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Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
41200 Gottlieb E.S. (1,k)-configuration facets for the generalized assignment problem - Elsie Sterbin Gottlieb and M. R. Rao 1990
41199 Paradoxical decompositions n/a
41198 Introduction. Description of contents n/a
41197 Fan Sh., Han W. 0,1 distribution in the highest level sequences of primitive sequences over Z 2e 2003
41196 Ho L.H. d - problem on weaklyq-convex domains 1991
41195 Hébert M. lambda-presentable Morphisms, Injectivity and (Weak) Factorization Systems 2006
41194 Huang M.-N., Huang M.- K. φp-optimal designs for a linear log contrast model for experiments with mixtures 2008
41193 Meyer D.M. Z/p-equivariant maps between lens spaces and spheres 1998
41192 Takahashi M. D1-definability in set theory n/a
41191 Imaoka T. *-congruences on regular -semigroups 1981
41190 Ma L. Ck-Regularity for the local d-complex on some model hypersurfaces 2000
41189 Nobauer W. M-Untergruppen von Restklassengruppen 1958
41188 Mazorchuk V. *-Representations of Twisted Generalized Weyl Constructions 1999
41187 Kaniuth E. *- Regularity of locally compact groups n/a
41186 Boidol J. *-Regularity of exponential Lie groups 1980
41185 Khoussainov B., Slaman Th. Ï -Presentations of Algebras 2006
41184 Simonov D.V. Trigonometric Series With (k,s)-Monotone Coefficients in Spaces with Mixed Quasinorm 2004
41183 Borm S. Matrix Arithmetics in Linear Complexity 2004
41182 Rashkova G. Identities of Minimal Degree in Matrix Algebras of Low Order 1998
41181 Soufi A.E., Sandier E. Gruppen endlicher Ordnung 1998
41180 Rosen J.D. Generalized polynomial identities of finite dimensional central simple algebras.pdf 1983
41179 Vedernikov V.A., Sorokina M.M. Fibered Formations and Fitting Classes of Finite Groups 2002
41178 Satake I. Cohomology spaces associated with a certain group extension n/a
41177 Eddington A. The Internal Consitution of the Stars 1930
41176 Eddington A. Fundamental Theory 1953
41175 Eddington A. The Expanding Universe 1933
41174 Tolman R.C. Duration of Molecules in Upper Quantum States 1924
41173 Barus C. Density and Diffusion of Gases Measured by Displacement Interferometry 1924
41172 Russell H.N. Dark Nebulae 1922
41171 Barus C. Cylindrical Distribution of Nodal Strength around the Pipe Normal 1922
41170 Lefschetz S. Continuous Transformations of Manifolds 1923
41169 Bramley A. Condition that an Electron Describe a Geodesic 1924
41168 Moore R.L. Concerning the Prime Parts of Certain Continua Which Separate the Plane 1924
41167 Woo M. (Ed) Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies: the MacKenzie Gewex Experience: Atmospheric Dynamics, Vol. 1 2007
41166 Chandrasekhar S. Radiative Transfer 1960
41165 Kline J.R. Concerning the Division of the Plane by Continua 1924
41164 Moore R.L. Concerning the Cut-Points of Continuous Curves and of Other Closed and Connected Point-sets 1923
41163 Richards Th.W. Compressibility, Internal Pressure and Atomic Magnitudes 1923
41162 Leuschner A.O. Comparison of Theory with Observation for the Minor Planets 10 Hygiea and 175 Andromache with Respect to Perturbations by Jupiter 1922
41161 Kline J.R. Closed Connected Sets Which Are Disconnected by the Removal of a Finite Number of Points 1922
41160 Nettleton L.L. Characteristics of a Short Wave Oscillator at Very Low Pressures 1922
41159 Duncan J.C. Changes Observed in the Crab Nebula in Taurus 1921
41158 Ross P.A. Change in Wave-length by Scattering 1923
41157 Hiltner K. Milton and Ecology 2003
41156 Bigg G.R. Oceans and Climate 2003
41155 Brodie D. Ice, Rock, and Beauty: A Visual Tour of the New Solar System 2007
41154 Holbrook J.C. African Cultural Astronomy 2008
41153 Grego P. Venus and Mercury, and How to Observe Them 2007
41152 Petkov V. Relativity and the Dimensionality of the World 2007
41151 McAnally J. Jupiter and How to Observe It 2007

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