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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
41905 Morse theory of completely integrable Hamiltonian systems n/a
41904 Stewart G.W., Morrow R.M. Molecular Space Array in Liquid Primary Normal Alcohols The Cybotactic State 1927
41903 Loeb L.B., Du Sault L. Mobilities of Ions in Acetylene Hydrogen Mixtures 1927
41902 DeSault L., Loeb L.B. Mobilities of Gaseous Ions in SO2 and SO2-H2 Mixtures 1928
41901 Leavitt H.W., Gowen J.W. Mineralogical Content of Maine Sands in Relation to Mortar Strength 1927
41900 Davis B., Purks H. Measurement of the Mo.K Doublet Distances by Means of the Double X-Ray Spectrometer 1927
41899 Bramley A. Maxwells Equations and Atomic Dynamics 1926
41898 Hellfer B., Nier F. Maximal Microhypoellipticity for Systems and Applications to Witten Laplacians 2005
41897 Ìèêàëêî Ì. Òðåíèíã èíòåëëåêòà n/a
41896 Baryshev Y. Discovery of Cosmic Fractals 2003
41895 Crocker D. Dictionary of Aviation 2005
41894 Desaintfuscien M. Data Processing in Precise Time and Frequency Applications 2007
41893 French S. Celestial Sampler: 60 Small-Scope Tours for Starlit Nights 2007
41892 MacKenzie F.T. Carbon in the Geobiosphere: Earth's Outer Shell 2006
41891 Holberg J., Barstow M.A. Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy 2002
41890 Issar A.S. Climate Changes During the Holocene and their Impact on Hydrological Systems 2003
41889 Burchard H. Applied Turbulence Modelling in Marine Waters 2003
41888 Òóòóáàëèí Â.Í. Êóðñ ëåêöèé ïî òåîðèè âåðîÿòíîñòåé 2008
41887 Noyes W.A. Magnetic Hydrogen Atoms and Non-Magnetic Molecules 1927
41886 Loeb A., Ellis R.S., Ferrara A. First Light in the Universe: Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy 2008
41885 Douglas R.G. Localization of toeplitz operators n/a
41884 Palamodov V.P. Localization of polynomial submodules in certain spaces of analytic functions and the solvability of -equations n/a
41883 Vosilius R.V. Integrability of nonholonomic differential-geometric structures. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, Volume 27, Number 3 1987
41882 Barus C. Linear Elements of the Electromagnetic Pinhole Graphs 1927
41881 Bateman H. Lagrangian Functions and Schrodingers Rule 1927
41880 Kiechle H. K-loops from the General Linear Groups over Rings n/a
41879 Webster D.L. K-Electron Ionization by Direct Impact of Cathode Rays 1928
41878 Belmonte J.A. Extrasolar Planets 2007
41877 Jahre Frauen in der Wissenschaft - Renate Tobies and Annette Vogt 1996
41876 Giddings G.W. Ionization of Mercury Vapor as a Function of the Intensity of Exciting Light 1926
41875 Brewer A.K. Ionization in Reacting Gases n/a
41874 Ionic Mobilities in Ammonia-Hydrogen Mixtures and an Anomalous Effect of Ammonia 1926
41873 Shamoyan F.A. Invariant subspaces of a shift operator in certain spaces of analytic functions n/a
41872 Interpretation of Deviations from Ohms Law n/a
41871 Schafer H.- W. Internationale Woche der Elektronik in der Versicherung n/a
41870 Vosilius R.V. Integrability of nonholonomic differential-geometric structures. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, Volume 27, Number 4 1987
41869 International Congress for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science 1964
41868 International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science 1960 n/a
41867 Doebner H.D. Irreversibility and Causality: Semigroups and Rigged Hilbert Spaces : A Selection of Articles Presented at the 21st International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics 1998
41866 Swaddle Th.W. Inorganic Chemistry: An Industrial and Environmental Perspective 1997
41865 Vosilius R.V. Integrability of nonholonomic differential-geometric structures n/a
41864 Hammar G.W. A Possible Explanation on the Glaser Effect 1926
41863 Finlay W.H. Concise Catalog of Deep-sky Objects 2003
41862 Whyburn G.T. Concerning Plane Closed Point Sets Which Are Accessible from Certain Subsets of Their Complements 1927
41861 Dershem E. Dispersion of Long Wave-Length X-Rays in Platinum and Calcite 1928
41860 Eisenhart L.P. Displacements in a Geometry of Paths Which Carry Paths into Paths 1927
41859 Gibbs R.C. Displacement of Certain Multiplets and Multiple Levels for Elements in the First Long Period 1927
41858 Webster D.L. Direct and Indirect Production of Characteristic X-Rays 1927
41857 Kiechle H. Derivations n/a
41856 Webster D.L. Direct and Indirect Characteristic X-Rays Their Ratio as a Function of Cathode-Ray Energy 1928

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