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Èâàíîâ È.È., Ëóêèí À.Ô. |
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41396 |
Eisenhart L.P. |
Linear Connections of a Space Which Are Determined by Simply Transitive Continuous Groups |
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41395 |
Vandiver H.S. |
Laws of Reciprocity and the First Case of Fermats Last Theorem |
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41394 |
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L2-Cohomologie et inegalites de Sobolev |
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L2-Approximations of power and logarithmic functions with applications to numerical conformal mapping |
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L1-solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in exterior domains |
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L1-Stability and error estimates for approximate Hamilton-Jacobi solutions |
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L -subvarieties of the variety of idempotent semirings |
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Coping with Water Deficiency: From Research to Policy Making |
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Is the uniform algebraic approximation of the multiplication and convolution operators possible |
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41386 |
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Ionization of Mercury Vapor by Ultra-Violet Light |
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41385 |
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Ionization Produced in Gaseous Reactions |
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Ionic Mobilities in Gaseous Mixtures |
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Ionic Mobilities in Ether as a Function of Pressure |
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Invariants of Relative Quadratic Differential Forms |
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Intersections of Complexes on Manifolds |
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Interpretation of the Hydrogen and Helium Spectra |
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Internal Resonance of Coupled Dynamic System with Quadratic and Cubic Nonlinearities |
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Influence of Iron Content on Mortar Strength |
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Inequalities in the Lowner Partial Order |
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Inductance Treated Acoustically by Differential Telephones |
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Incomplete Systems of Partial Differential Equations |
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41372 |
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How to Photograph the Moon and Planets with Your Digital Camera |
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Heating Versus Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies |
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Homotopy properties of the space of closed subsets |
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41368 |
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1-Homogeneous Graphs with Cocktail Party, mu -Graphs |
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41367 |
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Holomorphic mappings of certain spaces, connected with algebraic functions |
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41366 |
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Holomorphic functions with limited growth |
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41365 |
Millikan R.A. |
High Frequency Rays of Cosmic Origin |
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Heats of Condensation of Positive Ions and the Mechanism of the Mercury Arc |
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41363 |
Miller G.A. |
Harmony as a Principle of Mathematical Development |
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Hardy-Littlewood maximal function |
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Halogen Isotopes and Infra-Red Reflection Spectra |
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H1-estimates of Jacobians by subdeterminants |
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41358 |
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H-n-perturbations of Self-adjoint Operators and Kreins Resolvent Formula |
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41357 |
Gavrilyuk I.P., Hackbusch W. |
H -Matrix approximation for the operator exponential with applications |
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41356 |
Groups, graphs, and bases |
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41355 |
Knebelman M.S. |
Groups of Collineations in a Space of Paths |
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41354 |
Miller G.A. |
Groups Whose Operators Are of the Form sptq |
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41353 |
Gulkan P. (Ed), Anderson J.G. |
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