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Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
41000 Garrett P. Dirichlet series from automorphic forms 2006
40999 Garrett P. More Linear algebra: duals, naturality, bilinear forms 2005
40998 Garrett P. Linear Algebra I: Dimension 2004
40997 Garrett P. Homology and Derived Functors 2002
40996 Garrett P. Some Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields 2004
40995 Lower Ch.I. Matter and measure n/a
40994 Shannon C.E. A Mathematical Theory of Communication 1948
40993 Garrett P. Simplest Example of Truncation and Maaß-Selberg Relations 2005
40992 Garrett P. Truncation and Maaß-Selberg Relations 2005
40991 Garett P. Lucas-Lehmer criterion for primality of Mersenne numbers 2001
40990 Lower S.K. Liquids and their vapors n/a
40989 Garett P. Automorphic Representations and L-functions 2005
40988 Garett P. Archimedean Zeta Integrals n/a
40987 Garett P. Geometric homology versus group homology 2005
40986 Garett P. Jacquet theory 2005
40985 Garett P. The Jacobi product formula 2001
40984 Garett P. Representations with Iwahori-fixed vectors 2005
40983 Garett P. Irreducibles as kernels of intertwinings among principal series 2005
40982 Diaconu A., Garrett P Integral Moments of Automorphic L-Functions n/a
40981 Diaconu A., Garrett P Integral Moments of Automorphic L-Functions n/a
40980 Garett P. Inducing cuspidal representations from compact opens 2005
40979 Garett P. Universality of Holomorphic Discrete Series 2005
40978 Garett P. Verma modules, Harish-Chandra’s homomorphism 2008
40977 Garett P. The integers 2004
40976 Garett P. Hartogs` Theorem thet separate analyticity implies joint 2002
40975 Garett P. Groups I 2005
40974 Garett P. Galois theory ... first draft 2005
40973 Garett P. Free modules, finitely-generated modules 2004
40972 Garett P. Field I 2004
40971 The Exponential Function 2005
40970 Shchepin E. The Cotangent n/a
40969 Shchepin E. Telescopic Sums n/a
40968 Barus C. The Elongation Due to Magnetization 1919
40967 Tolman R.C., Stewart T.D. The Electromotive Force Produced by the Acceleration of Metals 1916
40966 Millikan R.A., Kelly M.J. The Effect Upon the Atom of the Passage of an Alpha Ray Through It 1919
40965 Howell J.T. The Effect of an Electric Field on the Lines of Lithium and Calcium 1916
40964 van Maanen A. The Distances of Six Planetary Nebulae 1918
40963 Barus C. The Displacement of the Gravitating Needle in its Dependence on Atmospheric Temperatures 1919
40962 John Ch.E., Babcock H.D. The Development of a Source for Standard Wavelengths and the Importance of their Fundamental Values 1917
40961 Blake F.C. The Depth of the Effective Plane in X-Ray Crystal Penetration 1918
40960 Hull A.W. The Crystal Structure of Magnesium 1917
40959 Langmuir I. The Condensation and Evaporation of Gas Molecules 1916
40958 Harland D., Shayler D., Lorenz R. Space Systems Failures 2005
40957 John A. The Crystal Structure of Ice 1918
40956 Burdick Ch.L., Ellis J.H. The Crystal Structure of Chalcopyrite Determined by X Rays 1917
40955 Lunn A.C. The Commutativity of One-Parameter Transformations in Real Variables 1919
40954 Ellis J.H. The Chemical Activity of the Ions of Hydrochloric Acid Determined by Electromotive Force Measurements 1916
40953 Harkins W.D. The Change of Molecular Kinetic Energy into Molecular Potential Energy The Entropy Principle and Molecular Association 1919
40952 Harkins W.D. The Abundance of the Elements in Relation to the Hydrogen-Helium Structure of the Atoms 1916
40951 Cole F.N., Cummings L.D., White H.S. The Complete Enumeration of Triad Systems in 15 Elements 1916

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