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Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
41352 Miller G.A. Groups Generated by Two Operators of Order Three, the Cube of Whose Product is Invariant 1927
41351 Miller G.A. Groups Generated by Two Operators of Order Three Whose Product Is of Order Six 1927
41350 Barton H. Generalization of Kroneckers Relation among the Minors of a Symmetric Determinant 1926
41349 Generalities 2002
41348 Generalities II 2004
41347 Miller G.A. Groups Containing a Relatively Small Number of Sylow Subgroups 1926
41346 Gravitational Experiments in the Solar System n/a
41345 General Facts about Random Dynamical Systems 2002
41344 Karapetoff V. General Criterion for the Circular Locus of the Current Vector in A. C. Circuits and Machinery 1925
41343 Ward M. General Arithmetic 1927
41342 Loeb L.B. Gas Ion Mobilities in Ether-Hydrogen Mixtures 1926
41341 Davis B., Von Nardroff R. Further Experiments on the Refraction of X-Rays in Pyrites 1924
41340 Bogert M.T., Nisson Ph.S. Further Experiments in the Field of the Terephthalic Acid Derivatives 1924
41339 Michal A.D. Functionals of Curves Admitting One-Parameter Groups of Infinitesimal Point Transformation 1924
41338 Fourier transform of exponential functions n/a
41337 Pearce R.P. Meteorology at the Millennium 2001
41336 Rates J.R., Andrews D.H. Fundamental Frequencies, Interatomic Forces and Molecular Properties 1928
41335 Goodchild M.F., Devillers R. Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality 2008
41334 Fourier transform of analytic functions n/a
41333 Four Hamiltonian Systems 2005
41332 Formulation of the problem of constructing a complete involutive collection of functions n/a
41331 Dickinson R.G., Sherrill M.S. Formation of Ozone by Optically Excited Mercury Vapor 1926
41330 Miller G.A. Form of the Number of the Prime Power Subgroups of an Abelian Group 1926
41329 Leiterer J. Factorization of operator functions (classification of holomorphic Hilbert space bundles over the Riemannian sphere) n/a
41328 Millikan R.A., Cameron G.H. Evidence for the Continuous Creation of the Common Elements Out of Positive and Negative Electrons 1928
41327 Thomas J.M. First Integrals in the Geometry of Paths 1925
41326 Miller G.A. Felix Klein and the History of Modern Mathematics 1927
41325 Injectors of finite groups n/a
41324 Equations of minimal coupling n/a
41323 Paine G.P. Energy Transformations in an Unobstructed Air Current, in an Air Current Containing a Dry Obstacle 1925
41322 Mader W. 1 - Faktoren von Graphen 1973
41321 Wulf O.R. Evidence for the Existence of Activated Molecules in a Chemical Reaction 1925
41320 Gibbs R.C. Extension of Doublet Laws in the First Long Period to chromium and Manganese 1926
41319 Gohm R. Extensions and Dilations 2004
41318 MavNair W.A., Ellett A. Explanation of the Incomplete Polarization of Mercury Resonance Radiation 1927
41317 Barus C. Experiments with Modified Mucronate Electrodes 1928
41316 Millikan R.A., Cameron G.H. Evidence That the Cosmic Rays Originate in Interstellar Space 1928
41315 Euler equations on semisimple Lie algebras n/a
41314 Miller D.C. Ether-Drift Experiments at Mount Wilson 1925
41313 Isac G. 0 - Epi families of mappings, topological degree, and optimization 1984
41312 Millikan R.A., Bowen I.S. Energy Relationships and Ionization Potentials of Atoms of the First Row of the Periodic Table in All Stages of Ionization 1927
41311 Kueker D.W. Elementarily equivalent models of power w1 n/a
41310 Farnsworth H.E. Electronic Bombardment of Nickel 1922
41309 Rainich G.Y. Electrodynamics in the General Relativity Theory 1924
41308 Einsteins theory of gravitation n/a
41307 Eisenhart L.P. Einsteins Recent Theory of Gravitation and Electricity 1925
41306 Eisenhart L.P. Einstein Static Fields Admitting a Group G2 of Continuous Transformations into Themselves 1921
41305 Wilson E.B. Electric Conduction Halls Theory and Perkins Phenomenon 1923
41304 Nettleton L.L. Effective Radii of Gas Molecules 1924
41303 Hertel K.L. Effects of an Electric Field upon the Radiating Hydrogen Atom 1926

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