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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
40243 Brown R.F. (Ed), Gorniewicz L. (Ed) Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory 2005
40242 Áîãà÷åâ Â.È. Îñíîâû òåîðèè ìåðû. Òîì 2 2003
40241 Áîãà÷åâ Â.È. Îñíîâû òåîðèè ìåðû. Òîì I 2003
40240 Livio M. (Ed), Stiavelli M. (Ed) A Decade of Hubble Space Telescope Science 2003
40239 Lang K.R. A Companion to Astronomy and Astrophysics: Chronology and Glossary with Data Tables 2006
40238 Birkhoff G.D. A Theorem on Series of Orthogonal Functions with an Application to Strum-Liouville Series 1917
40237 Gronwall T.H. A Theorem on Power Series, with an Application to Conformal Mapping 1918
40236 Doolittle E. A Study of the Motions of Forty-eight Double Stars 1917
40235 Aitken R.J. A Statistical Study of the Visual Double Stars in the Northern Sky 1915
40234 Barnard E.E. A Singular Dark Marking on the Sky 1915
40233 Seares F.H. A Simple Method for Determining the Colors of the Stars 1916
40232 Shapley H. A Short Period Cepheid with Variable Spectrum 1916
40231 Huntington E.V. A Set of Independent Postulates for Cyclic Order 1916
40230 St.John C.E. A Search for an Einstein Relativity-Gravitational Effect in the Sun 1917
40229 Baxter G.P. A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Tin 1916
40228 Baxter G.P., Stewart O.J. A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Praseodymium 1914
40227 Chamberlain C.J. A Phylogenetic Study of Cycads 1915
40226 Bliss G.A. A Note on Functions of Lines 1914
40225 Baxter G.P., Grover F.L. A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Lead 1914
40224 Baxter G.P., Hartmann M.L. A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Cadmium 1914
40223 Coble A.B. A Proof of Whites Porism 1916
40222 McAdie A. A New Thermometer Scale 1916
40221 Utley C. Visual Basic to Vb.Net 2001
40220 Keys F.C. A New Equation of Continuity 1917
40219 Chen J., Zhang D. A Monte Carlo EM algorithm for generalized linear mixed models with flexible random effects distribution 2002
40218 Bull C.G. A Mechanism of Protection Against Bacterial Infection 1915
40217 Hall E.H. A Possible Function of the Ions in the Electric Conductivity of Metals n/a
40216 Strömberg G. A Determination of the Solar Motion and the Stream Motion Based on Radial Velocities and Absolute Magnitudes 1917
40215 Miner J.R. A Note on the Fitting of Parabolas n/a
40214 Wilson E.B. A General Theory of Surfaces 1916
40213 Seares F.H. A Notation for use in the Discussion of Star Colors n/a
40212 Bliss G.A. A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Existence of a Stieltjes Integral 1917
40211 A New Instrument for Measuring Pressures in a Gun n/a
40210 Bridgman P.W. A Comparison of Certain Electrical Properties of Ordinary and Uranium Lead 1919
40209 Miller B.I. A New Canonical Form of the Elliptic Integral n/a
40208 Moore R.L. A Character of Jordan Regions by Properties Having no Reference to Their Boundaries 1918
40207 Davis B.M. A Method of Obtaining Complete Germination of Seeds in Oenothera and of Recording the Residue of Sterile Seed-Like Structures n/a
40206 Bhowmick D., Davison A.C. A Laplace mixture model for identification of differential expression in microarray experiments 2006
40205 Johnson T.D., Taylor J.M.G. A Bayesian mixture model relating dose to critical organs and functional complication in 3D conformal radiation therapy 2005
40204 Noyes W.A. A Kinetic Hypothesis to Explain the Function of Electrons in the Chemical Combination of Atoms n/a
40203 Pedroza C. A Bayesian forecasting model: predicting U.S. male mortality 2006
40202 Johnson T.D. A Bayesian change-point analysis of electromyographic data: detecting muscle activation patterns and associated applications 2003
40201 Parson A.L. A Highly Sensitive Electrometer n/a
40200 Ridpath I. (Ed) Dictionary of Astrononmy 1998
40199 Denham M.C., Whittaker J. A Bayesian approach to disease gene location using allelic association 2003
40198 Hithcock F.L. A Classification of Quadratic Vector Functions n/a
40197 Morris J.S. A Bayesian analysis of colonic crypt structure and coordinated response to carcinogen exposure incorporating missing crypts 2002
40196 Van Kerkhove B., Lewis G.F. Dark Matter In Astroparticle and Particle Physics, Dark 2007: Proceedings of the 6th International Heidelberg Conference, University of Sydney, Australia 24 - 28 September 2007 2008
40195 Komarek A. A Bayesian analysis of multivariate doubly-interval-censored dental data 2005
40194 Ip W.-H. (Ed), Duldig M. (Ed) Advances in Geosciences: Solar Terrestrial, Vol. 8 2007

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