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Áûñòðûé ïåðåõîä
Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
41955 Lefschetz S. On the Functional Independence of Ratios of Theta Functions 1927
41954 Webb T.J. On the Foundations of the Theory of Discontinuous Groups of Linear Transformations 1926
41953 Ford L.R. On the Foundations of the Theory of Discontinuous Groups of Linear Transformations 1927
41952 Ford L.R. On the Formation of Groups of Linear Transformations by Combination 1927
41951 McCurdy W.H. On the Fine Structure of Some Mercury Lines 1927
41950 Tolman R.C. On the Extension of Thermodynamics to General Relativity 1928
41949 Walsh J.L. On the Expansion of Harmonic Functions in Terms of Harmonic Polynomials 1927
41948 Epstein P.S. On the Evaluation of Certain Integrals Important in the Theory of Quanta 1926
41947 Tolman R.C. On the Equilibrium between Radiation and Matter 1926
41946 Tolman R.C. On the Equilibrium between Radiation and Matter in Einsteins Closed Universe 1928
41945 Tolman R.C. On the Energy and Entropy of Einsteins Closed Universe 1928
41944 Loeb L.B. On the Duration of the Existence of Doubly Charged Positive Ions in Gases, and Their Detection 1927
41943 Payne C.H On the Distortion of the Continuous Background by Wide Absorption Lines 1928
41942 Gerasimovic B.P. On the Distance of the Sun from the Galactic Plane 1927
41941 Gerasimovic B.P. On the Correction to Sahas Formula for Small Deviations from Thermodynamic Equilibrium 1927
41940 Payne C.H. On the Contours of Stellar Absorption Lines, and the Composition of Stellar Atmospheres 1928
41939 Stebbins J. On the Constancy of the Light of Red Stars, with Forty New Variables of This Class 1928
41938 Wiener N. On the Closure of Certain Assemblages of Trigonometrical Functions 1926
41937 Bell E.T. On the Arithmetic of Abelina Functions 1927
41936 Luyten W.J. On the Absolute Magnitudes of the Class M Stars 1928
41935 Rainich G.Y. On a Type of Lorentz Transformations 1926
41934 Clark G.L. On X-Ray Diffraction Patterns from Liquids and Colloidal Gels 1927
41933 Kellogg O.D. On the Classical Dirichlet Problem for General Domains 1926
41932 Massel S.R. Ocean Waves Breaking and Marine Aerosol Fluxes 2007
41931 Marion G.M. Cold Aqueous Planetary Geochemistry with FREZCHEM: From Modeling to the Search for Life at the Limits 2008
41930 Woodson R.D. International Fuel Gas Code Companion 2007
41929 Ãèõìàí È.È., Ñêîðîõîä À.Â. Òåîðèÿ ñëó÷àéíûõ ïðîöåññîâ (òîì 1) 1971
41928 Hopf H. On Some Properties of One-Valued Transformations of Manifolds 1928
41927 Manning W.A. On Simply Transitive Primitive Groups 1926
41926 Payne C.H., Hogg F.S. On Methods and Applications in Spectrophotometry 1927
41925 Hille E. On Laguerres Series Third Note 1926
41924 Hille E. On Laguerres Series Second Note 1926
41923 Hille E. On Laguerres Series First Note 1926
41922 Podolsky B. On Kings Classical Theory of Radiation 1927
41921 Hedrick E.R. On Derivatives of Non-Analytic Functions 1928
41920 Thomas T.Y. On Conformal Geometry 1926
41919 Rietz H.L. On Certain Properties of Frequency Distributions of the Powers and Roots of the Variates of a Given Distribution 1927
41918 Miller G.A. Note on the Temperature Relations of Photo-Electric Emission and Thermionic Emission of Electrons 1927
41917 Hall E.H. Note on the Temperature Relations of Photo-Electric Emission and Thermionic Emission of Electrons 1926
41916 Van Vleck J.H. Note on the Postulates of the Matrix Quantum Dynamics 1926
41915 Eckart C. Note on the Correspondence Principle in the New Quantum Theory 1926
41914 Hille E. Note on the Behavior of Certain Power Series on the Circle of Convergence with Application to a Problem of Carleman 1928
41913 Widder D.W. Note on a Generalization of Taylors Series 1927
41912 Ellis J.W. New Infra-Red Absorption Bands of Methane 1927
41911 Hall E.H. New Evidence in Favor of a Dual Theory of Metallic Conduction 1926
41910 Taylor B.A. Necessary conditions for interpolation by entire functions n/a
41909 Barus C. Multiplicative Representations of Resolvents 1926
41908 Gill M.I. Multiplicative Representations of Resolvents 2003
41907 Barus C. Mucronate Electrode with Micrometer 1927
41906 Knebelman M.S. Motion and Collineations in General Space 1927

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