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Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
42105 Brown E.W. The Evidence for Changes in the Rate of Rotation of the Earth and Their Geophysical Consequences 1926
42104 Lewis G.N. The Entropy of Radiation 1927
42103 Breit G. The Electromagnetic Mass and Momentum of a Spinning Electron 1926
42102 Clockler G. The Electrical Conductivity of Liquid Cyanogen Bromide 1926
42101 Schilt J. The Effect of a Rotation of the Galaxy on Proper Motions in Right Ascension and Declination 1927
42100 Rodebush W.H. The Effect of Velocity Distribution on the Deflection of Atoms in an Inhomogenous Magnetic Field 1927
42099 Rodebush W.H. The Effect of Intensive Drying on the Vapor Pressure and Vapor Density of Ammonium Chloride 1928
42098 Havighurst R.J. The Effect of Crystal Size upon the Intensity of X-Ray Reflection 1926
42097 Kassel L.S. The Distribution of Energy in Molecules 1927
42096 Barus C. The Displacement Interferometry of Barometric Pressure 1928
42095 Podolsky B. The Dispersion by Hydrogen-Like Atoms in Undulatory Mechanics 1928
42094 Watson E.C. The Direction of Ejection of X-Ray Electrons 1927
42093 Kroing R.L. The Dielectric Constant of Symmetrical Polyatomic Dipole-Gases on the New Quantum Mechanics 1926
42092 Kronig R.L. The Dielectric Constant of Diatomic Dipole-Gases on the New Quantum Mechanics 1926
42091 Epstein P.S. The Dielectric Constant of Atomic Hydrogen in Undulatory Mechanics 1927
42090 Aylesworth E.F. The Dielectric Constant of Atomic Hydrogen from the Point of View of Bohrs Quantum Theory 1927
42089 Van Vleck J.H. The Dielectric Constant and Diamagnetism of Hydrogen and Helium in the New Quantum Mechanics 1926
42088 Wang S.C. The Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Hydrogen Molecule and of Helium in the New Quantum Mechanics 1927
42087 Papish J. The Detection of Uranium by a Photoluminescence Test 1927
42086 Baxter G.P. The Density, Compressibility and Atomic Weight of Neon 1926
42085 Baxter G.P. The Density, Compressibility and Atomic Weight of Neon 1927
42084 Baxter G.P. The Density, Compressibility and Atomic Weight of Argon 1927
42083 Baxter G.P. The Density of Oxygen and Its Compressibility below One Atmosphere II 1926
42082 Villars D.S. The Degree of Association of Sodium Vapor 1928
42081 Clark G.L., King A.J. The Crystal Structures of the Alkaline Earth Metals 1928
42080 Pauling L. The Crystal Structure of Topaz 1928
42079 Van Vleck J.H. The Correspondence Principle in the Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 1928
42078 Kaplan J. The Continuous Spectrum of Hydrogen 1927
42077 Cork J.M. The Concentration and Identification of the Element of Atomic Number 61 1926
42076 Duane W. The Character of the General or Continuous Spectrum Radiation 1927
42075 Coifman R.R., Meyer Y. The Cauchy integral and related integral operators n/a
42074 Fisher W.J. The Apparition Dates of the Andromede (or Bielid) Meteor Swarms 1926
42073 Mores M. The Analysis and Analysis Situs of Regular n-Spreads in (n + r)-Space 1927
42072 Burk R.E. The Adsorption Kinetics for Molecules Attached at More than One Point 1928
42071 Havighurst R.J. The Absorption of X-Rays in Crystalline Compounds 1926
42070 Green J.B., Loring R.A. Term-Structure and Zeeman Effect of the Arc Spectrum of Tin (Preliminary Report) 1927
42069 Tapiador F.J. Rural Analysis and Management: An Earth Science Approach to Rural Science 2007
42068 lang R.J. The Spectra Of Singly and Doubly Ionized Germanium (Ge II and III) 1927
42067 Mulliken R.S. Systematic Relations between Electronic Structure and Band-Spectrum Structure in Diatomic Molecules III. Molecule Formation and Molecular Structure 1926
42066 Vandiver H .S. Summary of Results and Proofs Concerning Fermats Last Theorem (Second Note) 1926
42065 Libman E.E. Surface Tension of Molten Metals I. Copper 1927
42064 Gibbs R.C. Stripped Atoms of the First Long Period 1926
42063 Spherical Willmore Surfaces in HP' 2002
42062 Spectral Properties of the Witten-Laplacians in Connection with Poincar´e Inequalities for Laplace Integrals 2005
42061 National Research Council Staff Spatial Statistics and Digital Image Analysis 1991
42060 Barus C. Sparks of the Induction Coil between Mucronate Electrodes 1928
42059 Reyna J.A. Spaces of functions 2002
42058 Hall E.H. Sommerfelds Electron-Theory of Metals 1928
42057 Garnett J. Ìá Some open problems concerning H and BMO n/a
42056 Ibragimov I.A., Solev V.N. Some analytic problems arising in the theory of stationary random processes n/a

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