39681 |
Bowes A.C. |
Cleomedes' Lectures on Astronomy: A Translation of "The Heavens" |
2004 | •• |
39680 |
Olshen A.B., Venkatraman E.S. |
Circular binary segmentation for the analysis of array-based DNA copy number data |
2004 | •• |
39679 |
Orbe J., Ferreira E. |
Censored partial regression |
2003 | •• |
39678 |
Levin F. |
Calibrating the Cosmos: How Cosmology Explains Our Big Bang Universe |
2006 | •• |
39677 |
Caviedes C.N. |
El Nino in History: Storming Through the Ages |
2001 | •• |
39676 |
Covington M.A. |
Celestial Objects for Modern Telescopes: Practical Amateur Astronomy Volume 2 |
2002 | •• |
39675 |
Pepin M.B. |
The Care and Maintenance of Optical Equipment |
2004 | •• |
39674 |
Farrington C.P., Kanaan M.N. |
Branching process models for surveillance of infectious diseases controlled by mass vaccination |
2003 | •• |
39673 |
Brady J. |
Environmental Management in Organizations: The IEMA Handbook |
2005 | •• |
39672 |
Betensky R.A., Talcott J.A. |
Binary data with two, non-nested sources of clustering an analysis of physician recommendations for early prostate cancer treatment |
2000 | •• |
39671 |
Dunson D.B., Herring A.H. |
Bayesian latent variable models for mixed discrete outcomes |
2005 | •• |
39670 |
Hanson T.E., Johnson W.O. |
Bayesian inference for prevalence and diagnostic test accuracy based on dual-pooled screening |
2006 | •• |
39669 |
Dunson D.B. |
Bayesian dynamic modeling of latent trait distributions |
2006 | •• |
39668 |
Brown P.J., Kenward M.J., Basset M.E. |
Bayesian discrimination with longitudinal data |
2001 | •• |
39667 |
Hansen M.B. |
Bayesian contour detection in a time series of ultrasound images through dynamic deformable template models |
2002 | •• |
39666 |
Lee M.-L.T. |
Bayesian analysis of case control polygenic etiology studies with missing data |
2001 | •• |
39665 |
Pittman J., Huang E., Nevis J. |
Bayesian analysis of binary prediction tree models for retrospectively sampled outcomes |
2004 | •• |
39664 |
Hay J.L., Pettitt A.N. |
Bayesian analysis of a time series of counts with covariates an application to the control of an infectious disease |
2001 | •• |
39663 |
Hein A.-M.K. |
BGX: a fully Bayesian integrated approach to the analysis of Affymetrix GeneChip data |
2005 | •• |
39662 |
Young D., Ma J. |
Automated identification of Fos expression |
2001 | •• |
39661 |
Chen Y.Q., Hu C., Wang Y. |
Attributable risk function in the proportional hazards model for censored time-to-event |
2006 | •• |
39660 |
Andersen P.K., Liestol K. |
Attenuation caused by infrequently updated covariates in survival analysis |
2003 | •• |
39659 |
Livio M., Sparks M., Fall M. |
Astrophysics of Life |
2004 | •• |
39658 |
Mason J. |
Astrophysics Update 2 |
2006 | •• |
39657 |
Miller R. |
Asteroids, Comets and Meteors |
2004 | •• |
39656 |
Hirano K., Imbens G.W., Rubin D.B. |
Assessing the effect of an influenza vaccine in an encouragement design |
2000 | •• |
39655 |
Thompson M.L. |
Assessing the diagnostic accuracy of a sequence of tests |
2003 | •• |
39654 |
Archer K.J., Dumur C.I., Joel S.E. |
Assessing quality of hybridized RNA in Affymetrix GeneChip experiments using mixed-effects models |
2006 | •• |
39653 |
Ding A.A., Wu H. |
Assessing antiviral potency of anti-HIV therapies in vivo by comparing viral decay rates in viral dynamic models |
2001 | •• |
39652 |
Prentice R.L., Qi L. |
Aspects of the design and analysis of high-dimensional SNP studies for disease risk estimation |
2006 | •• |
39651 |
Shen C., Weissfeld L. |
Application of pattern-mixture models to outcomes that are potentially missing not at random using pseudo maximum likelihood estimation |
2005 | •• |
39650 |
Pan W.. |
Application of conditional moment tests to model checking for generalized linear models |
2002 | •• |
39649 |
Molenberghs G., Thijs H., Jansen I. |
Analyzing incomplete longitudinal clinical trial data |
2004 | •• |
39648 |
Mealli F., Imbens G.W., Ferro S. |
Analyzing a randomized trial on breast self-examination with noncompliance and missing outcomes |
2004 | •• |
39647 |
Bagdonavicius V. |
Analysis of survival data with cross-effects of survival functions |
2004 | •• |
39646 |
Bryen J. |
Analysis of longitudinal marginal structural models |
2004 | •• |
39645 |
Jacqmin-Cadda H. |
Analysis of left-censored longitudinal data with application to viral load in HIV infection |
2000 | •• |
39644 |
Schaubel D.E., Cai J. |
Analysis of clustered recurrent event data with application to hospitalization rates among renal failure patients |
2005 | •• |
39643 |
Becker N.G., Salim A., Kelman C.W. |
Analysis of a potential trigger of an acute illness |
2006 | •• |
39642 |
Betensky R.A., Louis D.N. |
Analysis of a molecular genetic neuro-oncology study with partially biased selection |
2003 | •• |
39641 |
Song X., Davidian N., Tsiatis A.A. |
An estimator for the proportional hazards model with multiple longitudinal covariates measured with error |
2002 | •• |
39640 |
Falk K.G. |
An Experimental Study of Lipolytic Actions |
1914 | •• |
39639 |
Contopoulos G. |
Adventures in Order and Chaos: A Scientific Autobiography |
2005 | •• |
39638 |
An Introduction to Programming for Hackers. Part I |
2004 | •• |
39637 |
Gorke M. |
The Death of Our Planet's Species: A Challenge to Ecology and Ethics |
2003 | •• |
39636 |
National Research Council |
Environmental Impacts of Wind-Energy Projects |
2007 | •• |
39635 |
Harrison M., Coussens C. |
Global Environmental Health in the 21st Century: From Governmental Regulation to Corporate Social Responsibility |
2007 | •• |
39634 |
National Research Council |
Human Biomonitoring for Environmental Chemicals |
2006 | •• |
39633 |
Swanton C.J., Booth B.D. |
Weed Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems |
2003 | •• |
39632 |
Myllyntaus T., Saikku M., Crosby A.F. |
Encountering the past in Nature: Essays in Environmental History |
2000 | •• |