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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
40193 Giovaninni M. A Primer on the Physics of the Cosmic Microwave Background 2008
40192 Ip W.-H., Park M. Advances in Geosciences: Hydrological Science, Vol. 6 2007
40191 Rho M. Chiral Nuclear Dynamics II: From Quarks to Nuclei to Compact Stars 2008
40190 Ip W.-H., Chen Y.-T. Advances in Geosciences Volume 1: Solid Earth (SE) 2006
40189 Ip W.-H., Duldig M. Advanced in Geosciences, V2: Solar Terrestrial(St) 2006
40188 Bhardwaj A. Advanced in Geoscience, V3: Planetary Science(Ps) 2006
40187 Park N. Advanced in Geosciences, V4: Hydrological Science (HS) 2006
40186 Choi H. Advanced in Geosciences, V5: Oceans and Atmosphe(OA) 2006
40185 Barone M., Borchi E. Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications 2006
40184 McCully J.C. Beyond the Moon: A Conversational, Common Sense Guide to Understanding the Tides 2006
40183 Carrigan R.A., Paver N. Non-Accelerator Astroparticle Physics 2005
40182 Kostelecky V.A. Third Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry 2005
40181 Colless M. The New Cosmology - Proceedings Of The 16th International Physics Summer School, Canberra 2005
40180 Shapiro M.M. Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, Proceedings of the 13th Course of the International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics 2004
40179 Crowell L.B. Can Star Systems Be Explored? 2008
40178 Hudspeth R.T. Waves and Wave Forces on Coastal and Ocean Structures 2005
40177 Mezzacappa A. Open Issues in Core Collapse Supernova Theory 2005
40176 Curtright T., Perlmutter A. Launching of la Belle Epoque of High Energy Physics and Cosmology 2005
40175 Uspensky V.A. Post's Machine 1983
40174 Êîëëèíç Ð. Òå÷åíèå æèäêîñòåé ÷åðåç ïîðèñòûå ìàòåðèàëû 1964
40173 Maa J. (Ed), Schoellhamer D. (Ed) Estuarine and Coastal Fine Sediment Dynamics: Intercoh 2003, Vol. 8 2006
40172 Conti P.S., Crowther P.A. From Luminous Hot Stars to Starburst Galaxies 2008
40171 Boule P. Environmental Photochemistry. Part II 2005
40170 Rottman G.L. Soviet Field Fortifications 1941-1945 2007
40169 McNab C. Network Security Assessment 2007
40168 Zwieflhofer W., Kreitz N. Realizing Teracomputing: Proceedings of the Tenth Ecmwf Workshop on the Use of High Performance Computers in Meteorology 2003
40167 Bahr H., Heck B. Variance Component Estimation for Combination of Terrestrial Reference Frames 2007
40166 Dorlands C., Lasage R. Climate Change in Developing Countries 2006
40165 Smith J.B., Mendelsohn R. Impact of Climate Change on a Regional System a Comprehensive Analysis of California 2007
40164 Deketelaere K. Eu Climate Change Policy: The Challenge of New Regulatory Initiatives 2006
40163 Faure M., Niessen N. Environmental Law in Development Lessons from the Indonesian Experience 2006
40162 Smith A. The City of Coventry: A Twentieth Century Icon 2006
40161 Bradford M. Notable Natural Disasters 2007
40160 Leng T.-K. Biodiv Conservation Greater China 2006
40159 Dickerson M.T., Elder J. Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental Vision of J. R. R. Tolkien 2006
40158 Conkin P.K. The State of the Earth: Environmental Challenges on the Road To 2100 2006
40157 Osborn M.J. Time and the Astrolabe in the Canterbury Tales 2002
40156 Robson M.G. Environmental Health Risk Assessment for Public Health 2007
40155 Harrington P.S. Star Ware: The Amateur Astronomer's Guide to Choosing, Buying, and Using Telescopes and Accessories 2007
40154 Scholz M. Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff 2006
40153 Zlatev Z., Dimov I. Computational and Numerical Challenges in Environmental Modelling 2006
40152 Lionello P. Mediterranean Climate Variability 2006
40151 Stauffer D. Biology, Sociology, Geology by Computational Physicists 2006
40150 Mabesoone J. Cyclic Development of Sedimentary Basins 2005
40149 Guo R. Cross-Border Resource Management: Theory and Practice 2005
40148 National Research Council Beyond Mapping: Meeting National Needs Through Enhanced Geographic Information Science 2006
40147 Lowman M. It's a Jungle Up There: More Tales from the Treetops 2006
40146 Troesken W. The Great Lead Water Pipe Disaster 2006
40145 Rothman H.K. Blazing Heritage 2007
40144 Gadallah M.R., Fisher R. Exploration Geophysics 2008

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