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Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
40848 Sears F.W. Optics 1949
40847 Carroll S.M. Lecture Notes on General Relativity 1997
40846 Zhong X., Li H. Score tests of genetic association in the presence of linkage based on the additive genetic gamma frailty model 2004
40845 Dilworth C. Scientific Progress: A Study Concerning the Nature of the Relation Between Successive Scientific Theories 2007
40844 Beletic J.E. Scientific Detectors for Astronomy 2005: Explorers of the Photon Odyssey 2006
40843 Shepley L.C., Ryan M. Homogeneous Relativistic Cosmologies 1975
40842 Honarpour M., Koederitz L. Relative Permeability of Petroleum Reservoirs n/a
40841 Schuster A. An Introduction to the Theory of Optics 2007
40840 Roy J., Lin X. Scaled marginal models for multiple continuous outcomes 2003
40839 Meganck R.A., Saunier R.S. Dictionary and Introduction to Global Environmental Governance 2007
40838 Dobbin K., Simon R. Sample size determination in microarray experiments for class comparison and prognostic classification 2005
40837 Jung S.H. Sample size calculation for multiple testing in microarray data analysis 2005
40836 Sharp L.T. Salts, Soil-colloids, and Soils 1915
40835 Harris M. A Simple Proof of Rationality of Siegel-Weil Eisenstein Series n/a
40834 Shashoua Y. Conservation of Plastics 2008
40833 Low S., Taplin D., Scheld S. Rethinking Urban Parks: Public Space and Cultural Diversity 2005
40832 Cheng T.P. Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology: A Basic Introduction 2005
40831 Meyer R.X. Elements of Space Technology 1999
40830 Ghosh P. Rotation and Accretion Powered Pulsars (Series in Astronomy and Astrophysics), Vol. 7 2007
40829 Abbot C.G. Rotating Projectiles from Smooth-Bore Guns 1919
40828 Shen Y. Robust modeling in screening studies estimation of sensitivity and preclinical sojourn time distribution 2005
40827 Rindler W. Relativity: Special, General, and Cosmological 2006
40826 Roser S. (Ed) Reviews in Modern Astronomy: Vol. 18: From Cosmological Structures to the Milky Way 2005
40825 Baker S.G. Rethinking historical controls 2001
40824 Adams W.S., Burwell C.G. Results of an Investigation of the Flash Spectrum Without an Eclipse 1915
40823 Coull B.A. Respiratory health and air pollution additive mixed model analyses 2001
40822 Tate J.T., Foote P.D. Resonance and Ionization Potentials for Electrons in Cadmium, Zinc, and Potassium Vapors 1917
40821 Merrill G.P. Researches on the Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of Meteorites 1915
40820 Shchepin E. Residues Theory n/a
40819 Shchepin E. Quadrature of circle n/a
40818 Shchepin E. Positive Series n/a
40817 Shchepin E. Newton Series n/a
40816 Shchepin E. Newton-Leibniz Formula n/a
40815 Shchepin E. Infinite Products n/a
40814 Shchepin E. Natural Logarithm n/a
40813 Sergeant J.C. Relative index of inequality definition, estimation, and inference 2006
40812 Perrine C.D. Relation of the Apex of Solar Motion to Proper Motion and on the Cause of the Differences of its Position From Radial Velocities and Proper Motions 1916
40811 Perrine C.D. Relation of Preferential Motion and of the Spectral-Class and Magnitude Velocity Progressions to Proper Motion 1917
40810 Seares F.H. Relation of Color to Intrinsic Luminosity in Stars of the Same Spectral Type 1919
40809 Frangakis C.E. Rejoinder to discussions on clustered encouragement designs with individual noncompliance Bayesian inference with randomization, and application to advance directive forms 2002
40808 Fine J.P. Regression modeling of competing crude failure probabilities 2001
40807 Schildcrout J.S. Regression analysis of longitudinal binary data with time-dependent environmental covariates bias and efficiency 2005
40806 Barus C. Refractivity Determined Irrespective of Form, by Displacement Interferometry 1916
40805 Richards Th.W. Refractive Index and Solubilities of the Nitrates of Lead Isotopes 1918
40804 Davidov O. Reduced rank proportional hazards model for competing risks 2001
40803 Fiocco M., Putter H. Reduced rank proportional hazards model for competing risks 2005
40802 Abbot C.G. Recent Simultaneous Measurements of the Solar Constant of Radiation at Mount Wilson, California, and Calama, Chile 1919
40801 Dickson L.E. Recent Progress in the Theories of Modular and Formal Invariants and in Modular Geometry 1914
40800 Lefschetz S. Real Hypersurfaces Contained in Abelian Varieties 1919
40799 Axelrod A., Marvel K. Recent Advances and Issues in Astronomy 2003

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