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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
39681 Bowes A.C. Cleomedes' Lectures on Astronomy: A Translation of "The Heavens" 2004
39680 Olshen A.B., Venkatraman E.S. Circular binary segmentation for the analysis of array-based DNA copy number data 2004
39679 Orbe J., Ferreira E. Censored partial regression 2003
39678 Levin F. Calibrating the Cosmos: How Cosmology Explains Our Big Bang Universe 2006
39677 Caviedes C.N. El Nino in History: Storming Through the Ages 2001
39676 Covington M.A. Celestial Objects for Modern Telescopes: Practical Amateur Astronomy Volume 2 2002
39675 Pepin M.B. The Care and Maintenance of Optical Equipment 2004
39674 Farrington C.P., Kanaan M.N. Branching process models for surveillance of infectious diseases controlled by mass vaccination 2003
39673 Brady J. Environmental Management in Organizations: The IEMA Handbook 2005
39672 Betensky R.A., Talcott J.A. Binary data with two, non-nested sources of clustering an analysis of physician recommendations for early prostate cancer treatment 2000
39671 Dunson D.B., Herring A.H. Bayesian latent variable models for mixed discrete outcomes 2005
39670 Hanson T.E., Johnson W.O. Bayesian inference for prevalence and diagnostic test accuracy based on dual-pooled screening 2006
39669 Dunson D.B. Bayesian dynamic modeling of latent trait distributions 2006
39668 Brown P.J., Kenward M.J., Basset M.E. Bayesian discrimination with longitudinal data 2001
39667 Hansen M.B. Bayesian contour detection in a time series of ultrasound images through dynamic deformable template models 2002
39666 Lee M.-L.T. Bayesian analysis of case control polygenic etiology studies with missing data 2001
39665 Pittman J., Huang E., Nevis J. Bayesian analysis of binary prediction tree models for retrospectively sampled outcomes 2004
39664 Hay J.L., Pettitt A.N. Bayesian analysis of a time series of counts with covariates an application to the control of an infectious disease 2001
39663 Hein A.-M.K. BGX: a fully Bayesian integrated approach to the analysis of Affymetrix GeneChip data 2005
39662 Young D., Ma J. Automated identification of Fos expression 2001
39661 Chen Y.Q., Hu C., Wang Y. Attributable risk function in the proportional hazards model for censored time-to-event 2006
39660 Andersen P.K., Liestol K. Attenuation caused by infrequently updated covariates in survival analysis 2003
39659 Livio M., Sparks M., Fall M. Astrophysics of Life 2004
39658 Mason J. Astrophysics Update 2 2006
39657 Miller R. Asteroids, Comets and Meteors 2004
39656 Hirano K., Imbens G.W., Rubin D.B. Assessing the effect of an influenza vaccine in an encouragement design 2000
39655 Thompson M.L. Assessing the diagnostic accuracy of a sequence of tests 2003
39654 Archer K.J., Dumur C.I., Joel S.E. Assessing quality of hybridized RNA in Affymetrix GeneChip experiments using mixed-effects models 2006
39653 Ding A.A., Wu H. Assessing antiviral potency of anti-HIV therapies in vivo by comparing viral decay rates in viral dynamic models 2001
39652 Prentice R.L., Qi L. Aspects of the design and analysis of high-dimensional SNP studies for disease risk estimation 2006
39651 Shen C., Weissfeld L. Application of pattern-mixture models to outcomes that are potentially missing not at random using pseudo maximum likelihood estimation 2005
39650 Pan W.. Application of conditional moment tests to model checking for generalized linear models 2002
39649 Molenberghs G., Thijs H., Jansen I. Analyzing incomplete longitudinal clinical trial data 2004
39648 Mealli F., Imbens G.W., Ferro S. Analyzing a randomized trial on breast self-examination with noncompliance and missing outcomes 2004
39647 Bagdonavicius V. Analysis of survival data with cross-effects of survival functions 2004
39646 Bryen J. Analysis of longitudinal marginal structural models 2004
39645 Jacqmin-Cadda H. Analysis of left-censored longitudinal data with application to viral load in HIV infection 2000
39644 Schaubel D.E., Cai J. Analysis of clustered recurrent event data with application to hospitalization rates among renal failure patients 2005
39643 Becker N.G., Salim A., Kelman C.W. Analysis of a potential trigger of an acute illness 2006
39642 Betensky R.A., Louis D.N. Analysis of a molecular genetic neuro-oncology study with partially biased selection 2003
39641 Song X., Davidian N., Tsiatis A.A. An estimator for the proportional hazards model with multiple longitudinal covariates measured with error 2002
39640 Falk K.G. An Experimental Study of Lipolytic Actions 1914
39639 Contopoulos G. Adventures in Order and Chaos: A Scientific Autobiography 2005
39638 An Introduction to Programming for Hackers. Part I 2004
39637 Gorke M. The Death of Our Planet's Species: A Challenge to Ecology and Ethics 2003
39636 National Research Council Environmental Impacts of Wind-Energy Projects 2007
39635 Harrison M., Coussens C. Global Environmental Health in the 21st Century: From Governmental Regulation to Corporate Social Responsibility 2007
39634 National Research Council Human Biomonitoring for Environmental Chemicals 2006
39633 Swanton C.J., Booth B.D. Weed Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems 2003
39632 Myllyntaus T., Saikku M., Crosby A.F. Encountering the past in Nature: Essays in Environmental History 2000

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