices), ligand-binding 16
helix (helices), location in proteins 17
helix (helices), loop region connections 21
helix (helices), membrane proteins 223
helix (helices), motifs using 24
helix (helices), movements and side-chain mutations 43
helix (helices), MyoD 197 198—199
helix (helices), myosin 294
helix (helices), p53 169—170
helix (helices), p53, domain 167
helix (helices), packing arrangements 40—41
helix (helices), packing in domains 40—41 41F 42F
helix (helices), prediction of secondary structure 352
helix (helices), proline in 16—17
helix (helices), Ramachandran plot 10
helix (helices), Ras protein 255
helix (helices), recognition helix 134
helix (helices), residues per turn 15
helix (helices), ridges and grooves geometry 40—41 41F
helix (helices), Rop protein 38—39 39F
helix (helices), schematic diagram representation 23
helix (helices), secondary structure of proteins 14—16
helix (helices), serpins 111—112
helix (helices), SH2 domain 273
helix (helices), side chains 17 43
helix (helices), subtilisin 215
helix (helices), SV40 343 343F
helix (helices), TATA box-binding protein 154
helix (helices), transducin 256 257
helix (helices), transmembrane see “Transmembrane helices”
helix (helices), transmembrane proteins 18 223
helix (helices), trp repressor 142
helix (helices), variations 15
helix (helices), x-ray diffraction data 382
-Lytic protease 92
-Lytic protease, folding with prosegment 92
barrels 44 48—49
barrels in pyruvate kinase 51—52 51F
barrels, active sites 53—54 53F
barrels, active sites, prediction 57 59
barrels, amino acid residues 48 50T
barrels, branched hydrophobic side chains 49—51
barrels, double 52—53 52F
barrels, enzymes containing 48—49
barrels, evolution of new enzyme activities 54—55
barrels, methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase 50—51 50T
barrels, parallel strands 48 49F 306
domains 32 47—65 48F
domains, active site prediction 57 59
domains, arabinose-binding protein 62—63 62F
horseshoe folds 55 56F
proteins/structures, helix relationship 84
proteins/structures, carboxypeptidase 60—62 61F
proteins/structures, classes 47—48
proteins/structures, phosphofructokinase 115 115F
proteins/structures, Ras protein 255
proteins/structures, subtilisin 215 (see also “ domains”)
sheets, open twisted 47 56—57
sheets, open twisted, active-site crevice 56—57 57F 63
sheets, open twisted, two domains in proteins 63
sheets, types 56—57
twisted open-sheet structures 47 56—57
twisted open-sheet structures, domain with in tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 59—60 59F 60F
twisted open-sheet structures, carboxypeptidase 60—62 61F
twisted open-sheet structures, classes 47
twisted open-sheet structures, G-actin 293 293F
twisted open-sheet structures, mixed sheet with 60—62 61F
twisted open-sheet structures, pyruvate kinase 51—52 51F
twisted open-sheet structures, two similar in arabinose-binding protein 62—63 62F
twisted open-sheet structures, tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 59—60 59F 60F “
-Antitrypsin 110—111
-Antitrypsin, active, cleaved and latent forms 112 112F
-Antitrypsin, deficiency 113
Amyloid 290
barrels, antiparallel see “Antiparallel barrels”
domains 31
sheets 14 19—20 47 48
sheets in twisted open sheets 56—57 57F
sheets in helix 84—85 84F 85F
sheets in antiparallel structures 67 67F
sheets, active sites in structures 57 59
sheets, antiparallel see “Antiparallel sheets”
sheets, barnase folding intermediate 94 94F
sheets, DNA-binding site of TATA box-binding protein 154
sheets, four-stranded 30—31 31F 68
| sheets, GroEL domain 100
sheets, hairpin motifs in 26 26F
sheets, immunoglobulins 307
sheets, jelly roll barrel 78
sheets, MHC class I molecule 314
sheets, mixed 20 20F
sheets, mixed, carboxypeptidase 60—62 61F
sheets, mixed, thioredoxin 97
sheets, open structures, topologies 57 58F
sheets, open twisted 47 48 48F
sheets, parallel 19 19F
sheets, parallel, -horseshoe folds 55 56F
sheets, parallel, subtilisin 215 216F
sheets, parallel, topology diagram 24F (see also “ strands”)
sheets, pleated 19 19F
sheets, silk fibroins 289 290F
sheets, topology diagrams 23 24F
sheets, twisted 20 20F
sheets, twisted, transthyretin 288 288F 289F
sheets, up-and-down see “Up-and-down sheets”
sheets, zinc finger motif binding 178
strand insertion in latent serpin 112 112F
strand-loop-helix 184
strand-turn- -helix motif, p53 domain 167
strands 19
strands in helix 84
strands in hairpin motif 26—27 26F
strands, antiparallel see “Antiparallel strands” “Antiparallel
strands, barrel or sheet structures 47—48
strands, change of active to latent form of serpins 112 112F
strands, conversion to a structure (protein design) 368—370 369F 369T
strands, Cro protein 132F
strands, hairpin loops 21—22 21F
strands, hydrogen bonds 19
strands, immunoglobulins 304 304F 305 308F
strands, interactions 19
strands, jelly roll barrel formation 77—78 77F
strands, loop region connections 21
strands, membrane proteins 223
strands, p53 167 168 169
strands, parallel in barrels 48 49F 306
strands, parallel, motif 27—28 28F
strands, parallel, active site of carboxypeptidase 62
strands, parallel, barrels or sheet structures 47—48
strands, parallel, subtilisin 215 (see also “ sheet”)
strands, phosphofructokinase 116
strands, pleated 19
strands, prediction of secondary structure 352
strands, Ramachandran plot 10 19
strands, Ras protein 255
strands, schematic diagram representation 23
strands, superbarrel formation in neuraminidase 72
strands, SV40 343 343F
strands, transmembrane, porins 228—229
strands, transmembrane, prediction 230
strands, twisted in sheet 20 20F
structures 67—88
structures, -helix 84—85
structures, antiparallel see “Antiparallel structures”
-Crystallin, mouse 76
-Lactoglobulin 70
-loop- structure 55 56F
-loop- units 31F 68
motif 27—28 28F
motif in domains 32
motif in barrel and sheet structures 47 49F
motif, handedness 28 48 49F
motif, handedness, left-handed in subtilisin 217
motif, orientation and alignments 47—48 49F
motif, thioredoxin 97
motifs 30 30F
unit (hairpin motif) 26—27 26F
unit (hairpin motif), structure relationship 84
unit (hairpin motif), strands in 84
unit (hairpin motif), -helix 84—85
unit (hairpin motif), three-sheet 85 85F 86F
unit (hairpin motif), twisted, in transthyretin 288 288F 289F
unit (hairpin motif), two-sheet 84 84F
Microglobulin 313 314—315
-Crystallin, coding sequence 76
-Crystallin, evolution 76
-Crystallin, Greek key motifs 74—75 75F 76
-Crystallin, two domains 74 74F
-Crystallin, two domains, amino acid sequences 76
-Crystallin, two domains, identical topology 75—76
-Crystallin, two domains, structures 76
-oxo bridge 11 11F
Helix 15
2-Phosphoglycolate 115
3-Methylisoxazole groups 338
3D profile method 353
4-Oxazolinyl phenoxy group 338
6-F Helix 116
A-T base pair 123F
A-T base pair, TATA box 158
Accessory chlorophyll 238 238F 239
Actin 197 290—291 291F
Actin, cross-bridges with myosin 291—292
Actin, F-actin 293
Actin, fibrous protein 292
Actin, G-actin 293 293F
Actin, myosin complex structure 295 295F
Actin, structure 293—295
Activation energy of reactions 206
Activation energy of reactions, enzymes decreasing 206—207 207F
Active sites 3F
Active sites, arabinose-binding protein 62F 63
Active sites, carboxypeptidase 62F
Active sites, chymotrypsin 211—212 211F 212F
Active sites, crevices 57 59 63
Active sites, neuraminidase 71F 72
Active sites, parallel p strands flanked by antlparallel P strands 62
Active sites, RuBisCo 53F
Active sites, rx/p structures, barrels 53—54 53F
Active sites, rx/p structures, domains 57 59
Active sites, rx/p structures, open twisted domains 56 57 57F 59 59F
Active sites, rx/p structures, prediction 57 59
Active sites, serine protease 211—212 211F 212F 361
Active sites, subtilisin 216—217 216F
Active sites, tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 59—60 59F 60F
Acyl-enzyme intermediates 208 208F
Additivity principle 362
Adenine in DNA, hydrogen bonds 123F
Adenine, bacteriophage MS2 RNA 340
Adenylate cyclase, G protein-mediated, activation 253 253F
Adenylate kinase 58F 59
ADP 115
ADP-vanadate 295
Alanine, collagen mutation 285 285F
Alanine, specificity of serine proteinases 213 214F
Alanine, structure 6F
Alanine, substrate-assisted catalysis 218
Alcohol dehydrogenase, helix 18
Alcohol dehydrogenase, helical wheel 17T
Alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc in 11 11F
Allosteric control 113 142
Allosteric effectors 142 (see also “Repressor”)
Allosteric proteins, phosphofructokinase 114—117
Allosteric proteins, switch between T and R states 113—114 (see also “Repressor”)
Allostery 113
Allostery, structures 32
Allostery, structures, Cro protein 132
Allostery, structures, lysozyme from T4 bacteriophage 355F
Alphaviruses 340—341
Alphaviruses, catalytic triad in coat protein protease 341
Alphaviruses, core proteins 341 341F
Alzheimer’s amyloid -protein precursor inhibitor (APPI) 361 362 362T
Alzheimer’s disease 113 283 288
Amide-hydrogen exchange 95
Amino acid sequence 3F 4
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