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Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
42459 Cauchy problem for PD equations with variable symbols n/a
42458 Tumarkin G.Ts. Certain problems arising in the investigation of classes of domains, defined by properties of Cauchy-type integrals 1984
42457 Dershowitz N. Calendrical Calculations 2007
42456 Brackett F.S. Characteristic Differentiation in the Spectra of Saturated Hydrocarbons 1928
42455 Isbell H.S. Crystalline Alpha and Beta Methyl-d-Gulosides 1930
42454 Hull A.W. Control of an Arc Discharge by Means of a Grid 1928
42453 Knebelman M.S. Conformal Geometry of Generalized Metric Spaces 1929
42452 Brown A.B. Coalescence of Parts of a Complex 1930
42451 Morse M. Closed extremals 1929
42450 Barus C. Adiabatic Expansion in Case of Vanishing Increments 1928
42449 Bancroft W.D. Claude Bernard's Theory of Narcosis 1930
42448 Wilder R.L. Characterizations of Continuous Curves that are Perfectly Continuous 1929
42447 Barus C. Adiabatic Expansion in Case of Vanishing Increments II 1929
42446 Williams J.W. A Study of the Raman Effect in Acetone 1929
42445 Dieudonne J. A Generalization of Rolle's Theorem with Application to Entire Functions 1929
42444 Sommerfeld A. About the Production of the Continuous X-Ray Spectrum 1929
42443 Tkjitzinsky W.J. A Study of Indefinitely Differentiable and Quasi-analytic Functions 1930
42442 Williams E.T. A Spectrophotometric Study of Class A Stars 1929
42441 Bancroft W.D. Adsorption of Ammonia by Proteins 1929
42440 Bancroft W.D. Activation by Charcoal 1930
42439 Absurdity of the calculation of the intensity of gravitational radiation in the general theory of relativity n/a
42438 Acceleration of the Center of Mass of an Extended Body in a Weak Gravitational Field n/a
42437 Absurdity of the definition of inertial mass in the general theory of relativity n/a
42436 Gehman H.M. A Special Type of Upper Semi-Continuous Collection 1930
42435 Theodorsen Th. A Sensitive Induction Balance for the Purpose of Detecting Unexploded Bombs 1930
42434 Hubble E. A Relation Between Distance and Radial Velocity Among Extra-Galactic Nebulae. 1929
42433 Diamond H. A Radio System for Blind Landing of Aircraft in Fog 1920
42432 Brennen H.J. A New equation of state 1928
42431 Goetz A. A method of producing long single-crystals of metal and a study of the factors influencing crystal orientation and perfection. 1929
42430 Whiterhead J.H.C. A Method of Obtaining Normal Representations for a Projective Connection 1930
42429 A problem in the spectral theory of an ordinary differential operator in a complex domain - V. A. Tkachenko n/a
42428 A density lemma n/a
42427 A critique of the determination of the energy-momentum of a system from the equations of motion of matter in the general theory of relativity n/a
42426 Wallin H. A convergence problem on rational approximation in several variables n/a
42425 Merritt E. A Visual Method of Observing the Influence of Atmospheric Conditions on Radio Reception 1928
42424 Ball E.G. A Potentiometric Study of Epinephrine 1931
42423 A Nonstationary Model of the Universe n/a
42422 Beattie J.A. A New Equation of State for Fluids IV. An Equation Expressing the Volume as an Explicit Function of the Pressure and Temperature 1929
42421 Taylor Y.U. 6j symbols for Uq (sl2 ) and non-Euclidean tetrahedra 2000
42420 Seeger R.J. A Critique of Recent Quantum Theories 1931
42419 Borngen M. 50 Jahre Grundschicht der Troposphare 2004
42418 Axenides M., Fanourakis G. (Ed) The Identification of Dark Matter: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop 2007
42417 Saha S.K. Diffraction-Limited Imaging with Large and Moderate Telescopes 2007
42416 Sato K. (Ed) Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe 2007
42414 Horneck G. (Ed) Complete Course in Astrobiology 2007
42413 Stoica S. (Ed) Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics: Proceedings of the Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2005 2006
42412 Graneau N. In the Grip of the Distant Universe: The Science of Inertia 2006
42411 Celnikier L.M. Find a Hotter Place!: A History of Nuclear Astrophysics: Volume 11 2006
42410 Iliadis Ch. Nuclear Physics of Stars 2007
42409 Foukal P.V. Solar Astrophysics 2004

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