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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
40393 Cherrington E.H. Exploring the Moon: Through Binoculars and Small Telescopes 1984
40392 Millikan R.A., Souder W.H. Experimental Evidence for the Essential Identity of the Selective and Normal Photo-Electric Effects 1915
40391 Faraoni V. Exercises in Environmental Physics 2006
40390 Van Maanen A. Evidence of Stream Motion Afforded by the Faint Stars Near the Orion Nebula 1919
40389 Shapley H. Discovery of Eight Variable Stellar Spectra 1916
40388 Barus C. Displacement Interferometry in Connection with U-Tubes 1917
40387 National Academies Press Environmental Data Management at NOAA: Archiving, Stewardship, and Access 2007
40386 Dunnivant F.M. Environmental Laboratory Exercises for Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry 2004
40385 Lawrence D.P., Lawrence B. Environmental Impact Assessment: Practical Solutions to Recurrent Problems 2004
40384 Pepper I.L., Gerba Ch.P. Environmental and Pollution Science 2006
40383 Hillel D. (Ed), Hatfield J.L. (Ed) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Four-Volume Set. Vol.4 2004
40382 Hillel D. (Ed), Hatfield J.L. (Ed) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Four-Volume Set. Vol.3 2004
40381 Hillel D. (Ed), Hatfield J.L. (Ed) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Four-Volume Set. Vol.2 2004
40380 Hillel D. (Ed), Hatfield J.L. (Ed) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Four-Volume Set. Vol.1 2004
40379 Lewis G.N., Hine Th.B. Electrical Conduction in Dilute Amalgams 1916
40378 Chuvieco E. Earth Observation of Global Change: The Role of Satellite Remote Sensing in Monitoring the Global Environment 2008
40377 Earth System Science: From Biogeochemical Cycles to Global Changes 2000
40376 Campbell W.H. Earth Magnetism: A Guided Tour Through Magnetic Fields 2001
40375 Clark P.E. Dynamic Planet: Mercury in the Context of Its Environment 2007
40374 Hunsaker J.C. Dynamical Stability of Aeroplanes 1916
40373 Garrett P. Algebras and Involutions n/a
40372 Mougeot L.J. Agropolis: The Social, Political and Environmental Dimensions of Urban Agriculture 2005
40371 Advanced Energy Design Guide for K-12 School Buildings 2008
40370 American Society of Heating Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Office Buildings 2004
40369 Lower S.K. Acid-base equilibria of the aquatic environment n/a
40368 Slobodkin L.B. A Citizen's Guide to Ecology 2003
40367 Basics of PLCs n/a
40366 Nichols, Howes The Polarized Fluorescence of Ammonium Uranyl Chloride n/a
40365 Bates S.J. The Osmotic Pressure of the Ions and of the Undissociated Molecules of Salts in Aqueous Solution n/a
40364 Radovanovic V. Problem Book in Quantum Field Theory 2007
40363 Tonkin S.F. Amateur Telescope Making Advanced (Book Two) 1952
40362 Kuhn B.M. Picking Up Perl 1999
40361 Carter P.A. PC Assembly Language 2003
40360 Ingalls A.G. Amateur Telescope Making 1966
40359 Atkins P. Galileo's Finger: The Ten Great Ideas of Science 2004
40358 Munn N. Encyclopedia of Global Environment (5 Volumes) 2002
40357 Hart W.L. Differential Equations and Implicit Functions in Infinitely Many Variables 1916
40356 Sloughter D. Difference Equations to Differential Equations - An introduction to calculus 2000
40355 Seares F.H. Deviations of the Suns General Magnetic Field from That of a Uniformly Magnetized Sphere n/a
40354 Warner T. Desert Meteorology 2004
40353 Perrine C.D. Dependence of the Spectral Relation of Double Stars Upon Distance n/a
40352 Eisenhart L.P. Deformations of Transformations of Ribaucour n/a
40351 Webster D.L. An Approximate Law of Energy Distribution in the General X-Ray Spectrum n/a
40350 Russell C.T. Deep Impact Mission: Looking Beneath the Surface of a Cometary Nucleus 2008
40349 Glenn O.E. Covariants of Binary Modular Groups 1919
40348 Chia M. Cosmic Orbit. Connect to the Universe from Within 2005
40347 Chia M. Cosmic Healing II 2001
40346 Chia M. Cosmic Healing I 2001
40345 Chia M., Holder L.J. Cosmic Fusion 2002
40344 Carmichael R.D. Conditions Necessary and Sufficient for the Existence of a Stieltjes Integral 1919

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